514 lines
16 KiB
514 lines
16 KiB
//===== Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: Singleton dialog that generates and presents the entity report.
#include "particlesystemdefinitionbrowser.h"
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "iregistry.h"
#include "vgui/ivgui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/listpanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/inputdialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/messagebox.h"
#include "petdoc.h"
#include "pettool.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "vgui/keycode.h"
#include "dme_controls/dmecontrols_utils.h"
#include "dme_controls/particlesystempanel.h"
#include "matsys_controls/particlepicker.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
// Sort by particle system definition name
static int __cdecl ParticleSystemNameSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 )
const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("name");
const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("name");
return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 );
// Constructor
CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser( CPetDoc *pDoc, vgui::Panel* pParent, const char *pName )
: BaseClass( pParent, pName ), m_pDoc( pDoc )
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
m_pSystemGrid = new CParticleSnapshotGrid( this, "SnapshotGrid" );
CBoxSizer *pBaseSizer = new CBoxSizer( ESLD_HORIZONTAL );
CBoxSizer *pDefinitionSizer = new CBoxSizer( ESLD_VERTICAL );
pDefinitionSizer->AddPanel( new Label( this, "ParticleSystemsLabel", "Particle System Definitions:" ), SizerAddArgs_t() );
pDefinitionSizer->AddPanel( m_pSystemGrid, SizerAddArgs_t().Expand( 1.0f ) );
CBoxSizer *pBottomRowSizer = new CBoxSizer( ESLD_HORIZONTAL );
pBottomRowSizer->AddPanel( new Button( this, "SaveButton", "Save", this, "save" ), SizerAddArgs_t() );
pBottomRowSizer->AddPanel( new Button( this, "SaveAndTestButton", "Save and Test", this, "SaveAndTest" ), SizerAddArgs_t() );
pDefinitionSizer->AddSizer( pBottomRowSizer, SizerAddArgs_t() );
pBaseSizer->AddSizer( pDefinitionSizer, SizerAddArgs_t().Expand( 1.0f ) );
CBoxSizer *pButtonColSizer = new CBoxSizer( ESLD_VERTICAL );
m_pCreateButton = new Button( this, "CreateButton", "Create", this, "Create" );
pButtonColSizer->AddPanel( m_pCreateButton, SizerAddArgs_t() );
m_pDeleteButton = new Button( this, "DeleteButton", "Delete", this, "Delete" );
pButtonColSizer->AddPanel( m_pDeleteButton, SizerAddArgs_t() );
m_pCopyButton = new Button( this, "CopyButton", "Duplicate", this, "Copy" );
pButtonColSizer->AddPanel( m_pCopyButton, SizerAddArgs_t() );
pBaseSizer->AddSizer( pButtonColSizer, SizerAddArgs_t() );
SetSizer( pBaseSizer );
// Gets the ith selected particle system
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::GetSelectedParticleSystem( int i )
if ( i < 0 || i >= m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount() )
return NULL;
int iSel = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemId(i);
return m_pDoc->GetParticleSystem(iSel);
// Purpose: Deletes the marked objects.
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::DeleteParticleSystems()
// This is undoable
CAppUndoScopeGuard guard( NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG|NOTIFY_FLAG_PARTICLESYS_ADDED_OR_REMOVED, "Delete Particle Systems", "Delete Particle Systems" );
// Build a list of objects to delete.
