explorer 485ff54642 extend interpolation history; events ordering
intentionally was kept until "something" along with watermark inside of datamap lol

jitters in certain scenarios due to interpolation history not being filled which doesn't bothers anyone (probably) so i've removed "fading"
2024-12-06 03:11:27 +03:00

782 lines
24 KiB

struct Target_Structure
__int32 Identifier;
void* Self;
__int8 Priority;
float Distance;
__int32 Tick_Number;
std::vector<Target_Structure> Sorted_Target_List;
void* Get_Hitbox_Set(Target_Structure* Target, float(*Bones)[3][4], float Time)
using Setup_Bones_Type = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, void* Bones, __int32 Maximum_Bones, __int32 Mask, float Current_Time);
if (Setup_Bones_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 246656)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 4), Bones, 128, 524032, Time) == 1)
using Get_Studio_Header_Type = void*(__thiscall*)(void* Entity);
void* Studio_Header = *(void**)Get_Studio_Header_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8512)(Target->Self);
return (void*)((unsigned __int32)Studio_Header + *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Studio_Header + 176));
return nullptr;
void* Original_Copy_Command_Caller;
void __thiscall Redirected_Copy_Command(void* Unknown_Parameter, Command_Structure* Command)
Extended_Command_Structure* Extended_Command = &Extended_Commands[Command->Command_Number % 150];
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands = 0;
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift = 0;
void* Local_Player = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7498712);
Global_Variables_Structure* Global_Variables = *(Global_Variables_Structure**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7096744);
if (Extra_Commands == -1)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16) = Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) = Command->Command_Number;
if ((Command->Buttons & 524288) == 524288)
Extended_Command->Extra_Commands = max(0, Extra_Commands = std::clamp(Interface_Extra_Commands.Integer, (__int32)(0.06f / Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick + 0.5f), 14));
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16) *= 1.f + Extended_Command->Extra_Commands;
__int32 Variable_Number = 0;
void* Variable = *(void**)(*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 24) + Variable_Number * 12 + 8);
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Variable + 36) = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 16);
Variable_Number += 1;
if (Variable_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 36))
goto Traverse_Variables_Label;
if (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 327) == 0)
float Move_Angles[3] =
static float Previous_Move_Angle_Y;
if ((Command->Buttons & 2) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 324) == 4)
Command->Move[0] = 0;
if (*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 316) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
Command->Buttons &= ~2;
Command->Buttons &= ~(*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5028) & 2);
float Difference = __builtin_remainderf(Move_Angles[1] - Previous_Move_Angle_Y, 360.f);
Previous_Move_Angle_Y = Move_Angles[1];
float* Velocity = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 256);
if (__builtin_fabsf(Difference) < __builtin_atan2f(30.f, __builtin_hypotf(Velocity[0], Velocity[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f)
float Strafe_Angle = __builtin_remainderf(Move_Angles[1] - __builtin_atan2f(Velocity[1], Velocity[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f, 360.f);
if (__builtin_signbitf(Strafe_Angle) == 0)
Command->Move[1] = -400.f;
Command->Move[1] = 400.f;
Move_Angles[1] -= Strafe_Angle;
if (__builtin_signbitf(Difference) == 0)
Command->Move[1] = -400.f;
Command->Move[1] = 400.f;
Previous_Move_Angle_Y = Move_Angles[1];
float Previous_Move[2];
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Previous_Move, sizeof(Previous_Move), Command->Move);
float Desired_Move_Forward[3];
float Desired_Move_Right[3];
Angle_Vectors(Move_Angles, Desired_Move_Forward, Desired_Move_Right, nullptr);
Desired_Move_Forward[2] = 0.f;
Desired_Move_Right[2] = 0.f;
float Desired_Move[2] =
Desired_Move_Forward[0] * Command->Move[0] + Desired_Move_Right[0] * Command->Move[1],
Desired_Move_Forward[1] * Command->Move[0] + Desired_Move_Right[1] * Command->Move[1]
auto Correct_Movement = [&]() -> void
float Move_Forward[3];
float Move_Right[3];
Angle_Vectors(Command->Angles, Move_Forward, Move_Right, nullptr);
Move_Forward[2] = 0.f;
Move_Right[2] = 0.f;
float Divider = Move_Forward[0] * Move_Right[1] - Move_Right[0] * Move_Forward[1];
Command->Move[0] = (Desired_Move[0] * Move_Right[1] - Move_Right[0] * Desired_Move[1]) / Divider;
Command->Move[1] = (Move_Forward[0] * Desired_Move[1] - Desired_Move[0] * Move_Forward[1]) / Divider;
