[server] Rename most of the CNetGame member variables

This commit is contained in:
RD42 2023-10-30 00:27:01 +08:00
parent e1c7981db5
commit 7992273f86
2 changed files with 58 additions and 41 deletions

@ -36,6 +36,19 @@
#include <string>
#include "console.h"
#include "scrhttps.h"
#include "scrtimers.h"
#include "gamemodes.h"
#include "filterscripts.h"
#include "playerpool.h"
#include "vehiclepool.h"
#include "pickuppool.h"
#include "objectpool.h"
#include "menupool.h"
#include "textdrawpool.h"
#include "labelpool.h"
#include "gangzonepool.h"
#include "actorpool.h"
#include "netgame.h"
#include "plugins.h"

@ -2,55 +2,59 @@
class RakServerInterface {}; // TODO: RakServerInterface placeholder, remove this later
class CNetGame // size: W: 14808 L: 14816
int field_0;
int field_4;
int field_8;
int field_C;
int field_10;
int field_14;
int field_18;
int field_1C;
int field_20;
int field_24;
int field_28;
int field_2C;
int field_30;
int field_34;
int field_38;
int field_3C;
int field_40;
int field_44;
int field_48;
int field_4C;
int field_50;
char gap54[5];
char field_59;
char field_5A;
char field_5B;
CGameMode *m_pGameMode;
CFilterScripts *m_pFilterScripts;
CPlayerPool *m_pPlayerPool;
CVehiclePool *m_pVehiclePool;
CPickupPool *m_pPickupPool;
CObjectPool *m_pObjectPool;
CMenuPool *m_pMenuPool;
CTextDrawPool *m_pTextPool;
CLabelPool *m_pLabelPool;
CGangZonePool *m_pGangZonePool;
CActorPool *m_pActorPool;
int m_iCurrentGameModeIndex;
int m_iCurrentGameModeRepeat;
BOOL m_bFirstGameModeLoaded;
CScriptHttps* m_pScriptHttps;
CScriptTimers* m_pScriptTimers;
RakServerInterface *m_pRak;
int m_iLastServerTickUpdate;
int m_iServerTickCount;
int m_iServerTickRate;
BOOL m_bLanMode;
int m_iShowPlayerMarkers;
bool m_bShowNameTags;
BYTE m_byteWorldTime;
bool m_bAllowWeapons; // Allow weapons in interiors
bool m_bStuntBonus; // Insane stunt bonusses enabled?
char field_5C;
char field_5D;
int field_5E;
float field_62;
int field_66;
BYTE m_byteWeather;
int m_iGameState;
float m_fGravity;
int m_iDeathDropMoney;
char field_6A;
char field_6B;
char field_6C;
float field_6E;
float field_72;
char field_76;
char field_77;
char gap78[1];
char field_79;
float field_7A;
int field_7E;
bool m_bLimitGlobalChatRadius; // limit global player chat to other players within a certain radius
bool m_bUseCJWalk;
float m_fGlobalChatRadius; // limit global chat radius
float m_fNameTagDrawDistance; // The distance which players will start rendering nametags
bool m_bDisableEnterExits; // Interior enter/exits disabled?
bool m_bNameTagLOS;
bool m_bManualVehicleEngineAndLights;
bool m_bLimitPlayerMarkerRadius;
float m_fPlayerMarkerRadius;
BOOL m_bVehicleFriendlyFire;
#ifndef WIN32
double field_82;
double m_dElapsedTime;
int field_8A;
char gap8A[14674];
int m_iSpawnsAvailable;
PLAYER_SPAWN_INFO m_AvailableSpawns[319];