Update to UniverseLib 1.3.4

This commit is contained in:
Sinai 2022-04-18 19:11:39 +10:00
parent a5e6b65dee
commit a5023d03f4
7 changed files with 10 additions and 637 deletions

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Inspectors
public void ChangeTarget(GameObject newTarget)
public void OnTransformCellClicked(GameObject newTarget)
this.Target = newTarget;
GOControls.UpdateGameObjectInfo(true, true);
@ -293,12 +293,8 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Inspectors
transformScroll = UIFactory.CreateScrollPool<TransformCell>(leftGroup, "TransformTree", out GameObject transformObj,
out GameObject transformContent, new Color(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.11f));
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(transformObj, flexibleHeight: 9999);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(transformContent, flexibleHeight: 9999);
TransformTree = new TransformTree(transformScroll, GetTransformEntries);
TransformTree.OnClickOverrideHandler = ChangeTarget;
TransformTree = new TransformTree(transformScroll, GetTransformEntries, OnTransformCellClicked);
// Right group (Components)

View File

@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Inspectors
if (this.GOTarget && this.GOTarget.transform.parent)

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ using UniverseLib;
using UniverseLib.UI;
using UniverseLib.UI.Models;
using UniverseLib.Utility;
using UniverseLib.UI.Widgets;
namespace UnityExplorer.ObjectExplorer
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.ObjectExplorer
if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) && !Tree.Filtering) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) && Tree.Filtering))
Tree.CurrentFilter = input;
@ -259,8 +260,7 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.ObjectExplorer
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(scrollObj, flexibleHeight: 9999);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(scrollContent, flexibleHeight: 9999);
Tree = new TransformTree(scrollPool, GetRootEntries);
Tree = new TransformTree(scrollPool, GetRootEntries, OnCellClicked);
Tree.RefreshData(true, true, true, false);
//scrollPool.Viewport.GetComponent<Mask>().enabled = false;
//UIRoot.GetComponent<Mask>().enabled = false;
@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.ObjectExplorer
void OnCellClicked(GameObject obj) => InspectorManager.Inspect(obj);
// To "fix" a strange FPS drop issue with MelonLoader.
private IEnumerator TempFixCoro()

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityExplorer.UI.Widgets
public class CachedTransform
public TransformTree Tree { get; }
public Transform Value { get; private set; }
public int InstanceID { get; }
public CachedTransform Parent { get; internal set; }
public int Depth { get; internal set; }
public int ChildCount { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public bool Enabled { get; internal set; }
public int SiblingIndex { get; internal set; }
public bool Expanded => Tree.IsTransformExpanded(InstanceID);
public CachedTransform(TransformTree tree, Transform transform, int depth, CachedTransform parent = null)
InstanceID = transform.GetInstanceID();
Tree = tree;
Value = transform;
Parent = parent;
SiblingIndex = transform.GetSiblingIndex();
Update(transform, depth);
public bool Update(Transform transform, int depth)
bool changed = false;
if (Value != transform
|| depth != Depth
|| ChildCount != transform.childCount
|| Name != transform.name
|| Enabled != transform.gameObject.activeSelf
|| SiblingIndex != transform.GetSiblingIndex())
changed = true;
Value = transform;
Depth = depth;
ChildCount = transform.childCount;
Name = transform.name;
Enabled = transform.gameObject.activeSelf;
SiblingIndex = transform.GetSiblingIndex();
return changed;