void* Network_Channel = *(void**)(*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 4352236) + 24);
auto Sequence_Shift = [&](__int32 Reserve) -> void
if (Extended_Commands[*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) % 150].Sequence_Shift == 0)
__int32 Sequence_Shift = (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5324) + ~-150) / 150 * 150 + (Reserve * 150);
if (Sequence_Shift > 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Network_Channel + 8) += Sequence_Shift;
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift += Sequence_Shift;
__int32 Command_Number = Command->Command_Number;
Command_Number -= 1;
if (Command_Number >= *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20))
Extended_Commands[Command_Number % 150].Sequence_Shift = Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift;
goto Traverse_Command_Batch_Label;
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 228) == 3)
if (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7322) == 1)
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7324) == 0)
if (*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 10008) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift = Extended_Commands[*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) % 150].Sequence_Shift;
if ((*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4604) + 800.f * Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick >= 560.f) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8068) + *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 9708) != 0)
Extended_Command->Sequence_Shift = Extended_Commands[*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 20) % 150].Sequence_Shift;
void* Prediction = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8072728);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 8) = 1;
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 24) = 0;
using Set_Host_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Move_Helper, void* Player);
Set_Host_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1331184)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888), Local_Player);
Redirected_Run_Command(Prediction, Local_Player, Command, (void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888));
Set_Host_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1331184)((void*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7174888), nullptr);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Prediction + 8) = 0;
__int32 Block_Buttons = 2049;
if ((*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 324) & 9) == 0)
if ((*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 5020) & 32) == 0)
using Can_Attack_Type = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Player);
if (Can_Attack_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 2541696)(Local_Player) == 1)
void* Weapon = *(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7867) == 0 ? *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644532 + (((*(unsigned __int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4228) & 4095) - 4097) << 4)) : nullptr;
if (Weapon == nullptr)
Block_Buttons = 2048;
__int32 Entity_Number = 1;
using Get_Interpolation_Time_Type = float(__cdecl*)();
float Interpolation_Time = Get_Interpolation_Time_Type((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 594000)();
auto Get_Target_Time = [&](Target_Structure* Target) -> float
if (Interface_Target_On_Simulation.Integer == 0)
return *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 336);
return *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 336);
void* Entity = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644532 + ((Entity_Number - 4097) << 4));
if (Entity != nullptr)
if (Entity != Local_Player)
__int32 Identifier = Get_Identifier(Entity, 0, 0);
if (Identifier != -1)
if (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 228) % 2 != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 228) % 2)
float* Local_Origin = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 292);
float* Entity_Origin = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 292);
float Time = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 336) + Interpolation_Time;
Target_Structure Target =
(__int8)(Identifier == 270 ? *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 8040) == *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 376) : 0),
__builtin_powf(Local_Origin[0] - Entity_Origin[0], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Origin[1] - Entity_Origin[1], 2.f) + __builtin_powf(Local_Origin[2] - Entity_Origin[2], 2.f),
(__int32)(Time / Global_Variables->Interval_Per_Tick + 0.5f)
if (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 16) != Get_Target_Time(&Target))
if (Identifier == 277)
if (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Entity + 4844) == 1.f)
if (Entity_Number != *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7644568))
Entity_Number += 1;
goto Traverse_Entity_List_Label;
