# # filename: carmods.dat # # description: List of cars and the mods that can be added to these cars # link bntl_b_ov, bntr_b_ov bntl_b_sq, bntr_b_sq wg_l_b_ssk, wg_r_b_ssk wg_l_c_j, wg_r_c_j wg_l_a_j, wg_r_a_j wg_l_a_f, wg_r_a_f wg_l_c_f, wg_r_c_f wg_l_a_s, wg_r_a_s wg_l_c_s, wg_r_c_s wg_l_a_u, wg_r_a_u wg_l_c_u, wg_r_c_u wg_l_a_l, wg_r_a_l wg_l_c_l, wg_r_c_l wg_l_a_st, wg_r_a_st wg_l_c_st, wg_r_c_st wg_l_lr_bl1, wg_r_lr_bl1 wg_l_lr_br1, wg_r_lr_br1 wg_l_lr_sv, wg_r_lr_sv wg_l_lr_rem1, wg_r_lr_rem1 wg_l_lr_rem2, wg_r_lr_rem2 wg_l_lr_slv1, wg_r_lr_slv1 wg_l_lr_slv2, wg_r_lr_slv2 wg_l_lr_t1, wg_r_lr_t1 end mods admiral, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw alpha, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw banshee, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw blistac, rf_b_sc_r, wg_l_b_ssk, bnt_b_sc_p_m, exh_b_t, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_bab_m, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_mab_m, spl_b_bar_m, bntl_b_ov, exh_b_l bobcat, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, wg_l_b_ssk bravura, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk buccanee, bnt_b_sc_l, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk buffalo, nto_b_s, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw bullet, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw cabbie, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw cadrona, exh_b_m, exh_b_l, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbr_l, wg_l_b_ssk cheetah, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk clover, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbr_l club, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, lgt_b_sspt, lgt_b_rspt, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m, wg_l_b_ssk comet, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw elegant, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw emperor, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk esperant, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw euros, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw feltzer, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw fortune, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw glendale, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw greenwoo, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m hermes, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw huntley, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw hustler, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw infernus, nto_b_s, nto_b_l, nto_b_tw intruder, bnt_b_sc_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, wg_l_b_ssk landstal, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_rspt, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw majestic, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk manana, exh_b_t, exh_b_m, exh_b_l, lgt_b_rspt, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk merit, bnt_b_sc_l, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mab_m mesa, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, lgt_b_rspt, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw moonbeam, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbr_m nebula, bnt_b_sc_m, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbr_l, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m, wg_l_b_ssk oceanic, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw peren, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m, wg_l_b_ssk phoenix, bntl_b_sq, bntl_b_ov, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, wg_l_b_ssk picador, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, exh_b_l, exh_b_s, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, wg_l_b_ssk premier, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_mab_m previon, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_s, exh_b_t, lgt_b_rspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk primo, bntl_b_ov, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mab_m, spl_b_mar_m rancher, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_rspt, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bar_m, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m regina, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw romero, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw sabre, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw sentinel, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mar_m solair, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw stafford, exh_b_l, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, wg_l_b_ssk stallion, spl_b_mab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_bab_m, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, wg_l_b_ssk, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, lgt_b_rspt stretch, nto_b_s sunrise, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m supergt, nto_b_s tahoma, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw tampa, bnt_b_sc_p_l, bnt_b_sc_p_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk taxi, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_mab_m turismo, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw vincent, bnt_b_sc_m, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, wg_l_b_ssk virgo, bntl_b_ov, bntl_b_sq, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk voodoo, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw walton, bnt_b_sc_l, bnt_b_sc_m, bnt_b_sc_p_l, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_s, lgt_b_rspt, lgt_b_sspt, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw washing, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, spl_b_bar_l, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_bbr_m, spl_b_mar_m willard, bnt_b_sc_p_l, bnt_b_sc_p_m, exh_b_l, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, spl_b_bab_m, spl_b_bbb_m, spl_b_mab_m, wg_l_b_ssk windsor, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw zr350, exh_b_l, exh_b_m, exh_b_t, exh_b_ts, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rf_b_sc_r, wg_l_b_ssk elegy, exh_a_l, exh_c_l, fbmp_a_l, fbmp_c_l, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_l, rbmp_c_l, rf_a_l, rf_c_l, spl_a_l_b, spl_c_l_b, wg_l_a_l, wg_l_c_l flash, exh_a_f, exh_c_f, fbmp_a_f, fbmp_c_f, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_f, rbmp_c_f, rf_a_f, rf_c_f, spl_a_f_r, spl_c_f_r, wg_l_a_f, wg_l_c_f jester, exh_a_j, exh_c_j, fbmp_a_j, fbmp_c_j, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_j, rbmp_c_j, spl_a_j_b, spl_c_j_b, rf_a_j, rf_c_j, wg_l_a_j, wg_l_c_j, nto_b_s stratum, exh_a_st, exh_c_st, fbmp_a_st, fbmp_c_st, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_st, rbmp_c_st, rf_a_st, rf_c_st, spl_a_st_r, spl_c_st_r, wg_l_a_st, wg_l_c_st sultan, exh_a_s, exh_c_s, fbmp_a_s, fbmp_c_s, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_s, rbmp_c_s, rf_a_s, rf_c_s, spl_a_s_b, spl_c_s_b, wg_l_a_s, wg_l_c_s uranus, exh_a_u, exh_c_u, fbmp_a_u, fbmp_c_u, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_a_u, rbmp_c_u, rf_a_u, rf_c_u, spl_a_u_b, spl_c_u_b, wg_l_a_u, wg_l_c_u blade, exh_lr_bl1, exh_lr_bl2, fbmp_lr_bl1, fbmp_lr_bl2, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_lr_bl1, rbmp_lr_bl2, rf_lr_bl1, rf_lr_bl2, wg_l_lr_bl1 broadway, exh_lr_br1, exh_lr_br2, fbmp_lr_br1, fbmp_lr_br2, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_lr_br1, rbmp_lr_br2, wg_l_lr_br1 remingtn, exh_lr_rem1, exh_lr_rem2, fbmp_lr_rem1, fbmp_lr_rem2, misc_c_lr_rem1, misc_c_lr_rem2, misc_c_lr_rem3, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_lr_rem1, rbmp_lr_rem2, wg_l_lr_rem1, wg_l_lr_rem2 savanna, exh_lr_sv1, exh_lr_sv2, fbmp_lr_sv1, fbmp_lr_sv2, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_lr_sv1, rbmp_lr_sv2, rf_lr_sv1, rf_lr_sv2, wg_l_lr_sv slamvan, bbb_lr_slv1, bbb_lr_slv2, exh_lr_slv1, exh_lr_slv2, fbb_lr_slv1, fbb_lr_slv2, fbmp_lr_slv1, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, wg_l_lr_slv1, wg_l_lr_slv2 tornado, exh_lr_t1, exh_lr_t2, fbmp_lr_t1, fbmp_lr_t2, nto_b_l, nto_b_s, nto_b_tw, rbmp_lr_t1, rbmp_lr_t2, wg_l_lr_t1 #fcr900, exh_bk_fc_sa, exh_bk_fc_ta, exh_bk_fc_tc, misc_a_bk_fc1, misc_a_bk_fc2, nto_bk_s, nto_bk_tw #bf400, exh_bk_bf_sa, exh_bk_bf_ta, exh_bk_bf_tc, misc_a_bk_bf1, misc_a_bk_bf2, nto_bk_s, nto_bk_tw #nrg500, exh_bk_nr_sa, exh_bk_nr_ta, exh_bk_nr_tc, misc_a_bk_nr1, misc_a_bk_nr2, nto_bk_s, nto_bk_tw #pcj600, exh_bk_pc_sa, exh_bk_pc_ta, exh_bk_pc_tc, misc_a_bk_pc1, misc_a_bk_pc2, nto_bk_s, nto_bk_tw end wheel 0, wheel_gn1, wheel_gn2, wheel_gn3, wheel_gn4, wheel_gn5, wheel_sr3, wheel_sr4, wheel_lr3, wheel_lr4, wheel_or1 1, wheel_sr1, wheel_sr2, wheel_sr3, wheel_sr4, wheel_sr5, wheel_sr6, wheel_lr1, wheel_lr2, wheel_gn1, wheel_gn2 2, wheel_lr1, wheel_lr2, wheel_lr3, wheel_lr4, wheel_lr5, wheel_sr1, wheel_sr2, wheel_gn4, wheel_gn5 end