570 lines
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//========== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ==========//
// Need to re-enable bloom and disable other L4D-only features in here and the cpp file.
// STATIC: "TOOL_MODE" "0..1"
// STATIC: "LINEAR_INPUT" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "LINEAR_INPUT" "0..0" [ps20b] [CONSOLE]
// STATIC: "LINEAR_OUTPUT" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// STATIC: "LINEAR_OUTPUT" "0..0" [ps20b] [CONSOLE]
// DYNAMIC: "AA_ENABLE" "0..0" [ps20] [ps20b] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "AA_ENABLE" "0..1" [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "CONVERT_FROM_LINEAR" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "CONVERT_TO_LINEAR" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// SKIP: ( $TOOL_MODE == 0 ) && ( $CONVERT_FROM_LINEAR == 1 )
// SKIP: ( $TOOL_MODE == 0 ) && ( $CONVERT_TO_LINEAR == 1 )
// These are similar but mutually exclusive, the former for SFM PC and the latter for Mac
// SKIP: ( $CONVERT_FROM_LINEAR == 1 ) && ( $LINEAR_INPUT == 1 )
// SKIP: ( $CONVERT_TO_LINEAR == 1 ) && ( $LINEAR_OUTPUT == 1 )
// DYNAMIC: "FADE_TYPE" "0..2"
// These two are enabled for PC, but only used in special cases
// DYNAMIC: "NOISE_ENABLE" "0..0" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "VIGNETTE_ENABLE" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "NOISE_ENABLE" "0..0" [ps20b] [CONSOLE]
// None of these effects are utilized by Portal 2, so they're always zero:
// DYNAMIC: "LOCAL_CONTRAST_ENABLE" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30]
// DYNAMIC: "BLURRED_VIGNETTE_ENABLE" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30]
// DYNAMIC: "TV_GAMMA" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// DYNAMIC: "DESATURATEENABLE" "0..1" [ps20b] [ps30] [PC]
// SKIP: ( $TOOL_MODE == 0 ) && $TV_GAMMA
#include "common_ps_fxc.h"
#define FXAA_ENABLE 1
#include "fxaa3_11_fxc.h"
sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s0 );
sampler FBTextureSampler : register( s1 );
sampler3D ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture0 : register( s2 );
sampler3D ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture1 : register( s3 );
sampler3D ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture2 : register( s4 );
sampler3D ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture3 : register( s5 );
sampler NoiseSampler : register( s6 );
sampler VignetteSampler : register( s7 );
sampler ScreenEffectSampler : register( s8 ); // used for vomit/paint screen particle effects
float4 psTapOffs_Packed : register( c0 ); // psTapOffs_packed contains 1-pixel offsets: ( +dX, 0, +dY, -dX )
float4 tweakables : register( c1 ); // (x - AA strength/unused) (y - reduction of 1-pixel-line blur)
// (z - edge threshold multipler) (w - tap offset multiplier)
float4 uvTransform : register( c2 ); // Transform BaseTexture UVs for use with the FBTexture
float ColorCorrectionDefaultWeight : register( c3 );
float4 ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights : register( c4 );
// Bloom & Depth Blur parameters
// x: bloom amount; multiply bloom downscale buffer by this value and add to base color
// y: bloom lerp amount; lerp between base color and blurred bloom buffer with this factor (allows for color bleeding in dark areas)
// z: depth blur focal plane distance. Value is in dest alpha space [0,1], not world units.
