2024-12-29 15:49:51 +03:00

940 lines
29 KiB

struct Target_Structure
__int32 Identifier;
void* Self;
__int8 Priority;
float Distance;
__int32 Tick_Number;
std::vector<Target_Structure> Sorted_Target_List;
void* Get_Studio_Header(void* Entity)
using Get_Studio_Header_Type = void*(__thiscall*)(void* Entity);
return Get_Studio_Header_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8512)(Entity);
void* Get_Hitbox_Set(Target_Structure* Target, float(*Bones)[3][4], float Time)
using Setup_Bones_Type = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, void* Bones, __int32 Maximum_Bones, __int32 Mask, float Current_Time);
if (Setup_Bones_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 246656)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 4), Bones, 128, 524032, Time) == 1)
void* Studio_Header = *(void**)Get_Studio_Header(Target->Self);
return (void*)((unsigned __int32)Studio_Header + *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Studio_Header + 176));
return nullptr;
void* Original_Copy_Command_Caller;
void __thiscall Redirected_Copy_Command(void* Unknown_Parameter, Command_Structure* Command)
Extended_Command_Structure* Extended_Command = &Extended_Commands[Command->Command_Number % 150];
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands = 0;
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift = 0;
void* Local_Player = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7498712);
Global_Variables_Structure* Global_Variables = *(Global_Variables_Structure**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7096744);
if (Extra_Commands == -1)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16) = Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) = Command->Command_Number;
if ((Command->Buttons & 524288) == 524288)
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands = max(0, Extra_Commands = std::clamp(Interface_Extra_Commands.Integer, (__int32)(0.06f / Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick + 0.5f), 14));
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16) *= 1.f + Extended_Command->Extra_Commands * Interface_Interpolate_Extra_Commands.Integer;
__int32 Variable_Number = 0;
void* Variable = *(void**)(*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 24) + Variable_Number * 12 + 8);
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Variable + 36) = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16);
Variable_Number += 1;
if (Variable_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 36))
goto Traverse_Variables_Label;
if (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 327) == 0)
float Move_Angles[3] =
static float Previous_Move_Angle_Y;
if ((Command->Buttons & 2) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 324) == 4)
Command->Move[0] = 0;
if (*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 316) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
Command->Buttons &= ~2;
Command->Buttons &= ~(*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5028) & 2);
float Difference = __builtin_remainderf(Move_Angles[1] - Previous_Move_Angle_Y, 360.f);
Previous_Move_Angle_Y = Move_Angles[1];
float* Velocity = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 256);
if (__builtin_fabsf(Difference) < __builtin_atan2f(30.f, __builtin_hypotf(Velocity[0], Velocity[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f)
float Strafe_Angle = __builtin_remainderf(Move_Angles[1] - __builtin_atan2f(Velocity[1], Velocity[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f, 360.f);
if (__builtin_signbitf(Strafe_Angle) == 0)
Command->Move[1] = -400.f;
Command->Move[1] = 400.f;
Move_Angles[1] -= Strafe_Angle;
if (__builtin_signbitf(Difference) == 0)
Command->Move[1] = -400.f;
Command->Move[1] = 400.f;
Previous_Move_Angle_Y = Move_Angles[1];
float Previous_Move[2];
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Previous_Move, sizeof(Previous_Move), Command->Move);
float Desired_Move_Forward[3];
float Desired_Move_Right[3];
Angle_Vectors(Move_Angles, Desired_Move_Forward, Desired_Move_Right, nullptr);
Desired_Move_Forward[2] = 0.f;
Desired_Move_Right[2] = 0.f;
float Desired_Move[2] =
Desired_Move_Forward[0] * Command->Move[0] + Desired_Move_Right[0] * Command->Move[1],
Desired_Move_Forward[1] * Command->Move[0] + Desired_Move_Right[1] * Command->Move[1]
auto Correct_Movement = [&]() -> void
float Move_Forward[3];
float Move_Right[3];
Angle_Vectors(Command->Angles, Move_Forward, Move_Right, nullptr);
Move_Forward[2] = 0.f;
Move_Right[2] = 0.f;
float Divider = Move_Forward[0] * Move_Right[1] - Move_Right[0] * Move_Forward[1];
Command->Move[0] = (Desired_Move[0] * Move_Right[1] - Move_Right[0] * Desired_Move[1]) / Divider;
Command->Move[1] = (Move_Forward[0] * Desired_Move[1] - Desired_Move[0] * Move_Forward[1]) / Divider;
Extended_Command_Structure* Initial_Extended_Command = &Extended_Commands[*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) % 150];
void* Network_Channel = *(void**)(*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 4352236) + 24);
auto Sequence_Shift = [&](__int32 Reserve) -> void
