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synced 2025-01-07 10:03:38 +08:00
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@ -14,112 +14,31 @@ using UnhollowerBaseLib;
namespace UnityExplorer.Tests
public class TestIndexer : IList<int>
private readonly List<int> list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
public int Count => list.Count;
public bool IsReadOnly => false;
int IList<int>.this[int index]
get => list[index];
set => list[index] = value;
public int IndexOf(int item) => list.IndexOf(item);
public bool Contains(int item) => list.Contains(item);
public void Add(int item) => list.Add(item);
public void Insert(int index, int item) => list.Insert(index, item);
public bool Remove(int item) => list.Remove(item);
public void RemoveAt(int index) => list.RemoveAt(index);
public void Clear() => list.Clear();
public void CopyTo(int[] array, int arrayIndex) => list.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator() => list.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => list.GetEnumerator();
public static class TestClass
public static readonly TestIndexer AAAAATest = new TestIndexer();
public static void ATestMethod(string s, float f, Vector3 vector, DateTime date, Quaternion quater, bool b, CameraClearFlags enumvalue)
static TestClass()
ExplorerCore.Log($"{s}, {f}, {vector.ToString()}, {date}, {quater.eulerAngles.ToString()}, {b}, {enumvalue}");
#if CPP
public static List<int> AWritableList = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
public static Dictionary<string, int> AWritableDict = new Dictionary<string, int> { { "one", 1 }, { "two", 2 } };
public static IEnumerable ANestedList = new List<List<List<string>>>
new List<List<string>>
new List<string>
new List<string>
new List<List<string>>
new List<string>
public static IDictionary ARandomDictionary = new Dictionary<object, object>
{ 1, 2 },
{ "one", "two" },
{ true, false },
{ new Vector3(0,1,2), new Vector3(1,2,3) },
{ CameraClearFlags.Depth, CameraClearFlags.Color },
{ "################################################\r\n##########", null },
{ "subdict", new Dictionary<object,object> { { "key", "value" } } }
public static Hashtable TestHashtable = new Hashtable
{ "one", "value" },
{ "two", "value" },
{ "three", "value" },
public const int ConstantInt = 5;
public static Color AColor = Color.magenta;
public static Color32 AColor32 = Color.red;
// Test enumerables
public static List<object> ListOfInts;
public static List<List<List<string>>> NestedList;
public static IDictionary MixedDictionary;
public static Hashtable Hashtable;
public static byte[] ByteArray = new byte[16];
public static string LongString = new string('#', 10000);
public static List<string> BigList = new List<string>(10000);
public static List<short> ABigList = new List<short>(10000);
// Test const behaviour (should be a readonly field)
public const int ConstantInt5 = 5;
// Testing other InteractiveValues
public static Color Color = Color.magenta;
public static Color32 Color32 = Color.red;
public static string ALongString = new string('#', 10000);
public static List<object> RandomList
@ -133,25 +52,7 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Tests
private static void TestGeneric<T>()
ExplorerCore.Log("Test1 " + typeof(T).FullName);
private static void TestGenericClass<T>() where T : class
ExplorerCore.Log("Test2 " + typeof(T).FullName);
private static void TestComponent<T>() where T : Component
ExplorerCore.Log("Test3 " + typeof(T).FullName);
private static void TestStruct<T>() where T : struct
ExplorerCore.Log("Test3 " + typeof(T).FullName);
// Test methods
private static object GetRandomObject()
@ -165,109 +66,133 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Tests
case 2: return true;
case 3: return "hello";
case 4: return 50.5f;
case 5: return UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags.Color;
case 6: return new List<string> { "sub list", "lol" };
case 5: return CameraClearFlags.Color;
case 6: return new List<string> { "one", "two" };
return ret;
public static void TestComponent<T>() where T : Component