// w: depth blur scale value; scale distance from focal plane by this amount
float4 BloomParameters : register( c5 );
#define g_flBloomAmount ( BloomParameters.x )
#define g_flBloomLerpFactor ( BloomParameters.y )
#define g_flDepthBlurFocalDistance ( BloomParameters.z )
#define g_flDepthBlurScale ( BloomParameters.w )
float g_flNoiseScalar : register( c6 );
float g_flTime : register( c7 );
float4 g_vLocalContrastParams : register( c8 );
#define g_flLocalContrastStrength g_vLocalContrastParams.x
#define g_flLocalContrastMidToneMask g_vLocalContrastParams.y
#define g_flBlurredVignetteStrength g_vLocalContrastParams.z
float4 g_vLocalContrastVignetteParams : register( c9 );
#define g_flLocalContrastVignetteStart g_vLocalContrastVignetteParams.x
#define g_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd g_vLocalContrastVignetteParams.y
#define g_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength g_vLocalContrastVignetteParams.z
float g_flFadeToBlackStrength : register( c10 );
float4 g_vVomitColor[2] : register( c11 );
#define g_flVomitRefractStrength g_vVomitColor[0].a
float4 g_vViewportTransform : register( c13 );
float4 g_vInvViewportTransform : register( c14 );
float4 g_vViewFadeColor : register( c15 );
float g_flDesaturation : register( c16 );
// FXAA consts
float4 g_fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt : register( c17 );
float4 g_fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt2 : register( c18 );
float4 g_fxaaConsole360RcpFrameOpt2 : register( c19 );
float4 g_fxaaConsoleEdge : register( c20 );
float4 g_fxaaConsole360ConstDir : register( c21 );
float4 g_fxaaQualityRcpFrame : register( c22 );
float4 g_fxaaQualitySubpixEdge : register( c23 );
HALF Luminance( HALF3 cColor )
HALF3 tmpv = { 0.2125f, 0.7154f, 0.0721f };
HALF flLuminance = dot( cColor.rgb, tmpv.rgb );
return flLuminance;
HALF LuminanceLinear( HALF3 cColor )
// Alternate formula for calculating luminance for linear RGB space (Widely used in color hue and saturation computations)
HALF3 tmpv = { 0.3086f, 0.6094f, 0.0820f };
HALF flLuminance = dot( cColor.rgb, tmpv.rgb );
return flLuminance;
HALF4 GetBloomColor( float2 bloomUV )
HALF4 vBloomSample = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, bloomUV );
#if ( LINEAR_INPUT == 1 )
// In this case, which is only used on OpenGL, we want sRGB data from this tex2D.
// Hence, we have to undo the sRGB conversion that we are forced to apply by OpenGL
vBloomSample.rgb = SrgbLinearToGamma( vBloomSample.rgb );
#if defined( _X360 )
#if defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// [mariod] - no pwl space for CS:GO
// Since bloom is added in gamma space, the 360's PWL gamma space requires an artificial
// dim factor to match the look of the PC and PS3. 0.5 works best for portal2
vBloomSample.rgb *= 0.5f;
vBloomSample.rgb = SrgbLinearToGamma( vBloomSample.rgb );
// Scale bloom by 50% for all platforms
vBloomSample.rgb *= 0.5f;
return vBloomSample.rgba;
HALF4 PerformColorCorrection( HALF4 outColor )
// NOTE: This code requires the color correction texture to be 32 units to be correct.
// This code will cause (0,0,0) to be read from 0.5f/32
// and (1,1,1) to be read from 31.5f/32
HALF4 offsetOutColor = outColor * (HALF)(31.0f / 32.0f) + (HALF)(0.5f / 32.0f);
outColor.rgb = outColor.rgb * (HALF)ColorCorrectionDefaultWeight;
#if ( defined( _PS3 ) )
outColor.rgb += h3tex3D( ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture0, offsetOutColor.rgb ).rgb * (HALF3)ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights.xxx;
outColor.rgb += tex3D( ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture0, offsetOutColor.rgb ).rgb * ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights.xxx;
outColor.rgb += tex3D( ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture1, offsetOutColor.rgb ).rgb * ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights.yyy;
outColor.rgb += tex3D( ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture2, offsetOutColor.rgb ).rgb * ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights.zzz;
outColor.rgb += tex3D( ColorCorrectionVolumeTexture3, offsetOutColor.rgb ).rgb * ColorCorrectionVolumeWeights.www;
return outColor;
float3 PerformVomitBlend( float3 vRefractParams, float3 vFullResColor, float3 vBlurredColor )
#ifdef _PS3
// Compensate for gamma badness. Turns out that the particle system rendering for the vomit effect
// is blending is gamma space on ps3. Doing this to somewhat compensate for this.
