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synced 2025-01-06 01:23:31 +08:00
Delete ScrollPool_bak.cs
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@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
//using System;
//using System.Collections;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using UnityEngine;
//using UnityEngine.UI;
//using UnityExplorer.UI.Models;
//namespace UnityExplorer.UI.Widgets
// /// <summary>
// /// A <see cref="ScrollRect"/> handler which pools displayed cells to improve performance.
// /// </summary>
// public class ScrollPool : UIBehaviourModel, IScrollPool
// {
// public ScrollPool(ScrollRect scrollRect)
// {
// this.scrollRect = scrollRect;
// Init();
// }
// public IPoolDataSource DataSource;
// public int PoolCount => _cachedCells.Count;
// public override GameObject UIRoot => scrollRect.gameObject;
// /// <summary>Use <see cref="UIFactory.CreateScrollPool"/></summary>
// public override void ConstructUI(GameObject parent) => throw new NotImplementedException();
// internal ScrollRect scrollRect;
// public bool AutoResizeHandleRect { get; set; }
// internal RectTransform PrototypeCell;
// internal Slider _slider;
// // Cell pool
// private float _cellWidth, _cellHeight;
// private List<RectTransform> _cellPool;
// private List<ICell> _cachedCells;
// private Bounds _recyclableViewBounds;
// /// <summary>
// /// Extra pooled cells above AND below the viewport (so actual extra pool is double this value).
// /// </summary>
// public int ExtraCellPoolSize = 2;
// private readonly Vector3[] _corners = new Vector3[4];
// private bool _recycling;
// private Vector2 _prevAnchoredPos;
// internal Vector2 _lastScroll;
// internal int currentItemCount; //item count corresponding to the datasource.
// internal int topMostCellIndex, bottomMostCellIndex; //Topmost and bottommost cell in the heirarchy
// public bool ExternallySetting
// {
// get => externallySetting;
// internal set
// {
// if (externallySetting == value)
// return;
// timeOfLastExternalSet = Time.time;
// externallySetting = value;
// }
// }
// private bool externallySetting;
// private float timeOfLastExternalSet;
// private Vector2 zeroVector = Vector2.zero;
// public override void Init()
// {
// _slider = scrollRect.GetComponentInChildren<Slider>();
// _slider.onValueChanged.AddListener((float val) =>
// {
// if (this.ExternallySetting)
// return;
// this.ExternallySetting = true;
// // Jump to val * count (ie, 0.0 would jump to top, 1.0 would jump to bottom)
// var index = Math.Floor(val * DataSource.ItemCount);
// JumpToIndex((int)index);
// });
// }
// public override void Update()
// {
// if (externallySetting && timeOfLastExternalSet < Time.time)
// externallySetting = false;
// }
// internal void OnValueChangedListener(Vector2 _)
// {
// if (ExternallySetting)
// return;
// ExternallySetting = true;
// Vector2 dir = scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition - _prevAnchoredPos;
// scrollRect.m_ContentStartPosition += ProcessValueChange(dir);
// _prevAnchoredPos = scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition;
// UpdateSlider();
// // ExternallySetting = false;
// }
// internal void UpdateSlider(bool forceValue = true)
// {
// int total = DataSource.ItemCount;
// total = Math.Max(total, 1);
// var spread = _cellPool.Count - (ExtraCellPoolSize * 2);
// if (forceValue)
// {
// var range = GetDisplayedRange();
// if (spread >= total)
// _slider.value = 0f;
// else
// // top-most displayed index divided by (totalCount - displayedRange)
// _slider.value = (float)((decimal)range.x / Math.Max(1, (total - _cellPool.Count)));
// }
// // resize the handle rect to reflect the size of the displayed content vs. the total content height.
// if (AutoResizeHandleRect)
// {
// var viewportHeight = scrollRect.viewport.rect.height;
// var handleRatio = (decimal)spread / total;
// var handleHeight = viewportHeight * (float)Math.Min(1, handleRatio);
// handleHeight = Math.Max(handleHeight, 15f);
// // need to resize the handle container area for the size of the handle (bigger handle = smaller container)
// var container = _slider.m_HandleContainerRect;
// container.offsetMax = new Vector2(container.offsetMax.x, -(handleHeight * 0.5f));
// container.offsetMin = new Vector2(container.offsetMin.x, handleHeight * 0.5f);
// var handle = _slider.handleRect;
// handle.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, handleHeight);
// // if slider is 100% height then make it not interactable.
// _slider.interactable = !Mathf.Approximately(handleHeight, viewportHeight);
// }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Try to jump to the specified index. Pretty accurate, not perfect. Currently assumes all elements are the same height.
// /// </summary>
// public void JumpToIndex(int index)
// {
// var realCount = DataSource.ItemCount;
// // clamp to real index limit
// index = Math.Min(index, realCount - 1);
// // add the buffer count to desired index and set our currentItemCount to that.
