* Added MethodInfo support for basic methods with no arguments.
* Added support for missing primitive types (char, short, byte)
* Added CacheDictionary class (currently unsupported)
* Cleaned up some stuff, using System.Reflection.MemberType instead of a custom enum.
* Pre-release. Will be released once MelonLoader bumps to Unhollower
* Added global "Force Unlock Mouse" option, should work on almost all games. Has smart behaviour and will maintain the previous value (or the value which should be set).
* Improve performacne of CacheList casting List ->IEnumerable
* Fix a bug causing some Components to not show the GameObject button in the Reflection Window (top-right corner).
* Fix a bug making the Window Manager think that two of the same Il2Cpp Object are not ReferenceEquals.
* Added logging when C# Console fails to compile anything
* Improve display of Reflection Window member name label, now expands with window resize.