494 lines
12 KiB
494 lines
12 KiB
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "commonmacros.h"
#include "SDL.h"
#include "mix.h"
#include "soundsystem/lowlevel.h"
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME "SDLDefaultDevice"
class CAudioSDL : public IAudioDevice2
m_nDeviceID = 0;
m_nDeviceIndex = -1;
m_nBufferSizeBytes = 0;
m_nBufferCount = 0;
m_bIsActive = true;
m_bIsHeadphone = false;
m_bSupportsBufferStarvationDetection = false;
m_bIsCaptureDevice = false;
m_nReadBuffer = m_nWriteBuffer = 0;
m_nPartialRead = 0;
m_bAudioStarted = false;
m_bSilenced = false;
m_fSilencedVol = 1.0f;
V_memset( m_pBuffer, 0, sizeof( m_pBuffer ) );
bool Init( const audio_device_init_params_t ¶ms );
void OutputBuffer( int nChannels, CAudioMixBuffer *pChannelArray );
void Shutdown();
int QueuedBufferCount();
int EmptyBufferCount();
void CancelOutput();
void WaitForComplete();
void UpdateFocus( bool bWindowHasFocus );
void ClearBuffer();
const wchar_t *GetDeviceID() const;
void OutputDebugInfo() const;
virtual bool SetShouldPlayWhenNotInFocus( bool bPlayEvenWhenNotInFocus )
m_savedParams.m_bPlayEvenWhenNotInFocus = bPlayEvenWhenNotInFocus;
return true;
// inline methods
inline int BytesPerSample() { return BitsPerSample()>>3; }
void FillAudioBuffer( Uint8 *buf, int len );
// no copies of this class ever
CAudioSDL( const CAudioSDL & );
CAudioSDL & operator=( const CAudioSDL & );
int SamplesPerBuffer() { return MIX_BUFFER_SIZE; }
int BytesPerBuffer() { return m_nBufferSizeBytes; }
SDL_AudioDeviceID m_nDeviceID;
SDL_AudioSpec m_deviceSpec;
audio_device_init_params_t m_savedParams;
int m_nDeviceIndex;
uint m_nBufferSizeBytes;
uint m_nBufferCount;
wchar_t m_deviceID[256];
enum { kNumBuffers = 32 };
short *m_pBuffer[ kNumBuffers ];
int m_nReadBuffer, m_nWriteBuffer;
int m_nPartialRead;
bool m_bAudioStarted;
CThreadMutex m_mutexBuffer;
bool m_bSilenced;
float m_fSilencedVol;
for ( int i = 0; i != kNumBuffers; ++i )
if ( m_pBuffer[ i ] )
MemAlloc_FreeAligned( m_pBuffer[ i ] );
static void AudioCallback( void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len )
CAudioSDL *dev = reinterpret_cast<CAudioSDL*>( userdata );
dev->FillAudioBuffer( stream, len );
bool CAudioSDL::Init( const audio_device_init_params_t ¶ms )
m_savedParams = params;
int nDeviceCount = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices( 0 );
if ( !nDeviceCount )
return false;
m_nDeviceIndex = -1;
if ( params.m_bOverrideDevice )
if ( wcscmp( params.m_overrideDeviceName, DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME_WIDE ) == 0 )
m_nDeviceIndex = -1;
for( int i = 0; i < nDeviceCount; ++i )
const char *devName = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName( i, 0 );
if ( devName == NULL )
wchar_t devNameWide[AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME_MAX];
Q_UTF8ToWString( devName, devNameWide, sizeof( devNameWide ) );
if ( wcscmp( devNameWide, params.m_overrideDeviceName ) == 0 )
m_nDeviceIndex = i;
#if 0
// setup the format structure
int nChannels = details.InputChannels;
if ( params.m_bOverrideSpeakerConfig )
nChannels = SpeakerConfigValueToChannelCount( params.m_nOverrideSpeakerConfig );
if ( params.m_nOverrideSpeakerConfig == 0 )
m_bIsHeadphone = true;
m_nChannels = nChannels;
SDL_AudioSpec desired;
desired.freq = int(MIX_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE);
desired.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;
desired.channels = 2;
desired.samples = 1024;
desired.callback = AudioCallback;
desired.userdata = this;
m_nDeviceID = SDL_OpenAudioDevice( m_nDeviceIndex == -1 ? NULL : SDL_GetAudioDeviceName( m_nDeviceIndex, 0 ), 0, &desired, &m_deviceSpec, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE );
const char *pDeviceNameUTF8 = m_nDeviceIndex == -1 ? DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME : SDL_GetAudioDeviceName( m_nDeviceIndex, 0 );
Q_UTF8ToWString( pDeviceNameUTF8, m_deviceID, sizeof( m_deviceID ) );
// UNDONE: Have the device report MIX_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE to the outside world
// and build an SDL_AudioCVT to convert from the engine's mix to the SDL device's audio output?