auto Target_List_Sort_Prepare = [](Target_Structure& X, Target_Structure& Y) -> __int8
return X.Priority < Y.Priority;
std::sort(Sorted_Target_List.begin(), Sorted_Target_List.end(), Target_List_Sort_Prepare);
auto Target_List_Sort_Finish = [](Target_Structure& X, Target_Structure& Y) -> __int8
if (X.Priority > Y.Priority)
return 1;
return X.Distance < Y.Distance;
std::sort(Sorted_Target_List.begin(), Sorted_Target_List.end(), Target_List_Sort_Finish);
size_t Target_Number = 0;
using Get_Weapon_Data_Type = void*(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon);
void* Weapon_Data = Get_Weapon_Data_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 86432)(Weapon);
__int8 Is_Melee = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 352) * (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 348) ^ 1) <= 1;
__int8 Action = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7080) != 0;
__int8 Reviving = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8076) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
__int32 Weapon_Identifier = Get_Identifier(Weapon, 1, 0);
__int8 Is_Cold_Melee = Weapon_Identifier == 231;
using Get_Eye_Position_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, float* Eye_Position);
float Eye_Position[3];
Get_Eye_Position_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 108512)(Local_Player, Eye_Position);
__int8 Cancelable_Shove = 1 + (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 7336) < Global_Variables->Current_Time);
Target_Structure* Shove_Target = nullptr;
if (Target_Number != Sorted_Target_List.size())
Target_Structure* Target = &;
__int8 Forced = 0;
if ((*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2493) + Is_Melee) * (Action + Reviving ^ 1) != 0)
if ((Target->Identifier ^ 72) % 348 >= 72)
Forced = 1;
goto Shove_Label;
if (((270 - Is_Cold_Melee - (*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 8070) ^ 1) - Target->Identifier) ^ Target->Identifier - 263) > 0)
__int8 Infected = (Target->Identifier == 264) * (Forced ^ 1);
__int32 Gender = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 52);
if ((Infected ^ 1) + (Gender == 15) != 0)
using Get_Sequence_Name_Type = char*(__thiscall*)(void* Entity, __int32 Sequence);
if (__builtin_strstr(Get_Sequence_Name_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 203392)(Target->Self, *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 2212)), "hove") == nullptr)
using Perform_Shove_Trace = __int8(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon, float* Direction);
float* Target_Origin = Get_Center(Target->Self);
float Direction[3] =
Target_Origin[0] - Eye_Position[0],
Target_Origin[1] - Eye_Position[1],
Target_Origin[2] - Eye_Position[2]
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2724) = 75.f;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3248) = 0;
Perform_Trace_Target = Target->Self;
Perform_Trace_Damage = 0;
Perform_Shove_Trace((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3220512)(Weapon, Direction);
Perform_Trace_Target = nullptr;
if (Perform_Trace_Damage == 1)
if (Action == 0)
Command->Tick_Number = Target->Tick_Number;
Command->Angles[0] = __builtin_atan2f(-Direction[2], __builtin_hypotf(Direction[0], Direction[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f;
Command->Angles[1] = __builtin_atan2f(Direction[1], Direction[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f;
if (Cancelable_Shove == 1)
float Shove_Multiplier = min((Global_Variables->Current_Time - *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2704) + *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2700)) / *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2700), 1.f);
Command->Angles[1] += -45.f * Shove_Multiplier + 45.f * (1.f - Shove_Multiplier);
Command->Angles[1] += 45.f;
Command->Buttons |= 2048;
Block_Buttons = 1;
Cancelable_Shove = (Gender * Interface_Riot_Deprioritize.Integer * (Forced ^ 1)) == 15;
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Target);
goto Shove_Found_Target_Label;
Cancelable_Shove = 0;
goto Shove_Found_Target_Label;
Target_Number += 1;
goto Shove_Traverse_Sorted_Target_List_Label;
Shove_Target = Target;
if (Cancelable_Shove != 0)
__int8 Can_Attack = (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2400) <= Global_Variables->Current_Time) * (*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 2436) > 0 - Is_Melee * 2) * (*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 3872) <= Global_Variables->Current_Time);
if (Reviving + (Weapon_Identifier == 96) + (Can_Attack ^ 1) == 0)
Target_Structure* Aim_Target = nullptr;
if (Is_Melee == 0)
__int8 Compensate_Burst = 0;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 2)
Command->Command_Number = -2134739495;
Command->Random_Seed = 11144000;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 148)
Command->Command_Number = -2139542887;
Command->Random_Seed = 1246243990;
if (Weapon_Identifier == 153)
if (*(double*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3392) != 0.)
