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2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// TODO: Implement RakPeer.cpp
#include "RakPeer.h"
2024-02-14 22:51:29 +08:00
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
2024-02-14 22:51:29 +08:00
2024-02-14 23:00:03 +08:00
// TODO: RakPeer ctor saco .text:1003DE50 server W .text:00455140 L .text:08072970 bot W .text:00408DF0 L .text:08071AB0
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
void RakPeer::vftable_0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_0() (saco W: 10042780) (server W: 459CC0 L: 8072430) (bot W: 40D490 L: 807229E)
void RakPeer::vftable_4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_4() (saco W: 100427A0) (server W: 459CE0 L: 8072190) (bot W: 40D4B0 L: 80725E2)
void RakPeer::vftable_8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_8() (saco W: 10042A40) (server W: 459F80 L: 806EE80) (bot W: 40D750 L: 8072926)
void RakPeer::vftable_C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_C() (saco W: 10038400) (server W: 44FF00 L: 8076430) (bot W: 403EA0 L: 8072E54)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Sets how many incoming connections are allowed. If this is less than the number of players currently connected, no
// more players will be allowed to connect. If this is greater than the maximum number of peers allowed, it will be reduced
// to the maximum number of peers allowed. Defaults to 0.
// Parameters:
// numberAllowed - Maximum number of incoming connections allowed.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::SetMaximumIncomingConnections( unsigned short numberAllowed )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
maximumIncomingConnections = numberAllowed;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns the maximum number of incoming connections, which is always <= maxConnections
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned short RakPeer::GetMaximumIncomingConnections( void ) const
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
return maximumIncomingConnections;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Sets the password incoming connections must match in the call to Connect (defaults to none)
// Pass 0 to passwordData to specify no password
// Parameters:
// passwordData: A data block that incoming connections must match. This can be just a password, or can be a stream of data.
// - Specify 0 for no password data
// passwordDataLength: The length in bytes of passwordData
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::SetIncomingPassword( const char* passwordData, int passwordDataLength )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
//if (passwordDataLength > MAX_OFFLINE_DATA_LENGTH)
// passwordDataLength=MAX_OFFLINE_DATA_LENGTH;
if (passwordDataLength > 255)
if (passwordData==0)
// Not threadsafe but it's not important enough to lock. Who is going to change the password a lot during runtime?
// It won't overflow at least because incomingPasswordLength is an unsigned char
if (passwordDataLength>0)
memcpy(incomingPassword, passwordData, passwordDataLength);
incomingPasswordLength=(unsigned char)passwordDataLength;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::GetIncomingPassword( char* passwordData, int *passwordDataLength )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
if (passwordData==0)
if (*passwordDataLength > incomingPasswordLength)
if (*passwordDataLength>0)
memcpy(passwordData, incomingPassword, *passwordDataLength);
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Call this to connect to the specified host (ip or domain name) and server port.
// Calling Connect and not calling SetMaximumIncomingConnections acts as a dedicated client. Calling both acts as a true peer.
// This is a non-blocking connection. You know the connection is successful when IsConnected() returns true
// or receive gets a packet with the type identifier ID_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED. If the connection is not
// successful, such as rejected connection or no response then neither of these things will happen.
// Requires that you first call Initialize
// Parameters:
// host: Either a dotted IP address or a domain name
// remotePort: Which port to connect to on the remote machine.
// passwordData: A data block that must match the data block on the server. This can be just a password, or can be a stream of data
// passwordDataLength: The length in bytes of passwordData
// Returns:
// True on successful initiation. False on incorrect parameters, internal error, or too many existing peers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool RakPeer::Connect( const char* host, unsigned short remotePort, char* passwordData, int passwordDataLength )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_20() (saco W: 10040550) (server W: 457B00 L: 806D230) (bot W: 40B2C0 L: 807306A)
return false;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Stops the network threads and close all connections. Multiple calls are ok.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::Disconnect( unsigned int blockDuration, unsigned char orderingChannel )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_24() (saco W: 10040620) (server W: 457BD0 L: 806FB70) (bot W: 40B390 L: 80730D2)
2024-01-05 23:30:37 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Returns true if the network threads are running
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool RakPeer::IsActive( void ) const
