* Implemented manual unstripping for ScrollView and Resize, should now work on any Unity 2018 or 2019 game.
* Fixed a bug with page view on the Scene Explorer
* Back-end cleanups
* Added ability to force Reflection Inspector for GameObjects and Transforms if you hold Left Shift while clicking the Inspect button
* Fixed a bug causing duplicate windows to open when you inspect Transforms, the current active window will now be focused. Note: does not apply if you hold Left Shift for forced reflection.
* Added page view to GameObject Children/Component lists
* Made a generic Page Handler helper class, replaced all page view implementations with the helper (no real change for users but should make things easier to maintain in the future, and they were basically all copy+pastes).
* Added support for Properties with an index parameter on the Reflection Window (ie. "this[index]")
* Fixed a crash that occured when inspecting Il2CppSystem.Type objects
* Back-end cleanups
* Added MethodInfo support for basic methods with no arguments.
* Added support for missing primitive types (char, short, byte)
* Added CacheDictionary class (currently unsupported)
* Cleaned up some stuff, using System.Reflection.MemberType instead of a custom enum.
* Windows now display the gameobject name or the object type in the header
* Added "Set DontDestroyOnLoad" button to Gameobject controls.
* Added dynamic input field size and more intelligent auto-wrap for primitive values
* Resize Drag will now disable itself on Exceptions, and log the error (affects VRChat)
* Various misc UI improvements
* Various small fixes
* Pre-release. Will be released once MelonLoader bumps to Unhollower
* Added global "Force Unlock Mouse" option, should work on almost all games. Has smart behaviour and will maintain the previous value (or the value which should be set).
* Improve performacne of CacheList casting List ->IEnumerable
* Fix a bug causing some Components to not show the GameObject button in the Reflection Window (top-right corner).
* Fix a bug making the Window Manager think that two of the same Il2Cpp Object are not ReferenceEquals.
* Added logging when C# Console fails to compile anything
* Improve display of Reflection Window member name label, now expands with window resize.
* Fixed a bug on the Reflection window which would prevent primitive values from being applied
* Improved some parts of the Scene Explorer and the Reflection Window interfaces
* Scene Explorer now has "page view" like other lists
* Various minor cleanups and refactorings
* Cleanup some small bugs introduced in 1.4.0
* Added better exception handling for failed Reflection, and the ability to hide failed reflection members in the Reflection window, as well as see the error type.
* Reflection window members now display the full name instead of just the member name (eg. "Camera.main" instead of just "main").
- Wrote the CacheObject class to replace MemberInfoHolder, resulting code is better perfomance and much easier to read.
- Added pages to Object Reflection window, now limited to 20 members per page to improve performance further.
Restructured the project somewhat and cleaned up classes so that things are where they belong. Created "Helpers" folder and put appropriate helper classes in there.
Important things:
- The "GameObject path" methods are now extension methods on UnityEngine.Transform
- Removed AccessTools (Reflection helpers) as there was no use of it. Replaced with ReflectionHelpers class.
- Some improvements to the "Object Reflection" window, should be a bit faster now. Code cleaned up significantly.
Removed the "src_2018" project, since it's now 1:1 with the main project and the only difference is references. Now using build configurations and preprocessor directives to accomplish the same thing.
- cleanup
- fixed a mistake with FieldInfos on reflection window, causing all values to be null.
- improved displaying of generic objects (now shows object Type after the name)