mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 03:32:13 +08:00
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/// \file
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.rakkarsoft.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#include "ReliabilityLayer.h"
#include "GetTime.h"
#include "SocketLayer.h"
#include "PluginInterface.h"
#include "RakAssert.h"
#include "Rand.h"
#include "PacketEnumerations.h"
// alloca
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#include <malloc.h>
#elif defined(_COMPATIBILITY_2)
#include "Compatibility2Includes.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
static const float PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE=.02f; // What percentile packetloss we are willing to accept as background noise.
static const double MINIMUM_SEND_BPS=14400.0; // Won't go below this send rate
static const double STARTING_SEND_BPS=28800.0; // What send rate to start at.
static const float PING_MULTIPLIER_TO_RESEND=3.0; // So internet ping variation doesn't cause needless resends
static const RakNetTime MIN_PING_TO_RESEND=30; // So system timer changes and CPU lag don't send needless resends
static const RakNetTimeNS TIME_TO_NEW_SAMPLE=500000; // How many ns to wait before starting a new sample. This way buffers have time to overflow or relax at the new send rate, if they are indeed going to overflow.
static const RakNetTimeNS MAX_TIME_TO_SAMPLE=250000; // How many ns to sample the connection before deciding on a course of action(increase or decrease throughput). You must be at full send rate the whole time
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push )
#ifdef _WIN32
//#define _DEBUG_LOGGER
#include <windows.h>
int SplitPacketChannelComp( SplitPacketIdType const &key, SplitPacketChannel* const &data )
if (key < data->splitPacketList[0]->splitPacketId)
return -1;
if (key == data->splitPacketList[0]->splitPacketId)
return 0;
return 1;
int SplitPacketIndexComp( SplitPacketIndexType const &key, InternalPacket* const &data )
if (key < data->splitPacketIndex)
return -1;
if (key == data->splitPacketIndex)
return 0;
return 1;
// Constructor
ReliabilityLayer::ReliabilityLayer() : updateBitStream( DEFAULT_MTU_SIZE ) // preallocate the update bitstream so we can avoid a lot of reallocs at runtime
readWriteSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Wait longer to disconnect in debug so I don't get disconnected while tracing
#ifndef _RELEASE
// Destructor
FreeMemory( true ); // Free all memory immediately
if ( readWriteSocket != INVALID_SOCKET )
closesocket( readWriteSocket );
// Resets the layer for reuse
void ReliabilityLayer::Reset( bool resetVariables )
FreeMemory( true ); // true because making a memory reset pending in the update cycle causes resets after reconnects. Instead, just call Reset from a single thread
if (resetVariables)
// Sets up encryption
void ReliabilityLayer::SetEncryptionKey( const unsigned char* key )
if ( key )
encryptor.SetKey( key );
// Assign a socket for the reliability layer to use for writing
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( disable : 4100 ) // warning C4100: <variable name> : unreferenced formal parameter
void ReliabilityLayer::SetSocket( SOCKET s )
// If this hits I am probably using sequential ports while doing IO completion ports
assert( s != INVALID_SOCKET );
readWriteSocket = s;
// Get the socket held by the reliability layer
SOCKET ReliabilityLayer::GetSocket( void )
return readWriteSocket;
// Set the time, in MS, to use before considering ourselves disconnected after not being able to deliver a reliable packet
void ReliabilityLayer::SetTimeoutTime( RakNetTime time )
// Returns the value passed to SetTimeoutTime. or the default if it was never called
RakNetTime ReliabilityLayer::GetTimeoutTime(void)
return timeoutTime;
// Initialize the variables
void ReliabilityLayer::InitializeVariables( void )
memset( waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex, 0, NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS * sizeof(OrderingIndexType));
memset( waitingForSequencedPacketReadIndex, 0, NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS * sizeof(OrderingIndexType) );
memset( waitingForOrderedPacketWriteIndex, 0, NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS * sizeof(OrderingIndexType) );
memset( waitingForSequencedPacketWriteIndex, 0, NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS * sizeof(OrderingIndexType) );
memset( &statistics, 0, sizeof( statistics ) );
statistics.connectionStartTime = RakNet::GetTime();
splitPacketId = 0;
messageNumber = 0;
lastUpdateTime= RakNet::GetTimeNS();
// lastPacketSendTime=retransmittedFrames=sentPackets=sentFrames=receivedPacketsCount=bytesSent=bytesReceived=0;
deadConnection = cheater = false;
lastAckTime = 0;
SetPing( 1000 );
// Frees all allocated memory
void ReliabilityLayer::FreeMemory( bool freeAllImmediately )
if ( freeAllImmediately )
freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate = true;
void ReliabilityLayer::FreeThreadedMemory( void )
void ReliabilityLayer::FreeThreadSafeMemory( void )
unsigned i,j;
InternalPacket *internalPacket;
for (i=0; i < splitPacketChannelList.Size(); i++)
for (j=0; j < splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size(); j++)
delete [] splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j]->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j] );
delete splitPacketChannelList[i];
while ( outputQueue.Size() > 0 )
internalPacket = outputQueue.Pop();
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
outputQueue.ClearAndForceAllocation( 32 );
for ( i = 0; i < orderingList.Size(); i++ )
if ( orderingList[ i ] )
DataStructures::LinkedList<InternalPacket*>* theList = orderingList[ i ];
if ( theList )
while ( theList->Size() )
internalPacket = orderingList[ i ]->Pop();
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
delete theList;
while ( resendQueue.Size() )
// The resend Queue can have NULL pointer holes. This is so we can deallocate blocks without having to compress the array
internalPacket = resendQueue.Pop();
if ( internalPacket )
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
resendQueue.ClearAndForceAllocation( DEFAULT_HAS_RECEIVED_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE );
for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES; i++ )
j = 0;
for ( ; j < sendPacketSet[ i ].Size(); j++ )
delete [] ( sendPacketSet[ i ] ) [ j ]->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( ( sendPacketSet[ i ] ) [ j ] );
sendPacketSet[ i ].ClearAndForceAllocation( 32 ); // Preallocate the send lists so we don't do a bunch of reallocations unnecessarily
#ifndef _RELEASE
for (unsigned i = 0; i < delayList.Size(); i++ )
delete delayList[ i ];
// Packets are read directly from the socket layer and skip the reliability
//layer because unconnected players do not use the reliability layer
// This function takes packet data after a player has been confirmed as
//connected. The game should not use that data directly
// because some data is used internally, such as packet acknowledgement and
//split packets
bool ReliabilityLayer::HandleSocketReceiveFromConnectedPlayer( const char *buffer, int length, PlayerID playerId, DataStructures::List<PluginInterface*> &messageHandlerList, int MTUSize )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( !( length <= 0 || buffer == 0 ) );
if ( length <= 1 || buffer == 0 ) // Length of 1 is a connection request resend that we just ignore
return true;
//int numberOfAcksInFrame = 0;
RakNetTimeNS time;
bool indexFound;
int count, size;
MessageNumberType holeCount;
unsigned i;
unsigned ackedHistogramCounter;
bool hasAcks=false;
// bool duplicatePacket;
// bytesReceived+=length + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
// decode this whole chunk if the decoder is defined.
