
630 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-25 12:11:47 +08:00
//===== Copyright 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "platform.h"
#include "basetypes.h"
#define OEMRESOURCE //for OCR_* cursor junk
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x502
#include <windows.h>
#include <zmouse.h>
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
#include "../../dx9sdk/include/XInput.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && defined( USE_SDL )
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#if defined(PLATFORM_POSIX) && !defined(_PS3)
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
#include <Kernel/IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDUsageTables.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
#include <ForceFeedback/ForceFeedback.h>
#include <ForceFeedback/ForceFeedbackConstants.h>
#undef DWORD
typedef char xKey_t;
#endif // OSX
#include "posix_stubs.h"
#endif // POSIX
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#ifdef _PS3
#include "ps3/ps3_platform.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_win32stubs.h"
#include "ps3/ps3_core.h"
#include "ps3/ps3stubs.h"
#include <cell/pad.h>
#include "tier1/UtlStringMap.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#include "inputsystem/AnalogCode.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlflags.h"
#include "input_device.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
// Implementation of the input system
class CInputSystem : public CTier2AppSystem< IInputSystem >
typedef CTier2AppSystem< IInputSystem > BaseClass;
// Constructor, destructor
virtual ~CInputSystem();
// Inherited from IAppSystem
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Shutdown();
// Inherited from IInputSystem
virtual void AttachToWindow( void* hWnd );
virtual void DetachFromWindow( );
virtual void EnableInput( bool bEnable );
virtual void EnableMessagePump( bool bEnable );
virtual int GetPollTick() const;
virtual void PollInputState( bool bIsInGame = false );
virtual bool IsButtonDown( ButtonCode_t code ) const;
virtual int GetButtonPressedTick( ButtonCode_t code ) const;
virtual int GetButtonReleasedTick( ButtonCode_t code ) const;
virtual int GetAnalogValue( AnalogCode_t code ) const;
virtual int GetAnalogDelta( AnalogCode_t code ) const;
virtual int GetEventCount() const;
virtual bool MotionControllerActive() const;
virtual Quaternion GetMotionControllerOrientation() const;
virtual float GetMotionControllerPosX() const;
virtual float GetMotionControllerPosY() const;
virtual int GetMotionControllerDeviceStatus() const;
virtual uint64 GetMotionControllerDeviceStatusFlags() const;
virtual void SetMotionControllerDeviceStatus( int nStatus );
virtual void SetMotionControllerCalibrationInvalid( void );
virtual void StepMotionControllerCalibration( void );
virtual void ResetMotionControllerScreenCalibration( void );
virtual const InputEvent_t* GetEventData( ) const;
virtual void PostUserEvent( const InputEvent_t &event );
virtual int GetJoystickCount() const;
virtual void EnableJoystickInput( int nJoystick, bool bEnable );
virtual void EnableJoystickDiagonalPOV( int nJoystick, bool bEnable );
virtual void SampleDevices( void );
virtual void SetRumble( float fLeftMotor, float fRightMotor, int userId );
virtual void StopRumble( int userId = INVALID_USER_ID );
virtual void ResetInputState( void );
virtual const char *ButtonCodeToString( ButtonCode_t code ) const;
virtual const char *AnalogCodeToString( AnalogCode_t code ) const;
virtual ButtonCode_t StringToButtonCode( const char *pString ) const;
virtual AnalogCode_t StringToAnalogCode( const char *pString ) const;
virtual ButtonCode_t VirtualKeyToButtonCode( int nVirtualKey ) const;
