607 lines
21 KiB
607 lines
21 KiB
//===== Copyright 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: particle system code
#include <algorithm>
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"
#include "particles_internal.h"
#include "bitmap/psheet.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define SORTBUFSIZE0 (( MAX_PARTICLES_IN_A_SYSTEM + 4 ) * sizeof( ParticleRenderData_t ) )
#define SORTBUFSIZE1 ( ( 1 + MAX_PARTICLES_IN_A_SYSTEM / 4 )* sizeof( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View ) )
#define SORTBUFSIZE2 ( ( 1 + MAX_PARTICLES_IN_A_SYSTEM / 4 )* sizeof( ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View ) )
static ALIGN16 ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View *s_pParticlePtrs[MAX_PARTICLES_IN_A_SYSTEM] ALIGN16_POST;
enum EParticleSortKeyType
void C4VInterpolatedAttributeIterator::Init( int nAttribute, CParticleCollection *pParticles )
// initializing this is somewhat complicated by the behavior of prev_xyz and xyz
m_pData = pParticles->Get4VAttributePtr( nAttribute, &m_nStride );
Assert( pParticles->GetPrevAttributeMemory() );
if ( m_nStride )
m_nOldDataOffset =
pParticles->m_PreviousFrameAttributes.ByteAddress( nAttribute ) - pParticles->m_ParticleAttributes.ByteAddress( nAttribute );
// it's constant data
m_nOldDataOffset = 0;
template<EParticleSortKeyType eSortKeyMode, bool bCull> void s_GenerateData( void *pOutData, Vector CameraPos, Vector *pCameraFwd,
CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, CParticleCollection *pParticles )
fltx4 *pOutUnSorted = reinterpret_cast<fltx4 *>( pOutData );
C4VAttributeIterator pXYZ( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_XYZ, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pCreationTimeStamp( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pAlpha( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pAlpha2( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA2, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pRadius( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_RADIUS, pParticles );
int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles;
FourVectors EyePos;
EyePos.DuplicateVector( CameraPos );
FourVectors v4Fwd;
if ( bCull )
v4Fwd.DuplicateVector( *pCameraFwd );
fltx4 fl4AlphaVis = ReplicateX4( pVisibilityData->m_flAlphaVisibility );
fltx4 fl4RadVis = ReplicateX4( pVisibilityData->m_flRadiusVisibility );
// indexing. We will generate the index as float and use magicf2i to convert to integer
fltx4 fl4OutIdx = g_SIMD_0123; // 0 1 2 3
fl4OutIdx = AddSIMD( fl4OutIdx, Four_2ToThe23s); // fix as int
bool bUseVis = pVisibilityData->m_bUseVisibility;
fltx4 fl4AlphaScale = ReplicateX4( 255.0 );
fltx4 fl4SortKey = Four_Zeros;
fltx4 fl4FinalAlpha = MulSIMD( *pAlpha, *pAlpha2 );
fltx4 fl4FinalRadius = *pRadius;
if ( bUseVis )
fl4FinalAlpha = MaxSIMD ( Four_Zeros, MinSIMD( Four_Ones, MulSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, fl4AlphaVis) ) );
fl4FinalRadius = MulSIMD( fl4FinalRadius, fl4RadVis );
// convert float 0..1 to int 0..255
fl4FinalAlpha = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, fl4AlphaScale ), Four_2ToThe23s );
if ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_CREATION_TIME )
fl4SortKey = *pCreationTimeStamp;
if ( bCull || ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_DISTANCE ) )
fltx4 fl4X = pXYZ->x;
fltx4 fl4Y = pXYZ->y;
fltx4 fl4Z = pXYZ->z;
fltx4 Xdiff = SubSIMD( fl4X, EyePos.x );
fltx4 Ydiff = SubSIMD( fl4Y, EyePos.y );
fltx4 Zdiff = SubSIMD( fl4Z, EyePos.z );
if ( bCull )
fltx4 dot = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Xdiff, v4Fwd.x ),
MulSIMD( Ydiff, v4Fwd.y ),
MulSIMD( Zdiff, v4Fwd.z ) ) );
fl4FinalAlpha = AndSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, CmpGeSIMD( dot, Four_Zeros ) );
if ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_DISTANCE )
fl4SortKey = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Xdiff, Xdiff ),
AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Ydiff, Ydiff ),
MulSIMD( Zdiff, Zdiff ) ) );
// now, we will use simd transpose to write the output
fltx4 i4Indices = AndSIMD( fl4OutIdx, LoadAlignedSIMD( (float *) g_SIMD_Low16BitsMask ) );