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@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniverseLib;
using UniverseLib.UI;
using UniverseLib.UI.Models;
using UniverseLib.UI.Widgets.ScrollView;
using UniverseLib.Utility;
namespace UnityExplorer.UI.Widgets
public class TransformCell : ICell
public float DefaultHeight => 25f;
public bool Enabled => enabled;
private bool enabled;
public Action<CachedTransform> OnExpandToggled;
public Action<CachedTransform> OnEnableToggled;
public Action<GameObject> OnGameObjectClicked;
public CachedTransform cachedTransform;
public GameObject UIRoot { get; set; }
public RectTransform Rect { get; set; }
public ButtonRef ExpandButton;
public ButtonRef NameButton;
public Toggle EnabledToggle;
public InputFieldRef SiblingIndex;
public LayoutElement spacer;
public void Enable()
enabled = true;
public void Disable()
enabled = false;
public void ConfigureCell(CachedTransform cached)
if (cached == null)
ExplorerCore.LogWarning("Setting TransformTree cell but the CachedTransform is null!");
if (!Enabled)
cachedTransform = cached;
spacer.minWidth = cached.Depth * 15;
if (cached.Value)
string name = cached.Value.name?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = "<i><color=grey>untitled</color></i>";
NameButton.ButtonText.text = name;
NameButton.ButtonText.color = cached.Value.gameObject.activeSelf ? Color.white : Color.grey;
EnabledToggle.Set(cached.Value.gameObject.activeSelf, false);
if (!cached.Value.parent)
if (!SiblingIndex.Component.isFocused)
SiblingIndex.Text = cached.Value.GetSiblingIndex().ToString();
int childCount = cached.Value.childCount;
if (childCount > 0)
NameButton.ButtonText.text = $"<color=grey>[{childCount}]</color> {NameButton.ButtonText.text}";
ExpandButton.Component.interactable = true;
ExpandButton.ButtonText.text = cached.Expanded ? "▼" : "►";
ExpandButton.ButtonText.color = cached.Expanded ? new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f) : new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
ExpandButton.Component.interactable = false;
ExpandButton.ButtonText.text = "▪";
ExpandButton.ButtonText.color = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
NameButton.ButtonText.text = $"[Destroyed]";
NameButton.ButtonText.color = Color.red;
public void OnMainButtonClicked()
if (cachedTransform.Value)
ExplorerCore.LogWarning("The object was destroyed!");
public void OnExpandClicked()
private void OnEnableClicked(bool value)
private void OnSiblingIndexEndEdit(string input)
if (this.cachedTransform == null || !this.cachedTransform.Value)
if (int.TryParse(input.Trim(), out int index))
this.SiblingIndex.Text = this.cachedTransform.Value.GetSiblingIndex().ToString();
public GameObject CreateContent(GameObject parent)
UIRoot = UIFactory.CreateUIObject("TransformCell", parent);
UIFactory.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(UIRoot, false, false, true, true, 2, childAlignment: TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
Rect = UIRoot.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
Rect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 1);
Rect.anchorMax = new Vector2(0, 1);
Rect.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1);
Rect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(25, 25);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(UIRoot, minWidth: 100, flexibleWidth: 9999, minHeight: 25, flexibleHeight: 0);
GameObject spacerObj = UIFactory.CreateUIObject("Spacer", UIRoot, new Vector2(0, 0));
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(spacerObj, minWidth: 0, flexibleWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, flexibleHeight: 0);
this.spacer = spacerObj.GetComponent<LayoutElement>();
// Expand arrow
ExpandButton = UIFactory.CreateButton(this.UIRoot, "ExpandButton", "►");
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(ExpandButton.Component.gameObject, minWidth: 15, flexibleWidth: 0, minHeight: 25, flexibleHeight: 0);
// Enabled toggle
GameObject toggleObj = UIFactory.CreateToggle(UIRoot, "BehaviourToggle", out EnabledToggle, out Text behavText, default, 17, 17);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(toggleObj, minHeight: 17, flexibleHeight: 0, minWidth: 17);
// Name button
GameObject nameBtnHolder = UIFactory.CreateHorizontalGroup(this.UIRoot, "NameButtonHolder",
false, false, true, true, childAlignment: TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(nameBtnHolder, flexibleWidth: 9999, minHeight: 25, flexibleHeight: 0);
nameBtnHolder.AddComponent<Mask>().showMaskGraphic = false;
NameButton = UIFactory.CreateButton(nameBtnHolder, "NameButton", "Name", null);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(NameButton.Component.gameObject, flexibleWidth: 9999, minHeight: 25, flexibleHeight: 0);
Text nameLabel = NameButton.Component.GetComponentInChildren<Text>();
nameLabel.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
nameLabel.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
// Sibling index input
SiblingIndex = UIFactory.CreateInputField(this.UIRoot, "SiblingIndexInput", string.Empty);
SiblingIndex.Component.textComponent.fontSize = 11;
SiblingIndex.Component.textComponent.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
Image siblingImage = SiblingIndex.GameObject.GetComponent<Image>();
siblingImage.color = new(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.25f);
UIFactory.SetLayoutElement(SiblingIndex.GameObject, 35, 20, 0, 0);
// Setup selectables
Color normal = new(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.11f);
Color highlight = new(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f);
Color pressed = new(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
Color disabled = new(1, 1, 1, 0);
RuntimeHelper.SetColorBlock(ExpandButton.Component, normal, highlight, pressed, disabled);
RuntimeHelper.SetColorBlock(NameButton.Component, normal, highlight, pressed, disabled);
NameButton.OnClick += OnMainButtonClicked;
ExpandButton.OnClick += OnExpandClicked;
return this.UIRoot;