virtual int ButtonCodeToVirtualKey( ButtonCode_t code ) const;
virtual ButtonCode_t ScanCodeToButtonCode( int lParam ) const;
virtual void SleepUntilInput( int nMaxSleepTimeMS );
virtual int GetPollCount() const;
virtual void SetCursorPosition( int x, int y );
void GetRawMouseAccumulators( int& accumX, int& accumY );
virtual void GetCursorPosition( int *pX, int *pY );
virtual void SetMouseCursorVisible( bool bVisible );
virtual void AddUIEventListener();
virtual void RemoveUIEventListener();
virtual PlatWindow_t GetAttachedWindow() const;
virtual InputCursorHandle_t GetStandardCursor( InputStandardCursor_t id );
virtual InputCursorHandle_t LoadCursorFromFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = NULL );
virtual void SetCursorIcon( InputCursorHandle_t hCursor );
virtual void EnableMouseCapture( PlatWindow_t hWnd );
virtual void DisableMouseCapture();
LRESULT WindowProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
#elif defined(PLATFORM_OSX)
// helper function for callbacks
struct JoystickInfo_t;
void HIDAddElement(CFTypeRef refElement, JoystickInfo_t &info );
#ifdef _PS3
virtual void SetPS3CellPadDataHook( BCellPadDataHook_t hookFunc );
virtual void SetPS3CellPadNoDataHook( BCellPadNoDataHook_t hookFunc );
virtual void SetPS3StartButtonIdentificationMode();
virtual bool GetPS3CursorPos( int &x, int &y );
virtual void DisableHardwareCursor( void );
virtual void EnableHardwareCursor( void );
void ExitHardwareCursor( void );
#if defined( USE_SDL )
virtual void DisableHardwareCursor( void );
virtual void EnableHardwareCursor( void );
virtual void ResetCursorIcon();
// handles the connected input devices
virtual InputDevice_t GetConnectedInputDevices( void ); // returns the bitfield of all connected devices
virtual bool IsInputDeviceConnected( InputDevice_t device );
virtual void SetInputDeviceConnected( InputDevice_t device, bool connected = true );
virtual InputDevice_t IsOnlySingleDeviceConnected( void );
// handles the selected "current" primary input device
virtual bool IsDeviceReadingInput( InputDevice_t device ) const; // returns whether the passed in device is the current device. Returns true if no current device is defined
virtual InputDevice_t GetCurrentInputDevice( void ); // returns the enum referring to the one currently selected device
virtual void SetCurrentInputDevice( InputDevice_t device );
virtual void ResetCurrentInputDevice( void ); // sets the input device to the platform default
virtual void SampleInputToFindCurrentDevice( bool ); // looks for the next 'significant' button press to determine and set the current input device
virtual bool IsSamplingForCurrentDevice( void );
void InitPlatfromInputDeviceInfo( void );
#if defined(PLATFORM_OSX)
struct OSXInputValue_t
bool m_bSet;
int m_MinVal;
int m_MaxVal;
int m_MinReport;
int m_MaxReport;
int m_Cookie;
uint32 m_Usage;
CFTypeRef m_RefElement;
struct JoystickInfo_t
#if defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS) || defined(_GAMECONSOLE)
#elif defined(PLATFORM_OSX)
FFDeviceObjectReference m_FFInterface;
IOHIDDeviceInterface **m_Interface;
long usage; // from IOUSBHID Parser.h
long usagePage; // from IOUSBHID Parser.h
CInputSystem *m_pParent;
bool m_bRemoved;
bool m_bXBoxRumbleEnabled;
OSXInputValue_t m_xaxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_yaxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_zaxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_raxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_uaxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_vaxis;
OSXInputValue_t m_POV;
OSXInputValue_t m_Buttons[MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS];
#elif defined(LINUX)
void *m_pDevice; // Really an SDL_GameController*, NULL if not present.
