mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 22:47:29 +08:00
315 lines
8.7 KiB
315 lines
8.7 KiB
#include "main.h"
CNetGame *pNetGame = NULL;
CConsole *pConsole = NULL;
CPlugins *pPlugins = NULL;
FILE *pLogFile;
bool bLogQueries;
int iMaxNpc = 0;
int iMinConnectionTime;
int iDbLogging;
int iDbLogQueries;
int unnamed_2; // W: 004F5FE8 L: 081AA8A8
int unnamed_3; // W: 004F5FEC L: 081AA8A4
int unnamed_4; // W: 004F5FF0 L: 081AA8A0
int iOnFootRate = 30;
int iInCarRate = 30;
int iWeaponRate = 30;
int unnamed_1 = 2; // TODO: unnamed_1 W: 004E5888 L: 08197DDC
float fStreamDistance = 200.0;
int iStreamRate = 1000;
int iSleep = 5;
int iChatLogging = 1;
int iMessageHoleLimit = 3000;
int iMessagesLimit = 500;
int iAcksLimit = 3000;
int iPlayerTimeout = 10000;
int iLagCompMode = 1;
int iConnSeedTime = 300000;
int iConnCookies = 1;
int iCookieLogging = 1;
#ifdef WIN32
extern LONG WINAPI exc_handler(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exc_inf);
int sub_44E9D0()
// TODO: sub_44E9D0 W: 0044E9D0 L: 0805FBE0
return 0;
void ServerPasswordChanged()
// TODO: ServerPasswordChanged
void ServerMaxPlayersChanged()
// TODO: ServerMaxPlayersChanged
void ServerStreamRateChanged()
int stream_rate = pConsole->GetIntVariable("stream_rate");
if (stream_rate < 500)
pConsole->SetIntVariable("stream_rate", 500);
if ( stream_rate > 5000)
pConsole->SetIntVariable("stream_rate", 5000);
void ServerStreamDistanceChanged()
float stream_distance = pConsole->GetFloatVariable("stream_distance");
if (stream_distance < 50.0f)
pConsole->SetFloatVariable("stream_distance", 50.0f);
if (stream_distance > 400.0f)
pConsole->SetFloatVariable("stream_distance", 400.0f);
void LoadLogFile()
int reload = 0;
if (pLogFile)
reload = 1;
pLogFile = fopen("server_log.txt", "a");
if (pLogFile)
if (reload) logprintf("Reloaded log file: \"server_log.txt\".");
else logprintf("Loaded log file: \"server_log.txt\".");
} else {
logprintf("Failed to load log file: \"server_log.txt\".");
#ifdef LINUX
// strlwr is not included with the GNU C lib it seems.
char* strlwr(char* str)
size_t maxlen=strlen(str);
for (size_t i=0; i<maxlen; i++)
if ((str[i] >= 'A') && (str[i] <= 'Z'))
str[i] -= 32;
return str;
#endif // #ifdef LINUX
int main (int argc, char** argv)
// TODO: main
#ifdef LINUX
bool bOutputEnable = false;
bool bEnableAnnounce = true;
int iMaxPlayers = DEFAULT_MAX_PLAYERS;
int iListenPort = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT;
bool bLanModeEnable = false;
bool bEnableTimestamp = true;
bool bGameMod = false;
bool bAllowQuery = true;
bool bAllowRcon = true;
// Open the log file
// Write welcome message.
