#include "../main.h" #include "util.h" #include "keystuff.h" #include "aimstuff.h" #include extern int iGtaVersion; extern IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3DDevice; void GameInstallHooks(); BOOL ApplyPreGamePatches(); void ApplyInGamePatches(); void InitAnimNameHashes(); DWORD dwDummyActiveMouseState; unsigned char *szGameTextMessage; HWND hWindowHandle; int unnamed_10150340[210]; IDirectInputDevice8 *pDirectInputMouse; BYTE unnamed_10150688; int unnamed_1015068C; float unnamed_10116718 = 2.0f; BOOL ApplyPreGamePatches(); typedef void (*DrawZone_t)(float *fPos, DWORD *dwColor, BYTE byteMenu); //----------------------------------------------------------- CGame::CGame() { m_pGameAudio = new CAudio(); m_pGameCamera = new CCamera(); m_pGamePlayer = NULL; field_4D = 0; m_bRaceCheckpointsEnabled = FALSE; m_dwRaceCheckpointHandle = NULL; field_61 = 0; field_65 = 0; field_69 = 0; field_6D = 0; memset(unnamed_10150340, 0, sizeof(unnamed_10150340)); memset(field_6E, 0, sizeof(field_6E)); field_55 = 0; field_59 = 1; field_5D = 90; } void CGame::sub_100A0010() { int time = (int)RakNet::GetTime(); if(unnamed_1015068C) { if((time - unnamed_1015068C) > 30) { unnamed_10150688++; if(unnamed_10150688 == 5) unnamed_10150688 = 0; unnamed_1015068C = time; } *(BYTE*)0xB7356E = unnamed_10150688; } else { unnamed_1015068C = time; } } void unnamed_100A0060(float a1) { *(float*)0xB7CB5C = a1; *(float*)0xB7CB58 = a1; unnamed_10116718 = a1 * 3.0f; } void CGame::sub_100A0090(int a1, int a2) { if(a1 && a2 && a1 < 1000 / a2) Sleep(1000 / a2 - a1 - 1); } BYTE CGame::sub_100A00C0() { BYTE result = 2; while(result != 210) { if(!unnamed_10150340[result]) return result; result++; } return 0; } BYTE CGame::sub_100A00F0() { BYTE result = 0; BYTE v1 = 2; while(v1 != 210) { if(unnamed_10150340[v1] == 1) { result++; } v1++; } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------- int CGame::GetWeaponModelIDFromWeapon(int iWeaponID) { return GameGetWeaponModelIDFromWeaponID(iWeaponID); } //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CGame::IsKeyPressed(int iKeyIdentifier) { GTA_CONTROLSET * pControlSet = GameGetInternalKeys(); if(pControlSet->wKeys1[iKeyIdentifier]) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------- float CGame::FindGroundZForCoord(float x, float y, float z) { float fGroundZ; ScriptCommand(&get_ground_z, x, y, z, &fGroundZ); return fGroundZ; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void DIReleaseMouse() { pDirectInputMouse = *(IDirectInputDevice8**)0xC8CFA4; //SAFE_RELEASE(pDirectInputMouse); if(pDirectInputMouse) { pDirectInputMouse->Release(); *(IDirectInputDevice8**)0xC8CFA4 = NULL; } } void DIInitMouse() { pDirectInputMouse = *(IDirectInputDevice8**)0xC8CFA4; hWindowHandle = *(HWND*)0xC97C1C; if(!pDirectInputMouse || !hWindowHandle) return; pDirectInputMouse->Unacquire(); pDirectInputMouse->SetCooperativeLevel(hWindowHandle,DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE|DISCL_FOREGROUND); pDirectInputMouse->Acquire(); } void DIResetMouse() { *(DWORD*)0xB73424 = 0; *(DWORD*)0xB73428 = 0; _asm mov edx, 0x541BD0 _asm call edx } void UpdatePads() { _asm mov edx, 0x541DD0 _asm call edx } void DisableMousePositionUpdate() { //*(DWORD*)0xB7340C = 0; //*(DWORD*)0xB73410 = 0; //*(DWORD*)0xB73414 = 0; memset((PVOID)0xB7340C,0,12); UnFuck(0x53F47A,4); UnFuck(0x53F49A,4); UnFuck(0x53F4B3,4); *(DWORD*)0x53F47A = (DWORD)&dwDummyActiveMouseState; *(DWORD*)0x53F49A = (DWORD)&dwDummyActiveMouseState; *(DWORD*)0x53F4B3 = (DWORD)&dwDummyActiveMouseState; } void RestoreMousePositionUpdate() { UnFuck(0x53F47A,4); UnFuck(0x53F49A,4); UnFuck(0x53F4B3,4); *(DWORD*)0x53F47A = 0xB73410; *(DWORD*)0x53F49A = 0xB73414; *(DWORD*)0x53F4B3 = 0xB7340C; } void DisableMouseProcess() { UnFuck(0x53F417,5); memset((PVOID)0x53F417,0x90,5); UnFuck(0x53F41F,4); *(BYTE*)0x53F41F = 0x33; *(BYTE*)0x53F420 = 0xC0; *(BYTE*)0x53F421 = 0x0F; *(BYTE*)0x53F422 = 0x84; } //----------------------------------------------------------- BYTE byteGetKeyStateFunc[] = { 0xE8,0x46,0xF3,0xFE,0xFF }; BYTE byteGetMouseStateCallEU10[] = { 0xE8,0x04,0x7B,0x20,0x00 }; BYTE byteGetMouseStateCallUSA10[] = { 0xE8,0xB4,0x7A,0x20,0x00 }; void CGame::ProcessInputDisabling() { if(field_61 != 0) return; if(!field_65) { UnFuck(0x541DF5,5); memcpy((PVOID)0x541DF5,byteGetKeyStateFunc,5); if(iGtaVersion == GTASA_VERSION_USA10) { UnFuck(0x53F417,5); memcpy((PVOID)0x53F417,byteGetMouseStateCallUSA10,5); } else { UnFuck(0x53F417,5); memcpy((PVOID)0x53F417,byteGetMouseStateCallEU10,5); } RestoreMousePositionUpdate(); UnFuck(0x53F421,4); *(BYTE*)0x53F41F = 0x85; *(BYTE*)0x53F420 = 0xC0; *(BYTE*)0x53F421 = 0x0F; *(BYTE*)0x53F422 = 0x8C; DIResetMouse(); UpdatePads(); DIResetMouse(); UnFuck(0x6194A0,1); *(BYTE*)0x6194A0 = 0xE9; pD3DDevice->ShowCursor(FALSE); field_65--; } else { if(field_65 <= 0) return; field_65 -= 1; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::ToggleKeyInputsDisabled(int a2, BOOL a3) { if(a2 == 2) { UnFuck(0x541DF5,5); memset((PVOID)0x541DF5,0x90,5); // disable call DisableMouseProcess(); DIResetMouse(); UpdatePads(); UnFuck(0x6194A0u,1); *(BYTE*)0x6194A0 = 0xC3; pD3DDevice->ShowCursor(TRUE); field_61 = 2; } else if(a2 == 1) { if(field_61 != 1) { UnFuck(0x541DF5,5); memset((PVOID)0x541DF5,0x90,5); // disable call field_61 = 1; } } else if(a2 == 3) { if(field_61 != 3) { DisableMouseProcess(); DIResetMouse(); UpdatePads(); UnFuck(0x6194A0,1); *(BYTE*)0x6194A0 = 0xC3; pD3DDevice->ShowCursor(TRUE); field_61 = 3; } } else if(a2 == 4) { if(field_61 != 4) { DisableMousePositionUpdate(); DIResetMouse(); UpdatePads(); UnFuck(0x6194A0,1); *(BYTE*)0x6194A0 = 0xC3; field_61 = 4; } } else { if(!a2 && field_61) { field_65 = a3 != 0 ? 0 : 10; pD3DDevice->ShowCursor(FALSE); field_61 = 0; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::InitGame() { // Create a buffer for game text. szGameTextMessage = (unsigned char*)calloc(1,513); // Init the keystate stuff. GameKeyStatesInit(); // Init the aim stuff. GameAimSyncInit(); // Init radar colors GameResetRadarColors(); if(!ApplyPreGamePatches()) { MessageBox(0, "I can't determine your GTA version.\r\nSA-MP only supports GTA:SA v1.0 USA/EU", "Version Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); ExitProcess(1); } } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::StartGame() { ApplyInGamePatches(); // Install all hooks GameInstallHooks(); // Setup scripting InitScripting(); InitAnimNameHashes(); *(PDWORD)ADDR_ENTRY = 8; *(PBYTE)ADDR_GAME_STARTED = 1; *(PBYTE)ADDR_MENU = 0; *(PBYTE)ADDR_STARTGAME = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::sub_100A0110() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A0110() .text:100A0110 } void