// currentItemCount = index + _cachedCells.Count;
// currentItemCount = Math.Max(Math.Min(currentItemCount, realCount - 1), _cachedCells.Count);
// Refresh();
// // if we're jumping to the very bottom we need to show the extra pooled cells which are normally hidden.
// var y = 0f;
// if (index >= realCount - (ExtraCellPoolSize * 4))
// y = _cellHeight * (index - realCount + (4 * ExtraCellPoolSize)) + ExtraCellPoolSize; // add +1 to show the last entry.
// scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition.x, y);
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Get the start and end indexes (relative to DataSource) of the cell pool
// /// </summary>
// public Vector2 GetDisplayedRange()
// {
// int max = currentItemCount;
// int min = max - _cachedCells.Count;
// return new Vector2(min, max);
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Initialize with the provided DataSource
// /// </summary>
// public void Initialize(IPoolDataSource dataSource)
// {
// DataSource = dataSource;
// scrollRect.vertical = true;
// scrollRect.horizontal = false;
// _prevAnchoredPos = scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition;
// scrollRect.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(OnValueChangedListener);
// RuntimeProvider.Instance.StartCoroutine(InitCoroutine(() =>
// {
// scrollRect.onValueChanged.AddListener(OnValueChangedListener);
// }));
// }
// public void ReloadData()
// {
// ReloadData(DataSource);
// }
// public void ReloadData(IPoolDataSource dataSource)
// {
// if (scrollRect.onValueChanged == null)
// return;
// scrollRect.StopMovement();
// scrollRect.onValueChanged.RemoveListener(OnValueChangedListener);
// DataSource = dataSource;
// RuntimeProvider.Instance.StartCoroutine(InitCoroutine(() =>
// scrollRect.onValueChanged.AddListener(OnValueChangedListener)
// ));
// _prevAnchoredPos = scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition;
// }
// public void Refresh()
// {
// if (DataSource == null || _cellPool == null)
// return;
// int count = DataSource.ItemCount;
// if (currentItemCount > count)
// currentItemCount = Math.Max(count, _cellPool.Count);
// SetRecyclingBounds();
// RecycleBottomToTop();
// RecycleTopToBottom();
// PopulateCells();
// RefreshContentSize();
// UpdateSlider(false);
// }
// public void PopulateCells()
// {
// var width = scrollRect.viewport.rect.width;
// scrollRect.content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, scrollRect.content.sizeDelta.y);
// int cellIndex = topMostCellIndex;
// var itemIndex = currentItemCount - _cachedCells.Count;
// int iterated = 0;
// while (iterated < _cachedCells.Count)
// {
// var cell = _cachedCells[cellIndex];
// cellIndex++;
// if (cellIndex >= _cachedCells.Count)
// cellIndex = 0;
// DataSource.SetCell(cell, itemIndex);
// itemIndex++;
// var rect = _cellPool[cellIndex];
// rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, rect.sizeDelta.y);
// iterated++;
// }
// }
// private IEnumerator InitCoroutine(Action onInitialized)
// {
// yield return null;
// SetTopAnchor(scrollRect.content);
// scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition = Vector3.zero;
// yield return null;
// SetRecyclingBounds();
// //Cell Pool
// CreateCellPool();
// currentItemCount = _cellPool.Count;
// topMostCellIndex = 0;
// bottomMostCellIndex = _cellPool.Count - 1;
// //Set content height according to no of rows
// RefreshContentSize();
// SetTopAnchor(scrollRect.content);
// onInitialized?.Invoke();
// }
// private void RefreshContentSize()
// {
// int noOfRows = 0;
// foreach (var cell in _cachedCells)
// if (cell.Enabled) noOfRows++;
// float contentYSize = noOfRows * _cellHeight;
// scrollRect.content.sizeDelta = new Vector2(scrollRect.content.sizeDelta.x, contentYSize);
// }
// private void SetRecyclingBounds()
// {
// scrollRect.viewport.GetCorners(_corners);
// float threshHold = _cellHeight * ExtraCellPoolSize; //RecyclingThreshold * (_corners[2].y - _corners[0].y);
// _recyclableViewBounds.min = new Vector3(_corners[0].x, _corners[0].y - threshHold);
// _recyclableViewBounds.max = new Vector3(_corners[2].x, _corners[2].y + threshHold);
// }
// private void CreateCellPool()
// {
// //Reseting Pool
// if (_cellPool != null)
// {
// _cellPool.ForEach((RectTransform item) => GameObject.Destroy(item.gameObject));
// _cellPool.Clear();
// _cachedCells.Clear();
// }
// else
// {
// _cachedCells = new List<ICell>();
// _cellPool = new List<RectTransform>();
// }
// //Set the prototype cell active and set cell anchor as top
// PrototypeCell.gameObject.SetActive(true);
// SetTopAnchor(PrototypeCell);
// //Temps
// float currentPoolCoverage = 0;
// int poolSize = 0;
// float posY = 0;
// //set new cell size according to its aspect ratio
// _cellWidth = scrollRect.content.rect.width;
// _cellHeight = PrototypeCell.rect.height;
// //Get the required pool coverage and mininum size for the Cell pool
// float requiredCoverage = scrollRect.viewport.rect.height + (_cellHeight * (ExtraCellPoolSize * 2));
// //create cells untill the Pool area is covered
// while (currentPoolCoverage < requiredCoverage)
// {
// //Instantiate and add to Pool
// RectTransform item = GameObject.Instantiate(PrototypeCell.gameObject).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