if ( encryptor.IsKeySet() )
if ( encryptor.Decrypt( ( unsigned char* ) buffer, length, ( unsigned char* ) buffer, &length ) == false )
statistics.bitsWithBadCRCReceived += length * 8;
return false;
statistics.bitsReceived += length * 8;
RakNet::BitStream socketData( (unsigned char*) buffer, length, false ); // Convert the incoming data to a bitstream for easy parsing
time = RakNet::GetTimeNS();
DataStructures::RangeList<MessageNumberType> incomingAcks;
if (hasAcks)
MessageNumberType messageNumber;
if (incomingAcks.Deserialize(&socketData)==false)
return false;
for (i=0; i<incomingAcks.ranges.Size();i++)
if (incomingAcks.ranges[i].minIndex>incomingAcks.ranges[i].maxIndex)
return false;
for (messageNumber=incomingAcks.ranges[i].minIndex; messageNumber >= incomingAcks.ranges[i].minIndex && messageNumber <= incomingAcks.ranges[i].maxIndex; messageNumber++)
// SHOW - ack received
//printf("Got Ack for %i. resendList.Size()=%i sendQueue[0].Size() = %i\n",internalPacket->messageNumber, resendList.Size(), sendQueue[0].Size());
ackedHistogramCounter=RemovePacketFromResendListAndDeleteOlderReliableSequenced( messageNumber, time );
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%p: Got ack for %i. Resend queue size=%i\n", this, messageNumber, resendQueue.Size());
if (time >= histogramStartTime && ackedHistogramCounter!=(unsigned)-1 && ackedHistogramCounter==histogramReceiveMarker)
// internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
if ( resendList.IsEmpty() )
lastAckTime = 0; // Not resending anything so clear this var so we don't drop the connection on not getting any more acks
lastAckTime = time; // Just got an ack. Record when we got it so we know the connection is alive
// Parse the bitstream to create an internal packet
InternalPacket* internalPacket = CreateInternalPacketFromBitStream( &socketData, time );
if (internalPacket==0)
return hasAcks;
while ( internalPacket )
for (i=0; i < messageHandlerList.Size(); i++)
messageHandlerList[i]->OnInternalPacket(internalPacket, receivePacketCount, playerId, (RakNetTime)(time/(RakNetTimeNS)1000), false);
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%p: Got packet %i data: %i bitlen: %i\n", this, internalPacket->messageNumber, (unsigned char) internalPacket->data[0], internalPacket->dataBitLength);
// receivedPacketsCount++;
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE )
SendAcknowledgementPacket( internalPacket->messageNumber, time );
// resetReceivedPackets is set from a non-threadsafe function.
// We do the actual reset in this function so the data is not modified by multiple threads
if (resetReceivedPackets)
// If the following conditional is true then this either a duplicate packet
// or an older out of order packet
// The subtraction unsigned overflow is intentional
holeCount = (MessageNumberType)(internalPacket->messageNumber-receivedPacketsBaseIndex);
const int typeRange = (MessageNumberType)-1;
if (holeCount==0)
// Got what we were expecting
if (hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size())
else if (holeCount > typeRange-typeRange/2)
// Underflow - got a packet we have already counted past
// Duplicate packet
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
else if (holeCount<hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size())
// Got a higher count out of order packet that was missing in the sequence or we already got
if (hasReceivedPacketQueue[holeCount]!=0) // non-zero means this is a hole
// Fill in the hole
hasReceivedPacketQueue[holeCount]=0; // We got the packet at holeCount
// Not a hole - just a duplicate packet
// Duplicate packet
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
else // holeCount>=receivedPackets.Size()
// Got a higher count out of order packet whose messageNumber is higher than we have ever got
// Add 0 times to the queue until (messageNumber - baseIndex) < queue size.
while ((MessageNumberType)(holeCount) > hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size())
hasReceivedPacketQueue.Push(time+(RakNetTimeNS)timeoutTime*1000); // Didn't get this packet - set the time to give up waiting
hasReceivedPacketQueue.Push(0); // Got the packet
#ifdef _DEBUG
// If this assert hits then MessageNumberType has overflowed
assert(hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size() < (unsigned int)((MessageNumberType)(-1)));
// Pop all expired times. 0 means we got the packet, in which case we don't track this index either.
while ( hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size()>0 && hasReceivedPacketQueue.Peek() < time )
// If the allocated buffer is > DEFAULT_HAS_RECEIVED_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE and it is 3x greater than the number of elements actually being used
if (hasReceivedPacketQueue.AllocationSize() > (unsigned int) DEFAULT_HAS_RECEIVED_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE && hasReceivedPacketQueue.AllocationSize() > hasReceivedPacketQueue.Size() * 3)
// Keep on top of deleting old unreliable split packets so they don't clog the list.
if ( internalPacket->splitPacketCount > 0 )
DeleteOldUnreliableSplitPackets( time );
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( internalPacket->orderingChannel < NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS );
if ( internalPacket->orderingChannel >= NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS )
// Invalid packet
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf( "Got invalid packet\n" );
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
if ( IsOlderOrderedPacket( internalPacket->orderingIndex, waitingForSequencedPacketReadIndex[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] ) == false )
// Is this a split packet?
if ( internalPacket->splitPacketCount > 0 )
// Generate the split
// Verify some parameters to make sure we don't get junk data
// Check for a rebuilt packet
InsertIntoSplitPacketList( internalPacket, time );
// Sequenced
internalPacket = BuildPacketFromSplitPacketList( internalPacket->splitPacketId, time );
if ( internalPacket )
// Update our index to the newest packet
waitingForSequencedPacketReadIndex[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] = internalPacket->orderingIndex + 1;
// If there is a rebuilt packet, add it to the output queue
outputQueue.Push( internalPacket );
internalPacket = 0;
// else don't have all the parts yet
// Update our index to the newest packet
waitingForSequencedPacketReadIndex[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] = internalPacket->orderingIndex + 1;
// Not a split packet. Add the packet to the output queue
outputQueue.Push( internalPacket );
internalPacket = 0;
// Older sequenced packet. Discard it
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
// Is this an unsequenced split packet?
if ( internalPacket->splitPacketCount > 0 )
// An unsequenced split packet. May be ordered though.