TransposeSIMD( fl4SortKey, i4Indices, fl4FinalRadius, fl4FinalAlpha );
pOutUnSorted[0] = fl4SortKey;
pOutUnSorted[1] = i4Indices;
pOutUnSorted[2] = fl4FinalRadius;
pOutUnSorted[3] = fl4FinalAlpha;
pOutUnSorted += 4;
fl4OutIdx = AddSIMD( fl4OutIdx, Four_Fours );
nParticles -= 4;
} while( nParticles > 0 ); // we're not called with 0
#define TREATASINT(x) ( *( ( (int32 const *)( &(x) ) ) ) )
static bool SortLessFunc( const ParticleRenderData_t &left, const ParticleRenderData_t &right )
return TREATASINT( left.m_flSortKey ) < TREATASINT( right.m_flSortKey );
int CParticleCollection::GenerateSortedIndexList( ParticleRenderData_t *pOut, Vector vecCamera, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, bool bSorted )
int nParticles = m_nActiveParticles;
if ( bSorted )
s_GenerateData<SORT_KEY_DISTANCE, false>( pOut, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, this );
s_GenerateData<SORT_KEY_NONE, false>( pOut, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, this );
if ( bSorted )
// sort the output in place
std::make_heap( pOut, pOut + nParticles, SortLessFunc );
std::sort_heap( pOut, pOut + nParticles, SortLessFunc );
return nParticles;
int CParticleCollection::GenerateCulledSortedIndexList(
ParticleRenderData_t *pOut, Vector vecCamera, Vector vecFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, bool bSorted )
int nParticles = m_nActiveParticles;
if ( bSorted )
s_GenerateData<SORT_KEY_DISTANCE, true>( pOut, vecCamera, &vecFwd, pVisibilityData, this );
s_GenerateData<SORT_KEY_NONE, true>( pOut, vecCamera, &vecFwd, pVisibilityData, this );
#ifndef SWDS
if ( bSorted )
// sort the output in place
std::make_heap( pOut, pOut + nParticles, SortLessFunc );
std::sort_heap( pOut, pOut + nParticles, SortLessFunc );
return nParticles;
const ParticleRenderData_t *CParticleCollection::GetRenderList( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext,
bool bSorted, int *pNparticles,
CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData)
if ( bSorted )
bSorted = m_pDef->m_bShouldSort;
Vector vecCamera;
pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera );
ParticleRenderData_t *pOut = ( ParticleRenderData_t * ) s_SortBuffer;
// check if the camera is inside the bounding box to see whether culling is worth it
int nParticles;
if ( vecCamera.WithinAABox( m_MinBounds, m_MaxBounds ) )
Vector vecFwd, vecRight, vecUp;
pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraVectors( &vecFwd, &vecRight, &vecUp );
nParticles = GenerateCulledSortedIndexList( pOut,
vecCamera, vecFwd,
pVisibilityData, bSorted );
// outside the bounds. don't bother agressive culling
nParticles = GenerateSortedIndexList( pOut, vecCamera, pVisibilityData, bSorted );
*pNparticles = nParticles;
return pOut + nParticles;
template<EParticleSortKeyType eSortKeyMode, bool bCull, bool bLerpCoords, class OutType_t, bool bDoColor2, bool bDoNormalVector, class VECTORITERATOR, class SCALARITERATOR>
void GenerateExtendedData(
void *pOutbuf, ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **pIndexBuffer,
Vector CameraPos, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, CParticleCollection *pParticles,
float flInterpT )
OutType_t * RESTRICT pOutUnSorted = reinterpret_cast<OutType_t*>( pOutbuf );
// interpolated values
// non-interpolated values
CM128AttributeIterator pSeq( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pSeq1( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER1, pParticles );
CM128AttributeIterator pCreationTimeStamp( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_CREATION_TIME, pParticles );
if ( bDoColor2 )
pGlowAlpha.Init( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_GLOW_ALPHA, pParticles );
C4VAttributeIterator pNormal;
if ( bDoNormalVector )
pNormal.Init( PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, pParticles );
int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles;
fltx4 fl4CurTime;
fltx4 fl4MaximumCreationTimeToDraw = Four_2ToThe23s;
if ( bLerpCoords )
fl4CurTime = ReplicateX4( pParticles->m_flTargetDrawTime );
fl4MaximumCreationTimeToDraw = ReplicateX4( pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime );
fl4CurTime = pParticles->m_fl4CurTime;
fltx4 Four_256s = ReplicateX4( 256.0 );
fltx4 fl4T = ReplicateX4( flInterpT );
