# CppExplorer [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/MelonLoader-0.2.6-green.svg)]() Simple in-game explorer and debugging tool for IL2CPP Unity games, using MelonLoader. ## Features * Scene hierarchy explorer * Search loaded assets with filters * Traverse and manipulate GameObjects * Generic Reflection inspector * REPL Console * Inspect-under-mouse ## How to install Requires [MelonLoader](https://github.com/HerpDerpinstine/MelonLoader) to be installed for your game. 1. Download CppExplorer.zip from [Releases](https://github.com/sinaioutlander/CppExplorer/releases). 2. Unzip the file into the `Mods` folder in your game's installation directory, created by MelonLoader. 3. Make sure it's not in a sub-folder, `CppExplorer.dll` and `mcs.dll` should be directly in the `Mods\` folder. ## How to use * Press F7 to show or hide the menu. * Simply browse through the scene, search for objects, etc, it's pretty self-explanatory. ## Images Scene explorer, and inspection of a MonoBehaviour object: [![](https://i.imgur.com/Yxizwcz.png)](https://i.imgur.com/Yxizwcz.png) Search feature: [![](https://i.imgur.com/F9ZfMvz.png)](https://i.imgur.com/F9ZfMvz.png) REPL console: [![](https://i.imgur.com/14Dbtf8.png)](https://i.imgur.com/14Dbtf8.png) ## Credits Written by Sinai. Thanks to: * [ManlyMarco](https://github.com/ManlyMarco) for their [Runtime Unity Editor](https://github.com/ManlyMarco/RuntimeUnityEditor), which I used for the REPL Console and the "Find instances" snippet, and the UI style. * [denikson](https://github.com/denikson) for [mcs-unity](https://github.com/denikson/mcs-unity). I commented out the `SkipVisibilityExt` constructor in `mcs.dll` since it was causing an exception with the Hook it attempted.