2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
* @ file
* @ brief SocketLayer class implementation
* This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Rakkarsoft LLC and Kevin Jenkins .
* Usage of Raknet is subject to the appropriate licence agreement .
* " Shareware " Licensees with Rakkarsoft LLC are subject to the
* shareware license found at
* http : //www.rakkarsoft.com/shareWareLicense.html which you agreed to
* upon purchase of a " Shareware license " " Commercial " Licensees with
* Rakkarsoft LLC are subject to the commercial license found at
* http : //www.rakkarsoft.com/sourceCodeLicense.html which you agreed
* to upon purchase of a " Commercial license "
* Custom license users are subject to the terms therein .
* All other users are
* subject to the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your
* option ) any later version .
* Refer to the appropriate license agreement for distribution ,
* modification , and warranty rights .
# include "SocketLayer.h"
# include <assert.h>
# include "MTUSize.h"
# ifdef _WIN32
# include <process.h>
typedef int socklen_t ;
# elif defined(_COMPATIBILITY_2)
# include "Compatibility2Includes.h"
# else
# include <string.h> // memcpy
# include <unistd.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# endif
# include "ExtendedOverlappedPool.h"
# include "AsynchronousFileIO.h"
# endif
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( push )
# endif
bool SocketLayer : : socketLayerStarted = false ;
# ifdef _WIN32
WSADATA SocketLayer : : winsockInfo ;
# endif
SocketLayer SocketLayer : : I ;
# ifdef _WIN32
extern void __stdcall ProcessNetworkPacket ( const unsigned int binaryAddress , const unsigned short port , const char * data , const int length , RakPeer * rakPeer ) ;
# else
extern void ProcessNetworkPacket ( const unsigned int binaryAddress , const unsigned short port , const char * data , const int length , RakPeer * rakPeer ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _WIN32
extern void __stdcall ProcessPortUnreachable ( const unsigned int binaryAddress , const unsigned short port , RakPeer * rakPeer ) ;
# else
extern void ProcessPortUnreachable ( const unsigned int binaryAddress , const unsigned short port , RakPeer * rakPeer ) ;
# endif
# ifdef _DEBUG
# include <stdio.h>
# endif
SocketLayer : : SocketLayer ( )
if ( socketLayerStarted = = false )
# ifdef _WIN32
if ( WSAStartup ( MAKEWORD ( 2 , 2 ) , & winsockInfo ) ! = 0 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " WSAStartup failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
# endif
socketLayerStarted = true ;
SocketLayer : : ~ SocketLayer ( )
if ( socketLayerStarted = = true )
# ifdef _WIN32
WSACleanup ( ) ;
# endif
socketLayerStarted = false ;
SOCKET SocketLayer : : Connect ( SOCKET writeSocket , unsigned int binaryAddress , unsigned short port )
assert ( writeSocket ! = INVALID_SOCKET ) ;
sockaddr_in connectSocketAddress ;
connectSocketAddress . sin_family = AF_INET ;
connectSocketAddress . sin_port = htons ( port ) ;
connectSocketAddress . sin_addr . s_addr = binaryAddress ;
if ( connect ( writeSocket , ( struct sockaddr * ) & connectSocketAddress , sizeof ( struct sockaddr ) ) ! = 0 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " WSAConnect failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
return writeSocket ;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( disable : 4100 ) // warning C4100: <variable name> : unreferenced formal parameter
# endif
SOCKET SocketLayer : : CreateBoundSocket ( unsigned short port , bool blockingSocket , const char * forceHostAddress )
SOCKET listenSocket ;
sockaddr_in listenerSocketAddress ;
int ret ;
if ( blockingSocket = = false )
listenSocket = WSASocket ( AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM , 0 , NULL , 0 , WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ) ;
# endif
listenSocket = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_DGRAM , 0 ) ;
if ( listenSocket = = INVALID_SOCKET )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " socket(...) failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
int sock_opt = 1 ;
if ( setsockopt ( listenSocket , SOL_SOCKET , SO_REUSEADDR , ( char * ) & sock_opt , sizeof ( sock_opt ) ) = = - 1 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
