RD42 bcdbedc0be Revert RakNet source files back to the original v2.518 state
* Add RakNet source files to the VS project
2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00

78 lines
3.2 KiB

/// \file
/// \brief Factory class for RakServerInterface, RakClientInterface, and RakPeerInterface
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#include "Export.h"
class RakClientInterface;
class RakServerInterface;
class RakPeerInterface;
class ConsoleServer;
class ReplicaManager;
class LogCommandParser;
class PacketLogger;
class RakNetCommandParser;
class RakNetTransport;
class TelnetTransport;
class PacketConsoleLogger;
class PacketFileLogger;
class Router;
class ConnectionGraph;
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT RakNetworkFactory
// For DLL's, these are user classes that you might want to new and delete.
// You can't instantiate exported classes directly in your program. The instantiation
// has to take place inside the DLL. So these functions will do the news and deletes for you.
// if you're using the source or static library you don't need these functions, but can use them if you want.
static RakClientInterface* GetRakClientInterface( void );
static RakServerInterface* GetRakServerInterface( void );
static RakPeerInterface* GetRakPeerInterface( void );
static ConsoleServer* GetConsoleServer( void );
static ReplicaManager* GetReplicaManager( void );
static LogCommandParser* GetLogCommandParser( void );
static PacketLogger* GetPacketLogger( void );
static RakNetCommandParser* GetRakNetCommandParser( void );
static RakNetTransport* GetRakNetTransport( void );
static TelnetTransport* GetTelnetTransport( void );
static PacketConsoleLogger* GetPacketConsoleLogger( void );
static PacketFileLogger* GetPacketFileLogger( void );
static Router* GetRouter( void );
static ConnectionGraph* GetConnectionGraph( void );
// To delete the object returned by the Get functions above.
static void DestroyRakClientInterface( RakClientInterface* i );
static void DestroyRakServerInterface( RakServerInterface* i );
static void DestroyRakPeerInterface( RakPeerInterface* i );
static void DestroyConsoleServer( ConsoleServer* i);
static void DestroyReplicaManager( ReplicaManager* i);
static void DestroyLogCommandParser( LogCommandParser* i);
static void DestroyPacketLogger( PacketLogger* i);
static void DestroyRakNetCommandParser( RakNetCommandParser* i );
static void DestroyRakNetTransport( RakNetTransport* i );
static void DestroyTelnetTransport( TelnetTransport* i );
static void DestroyPacketConsoleLogger( PacketConsoleLogger* i );
static void DestroyPacketFileLogger( PacketFileLogger* i );
static void DestroyRouter( Router* i );
static void DestroyConnectionGraph( ConnectionGraph* i );