Restructured the project somewhat and cleaned up classes so that things are where they belong. Created "Helpers" folder and put appropriate helper classes in there.
Important things:
- The "GameObject path" methods are now extension methods on UnityEngine.Transform
- Removed AccessTools (Reflection helpers) as there was no use of it. Replaced with ReflectionHelpers class.
- Some improvements to the "Object Reflection" window, should be a bit faster now. Code cleaned up significantly.
Removed the "src_2018" project, since it's now 1:1 with the main project and the only difference is references. Now using build configurations and preprocessor directives to accomplish the same thing.
- cleanup
- fixed a mistake with FieldInfos on reflection window, causing all values to be null.
- improved displaying of generic objects (now shows object Type after the name)
- Fixed the Scene Filters on the search page, it was not functionally correctly at all.
- Fixed GameObjects and Components being displayed as basic objects on search view (they now open to GameObject inspector like they should).
- Added ability to cycle through "pages" with lists/arrays and with search results. Also reduced default array display limit to 20 elements, since we can now just cycle through pages.
- Some backend restructuring / cleanups
- various performance improvements
- by default, lists and arrays are now collapsed, use the "v" button to expand them.
- added error handling for a TypeLoadException which can happen with some generic types.
- various performance improvements
- by default, lists and arrays are now collapsed, use the "v" button to expand them.
- added error handling for a TypeLoadException which can happen with some generic types.