// Check for a rebuilt packet
if ( internalPacket->reliability != RELIABLE_ORDERED )
internalPacket->orderingChannel = 255; // Use 255 to designate not sequenced and not ordered
InsertIntoSplitPacketList( internalPacket, time );
internalPacket = BuildPacketFromSplitPacketList( internalPacket->splitPacketId, time );
if ( internalPacket == 0 )
// Don't have all the parts yet
// else continue down to handle RELIABLE_ORDERED
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( internalPacket->orderingChannel < NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS );
if ( internalPacket->orderingChannel >= NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS )
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf("Got invalid ordering channel %i from packet %i\n", internalPacket->orderingChannel, internalPacket->messageNumber);
// Invalid packet
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
if ( waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] == internalPacket->orderingIndex )
// Get the list to hold ordered packets for this stream
DataStructures::LinkedList<InternalPacket*> *orderingListAtOrderingStream;
unsigned char orderingChannelCopy = internalPacket->orderingChannel;
// Show ordering index increment
//printf("Pushing immediate packet %i with ordering index %i\n", internalPacket->messageNumber, internalPacket->orderingIndex );
// Push the packet for the user to read
outputQueue.Push( internalPacket );
internalPacket = 0; // Don't reference this any longer since other threads access it
// Wait for the next ordered packet in sequence
waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ orderingChannelCopy ] ++; // This wraps
orderingListAtOrderingStream = GetOrderingListAtOrderingStream( orderingChannelCopy );
if ( orderingListAtOrderingStream != 0)
while ( orderingListAtOrderingStream->Size() > 0 )
// Cycle through the list until nothing is found
while (count++ < size)
if ( orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->orderingIndex == waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ orderingChannelCopy ] )
RakNet::BitStream temp(orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->data, BITS_TO_BYTES(orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->dataBitLength), false);
unsigned int receivedPacketNumber=0;
printf("Receive: receivedPacketNumber=%i orderingIndex=%i waitingFor=%i\n", receivedPacketNumber, orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->orderingIndex, waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ orderingChannelCopy ]);
//printf("Pushing delayed packet %i with ordering index %i. outputQueue.Size()==%i\n", orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->messageNumber, orderingListAtOrderingStream->Peek()->orderingIndex, outputQueue.Size() );
outputQueue.Push( orderingListAtOrderingStream->Pop() );
waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ orderingChannelCopy ]++; // This wraps at 255
if (indexFound==false)
internalPacket = 0;
// assert(waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] < internalPacket->orderingIndex);
// This is a newer ordered packet than we are waiting for. Store it for future use
AddToOrderingList( internalPacket );
// Nothing special about this packet. Add it to the output queue
outputQueue.Push( internalPacket );
internalPacket = 0;
// Used for a goto to jump to the next packet immediately
// Parse the bitstream to create an internal packet
internalPacket = CreateInternalPacketFromBitStream( &socketData, time );
if (numberOfAcksInFrame > 0)
// if (time > lastWindowAdjustTime+ping)
// printf("Window size up\n");
windowSize+=1 + numberOfAcksInFrame/windowSize;
if ( windowSize > MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE )
// printf("No acks in frame\n");
// numberOfAcksInFrame>=windowSize means that all the packets we last sent from the resendList are cleared out
// 11/17/05 - the problem with numberOfAcksInFrame >= windowSize is that if the entire frame is filled with resends but not all resends filled the frame
// then the sender is limited by how many resends can fit in one frame
if ( numberOfAcksInFrame >= windowSize && ( sendPacketSet[ SYSTEM_PRIORITY ].Size() > 0 || sendPacketSet[ HIGH_PRIORITY ].Size() > 0 || sendPacketSet[ MEDIUM_PRIORITY ].Size() > 0 ) )
// reliabilityLayerMutexes[windowSize_MUTEX].Lock();
//printf("windowSize=%i lossyWindowSize=%i\n", windowSize, lossyWindowSize);
if ( windowSize < lossyWindowSize || (time>lastWindowIncreaseSizeTime && time-lastWindowIncreaseSizeTime>lostPacketResendDelay*2) ) // Increases the window size slowly, testing for packetloss
// If we get a frame which clears out the resend queue after handling one or more acks, and we have packets waiting to go out,
// and we didn't recently lose a packet then increase the window size by 1
if ( (time>lastWindowIncreaseSizeTime && time-lastWindowIncreaseSizeTime>lostPacketResendDelay*2) ) // The increase is to test for packetloss
lastWindowIncreaseSizeTime = time;
// If the window is so large that we couldn't possibly fit any more packets into the frame, then just leave it alone
if ( windowSize > MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE )
// printf("Increasing windowSize to %i. Lossy window size = %i\n", windowSize, lossyWindowSize);
// If we are more than 5 over the lossy window size, increase the lossy window size by 1
if ( windowSize == MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE || windowSize - lossyWindowSize > 5 )
// reliabilityLayerMutexes[windowSize_MUTEX].Unlock();
if (hasAcks)
return true;
// This gets an end-user packet already parsed out. Returns number of BITS put into the buffer
int ReliabilityLayer::Receive( unsigned char **data )
// Wait until the clear occurs
if (freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate)
return 0;
InternalPacket * internalPacket;
if ( outputQueue.Size() > 0 )
// #ifdef _DEBUG
// assert(bitStream->GetNumberOfBitsUsed()==0);
// #endif
internalPacket = outputQueue.Pop();
int bitLength;
*data = internalPacket->data;
bitLength = internalPacket->dataBitLength;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return bitLength;
return 0;
// Puts data on the send queue
// bitStream contains the data to send
// priority is what priority to send the data at
// reliability is what reliability to use
// ordering channel is from 0 to 255 and specifies what stream to use
bool ReliabilityLayer::Send( char *data, int numberOfBitsToSend, PacketPriority priority, PacketReliability reliability, unsigned char orderingChannel, bool makeDataCopy, int MTUSize, RakNetTimeNS currentTime )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( !( reliability > RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || reliability < 0 ) );
assert( !( priority > NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES || priority < 0 ) );
assert( !( orderingChannel < 0 || orderingChannel >= NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS ) );
assert( numberOfBitsToSend > 0 );
if ( readWriteSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
return false;
// Fix any bad parameters
if ( reliability > RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || reliability < 0 )
reliability = RELIABLE;
if ( priority > NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES || priority < 0 )
priority = HIGH_PRIORITY;
if ( orderingChannel >= NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS )
orderingChannel = 0;
int numberOfBytesToSend=BITS_TO_BYTES(numberOfBitsToSend);
if ( numberOfBitsToSend == 0 )
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf( "Error!! ReliabilityLayer::Send bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed()==0\n" );
return false;
InternalPacket * internalPacket = internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
//InternalPacket * internalPacket = sendPacketSet[priority].WriteLock();
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Remove accessing undefined memory warning
memset( internalPacket, 255, sizeof( InternalPacket ) );
internalPacket->creationTime = currentTime;
if ( makeDataCopy )
internalPacket->data = new unsigned char [ numberOfBytesToSend ];
memcpy( internalPacket->data, data, numberOfBytesToSend );
// printf("Allocated %i\n", internalPacket->data);
// Allocated the data elsewhere, delete it in here
internalPacket->data = ( unsigned char* ) data;
// printf("Using Pre-Allocated %i\n", internalPacket->data);
internalPacket->dataBitLength = numberOfBitsToSend;
internalPacket->nextActionTime = 0;
internalPacket->messageNumber = messageNumber;
internalPacket->priority = priority;
internalPacket->reliability = reliability;
internalPacket->splitPacketCount = 0;
// Calculate if I need to split the packet
int headerLength = BITS_TO_BYTES( GetBitStreamHeaderLength( internalPacket ) );
int maxDataSize = MTUSize - UDP_HEADER_SIZE - headerLength;
if ( encryptor.IsKeySet() )
maxDataSize -= 8; // Extra data for the encryptor
bool splitPacket = numberOfBytesToSend > maxDataSize;
// If a split packet, we might have to upgrade the reliability
if ( splitPacket )
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED )
// Assign the sequence stream and index
internalPacket->orderingChannel = orderingChannel;
internalPacket->orderingIndex = waitingForSequencedPacketWriteIndex[ orderingChannel ] ++;
// This packet supersedes all other sequenced packets on the same ordering channel
// Delete all packets in all send lists that are sequenced and on the same ordering channel
// Disabled. We don't have enough info to consistently do this. Sometimes newer data does supercede
// older data such as with constantly declining health, but not in all cases.
// For example, with sequenced unreliable sound packets just because you send a newer one doesn't mean you
// don't need the older ones because the odds are they will still arrive in order
for (int i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES; i++)
DeleteSequencedPacketsInList(orderingChannel, sendQueue[i]);
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
// Assign the ordering channel and index
internalPacket->orderingChannel = orderingChannel;
internalPacket->orderingIndex = waitingForOrderedPacketWriteIndex[ orderingChannel ] ++;
if ( splitPacket ) // If it uses a secure header it will be generated here
// Must split the packet. This will also generate the SHA1 if it is required. It also adds it to the send list.