FourVectors EyePos;
EyePos.DuplicateVector( CameraPos );
FourVectors v4Fwd;
if ( bCull )
v4Fwd.DuplicateVector( *pCameraFwd );
fltx4 fl4AlphaVis = ReplicateX4( pVisibilityData->m_flAlphaVisibility );
fltx4 fl4RadVis = ReplicateX4( pVisibilityData->m_flRadiusVisibility );
bool bUseVis = pVisibilityData->m_bUseVisibility;
fltx4 fl4AlphaScale = ReplicateX4( 255.0 );
uint8 **pOutPtrs = reinterpret_cast<uint8 **>( pIndexBuffer );
// Note: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you write through these
// pointers inside the scope of this function! pOutUnSorted is
// marked as __restrict, meaning that we have promised the compiler
// that it is unaliased. Therefore any writes through an alias
// will cause DOOM.
pOutPtrs[0] = reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pOutUnSorted );
pOutPtrs[1] = reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pOutUnSorted ) + sizeof( float );
pOutPtrs[2] = reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pOutUnSorted ) + 2 * sizeof( float );
pOutPtrs[3] = reinterpret_cast<uint8 *>( pOutUnSorted ) + 3 * sizeof( float );
fltx4 fl4FinalAlpha = MulSIMD( pAlpha( fl4T ), pAlpha2( fl4T ) );
fltx4 fl4FinalRadius = pRadius( fl4T );
if ( bUseVis )
fl4FinalAlpha = MaxSIMD ( Four_Zeros, MinSIMD( Four_Ones, MulSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, fl4AlphaVis) ) );
fl4FinalRadius = MulSIMD( fl4FinalRadius, fl4RadVis );
// convert float 0..1 to int 0..255
fl4FinalAlpha = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, fl4AlphaScale ), Four_2ToThe23s );
fltx4 fl4X = pXYZ.X( fl4T );
fltx4 fl4Y = pXYZ.Y( fl4T );
fltx4 fl4Z = pXYZ.Z( fl4T );
if ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_CREATION_TIME )
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4SortKey = *pCreationTimeStamp;
if ( bCull || ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_DISTANCE ) )
fltx4 Xdiff = SubSIMD( fl4X, EyePos.x );
fltx4 Ydiff = SubSIMD( fl4Y, EyePos.y );
fltx4 Zdiff = SubSIMD( fl4Z, EyePos.z );
if ( bCull )
fltx4 dot = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Xdiff, v4Fwd.x ),
MulSIMD( Ydiff, v4Fwd.y ),
MulSIMD( Zdiff, v4Fwd.z ) ) );
fl4FinalAlpha = AndSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, CmpGeSIMD( dot, Four_Zeros ) );
if ( eSortKeyMode == SORT_KEY_DISTANCE )
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4SortKey = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Xdiff, Xdiff ),
AddSIMD( MulSIMD( Ydiff, Ydiff ),
MulSIMD( Zdiff, Zdiff ) ) );
fltx4 fl4Age = SubSIMD( fl4CurTime, *pCreationTimeStamp );
// if we are lerping, we need to supress particles which didn't exist on the last sim
if ( bLerpCoords )
fl4FinalAlpha = AndSIMD( fl4FinalAlpha, CmpLtSIMD( *pCreationTimeStamp, fl4MaximumCreationTimeToDraw ) );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4XYZ.x = fl4X;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4XYZ.y = fl4Y;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4XYZ.z = fl4Z;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Alpha = fl4FinalAlpha;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Red = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( pRGB.X( fl4T ), fl4AlphaScale ), Four_2ToThe23s );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Green = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( pRGB.Y( fl4T ), fl4AlphaScale ), Four_2ToThe23s );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Blue = AddSIMD( MulSIMD( pRGB.Z( fl4T ), fl4AlphaScale ), Four_2ToThe23s );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Radius = fl4FinalRadius;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4AnimationTimeValue = fl4Age;
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Rotation = pRot( fl4T );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4Yaw = pYaw( fl4T );
if ( pSeq1.Stride() )
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4SequenceID = AddSIMD( AddSIMD( *pSeq, MulSIMD( Four_256s, *pSeq1 ) ), Four_2ToThe23s );
pOutUnSorted->m_fl4SequenceID = AddSIMD( *pSeq, Four_2ToThe23s );
if ( bDoColor2 )
pOutUnSorted->SetARGB2( pRGB2.X( fl4T ), pRGB2.Y( fl4T ), pRGB2.Z( fl4T ), *pGlowAlpha );
if ( bDoNormalVector )
