#include "main.h" #include "../raknet/SocketDataEncryptor.h" int CanFileBeOpenedForReading(char * filename); char szGameModeFile[256]; CNetGame::CNetGame() { m_bAllowWeapons = FALSE; m_byteWorldTime = 12; m_byteWeather = 1; m_bStuntBonus = true; m_fGravity = 0.008f; m_iDeathDropMoney = 0; field_6A = false; m_bVehicleFriendlyFire = FALSE; // Init member variables m_pPlayerPool = NULL; m_pVehiclePool = NULL; m_pGameMode = NULL; m_pPickupPool = NULL; m_pObjectPool = NULL; m_pMenuPool = NULL; m_pTextPool = NULL; m_bNameTagLOS = true; m_pGangZonePool = NULL; m_pLabelPool = NULL; m_pActorPool = NULL; m_bLanMode = FALSE; field_6B = 1; m_bLimitGlobalChatRadius = FALSE; m_fGlobalChatRadius = 10000.0f; m_bLimitPlayerMarkerRadius = FALSE; m_fPlayerMarkerRadius = 10000.0f; m_fNameTagDrawDistance = 70.0f; m_bDisableEnterExits = false; field_5C = 0; m_iCurrentGameModeIndex = 0; m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat = 0; m_bFirstGameModeLoaded = FALSE; m_pScriptTimers = new CScriptTimers; m_pScriptHttps = new CScriptHttps; #ifndef WIN32 m_dElapsedTime = 0.0; #endif if(pConsole->GetIntVariable("maxplayers") > MAX_PLAYERS) { pConsole->SetIntVariable("maxplayers", MAX_PLAYERS); } CHAR *szBindAddress = pConsole->GetStringVariable("bind"); if (szBindAddress && szBindAddress[0] == 0) szBindAddress = NULL; DWORD dwPort = pConsole->GetIntVariable("port"); DWORD dwMaxPlayers = pConsole->GetIntVariable("maxplayers"); BOOL bLanMode = pConsole->GetBoolVariable("lanmode"); // Setup RakNet m_pRak = RakNetworkFactory::GetRakServerInterface(); SocketDataEncryptor::SetKey(dwPort); // TODO: CNetGame::CNetGame W: 0048EEE0 L: 080AF360 /* sub_496D10(v9); dword_515CFC = sub_44E9D0(); _this->field_44 = sub_48DBD0(_this); _this->field_48 = 0; _this->field_4C = 0; sub_46A7B0(v8); if ( (unsigned __int8)(*(int (__stdcall **)(int, _DWORD, int, int, char *))(*(_DWORD *)_this->field_40 + 4))( v19, 0, iSleep, v8, v7) ) { sub_48EAE0(_this); if ( !sub_48DD50(0) ) { logprintf("I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg"); logprintf("It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least."); _fcloseall(); exit(1); } (*(void (**)(void))(*(_DWORD *)_this->field_40 + 84))(); v10 = CConsole::GetStringVariable(pConsole, "password"); if ( v10 && *v10 ) (*(void (__stdcall **)(char *))(*(_DWORD *)_this->field_40 + 16))(v10); sprintf(&pInitStr, "%02d:%02d", _this->field_59, 0); CConsole::AddStringVariable(pConsole, "worldtime", 4u, &pInitStr, 0); if ( v20 ) _this->field_50 = 1; GetCurrentDirectoryA(0x200u, &Value); v11 = strlen(&Value); if ( *((_BYTE *)&v22 + v11 + 3) != 92 ) { *(&Value + v11) = 92; v24[v11] = 0; } v12 = (char *)&v22 + 3; do v13 = (v12++)[1]; while ( v13 ); *(_DWORD *)v12 = 1769104243; *((_DWORD *)v12 + 1) = 1768322160; *((_DWORD *)v12 + 2) = 1551066476; v12[12] = 0; SetEnvironmentVariableA("AMXFILE", &Value); v14 = operator new(0x1034u); v22 = v14; v26 = 2; if ( v14 ) v15 = sub_46A7C0(v14); else v15 = 0; _this->field_4 = v15; if ( v21 ) { v16 = (int (__stdcall **)(int, int, int))"ON"; if ( !v20 ) v16 = &off_4B9C04; printf( "\nStarted server on %s:%d, with maxplayers: %d lanmode is %s.\n\n", v21, (unsigned __int16)v8, (unsigned __int16)v19, v16); } else { v17 = (int (__stdcall **)(int, int, int))"ON"; if ( !v20 ) v17 = &off_4B9C04; printf( "\nStarted server on port: %d, with maxplayers: %d lanmode is %s.