//InternalPacket packetCopy;
//memcpy(&packetCopy, internalPacket, sizeof(InternalPacket));
//SplitPacket( &packetCopy, MTUSize );
SplitPacket( internalPacket, MTUSize );
//delete [] packetCopy.data;
return true;
sendPacketSet[ internalPacket->priority ].Push( internalPacket );
// sendPacketSet[priority].WriteUnlock();
return true;
// Run this once per game cycle. Handles internal lists and actually does the send
void ReliabilityLayer::Update( SOCKET s, PlayerID playerId, int MTUSize, RakNetTimeNS time, DataStructures::List<PluginInterface*> &messageHandlerList )
if ( readWriteSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
if (deadConnection)
// This line is necessary because the timer isn't accurate
if (time <= lastUpdateTime)
// Always set the last time in case of overflow
RakNetTimeNS elapsedTime = time - lastUpdateTime;
availableBandwidth+=currentBandwidth * ((double)elapsedTime/1000000.0f);
if (availableBandwidth > currentBandwidth)
availableBandwidth = currentBandwidth;
// unsigned resendListSize;
bool reliableDataSent;
// Due to thread vagarities and the way I store the time to avoid slow calls to RakNet::GetTime
// time may be less than lastAck
if ( resendList.IsEmpty()==false && time > lastAckTime && lastAckTime && time - lastAckTime > (RakNetTimeNS)timeoutTime*1000 )
// SHOW - dead connection
// printf("The connection has been lost.\n");
// We've waited a very long time for a reliable packet to get an ack and it never has
deadConnection = true;
// Water canister has to have enough room to put more water in :)
double requiredBuffer=(float)((MTUSize+UDP_HEADER_SIZE)*8);
if (requiredBuffer > currentBandwidth)
while ( availableBandwidth > requiredBuffer )
GenerateDatagram( &updateBitStream, MTUSize, &reliableDataSent, time, playerId, messageHandlerList );
if ( updateBitStream.GetNumberOfBitsUsed() > 0 )
#ifndef _RELEASE
if (minExtraPing > 0 || extraPingVariance > 0)
// Delay the send to simulate lag
DataAndTime *dt;
dt = new DataAndTime;
memcpy( dt->data, updateBitStream.GetData(), updateBitStream.GetNumberOfBytesUsed() );
dt->length = updateBitStream.GetNumberOfBytesUsed();
dt->sendTime = time + (RakNetTimeNS)minExtraPing*1000;
if (extraPingVariance > 0)
dt->sendTime += ( randomMT() % (int)extraPingVariance );
delayList.Insert( dt );
SendBitStream( s, playerId, &updateBitStream );
bool lastContinuousSend=continuousSend;
continuousSend=availableBandwidth < requiredBuffer;
if (continuousSend==true && lastContinuousSend==false)
if (++histogramReceiveMarker==(unsigned)-1)
if (time >= histogramEndTime )
float packetloss;
double delta;
if (histogramAckCount+histogramPlossCount)
packetloss=(float)histogramPlossCount / ((float)histogramAckCount+(float)histogramPlossCount);
packetloss=0.0f; // This line can be true if we are sending only acks
if (continuousSend==false)
if (packetloss > PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE)
if (packetloss > .2)
if (lowBandwidth < MINIMUM_SEND_BPS)
delta = (highBandwidth-lowBandwidth)/2;
if (packetloss <= PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE)
if (packetloss==0.0)
// If no packetloss for many increases in a row, drop the high range and go into search mode.
if (++noPacketlossIncreaseCount==10)
if (highBandwidth!=0.0)
// If a lot of packetloss at any time, decrease the low range by half
if (packetloss > .2)
if (lowBandwidth < MINIMUM_SEND_BPS)
delta = (highBandwidth-lowBandwidth)/2;
if (delta < MINIMUM_SEND_BPS/4)
// If no packetloss and done searching, increase the high range by 50%
if (packetloss==0.0)
else if (packetloss < PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE)
// If some packetloss and done searching, increase the high range by 5%
else if (packetloss < PACKETLOSS_TOLERANCE*2)
// If some packetloss, but not a huge amount and done searching, decrease the low range by 10%
if (lowBandwidth < MINIMUM_SEND_BPS)
delta = (highBandwidth-lowBandwidth)/2;
// Don't know the maximum bandwidth, so keep doubling to find out
if (++histogramReceiveMarker==(unsigned)-1)
#ifndef _RELEASE
// Do any lagged sends
unsigned i = 0;
while ( i < delayList.Size() )
if ( delayList[ i ]->sendTime < time )
updateBitStream.Write( delayList[ i ]->data, delayList[ i ]->length );
// Send it now
SendBitStream( s, playerId, &updateBitStream );
delete delayList[ i ];
if (i != delayList.Size() - 1)
delayList[ i ] = delayList[ delayList.Size() - 1 ];
// Writes a bitstream to the socket
void ReliabilityLayer::SendBitStream( SOCKET s, PlayerID playerId, RakNet::BitStream *bitStream )
// SHOW - showing reliable flow
// if (bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed()>50)
// printf("Sending %i bytes. sendQueue[0].Size()=%i, resendList.Size()=%i\n", bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed(), sendQueue[0].Size(),resendList.Size());
int oldLength, length;
// sentFrames++;
#ifndef _RELEASE
if (maxSendBPS>0)
double chanceToLosePacket = (double)currentBandwidth / (double)maxSendBPS;
if (frandomMT() < (float)chanceToLosePacket)
// Encode the whole bitstream if the encoder is defined.
if ( encryptor.IsKeySet() )
length = bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed();
oldLength = length;
encryptor.Encrypt( ( unsigned char* ) bitStream->GetData(), length, ( unsigned char* ) bitStream->GetData(), &length );
statistics.encryptionBitsSent += ( length - oldLength ) * 8;
assert( ( length % 16 ) == 0 );
length = bitStream->GetNumberOfBytesUsed();
if ( readWriteSocket == INVALID_SOCKET )
assert( 0 );
return ;
statistics.totalBitsSent += length * 8;
SocketLayer::Instance()->Write( readWriteSocket, ( const char* ) bitStream->GetData(), length );
statistics.totalBitsSent += length * 8;
//printf("total bits=%i length=%i\n", BITS_TO_BYTES(statistics.totalBitsSent), length);
SocketLayer::Instance()->SendTo( s, ( char* ) bitStream->GetData(), length, playerId.binaryAddress, playerId.port );
// lastPacketSendTime=time;
// Generates a datagram (coalesced packets)
unsigned ReliabilityLayer::GenerateDatagram( RakNet::BitStream *output, int MTUSize, bool *reliableDataSent, RakNetTimeNS time, PlayerID playerId, DataStructures::List<PluginInterface*> &messageHandlerList )
InternalPacket * internalPacket;
// InternalPacket *temp;
int maxDataBitSize;
int reliableBits = 0;
int nextPacketBitLength;
unsigned i, messageHandlerIndex;
bool isReliable, onlySendUnreliable;
bool writeFalseToHeader;
unsigned messagesSent=0;
maxDataBitSize = MTUSize - UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
if ( encryptor.IsKeySet() )
maxDataBitSize -= 16; // Extra data for the encryptor
maxDataBitSize <<= 3;
*reliableDataSent = false;
if (time > nextAckTime)
if (acknowlegements.Size()>0)
statistics.acknowlegementBitsSent +=acknowlegements.Serialize(output, (MTUSize-UDP_HEADER_SIZE)*8-1, true);
if (acknowlegements.Size()==0)
// printf("Ack full\n");
while ( resendQueue.Size() > 0 )
internalPacket = resendQueue.Peek();
// The resend Queue can have holes. This is so we can deallocate blocks without having to compress the array
if ( internalPacket->nextActionTime == 0 )
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
continue; // This was a hole
if ( resendQueue.Peek()->nextActionTime < time )
internalPacket = resendQueue.Pop();
nextPacketBitLength = GetBitStreamHeaderLength( internalPacket ) + internalPacket->dataBitLength;
if ( output->GetNumberOfBitsUsed() + nextPacketBitLength > maxDataBitSize )
resendQueue.PushAtHead( internalPacket ); // Not enough room to use this packet after all!