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
2024-01-05 23:30:37 +08:00
return endThreads == false;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
void RakPeer::vftable_2C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_2C() (saco W: 100384D0) (server W: 44FFD0 L: 8076E70) (bot W: 403F70 L: 8080FB0)
void RakPeer::vftable_30()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_30() (saco W: 1003C3D0) (server W: 4536E0 L: 806D2B0) (bot W: 407380 L: 8073546)
void RakPeer::vftable_34()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_34() (saco W: 1003C2C0) (server W: 4535D0 L: 806EBA0) (bot W: 407270 L: 8073696)
void RakPeer::vftable_38()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_38() (saco W: 10040FD0) (server W: 458510 L: 806EA30) (bot W: 40BCE0 L: 8073806)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Call this to deallocate a packet returned by Receive, in the same order returned to you from Receive
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::DeallocatePacket( Packet *packet )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
if ( packet == 0 )
if (packet->deleteData)
if (packet->data)
delete packet->data;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Return the total number of connections we are allowed
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned short RakPeer::GetMaximumNumberOfPeers( void ) const
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
return maximumNumberOfPeers;
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Register a C function as available for calling as a remote procedure call
// Parameters:
// uniqueID: A string of only letters to identify this procedure. Recommended you use the macro CLASS_MEMBER_ID for class member functions
// functionName(...): The name of the C function or C++ singleton to be used as a function pointer
// This can be called whether the client is active or not, and registered functions stay registered unless unregistered with
// UnregisterAsRemoteProcedureCall
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::RegisterAsRemoteProcedureCall( char* uniqueID, void ( *functionPointer ) ( RPCParameters *rpcParms ) )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
if ( uniqueID == 0 || uniqueID[ 0 ] == 0 || functionPointer == 0 )
rpcMap.AddIdentifierWithFunction((unsigned char)*uniqueID, (void*)functionPointer, false);
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
void RakPeer::RegisterClassMemberRPC( char* uniqueID, void *functionPointer )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
if ( uniqueID == 0 || uniqueID[ 0 ] == 0 || functionPointer == 0 )
rpcMap.AddIdentifierWithFunction((unsigned char)*uniqueID, functionPointer, true);
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Description:
// Unregisters a C function as available for calling as a remote procedure call that was formerly registered
// with RegisterAsRemoteProcedureCall
// Parameters:
// uniqueID: A null terminated string to identify this procedure. Must match the parameter
// passed to RegisterAsRemoteProcedureCall
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RakPeer::UnregisterAsRemoteProcedureCall( char* uniqueID )
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
// nothing
2023-11-16 22:30:08 +08:00
void RakPeer::vftable_50()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_50() (saco W: 1003A720) (server W: 451A60 L: 806D580) (bot W: 405750 L: 8073DAA)
void RakPeer::vftable_54()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_54() (saco W: 1003E050) (server W: 455340 L: 8071710) (bot W: 408FF0 L: 8073DB6)
void RakPeer::vftable_58()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_58() (saco W: 10040A00) (server W: 457FB0 L: 806D590) (bot W: 40B770 L: 80741A0)
void RakPeer::vftable_5C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_5C() (saco W: 1003E330) (server W: 455620 L: 8074290) (bot W: 4092D0 L: 80742D2)
void RakPeer::vftable_60()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_60() (saco W: 10038660) (server W: 450160 L: 80716E0) (bot W: 404100 L: 8074318)
void RakPeer::vftable_64()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_64() (saco W: 1003A7D0) (server W: 451B10 L: 806D6B0) (bot W: 405800 L: 8074342)
void RakPeer::vftable_68()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_68() (saco W: 1003C4D0) (server W: 4537E0 L: 806D770) (bot W: 407480 L: 807441A)
void RakPeer::vftable_6C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_6C() (saco W: 1003A960) (server W: 451CA0 L: 806F440) (bot W: 405990 L: 80745D6)
void RakPeer::vftable_70()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_70() (saco W: 1003C5E0) (server W: 4538F0 L: 806D8E0) (bot W: 407590 L: 807473C)
void RakPeer::vftable_74()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_74() (saco W: 1003A9D0) (server W: 451D10 L: 806F300) (bot W: 405A00 L: 80747FC)
void RakPeer::vftable_78()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_78() (saco W: 10040A30) (server W: 457FE0 L: 8070970) (bot W: 40B7A0 L: 8074A70)
void RakPeer::vftable_7C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_7C() (saco W: 1003E350) (server W: 455640 L: 806D9A0) (bot W: 4092F0 L: 8074A9A)
void RakPeer::vftable_80()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_80() (saco W: 1003E3B0) (server W: 4556A0 L: 8070270) (bot W: 409350 L: 8074CB4)
void RakPeer::vftable_84()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_84() (saco W: 1003E400) (server W: 4556F0 L: 8070210) (bot W: 4093A0 L: 8074D7A)