View File

@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using UnityEngine;
using UniverseLib;
using UniverseLib.UI.Widgets.ScrollView;
using UniverseLib.Utility;
namespace UnityExplorer.UI.Widgets
public class TransformTree : ICellPoolDataSource<TransformCell>
public Func<IEnumerable<GameObject>> GetRootEntriesMethod;
public Action<GameObject> OnClickOverrideHandler;
public ScrollPool<TransformCell> ScrollPool;
// IMPORTANT CAVEAT WITH OrderedDictionary:
// While the performance is mostly good, there are two methods we should NEVER use:
// - Remove(object)
// - set_Item[object]
// These two methods have extremely bad performance due to using IndexOfKey(), which iterates the whole dictionary.
// Currently we do not use either of these methods, so everything should be constant time lookups.
// We DO make use of get_Item[object], get_Item[index], Add, Insert, Contains and RemoveAt, which OrderedDictionary meets our needs for.
/// <summary>
/// Key: UnityEngine.Transform instance ID<br/>
/// Value: CachedTransform
/// </summary>
internal readonly OrderedDictionary cachedTransforms = new();
// for keeping track of which actual transforms are expanded or not, outside of the cache data.
private readonly HashSet<int> expandedInstanceIDs = new();
private readonly HashSet<int> autoExpandedIDs = new();
// state for Traverse parse
private readonly HashSet<int> visited = new();
private bool needRefreshUI;
private int displayIndex;
int prevDisplayIndex;
private Coroutine refreshCoroutine;
private readonly Stopwatch traversedThisFrame = new();
// ScrollPool item count. PrevDisplayIndex is the highest index + 1 from our last traverse.
public int ItemCount => prevDisplayIndex;
// Search filter
public bool Filtering => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentFilter);
private bool wasFiltering;
public string CurrentFilter
get => currentFilter;
currentFilter = value ?? "";
if (!wasFiltering && Filtering)
wasFiltering = true;
else if (wasFiltering && !Filtering)
wasFiltering = false;
private string currentFilter;
public TransformTree(ScrollPool<TransformCell> scrollPool, Func<IEnumerable<GameObject>> getRootEntriesMethod)
ScrollPool = scrollPool;
GetRootEntriesMethod = getRootEntriesMethod;
// Initialize and reset
// Must be called externally from owner of this TransformTree
public void Init()
// Called to completely reset the tree, ie. switching inspected GameObject
public void Rebuild()
RefreshData(true, true, true, false);
// Called to completely wipe our data (ie, GameObject inspector returning to pool)
public void Clear()
displayIndex = 0;
this.ScrollPool.Refresh(true, true);
if (refreshCoroutine != null)
refreshCoroutine = null;
// Checks if the given Instance ID is expanded or not
public bool IsTransformExpanded(int instanceID)
return Filtering ? autoExpandedIDs.Contains(instanceID)
: expandedInstanceIDs.Contains(instanceID);
// Jumps to a specific Transform in the tree and highlights it.
public void JumpAndExpandToTransform(Transform transform)
// make sure all parents of the object are expanded
Transform parent = transform.parent;
while (parent)
int pid = parent.GetInstanceID();
if (!expandedInstanceIDs.Contains(pid))
parent = parent.parent;
// Refresh cached transforms (no UI rebuild yet).
// Stop existing coroutine and do it oneshot.
RefreshData(false, false, true, true);
int transformID = transform.GetInstanceID();
// find the index of our transform in the list and jump to it
int idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < cachedTransforms.Count; idx++)
CachedTransform cache = (CachedTransform)cachedTransforms[idx];
if (cache.InstanceID == transformID)
ScrollPool.JumpToIndex(idx, OnCellJumpedTo);
private void OnCellJumpedTo(TransformCell cell)
private IEnumerator HighlightCellCoroutine(TransformCell cell)
UnityEngine.UI.Button button = cell.NameButton.Component;
button.StartColorTween(new Color(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.2f), false);
float start = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
while (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start < 1.5f)
yield return null;
// Perform a Traverse and optionally refresh the ScrollPool as well.
// If oneShot, then this happens instantly with no yield.
public void RefreshData(bool andRefreshUI, bool jumpToTop, bool stopExistingCoroutine, bool oneShot)
if (refreshCoroutine != null)
if (stopExistingCoroutine)
refreshCoroutine = null;
displayIndex = 0;
needRefreshUI = false;
refreshCoroutine = RuntimeHelper.StartCoroutine(RefreshCoroutine(andRefreshUI, jumpToTop, oneShot));
IEnumerator RefreshCoroutine(bool andRefreshUI, bool jumpToTop, bool oneShot)