if (Initial_Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift == 0)
__int32 Sequence_Shift = (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5324) - Extended_Command->Extra_Commands + ~-150) / 150 * 150 + (Reserve * 150);
if (Sequence_Shift > 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 8) += Sequence_Shift;
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift += Sequence_Shift;
__int32 Command_Number = Command->Command_Number;
Command_Number -= 1;
if (Command_Number >= *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20))
Extended_Commands[Command_Number % 150].Sequence_Shift = Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift;
goto Traverse_Command_Batch_Label;
static __int32 Accumulative_Correction; //rem: deviation from clock-corrected tick (not "accumulative correction")
//rem: extra commands queued with no clock correction applied due to m_PacketDrop induced negation (not "absolute speed")
auto Absolute_Speed = [&]() -> void
if (Interface_Extra_Commands_Action.Integer > 0)
if (Extended_Command == Initial_Extended_Command)
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands = 0;
Extra_Commands = max((__int32)(0.06f / Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick + 0.5f), Interface_Extra_Commands_Action.Integer);
Accumulative_Correction += 1;
if (Initial_Extended_Command->Extra_Commands == 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 16) = -1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 28) = 255;
auto Correct_Extended_Command = [&]() -> void
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 16) != -1)
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands += Accumulative_Correction;
Accumulative_Correction = 0;
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift = Initial_Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift;
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 228) == 3)
if (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7322) == 0)
if (*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 10008) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
__int8 Is_Jockey_Victim = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 10056) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ((*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 10012) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) + (*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 10024) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) + Is_Jockey_Victim != 0)
Command->Buttons |= Is_Jockey_Victim * 2;
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7324) == 0)
__int8 Action = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7080) != 0;
__int8 Reviving = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8076) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ((*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4604) + 800.f * Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick >= 560.f) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8068) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 9708) != 0)
if (Action + Reviving != 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5620) = Command->Command_Number;
void* Prediction = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8072728);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 8) = 1;
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 24) = 0;
using Set_Host_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Move_Helper, void* Player);
Set_Host_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1331184)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888), Local_Player);
Redirected_Run_Command(Prediction, Local_Player, Command, (void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888));
Set_Host_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1331184)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888), nullptr);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 8) = 0;
__int32 Block_Buttons = 2049;
if ((*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 324) & 9) == 0)
if ((*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5020) & 32) * (Action ^ 1) == 0)
using Can_Attack_Type = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Player);
if (Can_Attack_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 2541696)(Local_Player) == 1)
void* Weapon = *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7867) == 0 ? *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644532 + (((*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4228) & 4095) - 4097) << 4)) : nullptr;
if (Weapon == nullptr)
Block_Buttons = 2048;
__int8 Cancelable_Shove = 1 + (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7336) < Global_Variables->Current_Time) * (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2404) <= Global_Variables->Current_Time);
__int32 Weapon_Identifier = Get_Identifier(Weapon, 1, 0);
if ((Weapon_Identifier == 105) + (Weapon_Identifier == 121) == 0)
if ((129 * (Weapon_Identifier != 120) - Weapon_Identifier ^ Weapon_Identifier - 106) >= 0)