CUtlVector< CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* > itemsToDelete;
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
if ( pParticleSystem )
itemsToDelete.AddToTail( pParticleSystem );
nCount = itemsToDelete.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
m_pDoc->DeleteParticleSystemDefinition( itemsToDelete[i] );
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( NULL, true );
// Purpose:
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code )
if ( code == KEY_DELETE )
BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code );
// Called when the selection changes
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::UpdateParticleSystemSelection()
if ( m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount() == 1 )
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( m_pDoc->GetParticleSystem( m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemId(0) ), false );
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( NULL, false );
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::OnParticleSystemSelectionChanged( )
bool bAnySelected = ( m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount() > 0 );
m_pDeleteButton->SetEnabled( bAnySelected );
m_pCopyButton->SetEnabled( bAnySelected );
// Select a particular node
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::SelectParticleSystem( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pFind )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pDoc->GetParticleSystemCount(); ++i )
if ( m_pDoc->GetParticleSystem(i) == pFind )
m_pSystemGrid->SelectId( i, false, false );
// Called when buttons are clicked
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *pKeyValues )
const char *pText = pKeyValues->GetString( "text", NULL );
if ( m_pDoc->IsParticleSystemDefined( pText ) )
char pBuf[1024];
Q_snprintf( pBuf, sizeof(pBuf), "Particle System \"%s\" already exists!\n", pText );
vgui::MessageBox *pMessageBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "Duplicate Particle System Name!\n", pBuf, g_pPetTool->GetRootPanel() );
pMessageBox->DoModal( );
if ( pKeyValues->FindKey( "create" ) )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = m_pDoc->AddNewParticleSystemDefinition( pText );
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( pParticleSystem );
else if ( pKeyValues->FindKey( "copy_one" ) || pKeyValues->FindKey( "copy_many" ) )
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
if ( nCount == 1 )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( 0 );
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition * pNew = NULL;
CAppUndoScopeGuard guard( NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG|NOTIFY_FLAG_PARTICLESYS_ADDED_OR_REMOVED, "Duplicate One Particle System", "Duplicate One Particle System" );
pNew = CastElement<CDmeParticleSystemDefinition>( pParticleSystem->Copy( ) );
pNew->SetName( pText );
m_pDoc->AddNewParticleSystemDefinition( pNew, guard );
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( pNew );
else if ( nCount > 1 )
CAppUndoScopeGuard guard( NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG|NOTIFY_FLAG_PARTICLESYS_ADDED_OR_REMOVED, "Duplicate Multiple Particle Systems", "Duplicate Multiple Particle Systems" );
CUtlVector<CDmeParticleSystemDefinition*> pNewSystems;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pNew = NULL;
CUtlString newName = pParticleSystem->GetName();
newName += pText;
pNew = CastElement<CDmeParticleSystemDefinition>( pParticleSystem->Copy( ) );
pNew->SetName( newName.Get() );
Assert( pNewSystems.Count() == nCount );
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
m_pDoc->AddNewParticleSystemDefinition( pNewSystems[i], guard );
g_pPetTool->SetCurrentParticleSystem( NULL );
// Copy to clipboard
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::OnCopy( )
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
CUtlVector< KeyValues * > list;
CUtlRBTree< CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* > defs( 0, 0, DefLessFunc( CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
if ( g_pDataModel->Serialize( buf, "keyvalues2", "pcf", pParticleSystem->GetHandle() ) )
KeyValues *pData = new KeyValues( "Clipboard" );
pData->SetString( PARTICLE_CLIPBOARD_DEFINITION_STR, (char*)buf.Base() );
list.AddToTail( pData );
if ( list.Count() )
g_pDataModel->SetClipboardData( list );
// Paste from clipboard
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::ReplaceDef_r( CUndoScopeGuard& guard, CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pDef )
if ( !pDef )
m_pDoc->ReplaceParticleSystemDefinition( pDef );
int nChildCount = pDef->GetParticleFunctionCount( FUNCTION_CHILDREN );
for ( int i = 0; i < nChildCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleChild *pChildFunction = static_cast< CDmeParticleChild* >( pDef->GetParticleFunction( FUNCTION_CHILDREN, i ) );