// BUGBUG: Assert this for now
Assert( m_deviceSpec.channels == 2 );
Assert( m_deviceSpec.freq == int(MIX_DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE) );
m_nChannels = m_deviceSpec.channels;
m_nSampleBits = SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE( m_deviceSpec.format );
m_nSampleRate = m_deviceSpec.freq;
m_bIsActive = true;
m_bIsHeadphone = false;
m_pName = "SDL Audio";
//m_nBufferCount = params.m_nOutputBufferCount;
m_nBufferCount = 1;
int nBufferSize = MIX_BUFFER_SIZE * m_nChannels * BytesPerSample();
m_nBufferSizeBytes = nBufferSize;
for ( int i = 0; i != kNumBuffers; ++i )
m_pBuffer[ i ] = (short *)MemAlloc_AllocAligned( nBufferSize * m_nBufferCount, 16 );
m_nReadBuffer = m_nWriteBuffer = 0;
m_nPartialRead = 0;
m_bAudioStarted = false;
// start audio playback
SDL_PauseAudioDevice( m_nDeviceID, 0 );
#if defined( LINUX ) && defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
// Send the obtained audio device details to scaleform
if ( g_pScaleformUI )
g_pScaleformUI->SDLSetAudioSpec( sizeof(m_deviceSpec), &m_deviceSpec );
return true;
void CAudioSDL::OutputBuffer( int nChannels, CAudioMixBuffer *pChannelArray )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutexBuffer );
m_bAudioStarted = true;
if ( ( (m_nWriteBuffer+1) % kNumBuffers ) == m_nReadBuffer )
// Filled up with data, can't take anymore.
// This shouldn't really happen unless SDL stops consuming data for us or the
// game pushes data at us at an unreasonable rate.
short *pWaveData = m_pBuffer[ m_nWriteBuffer ];
m_nWriteBuffer = (m_nWriteBuffer+1) % kNumBuffers;
if ( nChannels == 2 && nChannels == m_nChannels )
ConvertFloat32Int16_Clamp_Interleave2( pWaveData, pChannelArray[0].m_flData, pChannelArray[1].m_flData, MIX_BUFFER_SIZE );
ConvertFloat32Int16_Clamp_InterleaveStride( pWaveData, m_nChannels, MIX_BUFFER_SIZE, pChannelArray[0].m_flData, nChannels, MIX_BUFFER_SIZE );
#if defined( LINUX ) && defined( INCLUDE_SCALEFORM )
if ( g_pScaleformUI )
g_pScaleformUI->SDLMixAudio( nChannels, pWaveData, m_nBufferSizeBytes );
// Old way of sending data, by queueing it. Now we do it by providing it in the callback.
// SDL_QueueAudio( m_nDeviceID, m_pBuffer, m_nBufferSizeBytes );
void CAudioSDL::Shutdown()
if ( m_nDeviceID > 0 )
SDL_CloseAudioDevice( m_nDeviceID );
m_nDeviceID = 0;
int CAudioSDL::QueuedBufferCount()
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutexBuffer );
if ( m_nWriteBuffer >= m_nReadBuffer )
return m_nWriteBuffer - m_nReadBuffer;
return (kNumBuffers - m_nReadBuffer) + m_nWriteBuffer;
int CAudioSDL::EmptyBufferCount()
return (kNumBuffers - QueuedBufferCount()) - 1;
void CAudioSDL::CancelOutput()
// SDL_ClearQueuedAudio( m_nDeviceID );
void CAudioSDL::WaitForComplete()
while( QueuedBufferCount() )
void CAudioSDL::UpdateFocus( bool bWindowHasFocus )
m_bSilenced = !bWindowHasFocus && !m_savedParams.m_bPlayEvenWhenNotInFocus;
void CAudioSDL::ClearBuffer()
const wchar_t* CAudioSDL::GetDeviceID() const
return L"SDL Device";
void CAudioSDL::OutputDebugInfo() const
fprintf(stderr, "SDL Audio Device\n" );
fprintf(stderr, "Channels:\t%d\n", ChannelCount() );
fprintf(stderr, "Bits/Sample:\t%d\n", BitsPerSample() );
fprintf(stderr, "Rate:\t\t%d\n", SampleRate() );
void CAudioSDL::FillAudioBuffer( Uint8 *buf, int len )
bool bFailedToGetMore = false;
while ( m_bAudioStarted && len > 0 && !bFailedToGetMore )
if ( m_nReadBuffer == m_nWriteBuffer )
if ( m_savedParams.m_pfnMixAudio != NULL )
//We are going to be starved, so ask the mixer to mix
//some more audio for us right now. We expect this
//call to fill our buffers up.
m_savedParams.m_pfnMixAudio( 0.01 );
if ( m_nReadBuffer == m_nWriteBuffer )
//The mixer couldn't get us more data for some reason.
