explorer e462dff4f5 revert to old approach
i've got problem with imagination regarding reliable method of relative correction on networking errors so old approach is preferable for moment

currently focusing on gmod-x64 fork of segregation so probably won't update l4d2 for period of time

2024-11-05 18:11:13 +03:00

391 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

void __thiscall Redirected_Paint(void* Panel)
using Set_Order_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Panel, __int32 Order);
Set_Order_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 4082160)(Panel, -1);
__int32 Entity_Number = 1;
void* Local_Player = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7498712);
void* Entity = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644532 + ((Entity_Number - 4097) << 4));
if (Entity != nullptr)
if (Entity != Local_Player)
__int32 Identifier = Get_Identifier(Entity, 0, 1);
if (Identifier != -1)
using Get_Origin_Type = float*(__thiscall*)(void* Entity);
float* Local_Player_Origin = Get_Origin_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 297584)(Local_Player);
float* Entity_Origin = Get_Origin_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 297584)(Entity);
Target_Structure Target =
__builtin_powf(Local_Player_Origin[0] - Entity_Origin[0], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Player_Origin[1] - Entity_Origin[1], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Player_Origin[2] - Entity_Origin[2], 2.f)
if (Identifier >= 0)
if (__builtin_sqrtf(Target.Distance) <= Interface_Equipment_Distance.Floating_Point)
if (Entity_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644568))
Entity_Number += 1;
goto Traverse_Entity_List_Label;
auto Target_List_Sort = [](Target_Structure& X, Target_Structure& Y) -> __int8
return X.Distance < Y.Distance;
std::sort(Sorted_Target_List.begin(), Sorted_Target_List.end(), Target_List_Sort);
size_t Target_Number = Sorted_Target_List.size() - 1;
if (Target_Number != -1)
Target_Structure* Target = &;
float Bounds[4] = { __builtin_inff(), -__builtin_inff(), __builtin_inff(), -__builtin_inff()};
auto Get_Bounds = [&]() -> __int8
float Bones[128][3][4];
void* Hitbox_Set = Get_Hitbox_Set(Target, Bones, (*(Global_Variables_Structure**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7096744))->Current_Time);
if (Hitbox_Set != nullptr)
__int32 Hitbox_Number = 0;
if (Hitbox_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox_Set + 4))
void* Hitbox = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox_Set + 12 + Hitbox_Number * 68);
float* Hitbox_Minimum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 8);
float* Hitbox_Maximum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 20);
float Hitbox_Vertices[8][3];
__int32 Axis_Number = 0;
Hitbox_Vertices[0][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[1][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Maximum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[2][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Maximum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[3][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Maximum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[4][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Maximum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Maximum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[5][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Maximum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Maximum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[6][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Maximum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Maximum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
Hitbox_Vertices[7][Axis_Number] = Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][0] * Hitbox_Maximum[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][1] * Hitbox_Maximum[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][2] * Hitbox_Maximum[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][Axis_Number][3];
if (Axis_Number != 2)
Axis_Number += 1;
goto Initialize_Vertices_Label;
__int32 Vertex_Number = 0;
using Screen_Transform_Type = __int8(__cdecl*)(float* World, float* Screen);
float Screen[3];
if (Screen_Transform_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1841648)(Hitbox_Vertices[Vertex_Number], Screen) == 0)
using Get_Screen_Size_Type = __int32(__cdecl*)();
__int32 Screen_Width = Get_Screen_Size_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 738576)();
__int32 Screen_Height = Get_Screen_Size_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 738544)();
Screen[0] = Screen[0] / 2.f * Screen_Width + Screen_Width / 2.f;
Screen[1] = -Screen[1] / 2.f * Screen_Height + Screen_Height / 2.f;
Bounds[0] = min(Bounds[0], Screen[0]);
Bounds[1] = max(Bounds[1], Screen[0]);
Bounds[2] = min(Bounds[2], Screen[1]);
Bounds[3] = max(Bounds[3], Screen[1]);
return 0;
if (Vertex_Number != 7)
Vertex_Number += 1;
goto Transform_Vertices_Label;
Hitbox_Number += 1;
goto Get_Bounds_Label;
Bounds[0] -= 2.f;
Bounds[1] += 2.f;
Bounds[2] -= 2.f;
Bounds[3] += 2.f;
return (Bounds[1] != 2.f) * (Bounds[3] != 2.f);
return 0;
if (Get_Bounds() == 1)
void* Surface = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8960244);
struct Paint_Data_Structure
unsigned __int8 Color[3];
wchar_t* Name;
static std::unordered_map<__int32, Paint_Data_Structure> Paint_Data_List =
{ 0, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Boomer" } },
{ 13, { { 0, 128, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Rock" } },