using Is_Grenade_Type = __int8(__thiscall**)(void* Weapon);
if ((*Is_Grenade_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Weapon + 1308))(Weapon) == 1)
Cancelable_Shove = min((*(__int16*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3304) == 0) + (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3308) == 0.f), Cancelable_Shove);
Cancelable_Shove = min(1 + (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3312) == -1.f), Cancelable_Shove);
__int8 In_Shove = Global_Variables->Current_Time >= *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7904);
if (Global_Variables->Current_Time >= *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2704))
In_Shove = *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2720);
__int32 Ammo = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2436);
static void* Predicted_Shot;
using Get_Weapon_Data_Type = void*(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon);
void* Weapon_Data = Get_Weapon_Data_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 86432)(Weapon);
__int8 Is_Melee = (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 352) * (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 348) ^ 1) <= 1) * (Weapon_Identifier != 96);
__int8 Reloading = *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2493);
__int8 Can_Attack = 0;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 39)
void* Animation_Overlay = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3408);
if (Animation_Overlay != nullptr) //1 tick behind. required until "weapon prediction" (misnomer) is implemented
Can_Attack = *(float*)(*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Animation_Overlay + 2392) + 28) > 0.95f;
Can_Attack = (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2400) <= Global_Variables->Current_Time) * (Ammo > 0 - Is_Melee * 2) * (Reloading ^ 1);
if ((*(double*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3392) == 0.) * Weapon_Identifier == 153)
Can_Attack *= *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3400) <= Global_Variables->Current_Time;
__int32 Entity_Number = 1;
using Get_Interpolation_Time_Type = float(__cdecl*)();
float Interpolation_Time = Get_Interpolation_Time_Type((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 594000)();
auto Get_Target_Time = [&](Target_Structure* Target) -> float
if (Interface_Target_On_Simulation.Integer == 0)
return *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 336);
return *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 336);
void* Entity = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644532 + ((Entity_Number - 4097) << 4));
if (Entity != nullptr)
if (Entity != Local_Player)
__int32 Identifier = Get_Identifier(Entity, 0, 0);
if (Identifier != -1)
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 228) % 2 != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 228) % 2)
float* Local_Origin = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 292);
float* Entity_Origin = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 292);
float Time = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 336) + Interpolation_Time;
Target_Structure Target =
(__int8)(Identifier == 270 ? *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 8040) == *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 376) : 0),
__builtin_powf(Local_Origin[0] - Entity_Origin[0], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Origin[1] - Entity_Origin[1], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Origin[2] - Entity_Origin[2], 2.f),
(__int32)(Time / Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick + 0.5f)
if (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 16) != Get_Target_Time(&Target))
if (Identifier == 277)
if (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 4844) == 1.f)
if (Entity_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644568))
Entity_Number += 1;
goto Traverse_Entity_List_Label;
auto Target_List_Sort_Prepare = [](Target_Structure& X, Target_Structure& Y) -> __int8
return X.Priority < Y.Priority;
std::sort(Sorted_Target_List.begin(), Sorted_Target_List.end(), Target_List_Sort_Prepare);
auto Target_List_Sort_Finish = [](Target_Structure& X, Target_Structure& Y) -> __int8
if (X.Priority > Y.Priority)
return 1;
return X.Distance < Y.Distance;
std::sort(Sorted_Target_List.begin(), Sorted_Target_List.end(), Target_List_Sort_Finish);
size_t Target_Number = 0;
using Get_Eye_Position_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, float* Eye_Position);
float Eye_Position[3];
Get_Eye_Position_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 108512)(Local_Player, Eye_Position);
Target_Structure* Shove_Target = nullptr;
if (Cancelable_Shove + In_Shove > 1)
if (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8070) * (Weapon_Identifier == 231) == 0)
if (Interface_Shotgun_Shove.Integer == 1)
if ((Weapon_Identifier - 148) % 14 == 0)
if ((void*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + Ammo) == Predicted_Shot)
Predicted_Shot = nullptr;
Command->Buttons |= 2048;
Block_Buttons = 1;