void *m_pHaptic; // Really an SDL_Haptic*
float m_fCurrentRumble;
bool m_bRumbleEnabled;
int m_nButtonCount;
int m_nAxisFlags;
int m_nDeviceId;
bool m_bHasPOVControl;
bool m_bDiagonalPOVControlEnabled;
unsigned int m_nFlags;
unsigned int m_nLastPolledButtons;
unsigned int m_nLastPolledAxisButtons;
unsigned int m_nLastPolledPOVState;
unsigned long m_pLastPolledAxes[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES];
struct xdevice_t
int userId;
byte type;
byte subtype;
word flags;
bool active;
XINPUT_STATE states[2];
int newState;
// track Xbox stick keys from previous frame
xKey_t lastStickKeys[MAX_STICKAXIS];
int stickThreshold[MAX_STICKAXIS];
float stickScale[MAX_STICKAXIS];
int quitTimeout;
int dpadLock;
// rumble
bool pendingRumbleUpdate;
struct appKey_t
int repeats;
int sample;
struct InputState_t
// Analog states
CBitVec<BUTTON_CODE_LAST> m_ButtonState;
int m_ButtonPressedTick[ BUTTON_CODE_LAST ];
int m_ButtonReleasedTick[ BUTTON_CODE_LAST ];
int m_pAnalogDelta[ ANALOG_CODE_LAST ];
int m_pAnalogValue[ ANALOG_CODE_LAST ];
CUtlVector< InputEvent_t > m_Events;
bool m_bDirty;
// Steam Controller
struct steampad_t
m_nHardwareIndex = 0;
m_nJoystickIndex = INVALID_USER_ID;
m_nLastPacketIndex = 0;
active = false;
memset( lastAnalogKeys, 0, sizeof( lastAnalogKeys ) );
bool active;
sKey_t lastAnalogKeys[MAX_STEAMPADAXIS];
appKey_t m_appSKeys[ SK_MAX_KEYS ];
// Hardware index and joystick index don't necessarily match
// Joystick index will depend on the order of multiple initialized devices
// Which could include other controller types
// Hardware index should line up 1:1 with the order they're polled
// and could change based on removing devices, unlike Joystick Index
uint32 m_nHardwareIndex;
int m_nJoystickIndex;
uint32 m_nLastPacketIndex;
steampad_t m_SteamControllerDevice[MAX_STEAM_CONTROLLERS];
uint32 m_unNumSteamControllerConnected;
bool m_bControllerModeActive;
//Steam controllers start after this index.
int m_nJoystickBaseline;
// Initializes all Xbox controllers
void InitializeXDevices( void );
// Opens an Xbox controller
void OpenXDevice( xdevice_t* pXDevice, int userId );
// Closes an Xbox controller
void CloseXDevice( xdevice_t* pXDevice );
// Samples the Xbox controllers
void PollXDevices( void );
// Samples console mouse
void PollXMouse();
// Samples console keyboard
void PollXKeyboard();
// Helper function used by ReadXDevice to handle stick direction events
void HandleXDeviceAxis( xdevice_t *pXDevice, int nAxisValue, xKey_t negativeKey, xKey_t positiveKey, int axisID );
// Samples an Xbox controller and queues input events
void ReadXDevice( xdevice_t* pXDevice );
// Submits force feedback data to an Xbox controller
void WriteToXDevice( xdevice_t* pXDevice );
// Sets rumble values for an Xbox controller
void SetXDeviceRumble( float fLeftMotor, float fRightMotor, int userId );
#if !defined( _CERT ) && !defined(LINUX)
CON_COMMAND_MEMBER_F( CInputSystem, "press_x360_button", PressX360Button, "Press the specified Xbox 360 controller button (lt, rt, st[art], ba[ck], lb, rb, a, b, x, y, l[eft], r[right], u[p], d[own])", 0 );
void PollPressX360Button( void );
uint32 m_press_x360_buttons[ 2 ];
#if defined( _PS3 )
void PS3_PollKeyboard( void );
void PS3_PollMouse( void );
void PS3_XInputPollEverything( BCellPadDataHook_t hookFunc, BCellPadNoDataHook_t hookNoDataFunc );
DWORD PS3_XInputGetState( DWORD dwUserIndex, PXINPUT_STATE pState );
void HandlePS3SharpshooterButtons( void );
void HandlePS3Move( PXINPUT_STATE& pState );
virtual void PS3SetupHardwareCursor( void* image );