RakAssert(internalPacket->priority >= 0);
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%p: Resending packet %i data: %i bitlen: %i\n", this, internalPacket->messageNumber, (unsigned char) internalPacket->data[0], internalPacket->dataBitLength);
for (messageHandlerIndex=0; messageHandlerIndex < messageHandlerList.Size(); messageHandlerIndex++)
messageHandlerList[messageHandlerIndex]->OnInternalPacket(internalPacket, sendPacketCount, playerId, (RakNetTime)(time/(RakNetTimeNS)1000), true);
// Write to the output bitstream
statistics.messageDataBitsResent += internalPacket->dataBitLength;
if (writeFalseToHeader)
statistics.messagesTotalBitsResent += WriteToBitStreamFromInternalPacket( output, internalPacket );
*reliableDataSent = true;
internalPacket->nextActionTime = time + ackTimeIncrement;
if (time >= histogramStartTime && internalPacket->histogramMarker==histogramReceiveMarker)
//printf("PACKETLOSS\n ");
// Put the packet back into the resend list at the correct spot
// Don't make a copy since I'm reinserting an allocated struct
InsertPacketIntoResendList( internalPacket, time, false, false );
onlySendUnreliable = false;
// From highest to lowest priority, fill up the output bitstream from the send lists
for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES; i++ )
while ( sendPacketSet[ i ].Size() )
internalPacket = sendPacketSet[ i ].Pop();
nextPacketBitLength = GetBitStreamHeaderLength( internalPacket ) + internalPacket->dataBitLength;
if (unreliableTimeout!=0 &&
(internalPacket->reliability==UNRELIABLE || internalPacket->reliability==UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED) &&
time > internalPacket->creationTime+(RakNetTimeNS)unreliableTimeout)
// Unreliable packets are deleted
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
if ( output->GetNumberOfBitsUsed() + nextPacketBitLength > maxDataBitSize )
// This output won't fit.
sendPacketSet[ i ].PushAtHead( internalPacket ); // Push this back at the head so it is the next thing to go out
if ( internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
isReliable = true;
isReliable = false;
// Write to the output bitstream
statistics.messagesSent[ i ] ++;
statistics.messageDataBitsSent[ i ] += internalPacket->dataBitLength;
char temp[256];
sprintf(temp, "%p: Sending packet %i data: %i bitlen: %i\n", this, internalPacket->messageNumber, (unsigned char) internalPacket->data[0], internalPacket->dataBitLength);
for (messageHandlerIndex=0; messageHandlerIndex < messageHandlerList.Size(); messageHandlerIndex++)
messageHandlerList[messageHandlerIndex]->OnInternalPacket(internalPacket, sendPacketCount, playerId, (RakNetTime)(time/(RakNetTimeNS)1000), true);
if (writeFalseToHeader)
statistics.messageTotalBitsSent[ i ] += WriteToBitStreamFromInternalPacket( output, internalPacket );
if ( isReliable )
// Reliable packets are saved to resend later
reliableBits += internalPacket->dataBitLength;
internalPacket->nextActionTime = time + ackTimeIncrement;
resendList.Insert( internalPacket->messageNumber, internalPacket);
//printf("ackTimeIncrement=%i\n", ackTimeIncrement/1000);
InsertPacketIntoResendList( internalPacket, time, false, true);
*reliableDataSent = true;
// Unreliable packets are deleted
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
// if (output->GetNumberOfBitsUsed()>0)
// {
// Update the throttle with the header
// bytesSent+=output->GetNumberOfBytesUsed() + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
if (output->GetNumberOfBitsUsed()>0)
return messagesSent;
// Are we waiting for any data to be sent out or be processed by the player?
bool ReliabilityLayer::IsDataWaiting(void)
unsigned i;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES; i++ )
if (sendPacketSet[ i ].Size() > 0)
return true;
return acknowlegements.Size() > 0 || resendList.IsEmpty()==false || outputQueue.Size() > 0 || orderingList.Size() > 0 || splitPacketChannelList.Size() > 0;
bool ReliabilityLayer::AreAcksWaiting(void)
return acknowlegements.Size() > 0;
void ReliabilityLayer::ApplyNetworkSimulator( double _maxSendBPS, RakNetTime _minExtraPing, RakNetTime _extraPingVariance )
#ifndef _RELEASE
if (ping < (unsigned int)(minExtraPing+extraPingVariance)*2)
void ReliabilityLayer::SetSplitMessageProgressInterval(int interval)
void ReliabilityLayer::SetUnreliableTimeout(RakNetTime timeoutMS)
// This will return true if we should not send at this time
bool ReliabilityLayer::IsSendThrottled( int MTUSize )
return false;
// return resendList.Size() > windowSize;
// Disabling this, because it can get stuck here forever
unsigned packetsWaiting;
unsigned resendListDataSize=0;
unsigned i;
for (i=0; i < resendList.Size(); i++)
if (resendList[i])
packetsWaiting = 1 + ((BITS_TO_BYTES(resendListDataSize)) / (MTUSize - UDP_HEADER_SIZE - 10)); // 10 to roughly estimate the raknet header
return packetsWaiting >= windowSize;
// We lost a packet
void ReliabilityLayer::UpdateWindowFromPacketloss( RakNetTimeNS time )
// Increase the window size
void ReliabilityLayer::UpdateWindowFromAck( RakNetTimeNS time )
// Does what the function name says
unsigned ReliabilityLayer::RemovePacketFromResendListAndDeleteOlderReliableSequenced( const MessageNumberType messageNumber, RakNetTimeNS time )
InternalPacket * internalPacket;
//InternalPacket *temp;
PacketReliability reliability; // What type of reliability algorithm to use with this packet
unsigned char orderingChannel; // What ordering channel this packet is on, if the reliability type uses ordering channels
OrderingIndexType orderingIndex; // The ID used as identification for ordering channels
// unsigned j;
bool deleted;
deleted=resendList.Delete(messageNumber, internalPacket);
if (deleted)
reliability = internalPacket->reliability;
orderingChannel = internalPacket->orderingChannel;
orderingIndex = internalPacket->orderingIndex;
// delete [] internalPacket->data;
// internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
internalPacket->nextActionTime=0; // Will be freed in the update function
return internalPacket->histogramMarker;
// Rarely used and thus disabled for speed
// If the deleted packet was reliable sequenced, also delete all older reliable sequenced resends on the same ordering channel.