void RakPeer::vftable_88()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_88() (saco W: 10038720) (server W: 450220 L: 80701D0) (bot W: 404160 L: 8074DFE)
void RakPeer::vftable_8C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_8C() (saco W: 1003E440) (server W: 455730 L: 806DBB0) (bot W: 4093E0 L: 8074E52)
void RakPeer::vftable_90()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_90() (saco W: 1003E490) (server W: 455780 L: 8070160) (bot W: 409430 L: 8074E6A)
void RakPeer::vftable_94()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_94() (saco W: 10040A50) (server W: 458000 L: 80700B0) (bot W: 40B7C0 L: 8074EE2)
void RakPeer::vftable_98()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_98() (saco W: 10038730) (server W: 450230 L: 8070B60) (bot W: 404170 L: 8074FA8)
void RakPeer::vftable_9C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_9C() (saco W: 10038780) (server W: 450280 L: 806DBC0) (bot W: 4041C0 L: 8074FD2)
void RakPeer::vftable_A0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_A0() (saco W: 100387A0) (server W: 4502A0 L: 806DC50) (bot W: 4041E0 L: 8075034)
void RakPeer::vftable_A4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_A4() (saco W: 1003E520) (server W: 455810 L: 806DC70) (bot W: 4094C0 L: 8075056)
void RakPeer::vftable_A8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_A8() (saco W: 10038860) (server W: 450360 L: 8070050) (bot W: 4042A0 L: 807514E)
void RakPeer::vftable_AC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_AC() (saco W: 100388B0) (server W: 4503B0 L: 806DD50) (bot W: 4042F0 L: 807519E)
void RakPeer::vftable_B0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_B0() (saco W: 100388C0) (server W: 4503C0 L: 806DDB0) (bot W: 404300 L: 80751FE)
void RakPeer::vftable_B4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_B4() (saco W: 10038920) (server W: 450420 L: 806DDC0) (bot W: 404360 L: 807520C)
void RakPeer::vftable_B8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_B8() (saco W: 10038910) (server W: 450410 L: 806DE40) (bot W: 404350 L: 807529A)
void RakPeer::vftable_BC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_BC() (saco W: 10038CB0) (server W: 450790 L: 806DE30) (bot W: 4046D0 L: 8075280)
void RakPeer::vftable_C0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_C0() (saco W: 10038960) (server W: 450460 L: 806E690) (bot W: 4043A0 L: 8075F86)
void RakPeer::vftable_C4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_C4() (saco W: 1003AB30) (server W: 451E70 L: 806DEA0) (bot W: 405B60 L: 80752EC)
void RakPeer::vftable_C8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_C8() (saco W: 10038970) (server W: 450470 L: 806DEC0) (bot W: 4043B0 L: 8075308)
void RakPeer::vftable_CC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_CC() (saco W: 100389C0) (server W: 4504C0 L: 806E110) (bot W: 404400 L: 807558A)
void RakPeer::vftable_D0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_D0() (saco W: 10038A10) (server W: 450510 L: 806E170) (bot W: 404450 L: 80755EA)
void RakPeer::vftable_D4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_D4() (saco W: 10038A20) (server W: 450520 L: 806E1D0) (bot W: 404460 L: 807564A)
void RakPeer::vftable_D8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_D8() (saco W: 10038A60) (server W: 450560 L: 806E1F0) (bot W: 4044A0 L: 8075666)
void RakPeer::vftable_DC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_DC() (saco W: 1003ACA0) (server W: 451FE0 L: 806E250) (bot W: 405CD0 L: 80756CC)
void RakPeer::vftable_E0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_E0() (saco W: 10038B50) (server W: 450630 L: 806E330) (bot W: 404570 L: 80757FA)
void RakPeer::vftable_E4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_E4() (saco W: 10038B90) (server W: 450670 L: 806E3C0) (bot W: 4045B0 L: 80758BE)
void RakPeer::vftable_E8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_E8() (saco W: 1003AD20) (server W: 452060 L: 806E400) (bot W: 405D50 L: 8075910)
void RakPeer::vftable_EC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_EC() (saco W: 1003AD60) (server W: 4520A0 L: 806E440) (bot W: 405D90 L: 8075962)
void RakPeer::vftable_F0()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_F0() (saco W: 1003ADB0) (server W: 4520F0 L: 806E4A0) (bot W: 405DE0 L: 80759B4)
void RakPeer::vftable_F4()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_F4() (saco W: 10038BD0) (server W: 4506B0 L: 806E510) (bot W: 4045F0 L: 8075A76)
void RakPeer::vftable_F8()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_F8() (saco W: 10038BE0) (server W: 4506C0 L: 806E560) (bot W: 404600 L: 8075AC2)
void RakPeer::vftable_FC()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_FC() (saco W: 10038C00) (server W: 4506E0 L: 806E580) (bot W: 404620 L: 8075AD4)
void RakPeer::vftable_100()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_100() (saco W: 10038C80) (server W: 450760 L: 806E5A0) (bot W: 4046A0 L: 8075AF4)
void RakPeer::vftable_104()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_104() (saco W: 1003E5C0) (server W: 4558B0 L: 806E650) (bot W: 409560 L: 8075B92)
void RakPeer::vftable_108()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_108() (saco W: 1003EC80) (server W: 456030 L: 806FC90) (bot W: 409C20 L: 8075C52)
void RakPeer::vftable_10C()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_10C() (saco W: 1003E560) (server W: 455850 L: 806F710) (bot W: 409500 L: 8076B8C)
void RakPeer::vftable_110()
// TODO: RakPeer::vftable_110() (server L: 806FFE0) (bot L: 8075BDC)