__int8 Is_Chainsaw = Weapon_Identifier == 39;
__int8 Holstering = 0;
if (Is_Chainsaw == 0)
using Get_Sequence_Duration_Type = float(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, void* Studio_Header, __int32 Sequence);
using Select_Sequence_Type = __int32(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, __int32 Activity);
using Get_Deploy_Activity_Type = __int32(__thiscall**)(void* Weapon);
using Translate_Activity_Type = __int32(__thiscall**)(void* Weapon, __int32 Activity);
Holstering = (min(*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 3872), *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2412)) + Get_Sequence_Duration_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 180400)(Weapon, Get_Studio_Header(Weapon), Select_Sequence_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 202896)(Weapon, (*Translate_Activity_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Weapon + 1692))(Weapon, (*Get_Deploy_Activity_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Weapon + 1600))(Weapon)))) > Global_Variables->Current_Time) * (Can_Attack ^ 1);
Is_Chainsaw = Can_Attack * (Command->Buttons & 1);
if (Target_Number != Sorted_Target_List.size())
Target_Structure* Target = &;
__int8 Forced = 0;
if (((Command->Buttons & 2048) + Reloading + Holstering + Is_Melee * (Is_Chainsaw ^ 1)) * (Action + Reviving ^ 1) != 0)
if ((Target->Identifier ^ 72) % 348 >= 72)
Forced = 1;
goto Shove_Label;
if ((270 - Target->Identifier ^ Target->Identifier - 263) >= 0)
__int8 Infected = (Target->Identifier == 264) * (Forced ^ 1);
__int32 Gender = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 52);
if ((Infected ^ 1) + (Gender == 15) != 0)
using Get_Sequence_Name_Type = char*(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, __int32 Sequence);
if (__builtin_strstr(Get_Sequence_Name_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 203392)(Target->Self, *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 2212)), "hove") == nullptr)
using Perform_Shove_Trace = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon, float* Direction);
float* Target_Origin = Get_Center(Target->Self);
float Direction[3] =
Target_Origin[0] - Eye_Position[0],
Target_Origin[1] - Eye_Position[1],
Target_Origin[2] - Eye_Position[2]
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2724) = 75.f;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3248) = 0;
Perform_Trace_Target = Target->Self;
Perform_Trace_Damage = 0.f;
Perform_Shove_Trace((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3220512)(Weapon, Direction);
Perform_Trace_Target = nullptr;
if (Perform_Trace_Damage == 1.f)
if (Action == 0)
Command->Tick_Number = Target->Tick_Number;
Command->Angles[0] = __builtin_atan2f(-Direction[2], __builtin_hypotf(Direction[0], Direction[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f;
Command->Angles[1] = __builtin_atan2f(Direction[1], Direction[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f;
if (Cancelable_Shove == 1)
//note: may be asynchronous
float Shove_Multiplier = min((Global_Variables->Current_Time - *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2704) + *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2700)) / *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2700), 1.f);
Command->Angles[1] += -45.f * Shove_Multiplier + 45.f * (1.f - Shove_Multiplier);
Command->Angles[1] += 45.f;
Command->Buttons |= 2048;
Block_Buttons = 1;
Cancelable_Shove = (Gender * Interface_Riot_Deprioritize.Integer * (Forced ^ 1)) == 15;
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Target);
goto Shove_Found_Target_Label;
Cancelable_Shove = 0;
goto Shove_Found_Target_Label;
Target_Number += 1;
goto Shove_Traverse_Sorted_Target_List_Label;
Shove_Target = Target;
if (Cancelable_Shove != 0)
if (Reviving + (Can_Attack ^ 1) == 0)
Is_Melee += Weapon_Identifier == 96;
Target_Structure* Aim_Target = nullptr;
if (Is_Melee == 0)
__int8 Compensate_Burst = 0;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 2)
Command->Command_Number = -2134739495;
Command->Random_Seed = 11144000;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 148)
Command->Command_Number = -2139542887;
Command->Random_Seed = 1246243990;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 153)
Compensate_Burst = *(double*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3392) != 0.;
Command->Buttons |= Compensate_Burst;
if ((163 - Weapon_Identifier ^ Weapon_Identifier - 162) == 1)
Command->Command_Number = -2139097805;
Command->Random_Seed = 494641349;
if (Compensate_Burst == 0)
using Update_Spread_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon);
Update_Spread_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3197648)(Weapon);
Target_Number = 0;
if (Target_Number != Sorted_Target_List.size())
Target_Structure* Target = &;
float Bones[128][3][4];
void* Hitbox_Set = Get_Hitbox_Set(Target, Bones, Global_Variables->Current_Time);
if (Hitbox_Set != nullptr)
auto Perform_Trace = [&](float* Angles) -> __int8
using Fire_Bullet_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Player, float X, float Y, float Z, float* Angles, __int32 Identifier, void* Unknown_Parameter);