\n\n", (unsigned __int16)v8, (unsigned __int16)v19, v17); } _this->field_5E = 0; } else if ( v7 ) { logprintf("Unable to start server on %s:%d. Port in use?", v7, (unsigned __int16)v8); } else { logprintf("Unable to start server on port: %d. Port in use?", (unsigned __int16)v8); }*/ } //---------------------------------------------------- CNetGame::~CNetGame() { logprintf("--- Server Shutting Down."); SAFE_DELETE(m_pGameMode); SAFE_DELETE(m_pFilterScripts); SAFE_DELETE(m_pScriptTimers); SAFE_DELETE(m_pScriptHttps); SAFE_DELETE(m_pLabelPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pVehiclePool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pPlayerPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pObjectPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pPickupPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pMenuPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pTextPool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pGangZonePool); SAFE_DELETE(m_pActorPool); m_pRak->Disconnect(100); UnRegisterRPCs(m_pRak); RakNetworkFactory::DestroyRakServerInterface(m_pRak); } //---------------------------------------------------- // Loads filterscripts after pools initialisation void CNetGame::LoadAllFilterscripts() { logprintf(""); logprintf("Filterscripts"); logprintf("---------------"); int iScriptCount = 0; char* szFilterScript = strtok(pConsole->GetStringVariable("filterscripts"), " "); while (szFilterScript) { logprintf(" Loading filterscript '%s.amx'...", szFilterScript); if (m_pFilterScripts->LoadFilterScript(szFilterScript)) { iScriptCount++; } else { logprintf(" Unable to load filterscript '%s.amx'.", szFilterScript); } szFilterScript = strtok(NULL, " "); } logprintf(" Loaded %d filterscripts.\n", iScriptCount); } //---------------------------------------------------- // Handles rotation and setting of the current // script file to be used. If szFile is NULL, it // will attempt to rotate scripts as per configuration. // returns FALSE if it was not able to set the script, // true otherwise. // Returns the name of the next gamemode // Code taken from SetNextScriptFile but required by "gmx" (easiest way without major re-write) char *CNetGame::GetNextScriptFile() { char *szTemp; char szCurGameModeConsoleVar[64]; m_iCurrentGameModeIndex++; sprintf(szCurGameModeConsoleVar,"gamemode%u",m_iCurrentGameModeIndex); szTemp = strtok(pConsole->GetStringVariable(szCurGameModeConsoleVar), " "); // if the var isn't there then cycle back to 0 if(!szTemp || !strlen(szTemp)) { m_iCurrentGameModeIndex = 0; sprintf(szCurGameModeConsoleVar,"gamemode%u",m_iCurrentGameModeIndex); szTemp = strtok(pConsole->GetStringVariable(szCurGameModeConsoleVar), " "); } // if it's still NULL then we've got an error. if(!szTemp || !strlen(szTemp)) return NULL; return szTemp; } BOOL CNetGame::SetNextScriptFile(char *szFile) { char szConfigFileName[64]; char *szTemp; int iConfigRepeatCount=0; if(NULL == szFile) { // rotate by config if(m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat || !m_bFirstGameModeLoaded) { // repeats of this script, cycle to the current m_iCurrentGameModeIndex--; } szTemp = this->GetNextScriptFile(); if (szTemp == NULL) return false; sscanf(szTemp,"%s%d",szConfigFileName,&iConfigRepeatCount); // set it and verify the file is readable sprintf(szGameModeFile,"gamemodes/%s.amx",szConfigFileName); if(!CanFileBeOpenedForReading(szGameModeFile)) { return FALSE; } if(!m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat) { m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat = iConfigRepeatCount; } m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat--; m_bFirstGameModeLoaded = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { // set the script from szFile // set it and verify the file is readable sprintf(szGameModeFile,"gamemodes/%s.amx",szFile); if(!CanFileBeOpenedForReading(szGameModeFile)) { return FALSE; } m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat = 0; return TRUE; } } //---------------------------------------------------- void CNetGame::Init(BOOL bFirst) { m_iSpawnsAvailable = 0; // Setup player pool if(!m_pPlayerPool) { m_pPlayerPool = new CPlayerPool(); } else { m_pPlayerPool->ResetPlayerScoresAndMoney(); } // Setup vehicle pool if(!m_pVehiclePool) { m_pVehiclePool = new CVehiclePool(); } // Setup pickup pool if(!m_pPickupPool) { m_pPickupPool = new CPickupPool(); } // Setup Object pool if (!m_pObjectPool) { m_pObjectPool = new CObjectPool(); } // Setup Menu pool if (!m_pMenuPool) { m_pMenuPool = new CMenuPool(); } // Setup Text pool if (!m_pTextPool) { m_pTextPool = new CTextDrawPool(); } // Setup Gang Zone pool if (!m_pGangZonePool) { m_pGangZonePool = new CGangZonePool(); } // Setup Label pool if (!m_pLabelPool) { m_pLabelPool = new CLabelPool(); } // Setup Actor pool if (!m_pActorPool) { m_pActorPool = new CActorPool(); } // Setup gamemode if(!m_pGameMode) { m_pGameMode = new CGameMode(); } // Default tags/markers m_bShowNameTags = TRUE; m_iShowPlayerMarkers = 1; m_bNameTagLOS = true; m_bUseCJWalk = FALSE; // Set the default world time for clients. m_byteWorldTime = 12; // 12:00 // Set the default weather m_byteWeather = 1; m_bLimitGlobalChatRadius = FALSE; m_bLimitPlayerMarkerRadius = FALSE; m_fGlobalChatRadius = 10000.0f; m_fPlayerMarkerRadius = 10000.0f; m_fNameTagDrawDistance = 70.0f; m_bDisableEnterExits = false; m_bManualVehicleEngineAndLights = false; if (bFirst) LoadAllFilterscripts(); // Has to be done here as it need to be AFTER the pools but BEFORE the gamemode // Start the gamemode script. m_pGameMode->Load(szGameModeFile); logprintf("Number of vehicle models: %d", m_pVehiclePool->GetModelCount()); // Flag we're in a running state. m_iGameState = GAMESTATE_RUNNING; } void CNetGame::ShutdownForGameModeRestart() { // TODO: CNetGame::ShutdownForGameModeRestart W: 0048F430 L: 080ABBE0 /* sub_804C8A0(&v8); sub_80ABAD0(this, "(", &v8, -1, 2); sub_80D1690(this->field_8); v1 = (void *)this->field_0; if ( this->field_0 ) { sub_80A5060(this->field_0); operator delete(v1); this->field_0 = 0; } v2 = (void *)this->field_C; if ( v2 ) { sub_814CCA0(this->field_C); operator delete(v2); this->field_C = 0; } if ( this->field_10 ) { operator delete((void *)this->field_10); this->field_10 = 0; } v3 = (void *)this->field_14; if ( v3 ) { sub_80C8A20(this->field_14); operator delete(v3); this->field_14 = 0; } v4 = (void *)this->field_18; if ( v4 ) { sub_80AADA0(this->field_18); operator delete(v4); this->field_18 = 0; } v5 = (void *)this->field_1C; if ( v5 ) { sub_814A2D0(this->field_1C); operator delete(v5); this->field_1C = 0; } if ( this->field_24 ) { operator delete((void *)this->field_24); this->field_24 = 0; } v6 = (void *)this->field_20; if ( v6 ) { sub_804C1E0(this->field_20); operator delete(v6); this->field_20 = 0; } v7 = (void *)this->field_28; if ( v7 ) { sub_8094C00(this->field_28); operator delete(v7); this->field_28 = 0; } this->field_5A = 0; dword_81CA600 = 0; this->field_59 = 12; this->field_5D = 1; LODWORD(this->field_62) = 1006834287; this->field_66 = 0; this->field_6A = 0; this->gap78[0] = 0; this->field_5E = 2; sub_804CCB0(&v8); */ } //---------------------------------------------------- #ifdef WIN32 #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") float GetElapsedTime() { static BOOL bTimerInit = false; static BOOL bUsingOPF = false; static LONGLONG nTicksPerSec = 0; if (!bTimerInit) { bTimerInit = true; LARGE_INTEGER qwTicksPerSec; bUsingOPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&qwTicksPerSec); if (bUsingOPF) nTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec.QuadPart; } if (bUsingOPF) { LARGE_INTEGER qwTime; QueryPerformanceCounter(&qwTime); static LONGLONG llLastTime = qwTime.QuadPart; double fElapsedTime = (double)(qwTime.QuadPart - llLastTime) / (double) nTicksPerSec; llLastTime = qwTime.QuadPart; return (float)fElapsedTime; } else { double fTime = timeGetTime() * 0.001; static double fLastTime = fTime; double fElapsedTime = (double)(fTime - fLastTime); fLastTime = fTime; return (float)fElapsedTime; } } #else float GetElapsedTime() { static timeval lasttv; timeval tv; float fRet; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (!timerisset(&lasttv)) memcpy(&lasttv, &tv, sizeof(timeval)); fRet = (float)((tv.tv_sec - lasttv.tv_sec) * 1000000) + (tv.tv_usec - lasttv.tv_usec); fRet /= 1000000.0f; memcpy(&lasttv,&tv,sizeof(timeval)); return fRet; } #endif // WIN32 //---------------------------------------------------- void CNetGame::Process() { float fElapsedTime = GetElapsedTime(); // TODO: CNetGame::Process W: 00491240 L: 080AEEE0 /* v4 = sub_80AA3D0(); sub_80ABF00(this); sub_80AECE0((int)this); v1 = this->field_5E; if ( v1 == 1 ) { if ( this->field_8 ) sub_80D0DF0(this->field_8, v4); if ( this->field_C ) sub_814CD00(this->field_C, v4); if ( this->field_14 ) sub_80C8760(this->field_14, v4); if ( this->field_0 ) sub_80A5080(this->field_0, v4); v2 = this->field_3C; if ( v2 ) sub_80EBAF0(v2, (signed __int64)(v4 * 1000.0)); if ( this->field_38 ) sub_80EA2E0(this->field_38); } else if ( v1 == 2 ) { v3 = v4 + *(float *)&dword_81CA600; *(float *)&dword_81CA600 = v3; if ( v3 > 12.0 ) sub_80AE530(this); } if ( CConsole::GetBoolVariable(pConsole, "announce") ) { sub_80ABDE0((int)this, v4); sub_80D1CA0(pPlugins); this->field_82 = this->field_82 + v4; } else { sub_80D1CA0(pPlugins); this->field_82 = this->field_82 + v4; } */ } void CNetGame::LoadBanList() { // TODO: CNetGame::LoadBanList W: 48EAE0 L: 80AF1A0 } //---------------------------------------------------- DWORD CNetGame::GetTime() { return (DWORD)RakNet::GetTime(); } //---------------------------------------------------- const PCHAR CNetGame::GetWeaponName(int iWeaponID) { switch(iWeaponID) { case WEAPON_BRASSKNUCKLE: return "Brass Knuckles"; case WEAPON_GOLFCLUB: return "Golf Club"; case WEAPON_NITESTICK: return "Nite Stick"; case WEAPON_KNIFE: return "Knife"; case WEAPON_BAT: return "Baseball Bat"; case WEAPON_SHOVEL: return "Shovel"; case WEAPON_POOLSTICK: return "Pool Cue"; case WEAPON_KATANA: return "Katana"; case WEAPON_CHAINSAW: return "Chainsaw"; case WEAPON_DILDO: return "Dildo"; case WEAPON_DILDO2: return "Dildo"; case WEAPON_VIBRATOR: return "Vibrator"; case WEAPON_VIBRATOR2: return "Vibrator"; case WEAPON_FLOWER: return "Flowers"; case WEAPON_CANE: return "Cane"; case WEAPON_GRENADE: return "Grenade"; case WEAPON_TEARGAS: return "Teargas"; case WEAPON_MOLTOV: return "Molotov Cocktail"; case WEAPON_COLT45: return "Colt 45"; case WEAPON_SILENCED: return "Silenced Pistol"; case WEAPON_DEAGLE: return "Desert Eagle"; case WEAPON_SHOTGUN: return "Shotgun"; case WEAPON_SAWEDOFF: return "Sawn-off Shotgun"; case WEAPON_SHOTGSPA: // wtf? return "Combat Shotgun"; case WEAPON_UZI: return "UZI"; case WEAPON_MP5: return "MP5"; case WEAPON_AK47: return "AK47"; case WEAPON_M4: return "M4"; case WEAPON_TEC9: return "TEC9"; case WEAPON_RIFLE: return "Rifle"; case WEAPON_SNIPER: return "Sniper Rifle"; case WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER: return "Rocket Launcher"; case WEAPON_HEATSEEKER: return "Heat Seaker"; case WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER: return "Flamethrower"; case WEAPON_MINIGUN: return "Minigun"; case WEAPON_SATCHEL: return "Satchel Explosives"; case WEAPON_BOMB: return "Bomb"; case WEAPON_SPRAYCAN: return "Spray Can"; case WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER: return "Fire Extinguisher"; case WEAPON_CAMERA: return "Camera"; case WEAPON_NIGHTVISION: return "Night Vision"; case WEAPON_INFRARED: return "Thermal Goggles"; case WEAPON_PARACHUTE: return "Parachute"; case WEAPON_VEHICLE: return "Vehicle"; case WEAPON_DROWN: return "Drowned"; case WEAPON_COLLISION: return "Splat"; } return ""; } //---------------------------------------------------- // EOF