* Fixed Harmony patches not working properly for games which use older BepInEx releases (ie. Risk of Rain 2)
* Fixed a couple minor issues with the config settings
* Fix `Hide on Startup` not working
* Fix for cases when we try to `scene.GetRootGameObjects()` but the scene has not yet fully loaded.
* MelonLoader releases will no longer spam "Preferences Saved!" constantly in the Console log
* Fix mistake with UI Event System setting/releasing
* Fix some UI elements not having correct Color transition values
* Added InteractiveColor UI editor to make changing a Color easier
* Added a "Scene Loader" helper which allows you to load any Scene that the game was built with. In some cases you may not find all the Scenes that the game uses, they may be loaded through AssetBundles or other means and won't show up here yet
* Adjusted the SceneExplorer UI, the "Hide" button is now always on the left of the window
* Handled some errors related to UI unstripping that could occur in rare cases
* Added a 'Default' button for config values to revert to the default value
* Added an internal config entry to save the window position between sessions
* Reordered the config settings in the menu so the important ones are at the top
* Adjusted the UI for config entries, should be a bit easier to read now.
* Adjusted the UI for Dictionaries, the keys and values now alternate background colors.
* A few other minor UI fixes and tweaks for 3.3.0
* The following preferences are now persistent between sessions: Active Menu Page, Scene Explorer Hide State, Debug Console Hide State
* The "Resize Cursor" is now just a `↔` Text label instead of a sprite.
* Added support for Unity 5.2+ games (previously was only supporting 5.6)
* Errors are now logged properly.
* Can now define classes, methods, etc - no longer has to be an expression body.
* Added `StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine)` helper method to easily run a Coroutine
* Disabling suggestions now properly stops Explorer trying to update suggestion cache instead of just not showing them. In the rare cases that suggestions cause a crash, disabling them will now prevent those crashes.
* Various other misc improvements behind the scenes