CGame::sub_100A0210() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A0210() .text:100A0210 } void CGame::sub_100A0250() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A0250() .text:100A0250 } void CGame::sub_100A02E0() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A02E0() .text:100A02E0 (unused) } void CGame::sub_100A0310() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A0310() .text:100A0310 (unused) } void CGame::sub_100A0330() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A0330() .text:100A0330 } void CGame::sub_100A1C10() { // TODO: CGame::sub_100A1C10() .text:100A1C10 } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Return TRUE if the world has been loaded. BOOL CGame::IsGameLoaded() { if(!(*(PBYTE)ADDR_GAME_STARTED)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::RequestModel(int iModelID, int iLoadingStream) { /* _asm push iLoadingStream _asm push iModelID _asm mov edx, 0x4087E0 _asm call edx _asm pop edx _asm pop edx*/ ScriptCommand(&request_model,iModelID); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::LoadRequestedModels() { /* _asm push 0 _asm mov edx, 0x40EA10 _asm call edx _asm add esp, 4*/ ScriptCommand(&load_requested_models); } //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CGame::IsModelLoaded(int iModelID) { if(iModelID > 20000 || iModelID < 0) return TRUE; return ScriptCommand(&is_model_available,iModelID); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // MATCH void CGame::SetWorldWeather(int iWeatherID) { if(field_69) { *(DWORD*)(0xC81318) = iWeatherID; } else { *(DWORD*)(0xC81318) = iWeatherID; *(DWORD*)(0xC8131C) = iWeatherID; *(DWORD*)(0xC81320) = iWeatherID; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- int CGame::GetWorldWeather() { return *(int*)0xC81318; } //----------------------------------------------------------- BYTE CGame::IsHudEnabled() { return *(BYTE*)ADDR_ENABLE_HUD; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetFrameLimiterOn(BOOL bLimiter) { } //----------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CGame::IsFrameLimiterEnabled() { if(*(PBYTE)0xBA6794) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::EnableFrameLimiter() { *(BYTE*)0xBA6794 = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetFrameLimit(DWORD dwLimit) { field_5D = dwLimit; UnFuck(0xC1704C,4); *(DWORD*)0xC1704C = 200; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetMaxStats() { // driving stat _asm mov eax, 0x4399D0 _asm call eax // weapon stats _asm mov eax, 0x439940 _asm call eax UnFuck(0x55A070,1); *(BYTE*)0x55A070 = 0xC3; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::DisableTrainTraffic() { ScriptCommand(&enable_train_traffic,0); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::RefreshStreamingAt(float x, float y) { ScriptCommand(&refresh_streaming_at,x,y); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::RequestAnimation(char *szAnimFile) { ScriptCommand(&request_animation, szAnimFile); } //----------------------------------------------------------- int CGame::IsAnimationLoaded(char *szAnimFile) { return ScriptCommand(&is_animation_loaded,szAnimFile); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::ReleaseAnimation(char *szAnimFile) { if (IsAnimationLoaded(szAnimFile)) ScriptCommand(&release_animation,szAnimFile); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::ToggleRadar(int iToggle) { *(PBYTE)0xBAA3FB = (BYTE)!iToggle; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // MATCH void CGame::DisplayGameText(char *szStr,int iTime,int iSize) { if(iSize > 200) return; ScriptCommand(&text_clear_all); memset(szGameTextMessage,0,sizeof(szGameTextMessage)); // not a typo strncpy((char*)szGameTextMessage,szStr,512); unsigned char *str = szGameTextMessage; while(*str != 0) { if(*str >= 1 && *str < ' ' && *str != '\n') *str = ' '; str++; } _asm push iSize _asm push iTime _asm push szGameTextMessage _asm mov eax, 0x69F2B0 _asm call eax _asm add esp, 12 } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::DisableRaceCheckpoint() { if (m_dwRaceCheckpointHandle) { ScriptCommand(&destroy_racing_checkpoint, m_dwRaceCheckpointHandle); m_dwRaceCheckpointHandle = NULL; } m_bRaceCheckpointsEnabled = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CGame::CreateRadarMarkerIcon(int iMarkerType, float fX, float fY, float fZ, DWORD dwColor, int iStyle) { DWORD dwMarkerID=0; switch(iStyle) { case MAPICON_LOCAL: ScriptCommand(&create_radar_marker_without_sphere, fX, fY, fZ, iMarkerType, &dwMarkerID); break; case MAPICON_GLOBAL: ScriptCommand(&create_marker_at, fX, fY, fZ, iMarkerType, &dwMarkerID); break; case MAPICON_LOCAL_CHECKPOINT: ScriptCommand(&create_radar_marker_icon, fX, fY, fZ, iMarkerType, &dwMarkerID); break; case MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT: ScriptCommand(&create_icon_marker_sphere, fX, fY, fZ, iMarkerType, &dwMarkerID); break; } if(iMarkerType == 0) { if(dwColor >= 1004) { ScriptCommand(&set_marker_color, dwMarkerID, dwColor); ScriptCommand(&show_on_radar, dwMarkerID, 3); } else { ScriptCommand(&set_marker_color, dwMarkerID, dwColor); ScriptCommand(&show_on_radar, dwMarkerID, 2); } } return dwMarkerID; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::DisableMarker(DWORD dwMarkerID) { ScriptCommand(&disable_marker, dwMarkerID); } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Get the current active interior BYTE CGame::GetActiveInterior() { DWORD dwRet; ScriptCommand(&get_active_interior,&dwRet); return (BYTE)dwRet; } //----------------------------------------------------------- extern float fFarClip; void CGame::UpdateFarClippingPlane() { PED_TYPE *pPlayerPed = GamePool_FindPlayerPed(); if(pPlayerPed) { if(GetActiveInterior() == 0) { fFarClip = 1250.0f - (pPlayerPed->entity.mat->pos.Z + pPlayerPed->entity.mat->pos.Z); if(fFarClip < 700.0f) { fFarClip = 700.0f; } } else { fFarClip = 400.0f; } } else { fFarClip = 1250.0f; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::AddToLocalMoney(int iAmount) { ScriptCommand(&add_to_player_money,0,iAmount); } //----------------------------------------------------------- int CGame::GetLocalMoney() { return *(int *)0xB7CE50; } //----------------------------------------------------------- const PCHAR CGame::GetWeaponName(int iWeaponID) { switch(iWeaponID) { case WEAPON_BRASSKNUCKLE: return "Brass Knuckles"; case WEAPON_GOLFCLUB: return "Golf Club"; case WEAPON_NITESTICK: return "Nite Stick"; case WEAPON_KNIFE: return "Knife"; case WEAPON_BAT: return "Baseball Bat"; case WEAPON_SHOVEL: return "Shovel"; case WEAPON_POOLSTICK: return "Pool Cue"; case WEAPON_KATANA: return "Katana"; case WEAPON_CHAINSAW: return "Chainsaw"; case WEAPON_DILDO: return "Dildo"; case WEAPON_DILDO2: return "Dildo"; case WEAPON_VIBRATOR: return "Vibrator"; case WEAPON_VIBRATOR2: return "Vibrator"; case WEAPON_FLOWER: return "Flowers"; case WEAPON_CANE: return "Cane"; case WEAPON_GRENADE: return "Grenade"; case WEAPON_TEARGAS: return "Teargas"; case WEAPON_MOLTOV: return "Molotov"; case WEAPON_COLT45: return "Colt 45"; case WEAPON_SILENCED: return "Silenced Pistol"; case WEAPON_DEAGLE: return "Desert Eagle"; case WEAPON_SHOTGUN: return "Shotgun"; case WEAPON_SAWEDOFF: return "Sawn-off Shotgun"; case WEAPON_SHOTGSPA: // wtf? return "Combat Shotgun"; case WEAPON_UZI: return "UZI"; case WEAPON_MP5: return "MP5"; case WEAPON_AK47: return "AK47"; case WEAPON_M4: return "M4"; case WEAPON_TEC9: return "TEC9"; case WEAPON_RIFLE: return "Rifle"; case WEAPON_SNIPER: return "Sniper Rifle"; case WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER: return "Rocket Launcher"; case WEAPON_HEATSEEKER: return "Heat Seaker"; case WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER: return "Flamethrower"; case WEAPON_MINIGUN: return "Minigun"; case WEAPON_SATCHEL: return "Satchel Explosives"; case WEAPON_BOMB: return "Bomb"; case WEAPON_SPRAYCAN: return "Spray Can"; case WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER: return "Fire Extinguisher"; case WEAPON_CAMERA: return "Camera"; case WEAPON_PARACHUTE: return "Parachute"; case WEAPON_VEHICLE: return "Vehicle"; case WEAPON_DROWN: return "Drowned"; case WEAPON_COLLISION: return "Splat"; } return ""; } //----------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CGame::GetD3DDevice() { DWORD pdwD3DDev=0; if(iGtaVersion == GTASA_VERSION_USA10) { _asm mov edx, ADDR_RENDERWARE_GETD3D_USA10 _asm call edx _asm mov pdwD3DDev, eax } else if (iGtaVersion == GTASA_VERSION_EU10) { _asm mov edx, ADDR_RENDERWARE_GETD3D_EU10 _asm call edx _asm mov pdwD3DDev, eax } return pdwD3DDev; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // DOESN'T CURRENTLY WORK void CGame::RestartEverything() { //*(PBYTE)ADDR_MENU = 1; *(PBYTE)ADDR_MENU2 = 1; *(PBYTE)ADDR_MENU3 = 1; //(PBYTE)ADDR_GAME_STARTED = 0; //*(PBYTE)ADDR_MENU = 1; OutputDebugString("ShutDownForRestart"); _asm mov edx, 0x53C550 ; internal_CGame_ShutDownForRestart _asm call edx OutputDebugString("Timers stopped"); _asm mov edx, 0x561AA0 ; internal_CTimer_Stop _asm call edx OutputDebugString("ReInitialise"); _asm mov edx, 0x53C680 ; internal_CGame_InitialiseWhenRestarting _asm call edx *(PBYTE)ADDR_GAME_STARTED = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CGame::GetWeaponInfo(int iWeapon, int iUnk) { DWORD dwRet; _asm push iUnk _asm push iWeapon _asm mov edx, 0x743C60 _asm call edx _asm pop ecx _asm pop ecx _asm mov dwRet, eax return dwRet; } //---------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetGravity(float fGravity) { UnFuck(0x863984, 4); *(float*)0x863984 = fGravity; } // --------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetWantedLevel(BYTE byteLevel) { *(BYTE*)0x58DB60 = byteLevel; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::SetGameTextCount(WORD wCount) { *(WORD*)0xA44B68 = wCount; } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::DrawGangZone(float fPos[], DWORD dwColor) { ((DrawZone_t)0x5853D0)(fPos, &dwColor, *(BYTE*)ADDR_MENU); } //----------------------------------------------------------- void CGame::EnableZoneNames(BYTE byteEnable) { ScriptCommand(&enable_zone_names, byteEnable); } //-----------------------------------------------------------