// item.name = $"Cell_{_cachedCells.Count + 1}";
// item.sizeDelta = new Vector2(_cellWidth, _cellHeight);
// _cellPool.Add(item);
// item.SetParent(scrollRect.content, false);
// item.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, posY);
// posY = item.anchoredPosition.y - item.rect.height;
// currentPoolCoverage += item.rect.height;
// //Setting data for Cell
// var cell = DataSource.CreateCell(item);
// _cachedCells.Add(cell);
// DataSource.SetCell(cell, poolSize);
// //Update the Pool size
// poolSize++;
// }
// //Deactivate prototype cell if it is not a prefab(i.e it's present in scene)
// if (PrototypeCell.gameObject.scene.IsValid())
// PrototypeCell.gameObject.SetActive(false);
// }
// #endregion
// #region RECYCLING
// public Vector2 ProcessValueChange(Vector2 direction)
// {
// if (_recycling || _cellPool == null || _cellPool.Count == 0)
// return zeroVector;
// //Updating Recyclable view bounds since it can change with resolution changes.
// SetRecyclingBounds();
// _lastScroll = direction;
// if (direction.y > 0 && _cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].MaxY() > _recyclableViewBounds.min.y)
// {
// return RecycleTopToBottom();
// }
// else if (direction.y < 0 && _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].MinY() < _recyclableViewBounds.max.y)
// {
// return RecycleBottomToTop();
// }
// return zeroVector;
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Recycles cells from top to bottom in the List heirarchy
// /// </summary>
// private Vector2 RecycleTopToBottom()
// {
// _recycling = true;
// int n = 0;
// float posY;
// //to determine if content size needs to be updated
// //Recycle until cell at Top is avaiable and current item count smaller than datasource
// while (_cellPool[topMostCellIndex].MinY() > _recyclableViewBounds.max.y && currentItemCount < DataSource.ItemCount)
// {
// //Move top cell to bottom
// posY = _cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition.y - _cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y;
// _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition = new Vector2(_cellPool[topMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition.x, posY);
// //Cell for row at
// DataSource.SetCell(_cachedCells[topMostCellIndex], currentItemCount);
// //set new indices
// bottomMostCellIndex = topMostCellIndex;
// topMostCellIndex = (topMostCellIndex + 1) % _cellPool.Count;
// currentItemCount++;
// n++;
// }
// //Content anchor position adjustment.
// _cellPool.ForEach((RectTransform cell) => cell.anchoredPosition += n * Vector2.up * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y);
// scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition -= n * Vector2.up * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y;
// _recycling = false;
// return -new Vector2(0, n * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y);
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Recycles cells from bottom to top in the List heirarchy
// /// </summary>
// private Vector2 RecycleBottomToTop()
// {
// _recycling = true;
// int n = 0;
// float posY = 0;
// //to determine if content size needs to be updated
// //Recycle until cell at bottom is avaiable and current item count is greater than cellpool size
// while (_cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].MaxY() < _recyclableViewBounds.min.y && currentItemCount > _cellPool.Count)
// {
// //Move bottom cell to top
// posY = _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition.y + _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y;
// _cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition = new Vector2(_cellPool[bottomMostCellIndex].anchoredPosition.x, posY);
// n++;
// currentItemCount--;
// //Cell for row at
// DataSource.SetCell(_cachedCells[bottomMostCellIndex], currentItemCount - _cellPool.Count);
// //set new indices
// topMostCellIndex = bottomMostCellIndex;
// bottomMostCellIndex = (bottomMostCellIndex - 1 + _cellPool.Count) % _cellPool.Count;
// }
// _cellPool.ForEach((RectTransform cell) => cell.anchoredPosition -= n * Vector2.up * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y);
// scrollRect.content.anchoredPosition += n * Vector2.up * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y;
// _recycling = false;
// return new Vector2(0, n * _cellPool[topMostCellIndex].sizeDelta.y);
// }
// #endregion
// #region HELPERS
// /// <summary>
// /// Anchoring cell and content rect transforms to top preset. Makes repositioning easy.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="rectTransform"></param>
// private void SetTopAnchor(RectTransform rectTransform)
// {
// //Saving to reapply after anchoring. Width and height changes if anchoring is change.
// float width = rectTransform.rect.width;
// float height = rectTransform.rect.height;
// //Setting top anchor
// rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 1);
// rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 1);
// rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1);
// //Reapply size
// rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height);
// }
// #endregion
// }
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