Derived heavily from notepad++ and Unity In-Game Code Editor, work will be done to refactor and strip down the code, most of it is unnecessary for our needs anyway. Temporary credit to IGCE for most of it.
* More unstripping fixes. Explorer now works 100% on a blank Unity project (so should therefore work on any Unity game, regardless of stripping).
* Some cleanups
* Added Max Results option to Search (default 5000)
* Fixed a TypeInitializationException which can happen when inspecting some classes with Dictionary members
* Fixed an issue which could prevent Input support from initializating
* Improved and fixed the display of TextAsset objects
* A few other minor fixes
* Added ability to see and change the layer of a gameobject from the GameObject inspector more easily, and shows you the actual layer name (where possible).
* Fixed an issue related to the recently-added clickthrough prevention and resize drag
* Fixed write-only properties in the inspector
* A few other minor fixes
* Added support for viewing Texture2D (and Sprite) from the Inspector, and exporting them to PNG
* Fixed an issue with generic methods not showing their return value type
* Fixed an issue where destroyed UnityEngine.Objects would cause issues in the inspector
* Fixed an issue when caching a ValueCollection of a Dictionary (the generic argument for the Entry Type is the last arg, not the first as with other Enumerables)
* Added some internal caching for Enum Names, should vastly improve speed when inspecting certain classes (worst case scenario I found went from over 50 seconds to less than 1 second).
* ILRepack is now done as part of the build process, should simplify things if you are building the project yourself.
* Fixed an issue in Mono games when the target you are inspecting is destroyed (window would not close as it should).
* Cleaned up and refactored the Input support so it's easier to manage.