pOutUnSorted->SetNormal( pNormal.X( fl4T ), pNormal.Y( fl4T ), pNormal.Z( fl4T ) );
nParticles -= 4;
pOutPtrs += 4;
} while( nParticles > 0 ); // we're not called with 0
template<EParticleSortKeyType eSortKeyMode, bool bCull, bool bLerpCoords, class OutType_t, bool bDoColor2,
bool bDoNormalVector>
void GenerateExtendedData(
void *pOutbuf, ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **pIndexBuffer,
Vector CameraPos, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, CParticleCollection *pParticles,
float flInterpT )
if ( bLerpCoords )
GenerateExtendedData<eSortKeyMode, bCull, true, OutType_t,
bDoColor2, bDoNormalVector, C4VInterpolatedAttributeIterator, CM128InterpolatedAttributeIterator>(
pOutbuf, pIndexBuffer, CameraPos, pCameraFwd, pVisibilityData, pParticles, flInterpT );
GenerateExtendedData<eSortKeyMode, bCull, false, OutType_t,
bDoColor2, bDoNormalVector, C4VAttributeIterator, CM128AttributeIterator>(
pOutbuf, pIndexBuffer, CameraPos, pCameraFwd, pVisibilityData, pParticles, flInterpT );
template<bool bCull, bool bLerpCoords, class OutType_t, bool bDoColor2, bool bDoNormal>
void s_GenerateExtendedData(
void *pOutbuf, ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **pIndexBuffer,
Vector CameraPos, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData, CParticleCollection *pParticles,
float flInterpT, bool bSort )
if ( bSort )
GenerateExtendedData<SORT_KEY_DISTANCE, bCull, bLerpCoords, OutType_t, bDoColor2, bDoNormal>(
pOutbuf, pIndexBuffer,
CameraPos, pCameraFwd, pVisibilityData,
pParticles, flInterpT );
GenerateExtendedData<SORT_KEY_NONE, bCull, bLerpCoords, OutType_t, bDoColor2, bDoNormal>(
pOutbuf, pIndexBuffer,
CameraPos, pCameraFwd, pVisibilityData,
pParticles, flInterpT );
static bool SortLessFuncExtended( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View * const &left, const ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View * const &right )
return left->m_nSortKey < right->m_nSortKey;
int GenerateExtendedSortedIndexList( Vector vecCamera, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData,
CParticleCollection *pParticles, bool bSorted, void *pOutBuf,
ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **pParticlePtrs )
// check interpolation
if ( pParticles->IsUsingInterpolatedRendering() )
float t = ( pParticles->m_flTargetDrawTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime ) /
( pParticles->m_flCurTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime );
Assert( ( t >= 0.0 ) && ( t <= 1.0 ) );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, true, ParticleFullRenderData_SIMD_View, false, false>( pOutBuf, pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, t, bSorted );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, false, ParticleFullRenderData_SIMD_View, false, false>( pOutBuf, pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, 0., bSorted );
int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles;
if ( bSorted )
// sort the output in place
std::make_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
std::sort_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
return nParticles;
int GenerateExtendedSortedIndexListWithPerParticleGlow(
Vector vecCamera, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData,
CParticleCollection *pParticles, bool bSorted, void *pOutBuf,
ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View **pParticlePtrs )
// check interpolation
if ( pParticles->IsUsingInterpolatedRendering() )
float t = ( pParticles->m_flTargetDrawTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime ) /
( pParticles->m_flCurTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime );
Assert( ( t >= 0.0 ) && ( t <= 1.0 ) );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, true, ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_SIMD_View, true, false>(
pOutBuf, ( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **) pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, t, bSorted );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, false, ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_SIMD_View, true, false>(
pOutBuf, ( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **) pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, 0., bSorted );
