2023-11-08 20:33:43 +08:00

139 lines
3.7 KiB

# ModelIDs
# peds: 0-129 (special characters 99-109)
# vehicles: 400-799
# car components 800-805
# ped components 806-807
# wheels: 810-820
# gifts and misc weapons: 821-829
# weapons: 830-869
# cutscene heads/objs: 870-874
320, airtrain_vlo, generic, 1, 2000, 0
# gift type weapons
321, gun_dildo1, gun_dildo1, null, 1, 50, 0
322, gun_dildo2, gun_dildo2, null, 1, 50, 0
323, gun_vibe1, gun_vibe1, null, 1, 50, 0
324, gun_vibe2, gun_vibe2, null, 1, 50, 0
325, flowera, flowera, null, 1, 30, 0
326, gun_cane, gun_cane, null, 1, 50, 0
327, gun_boxwee, gun_boxwee, colt45, 1, 50, 0
328, gun_boxbig, gun_boxbig, null, 1, 50, 0
# melee weapons
330, cellphone, cellphone, null, 1, 50, 0
331, brassknuckle, brassknuckle, null, 1, 50, 0
333, golfclub, golfclub, null, 1, 50, 0
334, nitestick, nitestick, null, 1, 50, 0
335, knifecur, knifecur, null, 1, 50, 0
336, bat, bat, null, 1, 50, 0
337, shovel, shovel, null, 1, 50, 0
338, poolcue, poolcue, null, 1, 50, 0
339, katana, katana, null, 1, 50, 0
#340, skateboard, skateboard, null, 1, 50, 0
341, chnsaw, chnsaw, chainsaw, 1, 50, 0
# projectiles
342, grenade, grenade, grenade, 1, 100, 0
343, teargas, teargas, grenade, 1, 50, 0
344, molotov, molotov, grenade, 1, 100, 0
345, missile, missile, null, 1, 100, 0
# handguns
346, colt45, colt45, colt45, 1, 30, 0
347, silenced, silenced, silenced, 1, 30, 0
348, desert_eagle, desert_eagle, python, 1, 30, 0
# shotguns
349, chromegun, chromegun, shotgun, 1, 50, 0
350, sawnoff, sawnoff, colt45, 1, 30, 0
351, shotgspa, shotgspa, buddy, 1, 50, 0
# sub-machineguns
352, micro_uzi, micro_uzi, colt45, 1, 30, 0
353, mp5lng, mp5lng, uzi, 1, 50, 0
#354, tec9, tec9, colt45, 1, 30, 0
# projectiles contd,
354, flare, flare, null, 1, 100, 0
# machineguns
355, ak47, ak47, rifle, 1, 50, 0
356, m4, m4, rifle, 1, 30, 0
# rifles
357, cuntgun, cuntgun, rifle, 1, 50, 0
358, sniper, sniper, rifle, 1, 50, 0
# specials
359, rocketla, rocketla, rocket, 1, 50, 0
360, heatseek, heatseek, rocket, 1, 50, 0
361, flame, flame, flame, 1, 50, 0
362, minigun, minigun, flame, 1, 50, 0
363, satchel, satchel, grenade, 1, 50, 0
364, bomb, bomb, null, 1, 50, 0
365, spraycan, spraycan, spraycan, 1, 50, 0
366, fire_ex, fire_ex, flame, 1, 50, 0
367, camera, camera, rifle, 1, 50, 0
368, nvgoggles, nvgoggles, goggles, 1, 50, 0
369, irgoggles, irgoggles, goggles, 1, 50, 0
370, jetpack, jetpack, null, 1, 100, 0
371, gun_para, gun_para, null, 1, 100, 0
372, tec9, tec9, colt45, 1, 30, 0
373, armour, armour, null, 1, 30, 0
#332, screwdriver, screwdriver, null, 1, 50, 0
#337, hammer, hammer, null, 1, 50, 0
#338, cleaver, cleaver, null, 1, 50, 0
#339, machete, machete, null, 1, 50, 0
#351, buddyshot, buddyshot, buddy, 1, 50, 0
#353, tec9, tec9, colt45, 1, 30, 0
#355, ingramsl, ingramsl, colt45, 1, 50, 0
#358, laser, laser, rifle, 1, 50, 0
#361, M60, M60, m60, 1, 50, 0
#365, fingers, fingers, null, 1, 50, 0
#366, minigun2, minigun, null, 1, 50, 0
# leave ID 374 - 383 to use in temp car components
# 374, car_door
# 375, car_bumper
# 376, car_panel
# 377, car_bonnet
# 378, car_boot
# 379, car_wheel
# 380, bodypart_A
# 381, bodypart_B
1, csplay, player, null, 2000.0
# clothes objects
384, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
385, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
386, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
387, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
388, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
389, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
390, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
391, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
392, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
393, clothes01, generic, null, 2000.0
# hands
394, SHANDL, generic, null, 15.0
395, SHANDR, generic, null, 15.0
396, FHANDL, generic, null, 15.0
397, FHANDR, generic, null, 15.0