// Instead of doing string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentFilter) many times, let's just do it once per update.
bool filtering = Filtering;
IEnumerable<GameObject> rootObjects = GetRootEntriesMethod();
foreach (GameObject gameObj in rootObjects)
if (!gameObj)
IEnumerator enumerator = Traverse(gameObj.transform, null, 0, oneShot, filtering);
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (!oneShot)
yield return enumerator.Current;
// Prune displayed transforms that we didnt visit in that traverse
for (int i = cachedTransforms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (traversedThisFrame.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2)
yield return null;
CachedTransform cached = (CachedTransform)cachedTransforms[i];
if (!visited.Contains(cached.InstanceID))
needRefreshUI = true;
if (andRefreshUI && needRefreshUI)
ScrollPool.Refresh(true, jumpToTop);
prevDisplayIndex = displayIndex;
refreshCoroutine = null;
// Recursive method to check a Transform and its children (if expanded).
// Parent and depth can be null/default.
private IEnumerator Traverse(Transform transform, CachedTransform parent, int depth, bool oneShot, bool filtering)
if (traversedThisFrame.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2)
yield return null;
int instanceID = transform.GetInstanceID();
// Unlikely, but since this method is async it could theoretically happen in extremely rare circumstances
if (visited.Contains(instanceID))
yield break;
if (filtering)
if (!FilterHierarchy(transform))
yield break;
if (!autoExpandedIDs.Contains(instanceID))
CachedTransform cached;
if (cachedTransforms.Contains(instanceID))
cached = (CachedTransform)cachedTransforms[(object)instanceID];
int prevSiblingIdx = cached.SiblingIndex;
if (cached.Update(transform, depth))
needRefreshUI = true;
// If the sibling index changed, we need to shuffle it in our cached transforms list.
if (prevSiblingIdx != cached.SiblingIndex)
if (cachedTransforms.Count <= displayIndex)
cachedTransforms.Add(instanceID, cached);
cachedTransforms.Insert(displayIndex, instanceID, cached);
needRefreshUI = true;
cached = new CachedTransform(this, transform, depth, parent);
if (cachedTransforms.Count <= displayIndex)
cachedTransforms.Add(instanceID, cached);
cachedTransforms.Insert(displayIndex, instanceID, cached);
if (IsTransformExpanded(instanceID) && cached.Value.childCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
IEnumerator enumerator = Traverse(transform.GetChild(i), cached, depth + 1, oneShot, filtering);
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if (!oneShot)
yield return enumerator.Current;
private bool FilterHierarchy(Transform obj)
if (obj.name.ContainsIgnoreCase(currentFilter))
return true;
if (obj.childCount <= 0)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < obj.childCount; i++)
if (FilterHierarchy(obj.GetChild(i)))
return true;
return false;
public void SetCell(TransformCell cell, int index)
if (index < cachedTransforms.Count)
if (Filtering)
if (cell.cachedTransform.Name.ContainsIgnoreCase(currentFilter))
cell.NameButton.ButtonText.color = Color.green;
public void OnCellBorrowed(TransformCell cell)
cell.OnExpandToggled += OnCellExpandToggled;
cell.OnGameObjectClicked += OnGameObjectClicked;
cell.OnEnableToggled += OnCellEnableToggled;
private void OnGameObjectClicked(GameObject obj)
if (OnClickOverrideHandler != null)
public void OnCellExpandToggled(CachedTransform cache)
int instanceID = cache.InstanceID;
if (expandedInstanceIDs.Contains(instanceID))
RefreshData(true, false, true, true);
public void OnCellEnableToggled(CachedTransform cache)
RefreshData(true, false, true, true);

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@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
<!-- il2cpp nuget -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='ML_Cpp_net6' or '$(Configuration)'=='ML_Cpp_net472' or '$(Configuration)'=='STANDALONE_Cpp' or '$(Configuration)'=='BIE_Cpp'">
<PackageReference Include="Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower.BaseLib" Version="0.4.22" IncludeAssets="compile" />
<PackageReference Include="UniverseLib.IL2CPP" Version="1.3.3" />
<PackageReference Include="UniverseLib.IL2CPP" Version="1.3.4" />
<!-- mono nuget -->
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='BIE6_Mono' or '$(Configuration)'=='BIE5_Mono' or '$(Configuration)'=='ML_Mono' or '$(Configuration)'=='STANDALONE_Mono'">
<PackageReference Include="UniverseLib.Mono" Version="1.3.3" />
<PackageReference Include="UniverseLib.Mono" Version="1.3.4" />
<!-- ~~~~~ ASSEMBLY REFERENCES ~~~~~ -->