ExplorerCore.Log($"Test3 {typeof(T).FullName}");
public static void TestArgumentParse(string s, int i, Color color, CameraClearFlags flags, Vector3 vector, Quaternion quaternion)
ExplorerCore.Log($"{s}, {i}, {color.ToString()}, {flags}, {vector.ToString()}, {quaternion.ToString()}");
private static void Init_Mono()
ExplorerCore.Log($"1: Basic list");
ListOfInts = new List<object> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
ExplorerCore.Log($"2: Nested list");
NestedList = new List<List<List<string>>>
new List<List<string>> {
new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" },
new List<string> { "4", "5", "6" },
new List<List<string>>
new List<string> { "7", "8", "9" }
ExplorerCore.Log($"3: Dictionary");
MixedDictionary = new Dictionary<object, object>
{ 1, 2 },
{ "one", "two" },
{ true, false },
{ new Vector3(0,1,2), new Vector3(1,2,3) },
{ CameraClearFlags.Depth, CameraClearFlags.Color },
{ "################################################\r\n##########", null },
{ "subdict", new Dictionary<object,object> { { "key", "value" } } }
ExplorerCore.Log($"4: Hashtable");
Hashtable = new Hashtable { { "One", 1 }, { "Two", 2 } };
ExplorerCore.Log($"5: Big list");
for (int i = 0; i < ABigList.Capacity; i++)
ABigList[i] = (short)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, short.MaxValue);
ExplorerCore.Log("Finished TestClass Init_Mono");
#if CPP
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.IList IL2CPP_IList;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.List<string> IL2CPP_ListString;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> IL2CPP_HashSet;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> IL2CPP_Dict;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Hashtable IL2CPP_HashTable;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.IDictionary IL2CPP_IDict;
public static string IL2CPP_systemString = "Test";
public static Il2CppSystem.Object IL2CPP_objectString = "string boxed as cpp object";
public static Il2CppSystem.String IL2CPP_il2cppString = "string boxed as cpp string";
public static string nullString = null;
public static List<Il2CppSystem.Object> IL2CPP_listOfBoxedObjects;
public static Il2CppStructArray<int> IL2CPP_structArray;
public static Il2CppStringArray IL2CPP_stringArray;
public static Il2CppReferenceArray<Il2CppSystem.Object> IL2CPP_ReferenceArray;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.IDictionary IL2CPP_IDict;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.IList IL2CPP_IList;
public static Dictionary<Il2CppSystem.String, Il2CppSystem.Object> CppBoxedDict;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> IL2CPP_HashSet;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> IL2CPP_Dict;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Hashtable IL2CPP_HashTable;
public static Il2CppSystem.Object cppBoxedInt;
public static Il2CppSystem.Int32 cppInt;
public static Il2CppSystem.Decimal cppDecimal;
public static Il2CppSystem.Object cppDecimalBoxed;
public static Il2CppSystem.Object cppVector3Boxed;
public static string IL2CPP_systemString = "Test";
public static Il2CppSystem.Object IL2CPP_objectString = "string boxed as cpp object";
public static Il2CppSystem.String IL2CPP_il2cppString = "string boxed as cpp string";
public static string nullString = null;
public static Il2CppSystem.Object RandomBoxedColor
private static void Init_IL2CPP()
int ran = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3);
switch (ran)
case 1: return new Color32().BoxIl2CppObject();
case 2: return Color.magenta.BoxIl2CppObject();
return null;
public static Il2CppSystem.Collections.Hashtable cppHashset;
public static Dictionary<Il2CppSystem.String, Il2CppSystem.Object> CppBoxedDict;
static TestClass()
for (int i = 0; i < BigList.Capacity; i++)
#if CPP
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 1: Il2Cpp Dictionary<string, string>");
IL2CPP_Dict = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
IL2CPP_Dict.Add("key1", "value1");
IL2CPP_Dict.Add("key2", "value2");
IL2CPP_Dict.Add("key3", "value3");