__int32 Bullets = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520);
if (Interface_Penetration_Damage.Floating_Point == 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520) = 1;
Perform_Trace_Target = Target->Self;
Perform_Trace_Damage = 0.f;
void* Previous_Audio_Device = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008);
*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008) = nullptr;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7075944) = Command->Random_Seed;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7683464) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7689576) = 0;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175320) = 0;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175392) = 0;
using Get_Weapon_Identifier_Type = __int32(__thiscall**)(void* Weapon);
Fire_Bullet_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3103776)(Local_Player, Eye_Position[0], Eye_Position[1], Eye_Position[2], Angles, (*Get_Weapon_Identifier_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Weapon + 1532))(Weapon), nullptr);
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175392) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175320) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7689576) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7683464) = 0;
*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008) = Previous_Audio_Device;
Perform_Trace_Target = nullptr;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520) = Bullets;
return (Perform_Trace_Damage >= Interface_Penetration_Damage.Floating_Point) * (Perform_Trace_Damage != 0.f);
static std::unordered_map<__int32, __int32> Hitboxes =
{ 0, 10 },
{ 13, 0 },
{ 99, 9 },
{ 263, 10 },
{ 264, 15 },
{ 265, 4 },
{ 270, 10 },
{ 272, 4 },
{ 276, 12 },
{ 277, 10 }
void* Hitbox = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox_Set + 12 + Hitboxes[Target->Identifier] * 68);
float* Hitbox_Minimum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 8);
float* Hitbox_Maximum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 20);
float Hitbox_Center[3]
(Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Hitbox_Maximum[0]) / 2.f,
(Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Hitbox_Maximum[1]) / 2.f,
(Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Hitbox_Maximum[2]) / 2.f
float Target_Origin[3] =
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][3],
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][3],
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][3]
float Direction[3] =
Target_Origin[0] - Eye_Position[0],
Target_Origin[1] - Eye_Position[1],
Target_Origin[2] - Eye_Position[2]
float Angles[3] =
__builtin_atan2f(-Direction[2], __builtin_hypotf(Direction[0], Direction[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f,
__builtin_atan2f(Direction[1], Direction[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f
if (Perform_Trace(Angles) == 1)
Command->Tick_Number = Target->Tick_Number;
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Command->Angles, sizeof(Angles), Angles);
Command->Buttons |= 1;
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Target);
goto Aim_Found_Target_Label;
Target_Number += 1;
goto Aim_Traverse_Sorted_Target_List_Label;
Aim_Target = Target;
if ((Command->Buttons & 1) == 1)
if (Shove_Target != nullptr)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Shove_Target->Self + 16) = 0.f;
if (Aim_Target != nullptr)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Aim_Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Aim_Target);
if (Is_Melee == 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7075944) = Command->Random_Seed;
using Random_Type = float(__cdecl*)(char* Name, float Minimum, float Maximum, void* Unknown_Parameter);
float Maximum_Spread = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3340);
float* Recoil = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4612);
Command->Angles[0] -= Random_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1756592)((char*)"CTerrorGun::FireBullet HorizSpread", -Maximum_Spread, Maximum_Spread, nullptr) + Recoil[0];
Command->Angles[1] -= Random_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1756592)((char*)"CTerrorGun::FireBullet VertSpread", -Maximum_Spread, Maximum_Spread, nullptr) + Recoil[1];
Command->Angles[2] -= Recoil[2];
Predicted_Shot = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + Ammo - 1);
Block_Buttons = 2048;
if (Block_Buttons == 2049)
Block_Buttons = 2048 * (Cancelable_Shove == 1) + (Can_Attack ^ 1);
Command->Buttons &= ~Block_Buttons;
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Command->Move, sizeof(Previous_Move), Previous_Move);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)__builtin_frame_address(0) + 235) = max(Extra_Commands <= 0, *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 16) == -1);
Command->Buttons &= ~524288;
(decltype(&Redirected_Copy_Command)(Original_Copy_Command_Caller))(Unknown_Parameter, Command);