RD42 8ca8b43b86 [raknet] Match all RPCMap member functions
* Match `RakPeer::RegisterAsRemoteProcedureCall(...)`
* Match `RakPeer::RegisterClassMemberRPC(...)`
* Match `RakPeer::RPC(...)`
* Update `NetworkTypes.h`
2024-08-19 21:58:21 +08:00

260 lines
9.7 KiB

/// \file
/// \brief Types used by RakNet, most of which involve user code.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#include "RakNetDefines.h"
#include "Export.h"
/// Forward declaration
namespace RakNet
class BitStream;
/// Given a number of bits, return how many bytes are needed to represent that.
#define BITS_TO_BYTES(x) (((x)+7)>>3)
#define BYTES_TO_BITS(x) ((x)<<3)
/// \sa NetworkIDGenerator.h
typedef unsigned char UniqueIDType;
typedef unsigned short PlayerIndex;
typedef unsigned char RPCIndex;
const int MAX_RPC_MAP_SIZE=((RPCIndex)-1)-1;
const int UNDEFINED_RPC_INDEX=((RPCIndex)-1);
/// First byte of a network message
typedef unsigned char MessageID;
// Define __GET_TIME_64BIT if you want to use large types for GetTime (takes more bandwidth when you transmit time though!)
// You would want to do this if your system is going to run long enough to overflow the millisecond counter (over a month)
#ifdef __GET_TIME_64BIT
typedef long long RakNetTime;
typedef long long RakNetTimeNS;
typedef unsigned int RakNetTime;
typedef long long RakNetTimeNS;
/// \brief Unique identifier for a system.
/// Corresponds to a network address
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT PlayerID
///The peer address from inet_addr.
unsigned int binaryAddress;
///The port number
unsigned short port;
// Return the playerID as a string in the format <IP>:<Port>
// Note - returns a static string. Not thread-safe or safe for multiple calls per line.
char *ToString(bool writePort=true) const;
// Sets the binary address part from a string. Doesn't set the port
void SetBinaryAddress(const char *str);
PlayerID& operator = ( const PlayerID& input )
binaryAddress = input.binaryAddress;
port = input.port;
return *this;
bool operator==( const PlayerID& right ) const;
bool operator!=( const PlayerID& right ) const;
bool operator > ( const PlayerID& right ) const;
bool operator < ( const PlayerID& right ) const;
struct RAK_DLL_EXPORT NetworkID
// Set this to true to use peer to peer mode for NetworkIDs.
// Obviously the value of this must match on all systems.
// True, and this will write the playerId portion with network sends. Takes more bandwidth, but NetworkIDs can be locally generated
// False, and only localSystemId is used.
static bool peerToPeerMode;
// In peer to peer, we use both playerId and localSystemId
// In client / server, we only use localSystemId
PlayerID playerId;
unsigned short localSystemId;
NetworkID& operator = ( const NetworkID& input );
static bool IsPeerToPeerMode(void);
static void SetPeerToPeerMode(bool isPeerToPeer);
bool operator==( const NetworkID& right ) const;
bool operator!=( const NetworkID& right ) const;
bool operator > ( const NetworkID& right ) const;
bool operator < ( const NetworkID& right ) const;
/// Size of PlayerID data
#define PlayerID_Size 6
/// This represents a user message from another system.
struct Packet
/// Server only - this is the index into the player array that this playerId maps to
PlayerIndex playerIndex;
/// The system that send this packet.
PlayerID playerId;
/// The length of the data in bytes
/// \deprecated You should use bitSize.
unsigned int length;
/// The length of the data in bits
unsigned int bitSize;
/// The data from the sender
unsigned char* data;
/// @internal
/// Indicates whether to delete the data, or to simply delete the packet.
bool deleteData;
class RakPeerInterface;
/// All RPC functions have the same parameter list - this structure.
struct RPCParameters
/// The data from the remote system
unsigned char *input;
/// How many bits long \a input is
unsigned int numberOfBitsOfData;
/// Which system called this RPC
PlayerID sender;
/// Which instance of RakPeer (or a derived RakServer or RakClient) got this call
RakPeerInterface *recipient;
// TODO - RakNet 3.0. Be consistent and have user put ID_TIMESTAMP, rather than do this
// Bug: hasTimestamp was unused.
// bool hasTimestamp;
/// You can return values from RPC calls by writing them to this BitStream.
/// This is only sent back if the RPC call originally passed a BitStream to receive the reply.
/// If you do so and your send is reliable, it will block until you get a reply or you get disconnected from the system you are sending to, whichever is first.
/// If your send is not reliable, it will block for triple the ping time, or until you are disconnected, or you get a reply, whichever is first.
RakNet::BitStream *replyToSender;
/// Index of an unassigned player
const PlayerIndex UNASSIGNED_PLAYER_INDEX = 65535;
/// Index of an invalid PlayerID
/// Unassigned object ID
{0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFF}, 65535
const int PING_TIMES_ARRAY_SIZE = 5;
/// \brief RPC Function Implementation
/// The Remote Procedure Call Subsystem provide the RPC paradigm to
/// RakNet user. It consists in providing remote function call over the
/// network. A call to a remote function require you to prepare the
/// data for each parameter (using BitStream) for example.
/// Use the following C function prototype for your callbacks
/// @code
/// void functionName(RPCParameters *rpcParms);
/// @endcode
/// If you pass input data, you can parse the input data in two ways.
/// 1.
/// Cast input to a struct (such as if you sent a struct)
/// i.e. MyStruct *s = (MyStruct*) input;
/// Make sure that the sizeof(MyStruct) is equal to the number of bytes passed!
/// 2.
/// Create a BitStream instance with input as data and the number of bytes
/// i.e. BitStream myBitStream(input, (numberOfBitsOfData-1)/8+1)
/// (numberOfBitsOfData-1)/8+1 is how convert from bits to bytes
/// Full example:
/// @code
/// void MyFunc(RPCParameters *rpcParms) {}
/// RakClient *rakClient;
/// This would allow MyFunc to be called from the server using (for example)
/// rakServer->RPC("MyFunc", 0, clientID, false);
/// @endcode
/// \ingroup RAKNET_RPC
/// Register a C function as a Remote procedure.
/// \param[in] networkObject Your instance of RakPeer, RakServer, or RakClient
/// \param[in] functionName The name of the C function to call
/// \attention 12/01/05 REGISTER_AS_REMOTE_PROCEDURE_CALL renamed to REGISTER_STATIC_RPC. Delete the old name sometime in the future
//#define REGISTER_AS_REMOTE_PROCEDURE_CALL(networkObject, functionName) REGISTER_STATIC_RPC(networkObject, functionName)
#define REGISTER_STATIC_RPC(networkObject, functionName) (networkObject)->RegisterAsRemoteProcedureCall((RPC_##functionName),(functionName))
/// \ingroup RAKNET_RPC
/// \brief Concatenate two strings
/// \ingroup RAKNET_RPC
/// \brief Register a member function of an instantiated object as a Remote procedure call.
/// RPC member Functions MUST be marked __cdecl!
/// \sa ObjectMemberRPC.cpp
/// \b CLASS_MEMBER_ID is a utility macro to generate a unique signature for a class and function pair and can be used for the Raknet functions RegisterClassMemberRPC(...) and RPC(...)
/// \b REGISTER_CLASS_MEMBER_RPC is a utility macro to more easily call RegisterClassMemberRPC
/// \param[in] networkObject Your instance of RakPeer, RakServer, or RakClient
/// \param[in] className The class containing the function
/// \param[in] functionName The name of the function (not in quotes, just the name)
#define CLASS_MEMBER_ID(className, functionName) #className "_" #functionName
#define REGISTER_CLASS_MEMBER_RPC(networkObject, className, functionName) {union {void (__cdecl className::*cFunc)( RPCParameters *rpcParms ); void* voidFunc;}; cFunc=&className::functionName; networkObject->RegisterClassMemberRPC(CLASS_MEMBER_ID(className, functionName),voidFunc);}
/// \depreciated
/// \brief Only calls UNREGISTER_STATIC_RPC
/// \ingroup RAKNET_RPC
/// Unregisters a remote procedure call
/// RPC member Functions MUST be marked __cdecl! See the ObjectMemberRPC example.
/// \param[in] networkObject The object that manages the function
/// \param[in] functionName The function name
// 12/01/05 UNREGISTER_AS_REMOTE_PROCEDURE_CALL Renamed to UNREGISTER_STATIC_RPC. Delete the old name sometime in the future
//#define UNREGISTER_AS_REMOTE_PROCEDURE_CALL(networkObject,functionName) UNREGISTER_STATIC_RPC(networkObject,functionName)
#define UNREGISTER_STATIC_RPC(networkObject,functionName) (networkObject)->UnregisterAsRemoteProcedureCall((RPC_##functionName))
/// \ingroup RAKNET_RPC
/// \brief Unregisters a member function of an instantiated object as a Remote procedure call.
/// \param[in] networkObject The object that manages the function
/// \param[in] className The className that was originally passed to REGISTER_AS_REMOTE_PROCEDURE_CALL
/// \param[in] functionName The function name
#define UNREGISTER_CLASS_MEMBER_RPC(networkObject, className, functionName) (networkObject)->UnregisterAsRemoteProcedureCall((#className "_" #functionName))