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 2: Il2Cpp Hashtable");
IL2CPP_HashTable = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Hashtable();
IL2CPP_HashTable.Add("key1", "value1");
IL2CPP_HashTable.Add("key2", "value2");
IL2CPP_HashTable.Add("key3", "value3");
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 3: Il2Cpp IDictionary");
var dict2 = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
dict2.Add("key1", "value1");
IL2CPP_IDict = dict2.TryCast<Il2CppSystem.Collections.IDictionary>();
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 4: Il2Cpp List of Il2Cpp Object");
var list = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.List<Il2CppSystem.Object>(5);
IL2CPP_IList = list.TryCast<Il2CppSystem.Collections.IList>();
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 5: Il2Cpp List of strings");
IL2CPP_ListString = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 6: Il2Cpp HashSet of strings");
IL2CPP_HashSet = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>();
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 7: Dictionary of Il2Cpp String and Il2Cpp Object");
CppBoxedDict = new Dictionary<Il2CppSystem.String, Il2CppSystem.Object>();
CppBoxedDict.Add("1", new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 1 }.BoxIl2CppObject());
CppBoxedDict.Add("2", new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 2 }.BoxIl2CppObject());
CppBoxedDict.Add("3", new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 3 }.BoxIl2CppObject());
CppBoxedDict.Add("4", new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 4 }.BoxIl2CppObject());
cppDecimal = new Il2CppSystem.Decimal(1f);
cppDecimalBoxed = new Il2CppSystem.Decimal(1f).BoxIl2CppObject();
cppVector3Boxed = Vector3.down.BoxIl2CppObject();
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 8: List of boxed Il2Cpp Objects");
IL2CPP_listOfBoxedObjects = new List<Il2CppSystem.Object>();
IL2CPP_listOfBoxedObjects.Add(new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 5 }.BoxIl2CppObject());
// boxed enum test
var cppType = Il2CppType.Of<CameraClearFlags>();
@ -283,9 +208,10 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Tests
catch (Exception ex)
ExplorerCore.LogWarning($"Test fail: {ex}");
ExplorerCore.LogWarning($"Boxed enum test fail: {ex}");
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 9: Il2Cpp struct array of ints");
IL2CPP_structArray = new UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppStructArray<int>(5);
IL2CPP_structArray[0] = 0;
IL2CPP_structArray[1] = 1;
@ -293,24 +219,21 @@ namespace UnityExplorer.Tests
IL2CPP_structArray[3] = 3;
IL2CPP_structArray[4] = 4;
IL2CPP_stringArray = new UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppStringArray(2);
IL2CPP_stringArray[0] = "hello, ";
IL2CPP_stringArray[1] = "world!";
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 10: Il2Cpp reference array of boxed objects");
IL2CPP_ReferenceArray = new UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppReferenceArray<Il2CppSystem.Object>(3);
IL2CPP_ReferenceArray[0] = new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 5 }.BoxIl2CppObject();
IL2CPP_ReferenceArray[1] = null;
IL2CPP_ReferenceArray[2] = (Il2CppSystem.String)"whats up";
ExplorerCore.Log($"IL2CPP 11: Misc il2cpp members");
cppBoxedInt = new Il2CppSystem.Int32() { m_value = 5 }.BoxIl2CppObject();
cppInt = new Il2CppSystem.Int32 { m_value = 420 };
cppDecimal = new Il2CppSystem.Decimal(1f);
cppDecimalBoxed = new Il2CppSystem.Decimal(1f).BoxIl2CppObject();
cppVector3Boxed = Vector3.down.BoxIl2CppObject();
cppHashset = new Il2CppSystem.Collections.Hashtable();
cppHashset.Add("key1", "itemOne");
cppHashset.Add("key2", "itemTwo");
cppHashset.Add("key3", "itemThree");
ExplorerCore.Log($"Finished Init_Il2Cpp");
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ using UnityExplorer.UI;
using UnityExplorer.Inspectors;
using UnityExplorer.ObjectExplorer;
using UnityExplorer.UI.Panels;
using HarmonyLib;
namespace UnityExplorer
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