// This is because we no longer need to send these.
if ( reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED )
unsigned j = 0;
while ( j < resendList.Size() )
internalPacket = resendList[ j ];
if ( internalPacket && internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED && internalPacket->orderingChannel == orderingChannel && IsOlderOrderedPacket( internalPacket->orderingIndex, orderingIndex ) )
// Delete the packet
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
resendList[ j ] = 0; // Generate a hole
return (unsigned)-1;
// Acknowledge receipt of the packet with the specified messageNumber
void ReliabilityLayer::SendAcknowledgementPacket( const MessageNumberType messageNumber, RakNetTimeNS time )
// Parse an internalPacket and figure out how many header bits would be
// written. Returns that number
int ReliabilityLayer::GetBitStreamHeaderLength( const InternalPacket *const internalPacket )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( internalPacket );
int bitLength;
// Write the PacketReliability. This is encoded in 3 bits
//bitStream->WriteBits((unsigned char*)&(internalPacket->reliability), 3, true);
bitLength += 3;
// If the reliability requires an ordering channel and ordering index, we Write those.
if ( internalPacket->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
// ordering channel encoded in 5 bits (from 0 to 31)
//bitStream->WriteBits((unsigned char*)&(internalPacket->orderingChannel), 5, true);
// ordering index is one byte
// Write if this is a split packet (1 bit)
bool isSplitPacket = internalPacket->splitPacketCount > 0;
bitLength += 1;
if ( isSplitPacket )
// split packet indices are two bytes (so one packet can be split up to 65535
// times - maximum packet size would be about 500 * 65535)
bitLength += (sizeof(SplitPacketIdType) + sizeof(SplitPacketIndexType) * 2) * 8;
// Write how many bits the packet data is. Stored in an unsigned short and
// read from 16 bits
//bitStream->WriteBits((unsigned char*)&(internalPacket->dataBitLength), 16, true);
// Read how many bits the packet data is. Stored in 16 bits
bitLength += 16;
// Byte alignment
//bitLength += 8 - ((bitLength -1) %8 + 1);
return bitLength;
// Parse an internalPacket and create a bitstream to represent this data
int ReliabilityLayer::WriteToBitStreamFromInternalPacket( RakNet::BitStream *bitStream, const InternalPacket *const internalPacket )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( bitStream && internalPacket );
int start = bitStream->GetNumberOfBitsUsed();
const unsigned char c = (unsigned char) internalPacket->reliability;
// testing
//if (internalPacket->reliability==UNRELIABLE)
// printf("Sending unreliable packet %i\n", internalPacket->messageNumber);
//else if (internalPacket->reliability==RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability==RELIABLE_ORDERED || internalPacket->reliability==RELIABLE)
// printf("Sending reliable packet number %i\n", internalPacket->messageNumber);
// Write the message number (2 bytes)
bitStream->Write( internalPacket->messageNumber );
// Acknowledgment packets have no more data than the messageNumber and whether it is anacknowledgment
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( internalPacket->dataBitLength > 0 );
// Write the PacketReliability. This is encoded in 3 bits
bitStream->WriteBits( (const unsigned char *)&c, 3, true );
// If the reliability requires an ordering channel and ordering index, we Write those.
if ( internalPacket->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
// ordering channel encoded in 5 bits (from 0 to 31)
bitStream->WriteBits( ( unsigned char* ) & ( internalPacket->orderingChannel ), 5, true );
// One or two bytes
bitStream->Write( internalPacket->orderingIndex );
// Write if this is a split packet (1 bit)
bool isSplitPacket = internalPacket->splitPacketCount > 0;
bitStream->Write( isSplitPacket );
if ( isSplitPacket )
bitStream->Write( internalPacket->splitPacketId );
bitStream->WriteCompressed( internalPacket->splitPacketIndex );
bitStream->WriteCompressed( internalPacket->splitPacketCount );
// Write how many bits the packet data is. Stored in 13 bits
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) < MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE ); // I never send more than MTU_SIZE bytes
unsigned short length = ( unsigned short ) internalPacket->dataBitLength; // Ignore the 2 high bytes for WriteBits
bitStream->WriteCompressed( length );
// Write the actual data.
bitStream->WriteAlignedBytes( ( unsigned char* ) internalPacket->data, BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) );
//bitStream->WriteBits((unsigned char*)internalPacket->data, internalPacket->dataBitLength);
return bitStream->GetNumberOfBitsUsed() - start;
// Parse a bitstream and create an internal packet to represent this data
InternalPacket* ReliabilityLayer::CreateInternalPacketFromBitStream( RakNet::BitStream *bitStream, RakNetTimeNS time )
bool bitStreamSucceeded;
InternalPacket* internalPacket;
if ( bitStream->GetNumberOfUnreadBits() < (int) sizeof( internalPacket->messageNumber ) * 8 )
return 0; // leftover bits
internalPacket = internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Remove accessing undefined memory error
memset( internalPacket, 255, sizeof( InternalPacket ) );
internalPacket->creationTime = time;
// Read the packet number (2 bytes)
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->Read( internalPacket->messageNumber );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
// Read the PacketReliability. This is encoded in 3 bits
unsigned char reliability;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadBits( ( unsigned char* ) ( &( reliability ) ), 3 );
internalPacket->reliability = ( const PacketReliability ) reliability;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
// assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
// If the reliability requires an ordering channel and ordering index, we read those.
if ( internalPacket->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || internalPacket->reliability == RELIABLE_ORDERED )
// ordering channel encoded in 5 bits (from 0 to 31)
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadBits( ( unsigned char* ) & ( internalPacket->orderingChannel ), 5 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->Read( internalPacket->orderingIndex );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
// Read if this is a split packet (1 bit)
bool isSplitPacket;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->Read( isSplitPacket );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
if ( isSplitPacket )
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->Read( internalPacket->splitPacketId );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
// assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadCompressed( internalPacket->splitPacketIndex );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadCompressed( internalPacket->splitPacketCount );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
internalPacket->splitPacketIndex = internalPacket->splitPacketCount = 0;
// Optimization - do byte alignment here
//unsigned char zero;
//bitStream->ReadBits(&zero, 8 - (bitStream->GetNumberOfBitsUsed() %8));
unsigned short length;
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadCompressed( length );
// Read into an unsigned short. Otherwise the data would be offset too high by two bytes
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
internalPacket->dataBitLength = length;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets arriving when the sender does not know we just connected, which is an unavoidable condition sometimes
// assert( internalPacket->dataBitLength > 0 && BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) < MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE );
if ( ! ( internalPacket->dataBitLength > 0 && BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) < MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE ) )
// 10/08/05 - internalPacket->data wasn't allocated yet
// delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
// Allocate memory to hold our data
internalPacket->data = new unsigned char [ BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) ];
//printf("Allocating %i\n", internalPacket->data);
// Set the last byte to 0 so if ReadBits does not read a multiple of 8 the last bits are 0'ed out
internalPacket->data[ BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) - 1 ] = 0;
// Read the data the packet holds
bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadAlignedBytes( ( unsigned char* ) internalPacket->data, BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) );
//bitStreamSucceeded = bitStream->ReadBits((unsigned char*)internalPacket->data, internalPacket->dataBitLength);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// 10/08/05 - Disabled assert since this hits from offline packets