// Would do a sqrt here, but it introduces a lot of banding artifacts.
vRefractParams.z = saturate( vRefractParams.z * 2.0f );
float3 vVomitColor = lerp( g_vVomitColor[0].rgb, g_vVomitColor[1].rgb, vRefractParams.z ); // vomit tint
// Get the luminance of the color buffer.
float vFullResLum = dot( vFullResColor, float3( 0.3, 0.59, 0.11 ) );
// Tint color buffer with vomit color.
vFullResColor.rgb = lerp( vFullResColor, vFullResLum * vVomitColor, saturate( 1.0f * vRefractParams.z ) ); // vomit tint full-res buffer
// blend to the solid vomit color so that the color is more apparent.
vFullResColor.rgb = lerp( vFullResColor, vVomitColor, 1.0f * vRefractParams.z ); // vomit tint full-res buffer
// blend in blurred backbuffer.
vFullResColor.rgb = lerp ( vFullResColor.rgb, vVomitColor.rgb * vBlurredColor.rgb, saturate( 1.0f * vRefractParams.z ) );
return vFullResColor.rgb;
// Apply TV Gamma for movie layoff specific to 360 TV movie playback path
float3 SrgbGammaToTvGamma( float3 cInput )
float3 cLinear = SrgbGammaToLinear( cInput );
return pow( cLinear, 1.0f / 2.5f );
struct PS_INPUT
float4 bloombaseCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 fxaaCoords : TEXCOORD1;
float4_color_return_type main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
// float4 fbTexCoord = float4( i.bloomCoords, i.baseCoords );
float4 fbTexCoord = i.bloombaseCoords;
HALF4 cBloomBlurredLum = GetBloomColor( i.bloombaseCoords.zw ); // bloom color and blurred luminance in alpha
float4 vVomitRefractParams;
#if ( VOMIT_ENABLE == 1 )
// perturb texture coordinate
vVomitRefractParams = tex2D( ScreenEffectSampler, i.bloombaseCoords.zw );
fbTexCoord = fbTexCoord + g_flVomitRefractStrength * ( vVomitRefractParams.xyxy - 0.5 );
#if !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0 )
// screen coords -> viewport coords
float4 vNormalizedTexCoord = g_vViewportTransform.xyxy * fbTexCoord + g_vViewportTransform.zwzw;
// mirrored repeat texcoord math doesn't fit into 2.0
vNormalizedTexCoord = min( 2.0 - vNormalizedTexCoord, abs( vNormalizedTexCoord ) );
// viewport coords -> screen coords
fbTexCoord = g_vInvViewportTransform.xyxy * vNormalizedTexCoord + g_vInvViewportTransform.zwzw;
cBloomBlurredLum = GetBloomColor( fbTexCoord.zw ); // fetch again with perturbed texcoords
cBloomBlurredLum = GetBloomColor( fbTexCoord.xy ); // fetch again with perturbed texcoords
#if ( defined( _PS3 ) )
HALF4 rawColor = h4tex2D( FBTextureSampler, fbTexCoord.xy ).rgba;
HALF4 rawColor = tex2D( FBTextureSampler, fbTexCoord.xy ).rgba;
HALF3 baseColor = rawColor.rgb;
float depthValue = rawColor.a;
baseColor.rgb = SrgbLinearToGamma( baseColor.rgb );
HALF4 outColor = HALF4( baseColor, 1 );
// In this case, which is only used on OpenGL, we have linear inputs.
// This means we converted to sRGB prior to accessing the color correction textures.
outColor.rgb = SrgbLinearToGamma( saturate( outColor.rgb ) );
#if ( AA_ENABLE == 1 )
half3 aaRGB;
#if ( FXAA_ENABLE == 1 )
// FXAA for all platforms if using software AA
// args - compute in shader where necessary for now, use shader constants when working
// see fxaa3_11_fxc.h for documentation on arguments
FxaaFloat2 pos = fbTexCoord.xy;
FxaaFloat4 fxaaConsolePosPos = i.fxaaCoords;
// tex = FBTextureSampler
// fxaaConsole360TexExpBiasNegOne - FIXME: just use tex and do the biasing in shader for now
// fxaaConsole360TexExpBiasNegTwo - "
// do FXAA
aaRGB = FxaaPixelShader( pos,
FBTextureSampler, FBTextureSampler, FBTextureSampler,
g_fxaaQualitySubpixEdge.x, // QualitySubpix
g_fxaaQualitySubpixEdge.z, // QualityEdgeThreshold
g_fxaaQualitySubpixEdge.w, // QualityEdgeThresholdMin
g_fxaaConsoleEdge.y, // ConsoleEdgeSharpness
g_fxaaConsoleEdge.z, // ConsoleEdgeThreshold,
g_fxaaConsoleEdge.w, // ConsoleThresholdMin,
g_fxaaConsole360ConstDir );
// TODO: put old code back here?
aaRGB = ouColor.rgb;
outColor.rgb = aaRGB;
#if ( VOMIT_ENABLE == 1 )
outColor.rgb = PerformVomitBlend( vVomitRefractParams.xyz, outColor.rgb, cBloomBlurredLum.aaa );
HALF fMask = 1.0;
// Extract midtones and limit contrast enhancement there
// TODO: This can probably go away for perf.