int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles;
if ( bSorted )
// sort the output in place
std::make_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
std::sort_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
return nParticles;
int GenerateExtendedSortedIndexListWithNormals(
Vector vecCamera, Vector *pCameraFwd, CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData,
CParticleCollection *pParticles, bool bSorted, void *pOutBuf,
ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_Scalar_View **pParticlePtrs )
// check interpolation
if ( pParticles->IsUsingInterpolatedRendering() )
float t = ( pParticles->m_flTargetDrawTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime ) /
( pParticles->m_flCurTime - pParticles->m_flPrevSimTime );
Assert( ( t >= 0.0 ) && ( t <= 1.0 ) );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, true, ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_SIMD_View, false, true>(
pOutBuf, ( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **) pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, t, bSorted );
s_GenerateExtendedData<false, false, ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_SIMD_View, false, true>(
pOutBuf, ( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **) pParticlePtrs, vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, 0., bSorted );
int nParticles = pParticles->m_nActiveParticles;
if ( bSorted )
// sort the output in place
std::make_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
std::sort_heap( pParticlePtrs, pParticlePtrs + nParticles, SortLessFuncExtended );
return nParticles;
ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View **GetExtendedRenderList( CParticleCollection *pParticles,
IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext,
bool bSorted, int *pNparticles,
CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData)
Assert( sizeof( ParticleFullRenderData_Scalar_View ) == sizeof( ParticleFullRenderData_SIMD_View ) );
if ( bSorted )
bSorted = pParticles->m_pDef->m_bShouldSort;
Vector vecCamera;
pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera );
int nParticles = GenerateExtendedSortedIndexList( vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, bSorted, s_SortBuffer, s_pParticlePtrs );
*pNparticles = nParticles;
return s_pParticlePtrs + nParticles;
ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View **GetExtendedRenderListWithPerParticleGlow(
CParticleCollection *pParticles,
IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext,
bool bSorted, int *pNparticles,
CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData)
Assert( sizeof( ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View ) == sizeof( ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_SIMD_View ) );
if ( bSorted )
bSorted = pParticles->m_pDef->m_bShouldSort;
Vector vecCamera;
pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera );
int nParticles = GenerateExtendedSortedIndexListWithPerParticleGlow(
vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, bSorted, s_SortBuffer,
( ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View ** ) s_pParticlePtrs );
*pNparticles = nParticles;
return ( ParticleRenderDataWithOutlineInformation_Scalar_View ** ) ( s_pParticlePtrs + nParticles );
ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_Scalar_View **GetExtendedRenderListWithNormals(
CParticleCollection *pParticles,
IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext,
bool bSorted, int *pNparticles,
CParticleVisibilityData *pVisibilityData)
Assert( sizeof( ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_SIMD_View ) == sizeof( ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_Scalar_View ) );
if ( bSorted )
bSorted = pParticles->m_pDef->m_bShouldSort;
Vector vecCamera;
pRenderContext->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( &vecCamera );
int nParticles = GenerateExtendedSortedIndexListWithNormals(
vecCamera, NULL, pVisibilityData, pParticles, bSorted, s_SortBuffer,
( ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_Scalar_View ** ) s_pParticlePtrs );
*pNparticles = nParticles;
return ( ParticleRenderDataWithNormal_Scalar_View ** ) ( s_pParticlePtrs + nParticles );