#include "main.h" #include "game/util.h" int iGtaVersion=0; GAME_SETTINGS tSettings; CHAR szArtworkProxy[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR szConfigFile[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR byte_1026E710[256]; // unused CHAR szChatLogFile[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR szSAMPDir[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR szCacheDir[MAX_PATH+1]; CConfig *pConfig=0; CChatWindow *pChatWindow=0; CCmdWindow *pCmdWindow=0; CDeathWindow *pDeathWindow=0; CAudioStream *pAudioStream=0; CSpawnScreen *pSpawnScreen=0; CNetGame *pNetGame=0; //DWORD dword_1026EB98=0; CFontRender *pDefaultFont=0; CUnkClass13 *pUnkClass13=0; CUnkClass14 *pUnkClass14=0; CUnkClass15 *pUnkClass15=0; BOOL bGameInited=FALSE; WORD wVehicleComponentDebug=0; IDirect3D9 *pD3D; IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3DDevice = NULL; HANDLE hInstance=0; CNewPlayerTags *pNewPlayerTags=NULL; CScoreBoard *pScoreBoard=NULL; CUnkClass3 *pUnkClass3=NULL; CUnkClass4 *pUnkClass4=NULL; CUnkClass5 *pUnkClass5=NULL; CLabel *pLabel=NULL; CUnkClass10 *pUnkClass10=NULL; CUnkClass11 *pUnkClass11=NULL; CUnkClass12 *pUnkClass12=NULL; CNetStats *pNetStats=NULL; CSvrNetStats *pSvrNetStats=NULL; CHelpDialog *pHelpDialog=NULL; CUnkClass8 *pUnkClass8=NULL; bool bShowDebugLabels = false; CGame *pGame=0; DWORD dwGraphicsLoop=0; CFileSystem *pFileSystem=NULL; // forwards BOOL SubclassGameWindow(); void SetupCommands(); void TheGraphicsLoop(); LONG WINAPI exc_handler(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* exc_inf); void sub_1009DD50(); DWORD dwOrgRwSetState=0; DWORD dwSetStateCaller=0; DWORD dwSetStateOption=0; DWORD dwSetStateParam=0; char dbgstr[256]; // polls the game until it's able to run. void LaunchMonitor(PVOID v) { if(pGame) pGame->InitGame(); while(1) { if(*(PDWORD)ADDR_ENTRY == 7) { FUNC_1009DD50(); pGame->StartGame(); break; } else { Sleep(5); } } ExitThread(0); } //---------------------------------------------------- #define ARCHIVE_FILE "samp.saa" BOOL WINAPI DllMain_2(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH==fdwReason) { hInstance = hinstDLL; InitSettings(); if(tSettings.bDebug || tSettings.bPlayOnline) { SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exc_handler); dwGraphicsLoop = (DWORD)TheGraphicsLoop; CHAR szArchiveFile[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA((HMODULE)hInstance, szArchiveFile, MAX_PATH); DWORD dwFileNameLen = strlen(szArchiveFile); while(szArchiveFile[dwFileNameLen] != '\\') dwFileNameLen--; strcpy(szArchiveFile+dwFileNameLen+1, ARCHIVE_FILE); pFileSystem = new CArchiveFS(); if(!pFileSystem->Load(ARCHIVE_FILE)) _asm int 3 AddFontResourceA("gtaweap3.ttf"); AddFontResourceA("sampaux3.ttf"); InstallFileSystemHooks(); InstallShowCursorHook(); pGame = new CGame(); _beginthread(LaunchMonitor,0,NULL); } } else if(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH==fdwReason) { if(tSettings.bDebug || tSettings.bPlayOnline) { UninstallFileSystemHooks(); } } return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { _asm jmp DllMain_2 } //---------------------------------------------------- PCHAR GetSAMPPath() { return szSAMPDir; } //---------------------------------------------------- PCHAR GetCachePath() { return szCacheDir; } //---------------------------------------------------- void SetupCacheDirectories() { ZeroMemory(szCacheDir, sizeof(szCacheDir)); CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cbData = MAX_PATH; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType; ZeroMemory(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); sprintf(szCacheDir, "%s\\cache", szSAMPDir); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SAMP", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS && RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "model_cache", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szPath, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strncpy(szCacheDir, szPath, MAX_PATH+1); } if(!IsFileOrDirectoryExists(szCacheDir)) CreateDirectoryA(szCacheDir, NULL); CHAR