// This doubles the max throughput rate
sock_opt = 1024 * 256 ;
setsockopt ( listenSocket , SOL_SOCKET , SO_RCVBUF , ( char * ) & sock_opt , sizeof ( sock_opt ) ) ;
// This doesn't make much difference: 10% maybe
sock_opt = 1024 * 16 ;
setsockopt ( listenSocket , SOL_SOCKET , SO_SNDBUF , ( char * ) & sock_opt , sizeof ( sock_opt ) ) ;
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
// If this assert hit you improperly linked against WSock32.h
assert ( IP_DONTFRAGMENT = = 14 ) ;
# endif
// TODO - I need someone on dialup to test this with :(
// Path MTU Detection
if ( setsockopt ( listenSocket , IPPROTO_IP , IP_DONTFRAGMENT , ( char * ) & sock_opt , sizeof ( sock_opt ) ) = = - 1 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " setsockopt(IP_DONTFRAGMENT) failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
//Set non-blocking
# ifdef _WIN32
unsigned long nonblocking = 1 ;
// http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man7/ip.7.html
if ( ioctlsocket ( listenSocket , FIONBIO , & nonblocking ) ! = 0 )
assert ( 0 ) ;
# else
if ( fcntl ( listenSocket , F_SETFL , O_NONBLOCK ) ! = 0 )
assert ( 0 ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Set broadcast capable
if ( setsockopt ( listenSocket , SOL_SOCKET , SO_BROADCAST , ( char * ) & sock_opt , sizeof ( sock_opt ) ) = = - 1 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST) failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
// Listen on our designated Port#
listenerSocketAddress . sin_port = htons ( port ) ;
// Fill in the rest of the address structure
listenerSocketAddress . sin_family = AF_INET ;
if ( forceHostAddress & & forceHostAddress [ 0 ] )
listenerSocketAddress . sin_addr . s_addr = inet_addr ( forceHostAddress ) ;
listenerSocketAddress . sin_addr . s_addr = INADDR_ANY ;
// bind our name to the socket
ret = bind ( listenSocket , ( struct sockaddr * ) & listenerSocketAddress , sizeof ( struct sockaddr ) ) ;
if ( ret = = SOCKET_ERROR )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " bind(...) failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
return listenSocket ;
# if !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_2)
const char * SocketLayer : : DomainNameToIP ( const char * domainName )
struct hostent * phe = gethostbyname ( domainName ) ;
if ( phe = = 0 | | phe - > h_addr_list [ 0 ] = = 0 )
//cerr << "Yow! Bad host lookup." << endl;
return 0 ;
struct in_addr addr ;
memcpy ( & addr , phe - > h_addr_list [ 0 ] , sizeof ( struct in_addr ) ) ;
return inet_ntoa ( addr ) ;
# endif
void SocketLayer : : Write ( const SOCKET writeSocket , const char * data , const int length )
# ifdef _DEBUG
assert ( writeSocket ! = INVALID_SOCKET ) ;
# endif
ExtendedOverlappedStruct * eos = ExtendedOverlappedPool : : Instance ( ) - > GetPointer ( ) ;
memset ( & ( eos - > overlapped ) , 0 , sizeof ( OVERLAPPED ) ) ;
memcpy ( eos - > data , data , length ) ;
eos - > length = length ;
WriteAsynch ( ( HANDLE ) writeSocket , eos ) ;
# else
send ( writeSocket , data , length , 0 ) ;
# endif
// Start an asynchronous read using the specified socket.
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( disable : 4100 ) // warning C4100: <variable name> : unreferenced formal parameter
# endif
bool SocketLayer : : AssociateSocketWithCompletionPortAndRead ( SOCKET readSocket , unsigned int binaryAddress , unsigned short port , RakPeer * rakPeer )
assert ( readSocket ! = INVALID_SOCKET ) ;
ClientContextStruct * ccs = new ClientContextStruct ;
ccs - > handle = ( HANDLE ) readSocket ;
ExtendedOverlappedStruct * eos = ExtendedOverlappedPool : : Instance ( ) - > GetPointer ( ) ;
memset ( & ( eos - > overlapped ) , 0 , sizeof ( OVERLAPPED ) ) ;
eos - > binaryAddress = binaryAddress ;
eos - > port = port ;
eos - > rakPeer = rakPeer ;
eos - > length = MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE ;
bool b = AsynchronousFileIO : : Instance ( ) - > AssociateSocketWithCompletionPort ( readSocket , ( DWORD ) ccs ) ;
if ( ! b )
ExtendedOverlappedPool : : Instance ( ) - > ReleasePointer ( eos ) ;
delete ccs ;
return false ;
BOOL success = ReadAsynch ( ( HANDLE ) readSocket , eos ) ;
if ( success = = FALSE )
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
int SocketLayer : : RecvFrom ( const SOCKET s , RakPeer * rakPeer , int * errorCode )