//assert( bitStreamSucceeded );
if ( bitStreamSucceeded == false )
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
return 0;
// if (internalPacket->data && internalPacket->dataBitLength>5*8)
// printf("Received %s\n",internalPacket->data);
return internalPacket;
// Get the SHA1 code
void ReliabilityLayer::GetSHA1( unsigned char * const buffer, unsigned int
nbytes, char code[ SHA1_LENGTH ] )
CSHA1 sha1;
sha1.Update( ( unsigned char* ) buffer, nbytes );
memcpy( code, sha1.GetHash(), SHA1_LENGTH );
// Check the SHA1 code
bool ReliabilityLayer::CheckSHA1( char code[ SHA1_LENGTH ], unsigned char *
const buffer, unsigned int nbytes )
char code2[ SHA1_LENGTH ];
GetSHA1( buffer, nbytes, code2 );
for ( int i = 0; i < SHA1_LENGTH; i++ )
if ( code[ i ] != code2[ i ] )
return false;
return true;
// Search the specified list for sequenced packets on the specified ordering
// stream, optionally skipping those with splitPacketId, and delete them
void ReliabilityLayer::DeleteSequencedPacketsInList( unsigned char orderingChannel, DataStructures::List<InternalPacket*>&theList, int splitPacketId )
unsigned i = 0;
while ( i < theList.Size() )
if ( ( theList[ i ]->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || theList[ i ]->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED ) &&
theList[ i ]->orderingChannel == orderingChannel && ( splitPacketId == -1 || theList[ i ]->splitPacketId != (unsigned int) splitPacketId ) )
InternalPacket * internalPacket = theList[ i ];
theList.RemoveAtIndex( i );
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
// Search the specified list for sequenced packets with a value less than orderingIndex and delete them
// Note - I added functionality so you can use the Queue as a list (in this case for searching) but it is less efficient to do so than a regular list
void ReliabilityLayer::DeleteSequencedPacketsInList( unsigned char orderingChannel, DataStructures::Queue<InternalPacket*>&theList )
InternalPacket * internalPacket;
int listSize = theList.Size();
int i = 0;
while ( i < listSize )
if ( ( theList[ i ]->reliability == RELIABLE_SEQUENCED || theList[ i ]->reliability == UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED ) && theList[ i ]->orderingChannel == orderingChannel )
internalPacket = theList[ i ];
theList.Del( i );
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
// Returns true if newPacketOrderingIndex is older than the waitingForPacketOrderingIndex
bool ReliabilityLayer::IsOlderOrderedPacket( OrderingIndexType newPacketOrderingIndex, OrderingIndexType waitingForPacketOrderingIndex )
// This should give me 255 or 65535
OrderingIndexType maxRange = (OrderingIndexType) -1;
if ( waitingForPacketOrderingIndex > maxRange/2 )
if ( newPacketOrderingIndex >= waitingForPacketOrderingIndex - maxRange/2+1 && newPacketOrderingIndex < waitingForPacketOrderingIndex )
return true;
if ( newPacketOrderingIndex >= ( OrderingIndexType ) ( waitingForPacketOrderingIndex - (( OrderingIndexType ) maxRange/2+1) ) ||
newPacketOrderingIndex < waitingForPacketOrderingIndex )
return true;
// Old packet
return false;
// Split the passed packet into chunks under MTU_SIZEbytes (including headers) and save those new chunks
// Optimized version
void ReliabilityLayer::SplitPacket( InternalPacket *internalPacket, int MTUSize )
// Doing all sizes in bytes in this function so I don't write partial bytes with split packets
internalPacket->splitPacketCount = 1; // This causes GetBitStreamHeaderLength to account for the split packet header
int headerLength = BITS_TO_BYTES( GetBitStreamHeaderLength( internalPacket ) );
int dataByteLength = BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength );
int maxDataSize;
int maximumSendBlock, byteOffset, bytesToSend;
SplitPacketIndexType splitPacketIndex;
int i;
InternalPacket **internalPacketArray;
maxDataSize = MTUSize - UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
if ( encryptor.IsKeySet() )
maxDataSize -= 8; // Extra data for the encryptor
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Make sure we need to split the packet to begin with
assert( dataByteLength > maxDataSize - headerLength );
// How much to send in the largest block
maximumSendBlock = maxDataSize - headerLength;
// Calculate how many packets we need to create
internalPacket->splitPacketCount = ( ( dataByteLength - 1 ) / ( maximumSendBlock ) + 1 );
statistics.totalSplits += internalPacket->splitPacketCount;
// Optimization
// internalPacketArray = new InternalPacket*[internalPacket->splitPacketCount];
bool usedAlloca=false;
#if !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1)
if (sizeof( InternalPacket* ) * internalPacket->splitPacketCount < MAX_ALLOCA_STACK_ALLOCATION)
internalPacketArray = ( InternalPacket** ) alloca( sizeof( InternalPacket* ) * internalPacket->splitPacketCount );
internalPacketArray = new InternalPacket*[internalPacket->splitPacketCount];
for ( i = 0; i < ( int ) internalPacket->splitPacketCount; i++ )
internalPacketArray[ i ] = internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
//internalPacketArray[ i ] = (InternalPacket*) alloca( sizeof( InternalPacket ) );
// internalPacketArray[ i ] = sendPacketSet[internalPacket->priority].WriteLock();
memcpy( internalPacketArray[ i ], internalPacket, sizeof( InternalPacket ) );
// This identifies which packet this is in the set
splitPacketIndex = 0;
// Do a loop to send out all the packets
byteOffset = splitPacketIndex * maximumSendBlock;
bytesToSend = dataByteLength - byteOffset;
if ( bytesToSend > maximumSendBlock )
bytesToSend = maximumSendBlock;
// Copy over our chunk of data
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->data = new unsigned char[ bytesToSend ];
memcpy( internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->data, internalPacket->data + byteOffset, bytesToSend );
if ( bytesToSend != maximumSendBlock )
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->dataBitLength = internalPacket->dataBitLength - splitPacketIndex * ( maximumSendBlock << 3 );
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->dataBitLength = bytesToSend << 3;
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->splitPacketIndex = splitPacketIndex;
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->splitPacketId = splitPacketId;
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->splitPacketCount = internalPacket->splitPacketCount;
if ( splitPacketIndex > 0 ) // For the first split packet index we keep the messageNumber already assigned
// For every further packet we use a new messageNumber.
// Note that all split packets are reliable
internalPacketArray[ splitPacketIndex ]->messageNumber = messageNumber;
//if ( ++messageNumber == RECEIVED_PACKET_LOG_LENGTH )
// messageNumber = 0;
// Add the new packet to send list at the correct priority
// sendQueue[internalPacket->priority].Insert(newInternalPacket);
// if (splitPacketIndex % 100 == 0)
// printf("splitPacketIndex=%i\n",splitPacketIndex);
//} while(++splitPacketIndex < internalPacket->splitPacketCount);
while ( ++splitPacketIndex < internalPacket->splitPacketCount );
splitPacketId++; // It's ok if this wraps to 0
// InternalPacket *workingPacket;
// Copy all the new packets into the split packet list
for ( i = 0; i < ( int ) internalPacket->splitPacketCount; i++ )
sendPacketSet[ internalPacket->priority ].Push( internalPacketArray[ i ] );
// workingPacket=sendPacketSet[internalPacket->priority].WriteLock();
// memcpy(workingPacket, internalPacketArray[ i ], sizeof(InternalPacket));
// sendPacketSet[internalPacket->priority].WriteUnlock();
// Delete the original
delete [] internalPacket->data;
internalPacketPool.ReleasePointer( internalPacket );
if (usedAlloca==false)
delete [] internalPacketArray;
// Insert a packet into the split packet list
void ReliabilityLayer::InsertIntoSplitPacketList( InternalPacket * internalPacket, RakNetTimeNS time )
bool objectExists;
unsigned index;
index=splitPacketChannelList.GetIndexFromKey(internalPacket->splitPacketId, &objectExists);
if (objectExists==false)
SplitPacketChannel *newChannel = new SplitPacketChannel;
index=splitPacketChannelList.Insert(internalPacket->splitPacketId, newChannel);
splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList.Insert(internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket);
if (splitMessageProgressInterval &&
splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->splitPacketIndex==0 &&
splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList.Size()!=splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->splitPacketCount &&
// printf("msgID=%i Progress %i/%i Partsize=%i\n",
// splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->data[0],
// splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList.Size(),