void QueueMoveControllerRumble( float fRightMotor );
// Posts an Xbox key event, ignoring key repeats
void PostXKeyEvent( int nUserId, xKey_t xKey, int nSample );
// Dispatches all joystick button events through the game's window procs
void ProcessEvent( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
// Initializes SteamControllers - Returns true if steam is running and finds controllers, otherwise false
bool InitializeSteamControllers( void );
// Samples all Steam Controllers - returns true if active this frame
bool PollSteamControllers( void );
// Initializes joysticks
void InitializeJoysticks( void );
// Samples the joystick
void PollJoystick( void );
// Update the joystick button state
void UpdateJoystickButtonState( int nJoystick );
// Update the joystick POV control
void UpdateJoystickPOVControl( int nJoystick );
// Record button state and post the event
void JoystickButtonEvent( ButtonCode_t button, int sample );
bool IsSteamControllerActive() const;
void SetSteamControllerMode( const char *pSteamControllerMode, const void *obj );
// Purpose: Get raw joystick sample along axis
#if defined(LINUX)
void AxisAnalogButtonEvent( ButtonCode_t buttonCode, bool state, int nLastSampleTick );
#elif defined(OSX)
unsigned int AxisValue( JoystickAxis_t axis, JoystickInfo_t &info );
unsigned int AxisValue( JoystickAxis_t axis, JOYINFOEX& ji );
// Chains the window message to the previous wndproc
LRESULT ChainWindowMessage( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
// Post an event to the queue
void PostEvent( int nType, int nTick, int nData = 0, int nData2 = 0, int nData3 = 0 );
// Deals with app deactivation (sends a bunch of button released messages)
void ActivateInputSystem( bool bActivated );
// Determines all mouse button presses
int ButtonMaskFromMouseWParam( WPARAM wParam, ButtonCode_t code = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID, bool bDown = false ) const;
// Updates the state of all mouse buttons
void UpdateMouseButtonState( int nButtonMask, ButtonCode_t dblClickCode = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID );
// Copies the input state record over
void CopyInputState( InputState_t *pDest, const InputState_t &src, bool bCopyEvents );
// Post an button press/release event to the queue
void PostButtonPressedEvent( InputEventType_t nType, int nTick, ButtonCode_t scanCode, ButtonCode_t virtualCode );
void PostButtonReleasedEvent( InputEventType_t nType, int nTick, ButtonCode_t scanCode, ButtonCode_t virtualCode );
// Release all buttons
void ReleaseAllButtons( int nFirstButton = 0, int nLastButton = BUTTON_CODE_LAST - 1 );
// Zero analog state
void ZeroAnalogState( int nFirstState, int nLastState );
// Converts xbox keys to button codes
ButtonCode_t XKeyToButtonCode( int nUserId, int nXKey ) const;
// Converts SteamController keys to button codes
ButtonCode_t SKeyToButtonCode( int nUserId, int nXKey ) const;
// Computes the sample tick
int ComputeSampleTick();
// Clears the input state, doesn't generate key-up messages
void ClearInputState( bool bPurgeState );
// Called for mouse move events. Sets the current x and y and posts events for the mouse moving.
void UpdateMousePositionState( InputState_t &state, short x, short y );
// Should we generate UI events?
bool ShouldGenerateUIEvents() const;
// Generates LocateMouseClick messages
void LocateMouseClick( LPARAM lParam );
// Initializes, shuts down cursors
void InitCursors();
void ShutdownCursors();
#ifdef WIN32
void PollInputState_Windows();
// Poll input state for different OSes.
