[bot] Implement math util functions

This commit is contained in:
RD42 2024-05-31 23:03:37 +08:00
parent 2a1e452c6d
commit 59923266b8
3 changed files with 163 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -363,6 +363,12 @@

bot/mathutils.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#include "main.h"
#ifndef copysign
#define copysign _copysign
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x))
void CrossProduct(PVECTOR result, PVECTOR v1, PVECTOR v2)
result->X = v1->Y * v2->Z - v1->Z * v2->Y;
result->Y = v1->Z * v2->X - v1->X * v2->Z;
result->Z = v1->X * v2->Y - v1->Y * v2->X;
void TransformVector(PVECTOR result, PMATRIX4X4 m, PVECTOR v)
result->X = m->at.X * v->Z + m->right.X * v->X + m->up.X * v->Y + m->pos.X;
result->Y = m->at.Y * v->Z + m->right.Y * v->X + m->up.Y * v->Y + m->pos.Y;
result->Z = m->at.Z * v->Z + m->right.Z * v->X + m->up.Z * v->Y + m->pos.Z;
void MatrixToQuaternion(float m00, float m01, float m02,
float m10, float m11, float m12,
float m20, float m21, float m22,
float &qw, float &qx, float &qy, float &qz)
float tw = sqrt(MAX(m00 + 1.0f + m11 + m22, 0.0f)) / 2.0f;
float tx = sqrt(MAX(m00 + 1.0f - m11 - m22, 0.0f)) / 2.0f;
float ty = sqrt(MAX(1.0f - m00 + m11 - m22, 0.0f)) / 2.0f;
float tz = sqrt(MAX(1.0f - m00 - m11 + m22, 0.0f)) / 2.0f;
if(tw < 0.0f) tw = 0.0f;
if(tx < 0.0f) tx = 0.0f;
if(ty < 0.0f) ty = 0.0f;
if(tz < 0.0f) tz = 0.0f;
float x = (float)copysign(tx, m21 - m12);
float y = (float)copysign(ty, m02 - m20);
float z = (float)copysign(tz, m10 - m01);
qw = tw;
qx = x;
qy = y;
qz = z;
void QuaternionToMatrix(float qw, float qx, float qy, float qz,
float &m00, float &m01, float &m02,
float &m10, float &m11, float &m12,
float &m20, float &m21, float &m22)
float ww = qw * qw;
float xx = qx * qx;
float yy = qy * qy;
float zz = qz * qz;
m00 = xx - yy - zz + ww;
m11 = yy - xx - zz + ww;
m22 = zz - (yy + xx) + ww;
float xy = qx * qy;
float wz = qw * qz;
m10 = wz + xy + wz + xy;
m01 = xy - wz + xy - wz;
float xz = qx * qz;
float wy = qw * qy;
m20 = xz - wy + xz - wy;
m02 = wy + xz + wy + xz;
float yz = qy * qz;
float wx = qw * qx;
m21 = wx + yz + wx + yz;
m12 = yz - wx + yz - wx;
void QuaternionToMatrix(PQUATERNION q, PMATRIX4X4 m)
QuaternionToMatrix(q->W, q->X, q->Y, q->Z,
m->right.X, m->right.Y, m->right.Z,
m->up.X, m->up.Y, m->up.Z,
m->at.X, m->at.Y, m->at.Z);
void MatrixToQuaternion(PMATRIX4X4 m, PQUATERNION q)
MatrixToQuaternion(m->right.X, m->right.Y, m->right.Z,
m->up.X, m->up.Y, m->up.Z,
m->at.X, m->at.Y, m->at.Z,
q->W, q->X, q->Y, q->Z);
void EulerToQuaternion(PVECTOR v, PQUATERNION q)
float cz = cosf(v->Z * 0.5f);
float cy = cosf(v->Y * 0.5f);
float cx = cosf(v->X * 0.5f);
float sz = sinf(v->Z * 0.5f);
float sy = sinf(v->Y * 0.5f);
float sx = sinf(v->X * 0.5f);
q->W = cz * cy * cx + sz * sy * sx;
q->X = cz * cy * sx - sz * sy * cx;
q->Y = cz * sy * cx + sz * cy * sx;
q->Z = sz * cy * cx - cz * sy * sx;
void QuaternionToEuler(PQUATERNION q, PVECTOR v)
float sqw = q->W * q->W;
float sqx = q->X * q->X;
float sqy = q->Y * q->Y;
float sqz = q->Z * q->Z;
float t0 = q->X * q->Y + q->Z * q->W;
v->X = atan2f(t0 + t0, sqx - sqy - sqz + sqw);
v->Y = asinf((q->X * q->Z - q->Y * q->W) * -2.0f);
float t1 = q->Y * q->Z + q->X * q->W;
v->Z = atan2f(t1 + t1, -sqx - sqy + sqz + sqw);
// EOF

bot/mathutils.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
void CrossProduct(PVECTOR result, PVECTOR v1, PVECTOR v2);
void TransformVector(PVECTOR result, PMATRIX4X4 m, PVECTOR v);
void QuaternionToMatrix(PQUATERNION q, PMATRIX4X4 m);
void MatrixToQuaternion(PMATRIX4X4 m, PQUATERNION q);
void EulerToQuaternion(PVECTOR v, PQUATERNION q);
void QuaternionToEuler(PQUATERNION q, PVECTOR v);