Compensate_Burst = 1;
Command->Buttons |= 1;
if ((163 - Weapon_Identifier ^ Weapon_Identifier - 162) == 1)
Command->Command_Number = -2139097805;
Command->Random_Seed = 494641349;
if (Compensate_Burst == 0)
using Update_Spread_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Weapon);
Update_Spread_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3197648)(Weapon);
Target_Number = 0;
if (Target_Number != Sorted_Target_List.size())
Target_Structure* Target = &;
float Bones[128][3][4];
void* Hitbox_Set = Get_Hitbox_Set(Target, Bones, Global_Variables->Current_Time);
if (Hitbox_Set != nullptr)
auto Perform_Trace = [&](float* Angles) -> __int8
using Fire_Bullet_Type = void(__thiscall*)(void* Player, float X, float Y, float Z, float* Angles, __int32 Identifier, void* Unknown_Parameter);
__int32 Bullets = *(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520);
if (Interface_Penetration_Damage.Floating_Point == 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520) = 1;
Perform_Trace_Target = Target->Self;
Perform_Trace_Damage = 0;
void* Previous_Audio_Device = *(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008);
*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008) = nullptr;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7075944) = Command->Random_Seed;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7683464) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7689576) = 0;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175320) = 0;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175392) = 0;
using Get_Weapon_Identifier_Type = __int32(__thiscall**)(void* Weapon);
Fire_Bullet_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 3103776)(Local_Player, Eye_Position[0], Eye_Position[1], Eye_Position[2], Angles, (*Get_Weapon_Identifier_Type(*(unsigned __int32*)Weapon + 1532))(Weapon), nullptr);
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175392) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 8175320) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7689576) = 1;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7683464) = 0;
*(void**)((unsigned __int32)Engine_Module + 5050008) = Previous_Audio_Device;
Perform_Trace_Target = nullptr;
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon_Data + 2520) = Bullets;
return (Perform_Trace_Damage >= Interface_Penetration_Damage.Floating_Point) * (Perform_Trace_Damage != 0);
static std::unordered_map<__int32, __int32> Hitboxes =
{ 0, 10 },
{ 13, 0 },
{ 99, 9 },
{ 263, 10 },
{ 264, 15 },
{ 265, 4 },
{ 270, 10 },
{ 272, 4 },
{ 276, 12 },
{ 277, 10 }
void* Hitbox = (void*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox_Set + 12 + Hitboxes[Target->Identifier] * 68);
float* Hitbox_Minimum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 8);
float* Hitbox_Maximum = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Hitbox + 20);
float Hitbox_Center[3]
(Hitbox_Minimum[0] + Hitbox_Maximum[0]) / 2.f,
(Hitbox_Minimum[1] + Hitbox_Maximum[1]) / 2.f,
(Hitbox_Minimum[2] + Hitbox_Maximum[2]) / 2.f
float Target_Origin[3] =
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][0][3],
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][1][3],
Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][0] * Hitbox_Center[0] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][1] * Hitbox_Center[1] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][2] * Hitbox_Center[2] + Bones[*(__int32*)Hitbox][2][3]
float Direction[3] =
Target_Origin[0] - Eye_Position[0],
Target_Origin[1] - Eye_Position[1],
Target_Origin[2] - Eye_Position[2]
float Angles[3] =
__builtin_atan2f(-Direction[2], __builtin_hypotf(Direction[0], Direction[1])) * 180.f / 3.1415927f,
__builtin_atan2f(Direction[1], Direction[0]) * 180.f / 3.1415927f
if (Perform_Trace(Angles) == 1)
Command->Tick_Number = Target->Tick_Number;
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Command->Angles, sizeof(Angles), Angles);
Command->Buttons |= 1;
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Target);
goto Aim_Found_Target_Label;
Target_Number += 1;
goto Aim_Traverse_Sorted_Target_List_Label;
Aim_Target = Target;
if ((Command->Buttons & 1) == 1)
if (Shove_Target != nullptr)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Shove_Target->Self + 16) = 0.f;
if (Aim_Target != nullptr)
*(float*)((unsigned __int32)Aim_Target->Self + 16) = Get_Target_Time(Aim_Target);
if (Is_Melee == 0)
*(__int32*)((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 7075944) = Command->Random_Seed;
using Random_Type = float(__cdecl*)(char* Name, float Minimum, float Maximum, void* Unknown_Parameter);
float Maximum_Spread = *(float*)((unsigned __int32)Weapon + 3340);
float* Recoil = (float*)((unsigned __int32)Local_Player + 4612);
Command->Angles[0] -= Random_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1756592)((char*)"CTerrorGun::FireBullet HorizSpread", -Maximum_Spread, Maximum_Spread, nullptr) + Recoil[0];
Command->Angles[1] -= Random_Type((unsigned __int32)Client_Module + 1756592)((char*)"CTerrorGun::FireBullet VertSpread", -Maximum_Spread, Maximum_Spread, nullptr) + Recoil[1];
Command->Angles[2] -= Recoil[2];
Block_Buttons = 2048;
if (Block_Buttons == 2049)
Block_Buttons = 2048 * (Cancelable_Shove == 1) + (Can_Attack ^ 1);
Command->Buttons &= ~Block_Buttons;
Byte_Manager::Copy_Bytes(1, Command->Move, sizeof(Previous_Move), Previous_Move);
*(__int8*)((unsigned __int32)__builtin_frame_address(0) + 235) = Extra_Commands <= 0;
Command->Buttons &= ~524288;
(decltype(&Redirected_Copy_Command)(Original_Copy_Command_Caller))(Unknown_Parameter, Command);