#include "main.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "format.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int AMXAPI aux_LoadProgram(AMX* amx, char* filename) { FILE* fp; if ((fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) { return AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND; } AMX_HEADER hdr; fread(&hdr, sizeof hdr, 1, fp); amx_Align16(&hdr.magic); amx_Align32((uint32_t *)&hdr.size); amx_Align32((uint32_t *)&hdr.stp); if (hdr.magic != AMX_MAGIC) { fclose(fp); return AMX_ERR_FORMAT; } void* memblock; if ((memblock = malloc(hdr.stp)) == NULL) { fclose(fp); return AMX_ERR_MEMORY; } rewind(fp); fread(memblock, 1, (size_t)hdr.size, fp); fclose(fp); //amx_SetDebugHook(amx, (AMX_DEBUG)amx_Debug); memset(amx, 0, sizeof(*amx)); int result = amx_Init(amx, memblock); if (result != AMX_ERR_NONE) { free(memblock); amx->base = NULL; } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int AMXAPI aux_LoadProgramFromMemory(AMX* amx, char* filedata) { AMX_HEADER hdr; memcpy(&hdr, filedata, sizeof hdr); amx_Align16(&hdr.magic); amx_Align32((uint32_t *)&hdr.size); amx_Align32((uint32_t *)&hdr.stp); if (hdr.magic != AMX_MAGIC) { return AMX_ERR_FORMAT; } void* memblock; if ((memblock = malloc(hdr.stp)) == NULL) { return AMX_ERR_MEMORY; } memcpy(memblock, filedata, (size_t)hdr.size); //amx_SetDebugHook(amx, (AMX_DEBUG)amx_Debug); memset(amx, 0, sizeof(*amx)); int result = amx_Init(amx, memblock); if (result != AMX_ERR_NONE) { free(memblock); amx->base = NULL; } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int AMXAPI aux_FreeProgram(AMX *amx) { if (amx->base != NULL) { amx_Cleanup(amx); free(amx->base); memset(amx, 0, sizeof(AMX)); } return AMX_ERR_NONE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- char * AMXAPI aux_StrError(int errnum) { static char *messages[] = { /* AMX_ERR_NONE */ "(none)", /* AMX_ERR_EXIT */ "Forced exit", /* AMX_ERR_ASSERT */ "Assertion failed", /* AMX_ERR_STACKERR */ "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)", /* AMX_ERR_BOUNDS */ "Array index out of bounds", /* AMX_ERR_MEMACCESS */ "Invalid memory access", /* AMX_ERR_INVINSTR */ "Invalid instruction", /* AMX_ERR_STACKLOW */ "Stack underflow", /* AMX_ERR_HEAPLOW */ "Heap underflow", /* AMX_ERR_CALLBACK */ "No (valid) native function callback", /* AMX_ERR_NATIVE */ "Native function failed", /* AMX_ERR_DIVIDE */ "Divide by zero", /* AMX_ERR_SLEEP */ "(sleep mode)", /* 13 */ "(reserved)", /* 14 */ "(reserved)", /* 15 */ "(reserved)", /* AMX_ERR_MEMORY */ "Out of memory", /* AMX_ERR_FORMAT */ "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format", /* AMX_ERR_VERSION */ "File is for a newer version of the AMX", /* AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND */ "File or function is not found", /* AMX_ERR_INDEX */ "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)", /* AMX_ERR_DEBUG */ "Debugger cannot run", /* AMX_ERR_INIT */ "AMX not initialized (or doubly initialized)", /* AMX_ERR_USERDATA */ "Unable to set user data field (table full)", /* AMX_ERR_INIT_JIT */ "Cannot initialize the JIT", /* AMX_ERR_PARAMS */ "Parameter error", }; if (errnum < 0 || errnum >= sizeof messages / sizeof messages[0]) return "(unknown)"; return messages[errnum]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AMXPrintError(CGameMode* pGameMode, AMX *amx, int error) { if (error != AMX_ERR_NONE) { logprintf("Script[%s]: Run time error %d: \"%s\"",// on line %ld\n", pGameMode->GetFileName(), error, aux_StrError(error));//, (long)amx->curline); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cell* get_amxaddr(AMX *amx,cell amx_addr) { return (cell *)(amx->base + (int)(((AMX_HEADER *)amx->base)->dat + amx_addr)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int set_amxstring(AMX *amx,cell amx_addr,const char *source,int max) { cell* dest = (cell *)(amx->base + (int)(((AMX_HEADER *)amx->base)->dat + amx_addr)); cell* start = dest; while (max--&&*source) *dest++=(cell)*source++; *dest = 0; return dest-start; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------