szLocalDir[MAX_PATH+1]; sprintf(szLocalDir, "%s\\local", szCacheDir); if(!IsFileOrDirectoryExists(szLocalDir)) CreateDirectoryA(szLocalDir, NULL); } //---------------------------------------------------- PCHAR GetArtworkProxy() { ZeroMemory(szArtworkProxy, sizeof(szArtworkProxy)); DWORD cbData = MAX_PATH; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType; if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\SAMP", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "artwork_proxy", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szArtworkProxy, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; return szArtworkProxy; } //---------------------------------------------------- void SetupDirectories() { ZeroMemory(szSAMPDir, sizeof(szSAMPDir)); if(strlen((char*)0xC92368) == 0) { GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH+1, szSAMPDir); } else { sprintf(szSAMPDir, "%s\\SAMP", (char*)0xC92368); if(!IsFileOrDirectoryExists(szSAMPDir)) CreateDirectoryA(szSAMPDir, NULL); CHAR szScreensDir[MAX_PATH+1]; sprintf(szScreensDir, "%s\\screens", szSAMPDir); if(!IsFileOrDirectoryExists(szScreensDir)) CreateDirectoryA(szScreensDir, NULL); SetupCacheDirectories(); } } //---------------------------------------------------- DWORD dwFogEnabled = 0; DWORD dwFogColor = 0x00FF00FF; BOOL gDisableAllFog = FALSE; void SetupD3DFog(BOOL bEnable) { float fFogStart = 500.0f; float fFogEnd = 700.0f; if(gDisableAllFog) bEnable = FALSE; if(pD3DDevice) { pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, bEnable); //pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGCOLOR, dwFogColor); pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DFOG_NONE); pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR); //pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGSTART, *(DWORD*)(&fFogStart)); //pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGEND, *(DWORD*)(&fFogEnd)); } } //---------------------------------------------------- void _declspec(naked) RwRenderStateSetHook() { _asm mov eax, [esp] _asm mov dwSetStateCaller, eax _asm mov eax, [esp+4] _asm mov dwSetStateOption, eax _asm mov eax, [esp+8] _asm mov dwSetStateParam, eax if(dwSetStateOption == 14) { if(dwSetStateParam) { SetupD3DFog(TRUE); dwFogEnabled = 1; } else { SetupD3DFog(FALSE); dwFogEnabled = 0; } _asm mov [esp+8], 0 ; no fog } _asm mov eax, dwOrgRwSetState _asm jmp eax } //---------------------------------------------------- void HookRwRenderStateSet() { DWORD dwNewRwSetState = (DWORD)RwRenderStateSetHook; _asm mov ebx, 0xC97B24 _asm mov eax, [ebx] _asm mov edx, [eax+32] _asm mov dwOrgRwSetState, edx _asm mov edx, dwNewRwSetState _asm mov [eax+32], edx #ifdef _DEBUG sprintf(dbgstr,"HookRwRenderStateSet(0x%X)",dwOrgRwSetState); OutputDebugString(dbgstr); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------- void CallRwRenderStateSet(int state, int option) { _asm push option _asm push state _asm mov ebx, 0xC97B24 _asm mov eax, [ebx] _asm call dword ptr [eax+32] _asm add esp, 8 } //---------------------------------------------------- void CallRwRenderStateGet(int state, int *option) { _asm push option _asm push state _asm mov ebx, 0xC97B24 _asm mov eax, [ebx] _asm call dword ptr [eax+36] _asm add esp, 8 } //---------------------------------------------------- void DoInitStuff() { // GAME INIT if(!bGameInited) { SetupDirectories(); sprintf(szConfigFile, "%s\\sa-mp.cfg", szSAMPDir); sprintf(szChatLogFile, "%s\\chatlog.txt", szSAMPDir); pConfig = new CConfig(szConfigFile); timeBeginPeriod(1); // increases the accuracy of Sleep() FUNC_1009DD50(); SubclassGameWindow(); // Grab the real IDirect3D9 * from the game. pD3D = (IDirect3D9 *)pGame->GetD3D(); // Grab the real IDirect3DDevice9 * from the game. pD3DDevice = (IDirect3DDevice9 *)pGame->GetD3DDevice(); *(IDirect3DDevice9Hook**)ADDR_ID3D9DEVICE = new IDirect3DDevice9Hook(); pD3DDevice->ShowCursor(FALSE); // Create instances of the chat and input classes. pDefaultFont = new CFontRender(pD3DDevice); pChatWindow = new CChatWindow(pD3DDevice,pDefaultFont,szChatLogFile); pCmdWindow = new CCmdWindow(pD3DDevice); if(tSettings.bPlayOnline) { pDeathWindow = new CDeathWindow(pD3DDevice); pSpawnScreen = new CSpawnScreen(pD3DDevice); pNewPlayerTags = new CNewPlayerTags(pD3DDevice); pScoreBoard = new CScoreBoard(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass3 = new CUnkClass3(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass4 = new CUnkClass4(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass5 = new CUnkClass5(pD3DDevice); pNetStats = new CNetStats(pD3DDevice); pSvrNetStats = new CSvrNetStats(pD3DDevice); pHelpDialog = new CHelpDialog(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass8 = new CUnkClass8(); } pLabel = new CLabel(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass10 = new CUnkClass10(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass11 = new CUnkClass11(); pUnkClass12 = new CUnkClass12(); pUnkClass13 = new CUnkClass13(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass14 = new CUnkClass14(pD3DDevice); pUnkClass15 = new CUnkClass15(); // Setting up the commands. OutputDebugString("Setting up commands.."); SetupCommands(); OutputDebugString("Hooking RwSetState.."); HookRwRenderStateSet(); pGame->SetMaxStats(); if(tSettings.bDebug) { } // TODO: DoInitStuff bGameInited = TRUE; return; } } //---------------------------------------------------- void DoProcessStuff() { DoInitStuff(); SetupD3DFog(TRUE); // Process the netgame if it's active. if(pNetGame) { //Sleep(0); // This hands the context over to raknet pNetGame->Process(); } if(pAudioStream) { pAudioStream->Process(); } } //---------------------------------------------------- void TheGraphicsLoop() { _asm pushad // because we're called from a hook DoProcessStuff(); _asm popad } //---------------------------------------------------- void InitSettings() { PCHAR szCmdLine = GetCommandLineA(); memset(&tSettings,0,sizeof(GAME_SETTINGS)); while(*szCmdLine) { if(*szCmdLine == '-' || *szCmdLine == '/') { szCmdLine++; switch(*szCmdLine) { case 'd': tSettings.bDebug = TRUE; tSettings.bPlayOnline = FALSE; break; case 'c': tSettings.bPlayOnline = TRUE; tSettings.bDebug = FALSE; break; case 'z': szCmdLine++; SetStringFromCommandLine(szCmdLine,tSettings.szConnectPass); break; /* // We'll do this using ALT+ENTER case 'w': tSettings.bWindowedMode = TRUE; break; */ case 'h': szCmdLine++; SetStringFromCommandLine(szCmdLine,tSettings.szConnectHost); break; case 'p': szCmdLine++; SetStringFromCommandLine(szCmdLine,tSettings.szConnectPort); break; case 'n': szCmdLine++; SetStringFromCommandLine(szCmdLine,tSettings.szNickName); break; case 'l': szCmdLine++; SetStringFromQuotedCommandLine(szCmdLine,tSettings.szDebugScript); break; } } szCmdLine++; } } //---------------------------------------------------- void SetStringFromCommandLine(char *szCmdLine, char *szString) { while(*szCmdLine == ' ') szCmdLine++; while(*szCmdLine && *szCmdLine != ' ' && *szCmdLine != '-' && *szCmdLine != '/') { *szString = *szCmdLine; szString++; szCmdLine++; } *szString = '\0'; } //---------------------------------------------------- void SetStringFromQuotedCommandLine(char *szCmdLine, char *szString) { while(*szCmdLine != '"') szCmdLine++; szCmdLine++; while(*szCmdLine && *szCmdLine != '"') { *szString = *szCmdLine; szString++; szCmdLine++; } *szString = '\0'; } //---------------------------------------------------- int GetFontSize() { int size; if (pGame->GetScreenWidth() < 1024) size = 14; else if (pGame->GetScreenWidth() < 1400) size = 16; else if (pGame->GetScreenWidth() < 1600) size = 18; else size = 20; return size + 2 * pConfig->GetIntVariable("fontsize"); } int GetDeathWindowFontSize() { int size = 14; if (pGame->GetScreenWidth() < 1024) size = 12; int fontsize = size + 2 * pConfig->GetIntVariable("fontsize"); if(fontsize < size) fontsize = size; return fontsize; } int GetUIFontSize() { return 2 * pConfig->GetIntVariable("fontsize") + 20; } int GetFontWeight() { int fontweight = pConfig->GetIntVariable("fontweight"); if(fontweight == 0) return FW_BOLD; return fontweight != 1 ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; } char *GetFontFace() { if(pConfig && pConfig->GetStringVariable("fontface")) { return pConfig->GetStringVariable("fontface"); } return "Arial"; }