//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: DXUtil.h // // Desc: Helper functions and typing shortcuts for DirectX programming. // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef DXUTIL_H #define DXUTIL_H //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscellaneous helper functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if(p) { delete[] (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } #ifndef UNDER_CE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPath() and DXUtil_FindMediaFile() // Desc: Returns the DirectX SDK path, as stored in the system registry // during the SDK install. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPathCch( TCHAR* strDest, int cchDest ); HRESULT DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPathCb( TCHAR* szDest, int cbDest ); HRESULT DXUtil_FindMediaFileCch( TCHAR* strDestPath, int cchDest, LPCTSTR strFilename ); HRESULT DXUtil_FindMediaFileCb( TCHAR* szDestPath, int cbDest, LPCTSTR strFilename ); #endif // !UNDER_CE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: DXUtil_Read*RegKey() and DXUtil_Write*RegKey() // Desc: Helper functions to read/write a string registry key //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DXUtil_WriteStringRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, LPCTSTR strValue ); HRESULT DXUtil_WriteFloatRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, FLOAT fValue ); HRESULT DXUtil_WriteIntRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, DWORD dwValue ); HRESULT DXUtil_WriteGuidRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, GUID guidValue ); HRESULT DXUtil_WriteBoolRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, BOOL bValue ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadStringRegKeyCch( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, TCHAR* strDest, DWORD cchDest, LPCTSTR strDefault ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadStringRegKeyCb( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, TCHAR* strDest, DWORD cbDest, LPCTSTR strDefault ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadFloatRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, FLOAT* fDest, FLOAT fDefault ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadIntRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, DWORD* pdwValue, DWORD dwDefault ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadGuidRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, GUID* pGuidValue, GUID& guidDefault ); HRESULT DXUtil_ReadBoolRegKey( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR strRegName, BOOL* pbValue, BOOL bDefault ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: DXUtil_Timer() // Desc: Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands: // TIMER_RESET - to reset the timer // TIMER_START - to start the timer // TIMER_STOP - to stop (or pause) the timer // TIMER_ADVANCE - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds // TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME - to get the absolute system time // TIMER_GETAPPTIME - to get the current time // TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME - to get the time that elapsed between // TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME calls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum TIMER_COMMAND { TIMER_RESET, TIMER_START, TIMER_STOP, TIMER_ADVANCE, TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME, TIMER_GETAPPTIME, TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME }; FLOAT __stdcall DXUtil_Timer( TIMER_COMMAND command ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UNICODE support for converting between CHAR, TCHAR, and WCHAR strings //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWideCch( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsiCch( CHAR* strDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsiCch( CHAR* strDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWideCch( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGenericCch( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToGenericCch( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWideCb( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsiCb( CHAR* strDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsiCb( CHAR* strDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWideCb( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGenericCb( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToGenericCb( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource, int cbDestChar ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Readme functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DXUtil_LaunchReadme( HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR strLoc = NULL ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GUID to String converting //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGUIDToStringCch( const GUID* pGuidSrc, TCHAR* strDest, int cchDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertGUIDToStringCb( const GUID* pGuidSrc, TCHAR* strDest, int cbDestChar ); HRESULT DXUtil_ConvertStringToGUID( const TCHAR* strIn, GUID* pGuidOut ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug printing support // See dxerr9.h for more debug printing support //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DXUtil_Trace( LPCTSTR strMsg, ... ); #if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG) #define DXTRACE DXUtil_Trace #else #define DXTRACE sizeof #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: ArrayListType // Desc: Indicates how data should be stored in a CArrayList //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ArrayListType { AL_VALUE, // entry data is copied into the list AL_REFERENCE, // entry pointers are copied into the list }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: CArrayList // Desc: A growable array //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CArrayList { protected: ArrayListType m_ArrayListType; void* m_pData; UINT m_BytesPerEntry; UINT m_NumEntries; UINT m_NumEntriesAllocated; public: CArrayList( ArrayListType Type, UINT BytesPerEntry = 0 ); ~CArrayList( void ); HRESULT Add( void* pEntry ); void Remove( UINT Entry ); void* GetPtr( UINT Entry ); UINT Count( void ) { return m_NumEntries; } bool Contains( void* pEntryData ); void Clear( void ) { m_NumEntries = 0; } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WinCE build support //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef UNDER_CE #define CheckDlgButton(hdialog, id, state) ::SendMessage(::GetDlgItem(hdialog, id), BM_SETCHECK, state, 0) #define IsDlgButtonChecked(hdialog, id) ::SendMessage(::GetDlgItem(hdialog, id), BM_GETCHECK, 0L, 0L) #define GETTIMESTAMP GetTickCount #define _TWINCE(x) _T(x) __inline int GetScrollPos(HWND hWnd, int nBar) { SCROLLINFO si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_POS; if (!GetScrollInfo(hWnd, nBar, &si)) { return 0; } else { return si.nPos; } } #else // !UNDER_CE #define GETTIMESTAMP timeGetTime #define _TWINCE(x) x #endif // UNDER_CE #endif // DXUTIL_H