//float fBrightness = dot( outColor.rgb, float3( 0.3, 0.59, 0.11 ) );
// bell-shaped mask
//fMask = smoothstep( 0.5 - g_flLocalContrastMidToneMask, 0.5, fBrightness );
//fMask *= smoothstep( 0.5 + g_flLocalContrastMidToneMask, 0.5, fBrightness );
//fMask = smoothstep( 1.0, 0.5, fBrightness );
// unsharp mask on luminance only
// This is the technically correct way, going to YUV, applying contrast to Y, and converting back to RGB
float3 outColorYUV;
outColorYUV.x = dot( outColor.rgb, float3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ) );
outColorYUV.y = dot( outColor.rgb, float3( -0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436 ) );
outColorYUV.z = dot( outColor.rgb, float3( 0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001 ) );
outColorYUV.x = outColorYUV.x + g_flLocalContrastStrength * fMask * ( outColorYUV.x - cBloomBlurredLum.aaa );
outColor.r = dot( outColorYUV.xyz, float3( 1.0, 0.0, 1.13983 ) );
outColor.g = dot( outColorYUV.xyz, float3( 1.0, -0.39465, -0.58060 ) );
outColor.b = dot( outColorYUV.xyz, float3( 1.0, 2.03211, 0.0 ) );
// This applies the delta contrast derived from the luminance to all color channels. The difference to the
// correct way is imperceptible.
HALF fLuminance = dot( outColor.rgb, HALF3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ) );
HALF fContrastLum = fLuminance + (HALF)g_flLocalContrastStrength * ( fLuminance - cBloomBlurredLum.a );
// Mask off pixels that got very bright, to control super-contrast
//fMask = 1.0 - smoothstep( 0.3, 1.0, fContrastLum );
HALF2 vCenterDir = ( (HALF)2.0f * (HALF2)i.bloombaseCoords.zw ) - (HALF)1.0f;
HALF fMyVignette = smoothstep( (HALF)g_flLocalContrastVignetteStart, (HALF)g_flLocalContrastVignetteEnd, length( vCenterDir ) );
HALF fMyVignette2 = fMyVignette;
fMyVignette = lerp( (HALF)g_flLocalContrastStrength, (HALF)g_flLocalContrastEdgeStrength, fMyVignette );
fMask = fMyVignette;
// If the mask is positive, only brighten pixels. If the mask is negative, don't let it get less than -1.0.
//outColor.rgb += fMask * ( fLuminance - cBloomBlurredLum.aaa );
outColor.rgb += max( fMask * ( fLuminance - cBloomBlurredLum.aaa ), (HALF)-1.0f + step( (HALF)0.0f, fMask ) ); // Selective clamp to positive adds 4 instructions
outColor.rgb = lerp( outColor.rgb, cBloomBlurredLum.aaa, fMyVignette2 * (HALF)g_flBlurredVignetteStrength );
// Composite bloom and full-screen + depth blur effects
float blurFactor = g_flBloomLerpFactor + abs( depthValue - g_flDepthBlurFocalDistance ) * g_flDepthBlurScale;
blurFactor = clamp( blurFactor, 0, 1 );
outColor.rgb = lerp( outColor.rgb, cBloomBlurredLum.rgb, blurFactor );
outColor.rgb += g_flBloomAmount * cBloomBlurredLum.rgb;
outColor.rgb += (HALF)g_flBloomAmount * (HALF3)cBloomBlurredLum.rgb;
#if ( FADE_TYPE == 1 )
outColor.rgb = lerp( outColor.rgb, (HALF3)g_vViewFadeColor.rgb, (HALF3)g_vViewFadeColor.aaa );
#elif ( FADE_TYPE == 2 )
outColor.rgb = lerp( outColor.rgb, (HALF3)g_vViewFadeColor.rgb * outColor.rgb, (HALF3)g_vViewFadeColor.aaa );
float flLum = saturate( dot( outColor.rgb, HALF3( 0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f) ) );