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition* pChild = pChildFunction->m_Child;
ReplaceDef_r( guard, pChild );
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::PasteOperator( CUndoScopeGuard& guard, CDmeParticleFunction *pFunc )
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
pParticleSystem->AddCopyOfOperator( pFunc );
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::PasteDefinitionBody( CUndoScopeGuard& guard, CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pDef )
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
pParticleSystem->OverrideAttributesFromOtherDefinition( pDef );
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::PasteFromClipboard( )
// This is undoable
CAppUndoScopeGuard guard( NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Paste From Clipboard", "Paste From Clipboard" );
bool bRefreshAll = false;
CUtlVector< KeyValues * > list;
g_pDataModel->GetClipboardData( list );
int nItems = list.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pDef = ReadParticleClassFromKV<CDmeParticleSystemDefinition>( list[i], PARTICLE_CLIPBOARD_DEFINITION_STR );
if ( pDef )
ReplaceDef_r( guard, pDef );
bRefreshAll = true;
CDmeParticleFunction *pFunc = ReadParticleClassFromKV<CDmeParticleFunction>( list[i], PARTICLE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTIONS_STR );
if ( pFunc )
PasteOperator( guard, pFunc );
bRefreshAll = true;
pDef = ReadParticleClassFromKV<CDmeParticleSystemDefinition>( list[i], PARTICLE_CLIPBOARD_DEF_BODY_STR );
if ( pDef )
PasteDefinitionBody( guard, pDef );
bRefreshAll = true;
if ( bRefreshAll )
// Called when buttons are clicked
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::OnCommand( const char *pCommand )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "create" ) )
vgui::InputDialog *pInputDialog = new vgui::InputDialog( g_pPetTool->GetRootPanel(), "Enter Particle System Name", "Name:", "" );
pInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true );
pInputDialog->SetMultiline( false );
pInputDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pInputDialog->DoModal( new KeyValues("create") );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "copy" ) )
if ( m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount() == 1 )
CUtlString newName = m_pSystemGrid->GetSystemName(m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemId(0));
newName += "_copy";
vgui::InputDialog *pInputDialog = new vgui::InputDialog( g_pPetTool->GetRootPanel(), "Enter Duplicate System Name", "Name:", newName.Get() );
pInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true );
pInputDialog->SetMultiline( false );
pInputDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pInputDialog->DoModal( new KeyValues("copy_one") );
else if ( m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount() > 1 )
vgui::InputDialog *pInputDialog = new vgui::InputDialog( g_pPetTool->GetRootPanel(), "Enter Suffix for New Systems", "Suffix:", "_copy" );
pInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true );
pInputDialog->SetMultiline( false );
pInputDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
pInputDialog->DoModal( new KeyValues("copy_many") );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "delete" ) )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Save" ) )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "SaveAndTest" ) )
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand );
// Purpose:
void CParticleSystemDefinitionBrowser::UpdateParticleSystemList( bool bRetainSelection )
// build a list of previously selected systems
CUtlVector< CUtlString > selectedItems;
if ( bRetainSelection )
int nCount = m_pSystemGrid->GetSelectedSystemCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = GetSelectedParticleSystem( i );
if ( pParticleSystem )
selectedItems.AddToTail( pParticleSystem->GetName() );
// now go nuts
const CDmrParticleSystemList particleSystemList = m_pDoc->GetParticleSystemDefinitionList();
if ( !particleSystemList.IsValid() )
m_pSystemGrid->SetParticleList( CUtlVector<const char *>() );
CUtlVector<const char *> systemNames;
CUtlVector<int> selectionIndicies;
// populate the new list
for ( int i = 0; i < particleSystemList.Count(); ++i )
CDmeParticleSystemDefinition *pParticleSystem = particleSystemList[i];
if ( !pParticleSystem )
systemNames.AddToTail( pParticleSystem->GetName() );
// see if the system was previously selected
for ( int s = 0; s < selectedItems.Count(); ++s )
if( !V_strcmp(pParticleSystem->GetName(), selectedItems[s]) )
m_pSystemGrid->SetParticleList( systemNames );
// reselect any identified systems
if ( bRetainSelection )
for ( int i = 0; i < selectionIndicies.Count(); ++i )
m_pSystemGrid->SelectId( selectionIndicies[i], true, false );