* Added InteractiveColor UI editor to make changing a Color easier
* Added a "Scene Loader" helper which allows you to load any Scene that the game was built with. In some cases you may not find all the Scenes that the game uses, they may be loaded through AssetBundles or other means and won't show up here yet
* Adjusted the SceneExplorer UI, the "Hide" button is now always on the left of the window
* Handled some errors related to UI unstripping that could occur in rare cases
* Errors are now logged properly.
* Can now define classes, methods, etc - no longer has to be an expression body.
* Added `StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)` helper method to easily run a Coroutine
* Disabling suggestions now properly stops Explorer trying to update suggestion cache instead of just not showing them. In the rare cases that suggestions cause a crash, disabling them will now prevent those crashes.
* Various other misc improvements behind the scenes
* Added standalone release build (thanks @Alloc86)
* Improved formatting for ToString methods which accept an IFormatProvider
* When editing a struct, the reference to the parent member will now be updated if you modify the struct values.
* Fixed not being able to set values on Enums
* [MONO] Fixed an issue where GameObjects in no scene (a Resource/Asset) would display nothing for their scene name, instead of "None (Resource/Asset)".
* Some UI layout cleanups and fixes, the Child/Component lists on the GameObject inspector should now expand to fill available height.
* Reflection on Il2CppSystem-namespace instances has been fixed
* Type/Value Syntax highlighting generalized and improved globally
* Scene changes now refresh the scene-picker dropdown
* probably other minor stuff too
* Created a TMP AssetBundle for games which don't have the default TextMeshPro Resources package. This also allows us to use a custom monospace font for the Console and Debug window.
* Unstripped the AssetBundle class (just the stuff we need)
* Finished Search Page
* Finished Options Page (very simple)
* Various refactoring and restructuring of the project
* cleanups