{ 73, { { 255, 255, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Aid" } },
{ 99, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Charger" } },
{ 105, { { 255, 255, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Adrenaline" } },
{ 109, { { 255, 255, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Defibrillator" } },
{ 121, { { 255, 255, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Pain" } },
{ 232, { { 0, 255, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Survivor" } },
{ 256, { { 255, 255, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Ammo" } },
{ 263, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Hunter" } },
{ 264, { { 255, 0, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Infected" } },
{ 265, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Jockey" } },
{ 270, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Smoker" } },
{ 272, { { 255, 128, 0 }, (wchar_t*)L"Spitter" } },
{ 276, { { 0, 128, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Tank" } },
{ 277, { { 0, 128, 255 }, (wchar_t*)L"Witch" } }
Paint_Data_Structure* Paint_Data = &Paint_Data_List[Target->Identifier];
__int8 Ghost = 0;
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 236) != 0)
Ghost = *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 7322);
auto Draw_Box = [&](__int32 From_X, __int32 From_Y, __int32 To_X, __int32 To_Y)
using Set_Color_Type = void(__thiscall**)(void* Surface, unsigned __int8 Red, unsigned __int8 Green, unsigned __int8 Blue, unsigned __int8 Alpha);
(*Set_Color_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 44))(Surface, 0, 0, 0, 255);
using Draw_Rect_Type = void(__thiscall**)(void* Surface, __int32 From_X, __int32 From_Y, __int32 To_X, __int32 To_Y);
(*Draw_Rect_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 56))(Surface, From_X - 1, From_Y - 1, To_X + 1, To_Y + 1);
(*Draw_Rect_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 56))(Surface, From_X + 1, From_Y + 1, To_X - 1, To_Y - 1);
if (Ghost == 0)
(*Set_Color_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 44))(Surface, Paint_Data->Color[0], Paint_Data->Color[1], Paint_Data->Color[2], 255);
(*Set_Color_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 44))(Surface, 128, 128, 128, 255);
(*Draw_Rect_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 56))(Surface, From_X, From_Y, To_X, To_Y);
if (Ghost == 0)
(*Set_Color_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 44))(Surface, (__int32)(Paint_Data->Color[0] / 2.f + 0.5f), (__int32)(Paint_Data->Color[1] / 2.f + 0.5f), (__int32)(Paint_Data->Color[2] / 2.f + 0.5f), 128);
(*Set_Color_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 44))(Surface, 64, 64, 64, 128);
using Draw_Filled_Rect_Type = void(__thiscall**)(void* Surface, __int32 From_X, __int32 From_Y, __int32 To_X, __int32 To_Y);
(*Draw_Filled_Rect_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 48))(Surface, From_X + 2, From_Y + 2, To_X - 2, To_Y - 2);
Draw_Box(Bounds[0], Bounds[2], Bounds[1], Bounds[3]);
using Draw_Text_Type = void(__cdecl*)(void* Font, __int32 X, __int32 Y, __int32 Red, __int32 Green, __int32 Blue, __int32 Alpha, wchar_t* Text);
auto Create_Font = [&]() -> void*
using Create_Font_Type = void*(__thiscall**)(void* Surface);
void* Font = (*Create_Font_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 252))(Surface);
using Setup_Font_Type = __int8(__thiscall**)(void* Surface, void* Font, char* Name, void* Unknown_Parameter_1, void* Unknown_Parameter_2, void* Unknown_Parameter_3, void* Unknown_Parameter_4, __int32 Flags, void* Unknown_Parameter_5, void* Unknown_Parameter_6);
(*Setup_Font_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Surface + 256))(Surface, Font, (char*)"Fixedsys", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 512, nullptr, nullptr);
wchar_t Character = L' ';
wchar_t Text[2] = { Character };
Write_Character = Text[0];
Draw_Text_Type((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 2218736)(Font, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Text);
if (Character != L'~')
Character += L'\1';
goto Calculate_Character_Bounds_Label;
return Font;
static void* Font = Create_Font();
size_t Character_Number = 0;
unsigned __int32 Width = 0;
unsigned __int32 Height = 0;
__int32 Offset_Y = 0;
size_t Characters_Count = wcslen(Paint_Data->Name);
unsigned __int32* Character_Bounds = Characters_Bounds[Paint_Data->Name[Character_Number]];
Width += Character_Bounds[1] + 1;
Height = max(Height, Character_Bounds[3]);
Offset_Y = max(Offset_Y, 3 - (__int32)Character_Bounds[2]);
Character_Number += 1;
if (Character_Number != Characters_Count)
goto Calculate_Text_Bounds_Label;
Draw_Box(Bounds[1] + 3, Bounds[2], Bounds[1] + 8 + Width, Bounds[2] + Height + Offset_Y + 3);
Character_Number = 0;
__int32 Offset_X = 0;
Character_Bounds = Characters_Bounds[Paint_Data->Name[Character_Number]];
wchar_t Text[2] = { Paint_Data->Name[Character_Number] };
Write_Character = Text[0];
if (Ghost == 0)
Draw_Text_Type((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 2218736)(Font, Bounds[1] + 7 + Offset_X - Character_Bounds[0], Bounds[2] + Offset_Y, Paint_Data->Color[0], Paint_Data->Color[1], Paint_Data->Color[2], 255, Text);
Draw_Text_Type((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 2218736)(Font, Bounds[1] + 7 + Offset_X - Character_Bounds[0], Bounds[2] + Offset_Y, 128, 128, 128, 255, Text);
Write_Character = 0;
Offset_X += Character_Bounds[1] + 1;
Character_Number += 1;
if (Character_Number != Characters_Count)
goto Draw_Character_Label;
Target_Number -= 1;
goto Traverse_Sorted_Target_List_Label;