//We are starved.
bFailedToGetMore = true;
while ( len > 0 && m_nReadBuffer != m_nWriteBuffer )
int bufsize = m_nBufferSizeBytes - m_nPartialRead;
int nbytes = len < bufsize ? len : bufsize;
if(m_bSilenced && m_fSilencedVol <= 0.0f)
memset( buf, 0, nbytes );
memcpy( buf, ((unsigned char*)m_pBuffer[ m_nReadBuffer ]) + m_nPartialRead, nbytes );
// If we are silencing or unsilencing, make the volume fade rather than
// changing abruptly.
static const float FadeTime = 0.5f;
static const int FadeTick = 16;
static const float FadeDelta = FadeTick / ( m_nChannels * m_nSampleRate * FadeTime );
if ( m_bSilenced )
short* sbuf = reinterpret_cast<short*>(buf);
int i = 0;
while ( i < nbytes/2 )
sbuf[i] *= m_fSilencedVol;
if ( i%FadeTick == 0 && m_fSilencedVol > 0.0f )
m_fSilencedVol -= FadeDelta;
if ( m_fSilencedVol < 0.0f )
m_fSilencedVol = 0.0f;
else if ( m_fSilencedVol < 1.0f )
short* sbuf = reinterpret_cast<short*>(buf);
int i = 0;
while ( i < nbytes/2 && m_fSilencedVol < 1.0f )
sbuf[i] *= m_fSilencedVol;
if ( i%FadeTick == 0 && m_fSilencedVol < 1.0f )
m_fSilencedVol += FadeDelta;
if ( nbytes == bufsize )
m_nReadBuffer = (m_nReadBuffer+1) % kNumBuffers;
m_nPartialRead = 0;
m_nPartialRead += nbytes;
buf += nbytes;
len -= nbytes;
if ( len > 0 )
// We have been starved of data and have to fill with silence.
memset( buf, 0, len );
static bool g_bInitSDLAudio = false;
static bool InitSDLAudio()
if ( !g_bInitSDLAudio )
int nRet = SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_AUDIO );
if ( nRet < 0 )
return false;
g_bInitSDLAudio = true;
return true;
// enumerate the available devices so the app can select one
// fills out app-supplied list & returns count of available devices. If the list is too small, the count
// will signal the app to call again with a larger list
int Audio_EnumerateSDLDevices( audio_device_description_t *pDeviceListOut, int nListCount )
if ( !InitSDLAudio() )
return 0;
if ( nListCount > 0 )
audio_device_description_t& description = pDeviceListOut[0];
Q_UTF8ToWString( DEFAULT_DEVICE_NAME, description.m_deviceName, sizeof(description.m_deviceName) );
V_strcpy_safe( description.m_friendlyName, "#OS_Default_Device" );
description.m_nChannelCount = 6;
description.m_bIsDefault = true;
description.m_bIsAvailable = true;
description.m_nSubsystemId = AUDIO_SUBSYSTEM_SDL;
int nOutputDeviceCount = SDL_GetNumAudioDevices( 0 );
int nIterateCount = MIN(nListCount-1, nOutputDeviceCount);
for ( int i = 0; i < nIterateCount; i++ )
const char *pNameUTF8 = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName( i, 0 );
audio_device_description_t& description = pDeviceListOut[i+1];
Q_UTF8ToWString( pNameUTF8, description.m_deviceName, sizeof(description.m_deviceName) );
Q_WStringToUTF8( description.m_deviceName, description.m_friendlyName, sizeof(description.m_friendlyName) );
description.m_nChannelCount = 6;
description.m_bIsDefault = false;
description.m_bIsAvailable = true;
description.m_nSubsystemId = AUDIO_SUBSYSTEM_SDL;
return nIterateCount + 1;
// Class factory
IAudioDevice2 *Audio_CreateSDLDevice( const audio_device_init_params_t ¶ms )
if ( !InitSDLAudio() )
return NULL;
CAudioSDL *pDevice = new CAudioSDL;
if ( pDevice->Init( params ) )
return pDevice;
delete pDevice;
return NULL;