An in-game explorer and a suite of debugging tools for <ahref="">IL2CPP</a> and <b>Mono</b> Unity games, to aid with modding development.
Note: For IL2CPP you should use [BepInEx 6 (Bleeding Edge)](, for Mono you should use [BepInEx 5]( (until Mono support stabilizes in BepInEx 6).
Note: You must use version 0.3 of MelonLoader or greater. Version 0.3 is currently in pre-release, so you must opt-in from your MelonLoader installer (enable alpha releases).
You can change the settings via the "Options" page of the main menu, or directly from the config file (generated after first launch). The config file will be found either inside a "UnityExplorer" folder in the same directory as where you put the DLL file, or for BepInEx it will be at `BepInEx\config\UnityExplorer\`.
If you'd like to build this yourself, all you need to do is download this repository and build from Visual Studio. If you want to build for BepInEx or MelonLoader IL2CPP then you will need to install the mod loader for a game and set the directory in the `csproj` file.
3. Set `BIECppGameFolder` (for BepInEx) and/or `MLCppGameFolder` (for MelonLoader) so the project can locate the necessary references.
For all builds:
1. Open the `src\UnityExplorer.sln` project.
2. Select `Solution 'UnityExplorer' (1 of 1 project)` in the Solution Explorer panel, and set the <b>Active config</b> property to the version you want to build, then build it.
3. The DLLs are built to the `Release\` folder in the root of the repository.
4. If ILRepack fails or is missing, use the NuGet package manager to re-install `ILRepack.Lib.MSBuild.Task`, then re-build.
* (GPL) [ManlyMarco]('s [Runtime Unity Editor](, which I used for some aspects of the C# Console and Auto-Complete features. The snippets I used are indicated with a comment.
* (MIT) [denikson]( (aka Horse)'s [mcs-unity]( I commented out the `SkipVisibilityExt` constructor since it was causing an exception with the Hook it attempted in IL2CPP.
* (Apache) [InGameCodeEditor]( was used as the base for the syntax highlighting for UnityExplorer's C# console, although it has been heavily rewritten and optimized. Used classes are in the `UnityExplorer.CSConsole.Lexer` namespace.