#if defined( PLATFORM_OSX )
void PollInputState_OSX();
void HIDGetElementInfo( CFTypeRef refElement, OSXInputValue_t &input );
bool HIDBuildDevice( io_object_t ioHIDDeviceObject, JoystickInfo_t &info );
bool HIDCreateOpenDeviceInterface( io_object_t hidDevice, JoystickInfo_t &info );
void HIDGetDeviceInfo( io_object_t hidDevice, CFMutableDictionaryRef hidProperties, JoystickInfo_t &info );
void HIDGetElements( CFTypeRef refElementCurrent, JoystickInfo_t &info );
void HIDGetCollectionElements( CFMutableDictionaryRef deviceProperties, JoystickInfo_t &info );
void HIDDisposeDevice( JoystickInfo_t &info );
int HIDGetElementValue( JoystickInfo_t &info, OSXInputValue_t &value );
int HIDScaledCalibratedValue( JoystickInfo_t &info, OSXInputValue_t &value );
void HIDSortJoystickButtons( JoystickInfo_t &info );
#elif defined(LINUX)
void PollInputState_Linux();
void JoystickHotplugAdded( int joystickIndex );
void JoystickHotplugRemoved( int joystickId );
void JoystickButtonPress( int joystickId, int button ); // button is a SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON;
void JoystickButtonRelease( int joystickId, int button ); // same as above.
void JoystickAxisMotion( int joystickId, int axis, int value );
#if defined( USE_SDL ) || defined( OSX )
ILauncherMgr *m_pLauncherMgr;
WNDPROC m_ChainedWndProc;
HWND m_hAttachedHWnd;
HWND m_hLastIMEHWnd;
bool m_bEnabled;
bool m_bPumpEnabled;
bool m_bIsPolling;
bool m_bIMEComposing;
bool m_bIsInGame;
// Current button state
InputState_t m_InputState[INPUT_STATE_COUNT];
DWORD m_StartupTimeTick;
int m_nLastPollTick;
int m_nLastSampleTick;
int m_nPollCount;
// Mouse wheel hack
UINT m_uiMouseWheel;
// Joystick info
CUtlFlags<unsigned short> m_JoysticksEnabled;
int m_nJoystickCount;
bool m_bXController;
bool m_bSteamController;
float m_flLastSteamControllerInput;
float m_flLastControllerPollTime;
JoystickInfo_t m_pJoystickInfo[ MAX_JOYSTICKS ];
// Xbox controller info
appKey_t m_appXKeys[ XUSER_MAX_COUNT ][ XK_MAX_KEYS ];
xdevice_t m_XDevices[ XUSER_MAX_COUNT ];
// Used to determine whether to generate UI events
int m_nUIEventClientCount;
// raw mouse input
bool m_bRawInputSupported;
int m_mouseRawAccumX, m_mouseRawAccumY;
// Current mouse capture window
PlatWindow_t m_hCurrentCaptureWnd;
// For the 'SleepUntilInput' feature
HANDLE m_hEvent;
// Cursors, foiled again!
InputCursorHandle_t m_pDefaultCursors[ INPUT_CURSOR_COUNT ];
CUtlStringMap< InputCursorHandle_t > m_UserCursors;
CSysModule *m_pXInputDLL;
CSysModule *m_pRawInputDLL;
// NVNT falcon module
CSysModule *m_pNovintDLL;
bool m_bCursorVisible;
bool m_bMotionControllerActive;
Quaternion m_qMotionControllerOrientation;
float m_fMotionControllerPosX;
float m_fMotionControllerPosY;
Vector m_vecMotionControllerPos;
int m_nMotionControllerStatus;
uint64 m_nMotionControllerStatusFlags;
InputCursorHandle_t m_hCursor;
#ifdef _PS3
BCellPadDataHook_t m_pPS3CellPadDataHook;
BCellPadNoDataHook_t m_pPS3CellNoPadDataHook;
bool m_PS3KeyboardConnected;
bool m_PS3MouseConnected;
// describes all connected devices. A bitmask of InputDevice entries
InputDevice_t m_currentlyConnectedInputDevices;
// describes the current default input device
InputDevice_t m_currentInputDevice;
// number of different input devices on this platform
bool m_setCurrentInputDeviceOnNextButtonPress;
// Should we generate UI events?
inline bool CInputSystem::ShouldGenerateUIEvents() const
return m_nUIEventClientCount > 0;