outColor.rgb = lerp( saturate( outColor.rgb ), flLum.xxx, saturate( g_flDesaturation ) );
outColor = PerformColorCorrection( outColor ); // Color correction
// Vignette
#if ( VIGNETTE_ENABLE == 1 )
// Vignette
float2 vUv = i.bloombaseCoords.zw;
float2 vTmp = ( vUv.xy * 2.0 ) - 1.0;
float flVignette;
#if ( defined( _X360 ) ) && ( !defined( CSTRIKE15 ) )
// Make title safe and deal with different gamma space
flVignette = 1.0 - pow( abs( vTmp.x ), 4.0f );
flVignette *= 1.0 - pow( abs( vTmp.y ), 4.0f );
flVignette = 1.0 - ( 1.0 - flVignette ) * ( ( saturate( ( 1.0 - vUv.y ) - 0.1 ) / 0.9 ) );
// This tex2D solves the 3 lines of math above
//flVignette = tex2D( VignetteSampler, vUv.xy ).g; // Green is for the 360
//flVignette = saturate( flVignette * 0.75 + 0.26 );
flVignette = 1.0 - pow( abs( vTmp.x ), 6.0f );
flVignette *= 1.0 - pow( abs( vTmp.y ), 6.0f );
flVignette = 1.0 - ( 1.0 - flVignette ) * ( ( saturate( ( 1.0 - vUv.y ) - 0.3 ) / 0.7 ) );
// This tex2D solves the 3 lines of math above
//flVignette = tex2D( VignetteSampler, vUv.xy ).r; // Red is for the PC
//flVignette = saturate( flVignette * 0.55 + 0.46 );
// Artificially lighten the vignette. We may have to tune this differently for the 360.
//outColor.rgb *= ( flVignette * 0.75 ) + 0.25;
outColor.rgb *= ( flVignette * 0.33 ) + 0.67;
// Noise
#if ( NOISE_ENABLE == 1 )
// Additive Noise
float2 vUv0 = i.bloombaseCoords.zw * 10.0 + g_flTime;
float2 vUv1 = i.bloombaseCoords.wz * 20.0 - g_flTime;
float2 vNoiseTexelUv;
vNoiseTexelUv.x = tex2D( NoiseSampler, vUv0.xy ).g;
vNoiseTexelUv.y = tex2D( NoiseSampler, vUv1.xy ).g;
float flNoiseTexel = tex2D( NoiseSampler, vNoiseTexelUv.xy ).g;
HALF3 vTmp = { 0.2125f, 0.7154f, 0.0721f };
float flLuminance = saturate( dot( outColor.rgb, vTmp.rgb ) );
#if defined( _X360 ) && !defined( CSTRIKE15 )
// 360
float flNoiseScalar = 0.2f + 1.0f * ( saturate( pow( 1.0 - flLuminance, 64.0 ) ) );
outColor.rgb += ( ( flNoiseTexel * 0.3f ) - 0.15f ) * g_flNoiseScalar * flNoiseScalar;
// PC
float flNoiseScalar = 0.2f + 0.8f * ( saturate( pow( 1.0 - flLuminance, 12.0 ) ) );
outColor.rgb += ( ( flNoiseTexel * 0.3f ) - 0.15f ) * g_flNoiseScalar * flNoiseScalar;
// Fade to black
outColor.rgb = lerp( outColor.rgb, (HALF3)0.0f, (HALF)g_flFadeToBlackStrength );
// Used for SFM to record movies in native TV gamma space
outColor.rgb = SrgbGammaToTvGamma( outColor.rgb );
#if ( CONVERT_TO_LINEAR == 1 )
// If we have a float back buffer, we want to remain in linear space after this shader
outColor.rgb = SrgbGammaToLinear( outColor.rgb );
outColor = FinalOutput( outColor, 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE );
// Go to linear since we're forced to do an sRGB write on OpenGL in ps2b
outColor.rgb = SrgbGammaToLinear( outColor.rgb );
/* Debug code for evaluating gamma spaces from the framebuffer to the TV
outColor.rgba = 0;
float flTmp = saturate( i.bloombaseCoords.z * 1.2 - 0.1 );
if ( ( flTmp <= 0.0f ) || ( flTmp >= 1.0f ) )
flTmp = 0.5f;
#if defined( _X360 )
outColor.rgb = X360LinearToGamma( flTmp );
outColor.rgb = SrgbLinearToGamma( flTmp );
return outColor;