#ifndef SAMPSRV_NETGAME_H #define SAMPSRV_NETGAME_H #define GAMESTATE_RUNNING 1 class CNetGame // size: W: 14808 L: 14816 { private: CGameMode *m_pGameMode; CFilterScripts *m_pFilterScripts; CPlayerPool *m_pPlayerPool; CVehiclePool *m_pVehiclePool; CPickupPool *m_pPickupPool; CObjectPool *m_pObjectPool; CMenuPool *m_pMenuPool; CTextDrawPool *m_pTextPool; CLabelPool *m_pLabelPool; CGangZonePool *m_pGangZonePool; CActorPool *m_pActorPool; int m_iCurrentGameModeIndex; int m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat; BOOL m_bFirstGameModeLoaded; CScriptHttps* m_pScriptHttps; CScriptTimers* m_pScriptTimers; RakServerInterface *m_pRak; int m_iLastServerTickUpdate; int m_iServerTickCount; int m_iServerTickRate; BOOL m_bLanMode; int m_iShowPlayerMarkers; bool m_bShowNameTags; BYTE m_byteWorldTime; bool m_bAllowWeapons; // Allow weapons in interiors bool m_bStuntBonus; // Insane stunt bonusses enabled? char field_5C; BYTE m_byteWeather; int m_iGameState; float m_fGravity; int m_iDeathDropMoney; char field_6A; char field_6B; bool m_bLimitGlobalChatRadius; // limit global player chat to other players within a certain radius bool m_bUseCJWalk; float m_fGlobalChatRadius; // limit global chat radius float m_fNameTagDrawDistance; // The distance which players will start rendering nametags bool m_bDisableEnterExits; // Interior enter/exits disabled? bool m_bNameTagLOS; bool m_bManualVehicleEngineAndLights; bool m_bLimitPlayerMarkerRadius; float m_fPlayerMarkerRadius; BOOL m_bVehicleFriendlyFire; #ifndef WIN32 double m_dElapsedTime; #endif int m_iSpawnsAvailable; PLAYER_SPAWN_INFO m_AvailableSpawns[319]; public: CNetGame(); ~CNetGame(); void Init(BOOL bFirst); void ShutdownForGameModeRestart(); RakServerInterface * GetRakServer() { return m_pRak; }; void LoadAllFilterscripts(); void Process(); void LoadBanList(); DWORD GetTime(); }; #endif