logprintf("SA-MP Dedicated Server");
logprintf("v" SAMP_VERSION ", (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team\n");
unnamed_2 = rand();
unnamed_3 = rand();
unnamed_4 = sub_44E9D0();
// Create the Console
pConsole = new CConsole();
pConsole->AddVariable("announce", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bEnableAnnounce);
pConsole->AddVariable("maxplayers", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iMaxPlayers, ServerMaxPlayersChanged);
pConsole->AddVariable("port", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iListenPort);
pConsole->AddVariable("lanmode", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bLanModeEnable);
pConsole->AddVariable("query", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bAllowQuery);
pConsole->AddVariable("rcon", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bAllowRcon);
pConsole->AddVariable("logqueries", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bLogQueries);
pConsole->AddVariable("stream_rate", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iStreamRate, ServerStreamRateChanged);
pConsole->AddVariable("stream_distance", CON_VARTYPE_FLOAT, 0, &fStreamDistance, ServerStreamDistanceChanged);
pConsole->AddVariable("sleep", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iSleep);
pConsole->AddVariable("maxnpc", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iMaxNpc);
pConsole->AddVariable("onfoot_rate", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iOnFootRate);
pConsole->AddVariable("incar_rate", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iInCarRate);
pConsole->AddVariable("weapon_rate", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iWeaponRate);
pConsole->AddVariable("chatlogging", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iChatLogging);
#ifdef LINUX
pConsole->AddVariable("output", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bOutputEnable);
pConsole->AddVariable("timestamp", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bEnableTimestamp);
pConsole->AddStringVariable("bind", 0, NULL);
pConsole->AddStringVariable("password", 0, NULL, ServerPasswordChanged);
pConsole->AddStringVariable("hostname", 0, "SA-MP Server");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("language", 0, NULL);
pConsole->AddStringVariable("mapname", 4, "San Andreas");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("weburl", 4, "www.sa-mp.com");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("rcon_password", 0, "changeme");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("gravity", 0, "0.008");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("weather", 4, "10");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("gamemodetext", 0, "Unknown");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("filterscripts", 0, "");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("plugins", 0, "");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("nosign", 0, "");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("logtimeformat", 0, "[%H:%M:%S]");
pConsole->AddVariable("messageholelimit", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iMessageHoleLimit);
pConsole->AddVariable("messageslimit", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iMessagesLimit);
pConsole->AddVariable("ackslimit", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iAcksLimit);
pConsole->AddVariable("playertimeout", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iPlayerTimeout);
pConsole->AddVariable("minconnectiontime", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iMinConnectionTime);
pConsole->AddVariable("myriad", CON_VARTYPE_BOOL, 0, &bGameMod);
pConsole->AddVariable("lagcompmode", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iLagCompMode);
pConsole->AddVariable("connseedtime", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iConnSeedTime);
pConsole->AddVariable("db_logging", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iDbLogging);
pConsole->AddVariable("db_log_queries", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iDbLogQueries);
pConsole->AddVariable("conncookies", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iConnCookies);
pConsole->AddVariable("cookielogging", CON_VARTYPE_INT, 0, &iCookieLogging);
// Add 16 gamemode variables.
int x=0;
char t[64];
while(x!=16) {
// Exec the server config!
pConsole->Execute("exec server");
if ( !strcmp(pConsole->GetStringVariable("rcon_password"), "changeme" ) )
logprintf("Error: Your password must be changed from the default password, please change it.");
return 0;
// Change some var flags to read-only (can only be accessed from server.cfg).
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("maxplayers", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("bind", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("port", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("rcon_bind", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("rcon_port", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("filterscripts", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("plugins", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("nosign", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("onfoot_rate", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("incar_rate", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("weapon_rate", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("logtimeformat", 2);
pConsole->ModifyVariableFlags("lagcompmode", 2);
if(pConsole->GetIntVariable("lagcompmode") > 0)
pConsole->AddStringVariable("lagcomp", 6, "On");
pConsole->AddStringVariable("lagcomp", 6, "Off");
// Add the version as a rule
pConsole->AddStringVariable("version", 6, SAMP_VERSION);
#ifdef WIN32
// Setup the exception handler on windows
// Load up the plugins
pPlugins = new CPlugins();
// Create the NetGame.
pNetGame = new CNetGame();
delete pConsole;
return 0;
void logprintf(char* format, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
char buffer[2048];
vsprintf(buffer, format, ap);
#ifdef WIN32
char output[2048];
CharToOem(buffer, output);
if (pConsole && pConsole->GetBoolVariable("output"))
if (pLogFile) {
if (pConsole) {
if (pConsole->GetBoolVariable("timestamp"))
const struct tm *tm;
time_t now;
now = time(NULL);
tm = localtime(&now);
char s[256];
strftime(s, 256, pConsole->GetStringVariable("logtimeformat"), tm);
fprintf(pLogFile, "%s %s\n", s, buffer);
else fprintf(pLogFile, "%s\n", buffer);
else fprintf(pLogFile, "%s\n", buffer);
// TODO: logprintf