// internalPacket->splitPacketCount,
// BITS_TO_BYTES(splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->dataBitLength));
// Write splitPacketIndex (SplitPacketIndexType)
// Write splitPacketCount (SplitPacketIndexType)
// Write byteLength (4)
// Write data, splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->data
InternalPacket *progressIndicator = internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
unsigned int length = sizeof(MessageID) + sizeof(unsigned int)*2 + sizeof(unsigned int) + BITS_TO_BYTES(splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->dataBitLength);
progressIndicator->data = new unsigned char [length];
unsigned int temp;
memcpy(progressIndicator->data+sizeof(MessageID), &temp, sizeof(unsigned int));
temp=(unsigned int)internalPacket->splitPacketCount;
memcpy(progressIndicator->data+sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*1, &temp, sizeof(unsigned int));
memcpy(progressIndicator->data+sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*2, &temp, sizeof(unsigned int));
memcpy(progressIndicator->data+sizeof(MessageID)+sizeof(unsigned int)*3, splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->data, BITS_TO_BYTES(splitPacketChannelList[index]->splitPacketList[0]->dataBitLength));
// Take all split chunks with the specified splitPacketId and try to
//reconstruct a packet. If we can, allocate and return it. Otherwise return 0
// Optimized version
InternalPacket * ReliabilityLayer::BuildPacketFromSplitPacketList( SplitPacketIdType splitPacketId, RakNetTimeNS time )
unsigned i, j;
unsigned byteProgress;
InternalPacket * internalPacket;
bool objectExists;
i=splitPacketChannelList.GetIndexFromKey(splitPacketId, &objectExists);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size()==splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[0]->splitPacketCount)
// Reconstruct
internalPacket = CreateInternalPacketCopy( splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[0], 0, 0, time );
for (j=0; j < splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size(); j++)
internalPacket->data = new unsigned char[ BITS_TO_BYTES( internalPacket->dataBitLength ) ];
for (j=0; j < splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size(); j++)
memcpy(internalPacket->data+byteProgress, splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j]->data, BITS_TO_BYTES(splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j]->dataBitLength));
for (j=0; j < splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size(); j++)
delete [] splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j]->data;
delete splitPacketChannelList[i];
return internalPacket;
return 0;
// Delete any unreliable split packets that have long since expired
void ReliabilityLayer::DeleteOldUnreliableSplitPackets( RakNetTimeNS time )
unsigned i,j;
while (i < splitPacketChannelList.Size())
if (time > splitPacketChannelList[i]->lastUpdateTime + 10000000 &&
(splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[0]->reliability==UNRELIABLE || splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[0]->reliability==UNRELIABLE_SEQUENCED))
for (j=0; j < splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList.Size(); j++)
delete [] splitPacketChannelList[i]->splitPacketList[j]->data;
delete splitPacketChannelList[i];
// Creates a copy of the specified internal packet with data copied from the original starting at dataByteOffset for dataByteLength bytes.
// Does not copy any split data parameters as that information is always generated does not have any reason to be copied
InternalPacket * ReliabilityLayer::CreateInternalPacketCopy( InternalPacket *original, int dataByteOffset, int dataByteLength, RakNetTimeNS time )
InternalPacket * copy = internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Remove accessing undefined memory error
memset( copy, 255, sizeof( InternalPacket ) );
// Copy over our chunk of data
if ( dataByteLength > 0 )
copy->data = new unsigned char[ dataByteLength ];
memcpy( copy->data, original->data + dataByteOffset, dataByteLength );
copy->data = 0;
copy->dataBitLength = dataByteLength << 3;
copy->creationTime = time;
copy->nextActionTime = 0;
copy->orderingIndex = original->orderingIndex;
copy->orderingChannel = original->orderingChannel;
copy->messageNumber = original->messageNumber;
copy->priority = original->priority;
copy->reliability = original->reliability;
return copy;
// Get the specified ordering list
DataStructures::LinkedList<InternalPacket*> *ReliabilityLayer::GetOrderingListAtOrderingStream( unsigned char orderingChannel )
if ( orderingChannel >= orderingList.Size() )
return 0;
return orderingList[ orderingChannel ];
// Add the internal packet to the ordering list in order based on order index
void ReliabilityLayer::AddToOrderingList( InternalPacket * internalPacket )
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert( internalPacket->orderingChannel < NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS );
if ( internalPacket->orderingChannel >= NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS )
DataStructures::LinkedList<InternalPacket*> *theList;
if ( internalPacket->orderingChannel >= orderingList.Size() || orderingList[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ] == 0 )
// Need a linked list in this index
orderingList.Replace( new DataStructures::LinkedList<InternalPacket*>, 0, internalPacket->orderingChannel );
theList=orderingList[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ];
// Have a linked list in this index
if ( orderingList[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ]->Size() == 0 )
theList=orderingList[ internalPacket->orderingChannel ];
theList = GetOrderingListAtOrderingStream( internalPacket->orderingChannel );
// Inserts a packet into the resend list in order
void ReliabilityLayer::InsertPacketIntoResendList( InternalPacket *internalPacket, RakNetTimeNS time, bool makeCopyOfInternalPacket, bool firstResend )
// lastAckTime is the time we last got an acknowledgment - however we also initialize the value if this is the first resend and
// either we never got an ack before or we are inserting into an empty resend queue
if ( firstResend && (lastAckTime == 0 || resendList.IsEmpty()))
lastAckTime = time; // Start the timer for the ack of this packet if we aren't already waiting for an ack
if (makeCopyOfInternalPacket)
InternalPacket *pool=internalPacketPool.GetPointer();
//printf("Adding %i\n", internalPacket->data);
memcpy(pool, internalPacket, sizeof(InternalPacket));
resendQueue.Push( pool );
resendQueue.Push( internalPacket );
// If Read returns -1 and this returns true then a modified packet was detected
bool ReliabilityLayer::IsCheater( void ) const
return cheater;
// Were you ever unable to deliver a packet despite retries?
bool ReliabilityLayer::IsDeadConnection( void ) const
return deadConnection;
// Causes IsDeadConnection to return true
void ReliabilityLayer::KillConnection( void )
// How long to wait between packet resends
void ReliabilityLayer::SetPing( RakNetTime i )
//assert(i < (RakNetTimeNS)timeoutTime*1000);
if (i > timeoutTime)
ping = i;
if (ping < 30)
ping=30; // Leave a buffer for variations in ping
#ifndef _RELEASE
if (ping < (RakNetTime)(minExtraPing+extraPingVariance)*2)
void ReliabilityLayer::UpdateNextActionTime(void)
//double multiple = log10(currentBandwidth/MINIMUM_SEND_BPS) / 0.30102999566398119521373889472449;
// Statistics
RakNetStatisticsStruct * const ReliabilityLayer::GetStatistics( void )
unsigned i;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES; i++ )
statistics.messageSendBuffer[i] = sendPacketSet[i].Size();
// statistics.messageSendBuffer[i] = sendPacketSet[i].Size();
statistics.acknowlegementsPending = acknowlegements.Size();
statistics.messagesWaitingForReassembly = 0;
for (i=0; i < splitPacketChannelList.Size(); i++)
statistics.internalOutputQueueSize = outputQueue.Size();
statistics.bitsPerSecond = currentBandwidth;
//statistics.lossySize = lossyWindowSize == MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE + 1 ? 0 : lossyWindowSize;
// statistics.lossySize=0;
statistics.messagesOnResendQueue = GetResendListDataSize();
return &statistics;
// Returns the number of packets in the resend queue, not counting holes
unsigned int ReliabilityLayer::GetResendListDataSize(void) const
unsigned int i, count;
for (count=0, i=0; i < resendList.Size(); i++)
if (resendList[i]!=0)
return count;
// Not accurate but thread-safe. The commented version might crash if the queue is cleared while we loop through it
return resendList.Size();
// Process threaded commands
void ReliabilityLayer::UpdateThreadedMemory(void)
if ( freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate )
freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate = false;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )