RD42 bcdbedc0be Revert RakNet source files back to the original v2.518 state
* Add RakNet source files to the VS project
2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00

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/// \file
/// \brief A plugin to provide a simple way to compress and incrementally send the files in the FileList structure.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
#include "NetworkTypes.h"
#include "Export.h"
#include "PluginInterface.h"
#include "DS_Map.h"
#include "NetworkTypes.h"
#include "PacketPriority.h"
class FileListTransferCBInterface;
class FileList;
/// \defgroup FILE_LIST_TRANSFER_GROUP FileListTransfer
/// \ingroup PLUGINS_GROUP
/// \brief A plugin to provide a simple way to compress and incrementally send the files in the FileList structure.
/// Similar to the DirectoryDeltaTransfer plugin, except that it doesn't send deltas based on pre-existing files or actually write the files to disk.
/// Usage:
/// Call SetupReceive to allow one file set to arrive. The value returned by FileListTransfer::SetupReceive()
/// is the setID that is allowed.
/// It's up to you to transmit this value to the other system, along with information indicating what kind of files you want to get.
/// The other system should then prepare a FileList and call send, passing the return value of FileListTransfer::SetupReceive()
/// as the \a setID parameter to FileListTransfer::Send()
class RAK_DLL_EXPORT FileListTransfer : public PluginInterface
/// Allows one corresponding Send() call from another system to arrive.
/// \param[in] handler The class to call on each file
/// \param[in] deleteHandler True to delete the handler when it is no longer needed. False to not do so.
/// \param[in] allowedSender Which system to allow files from
/// \return A set ID value, which should be passed as the \a setID value to the Send() call on the other system. This value will be returned in the callback and is unique per file set. Returns 65535 on failure (not connected to sender)
unsigned short SetupReceive(FileListTransferCBInterface *handler, bool deleteHandler, PlayerID allowedSender);
/// Send the FileList structure to another system, which must have previously called SetupReceive()
/// \param[in] fileList A list of files. The data contained in FileList::data will be sent incrementally and compressed among all files in the set
/// \param[in] rakPeer The instance of RakNet to use to send the message
/// \param[in] recipient The address of the system to send to
/// \param[in] setID The return value of SetupReceive() which was previously called on \a recipient
/// \param[in] priority Passed to RakPeerInterface::Send()
/// \param[in] orderingChannel Passed to RakPeerInterface::Send()
/// \param[in] compressData Use a poor but fast compression algorithm. This makes your data larger if it is already compressed or if the amount of data to send is small so don't use it blindly.
void Send(FileList *fileList, RakPeerInterface *rakPeer, PlayerID recipient, unsigned short setID, PacketPriority priority, char orderingChannel, bool compressData);
void RemoveReceiver(PlayerID playerId);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual PluginReceiveResult OnReceive(RakPeerInterface *peer, Packet *packet);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual void OnDisconnect(RakPeerInterface *peer);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual void OnCloseConnection(RakPeerInterface *peer, PlayerID playerId);
/// \internal For plugin handling
virtual void OnAttach(RakPeerInterface *peer);
bool DecodeSetHeader(Packet *packet);
bool DecodeFile(Packet *packet, bool fullFile);
void Clear(void);
struct FileListReceiver;
DataStructures::Map<unsigned short, FileListReceiver*> fileListReceivers;
unsigned short setId;
RakPeerInterface *rakPeer;