int len ;
char data [ MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE ] ;
sockaddr_in sa ;
const socklen_t len2 = sizeof ( struct sockaddr_in ) ;
sa . sin_family = AF_INET ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
data [ 0 ] = 0 ;
len = 0 ;
sa . sin_addr . s_addr = 0 ;
# endif
if ( s = = INVALID_SOCKET )
* errorCode = SOCKET_ERROR ;
len = recvfrom ( s , data , MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE , COMPATIBILITY_2_RECV_FROM_FLAGS , ( sockaddr * ) & sa , ( socklen_t * ) & len2 ) ;
// if (len>0)
// printf("Got packet on port %i\n",ntohs(sa.sin_port));
if ( len = = 0 )
# ifdef _DEBUG
printf ( " Error: recvfrom returned 0 on a connectionless blocking call \n on port %i. This is a bug with Zone Alarm. Please turn off Zone Alarm. \n " , ntohs ( sa . sin_port ) ) ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
# endif
* errorCode = SOCKET_ERROR ;
if ( len ! = SOCKET_ERROR )
unsigned short portnum ;
portnum = ntohs ( sa . sin_port ) ;
//strcpy(ip, inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr));
//if (strcmp(ip, "")==0)
// strcpy(ip, "");
ProcessNetworkPacket ( sa . sin_addr . s_addr , portnum , data , len , rakPeer ) ;
return 1 ;
* errorCode = 0 ;
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = WSAGetLastError ( ) ;
if ( dwIOError = = WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
if ( dwIOError = = WSAECONNRESET )
# if defined(_DEBUG)
// printf( "A previous send operation resulted in an ICMP Port Unreachable message.\n" );
# endif
unsigned short portnum = 0 ;
ProcessPortUnreachable ( sa . sin_addr . s_addr , portnum , rakPeer ) ;
// *errorCode = dwIOError;
# if defined(_DEBUG)
if ( dwIOError ! = WSAEINTR )
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " recvfrom failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
# endif
return 0 ; // no data
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( disable : 4702 ) // warning C4702: unreachable code
# endif
int SocketLayer : : SendTo ( SOCKET s , const char * data , int length , unsigned int binaryAddress , unsigned short port )
if ( s = = INVALID_SOCKET )
return - 1 ;
int len ;
sockaddr_in sa ;
sa . sin_port = htons ( port ) ;
sa . sin_addr . s_addr = binaryAddress ;
sa . sin_family = AF_INET ;
// TODO - use WSASendTo which is faster.
len = sendto ( s , data , length , 0 , ( const sockaddr * ) & sa , sizeof ( struct sockaddr_in ) ) ;
while ( len = = 0 ) ;
if ( len ! = SOCKET_ERROR )
return 0 ;
# if defined(_WIN32)
DWORD dwIOError = WSAGetLastError ( ) ;
if ( dwIOError = = WSAECONNRESET )
# if defined(_DEBUG)
printf ( " A previous send operation resulted in an ICMP Port Unreachable message. \n " ) ;
# endif
else if ( dwIOError ! = WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " sendto failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
return dwIOError ;
# endif
return 1 ; // error
int SocketLayer : : SendTo ( SOCKET s , const char * data , int length , char ip [ 16 ] , unsigned short port )
unsigned int binaryAddress ;
binaryAddress = inet_addr ( ip ) ;
return SendTo ( s , data , length , binaryAddress , port ) ;
# if !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_2)
void SocketLayer : : GetMyIP ( char ipList [ 10 ] [ 16 ] )
char ac [ 80 ] ;
if ( gethostname ( ac , sizeof ( ac ) ) = = SOCKET_ERROR )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " gethostname failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
return ;
struct hostent * phe = gethostbyname ( ac ) ;
if ( phe = = 0 )
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_COMPATIBILITY_1) && defined(_DEBUG)
DWORD dwIOError = GetLastError ( ) ;
LPVOID messageBuffer ;
NULL , dwIOError , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , // Default language
( LPTSTR ) & messageBuffer , 0 , NULL ) ;
// something has gone wrong here...
printf ( " gethostbyname failed:Error code - %d \n %s " , dwIOError , messageBuffer ) ;
//Free the buffer.
LocalFree ( messageBuffer ) ;
# endif
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; phe - > h_addr_list [ i ] ! = 0 & & i < 10 ; + + i )
struct in_addr addr ;
memcpy ( & addr , phe - > h_addr_list [ i ] , sizeof ( struct in_addr ) ) ;
//cout << "Address " << i << ": " << inet_ntoa(addr) << endl;
strcpy ( ipList [ i ] , inet_ntoa ( addr ) ) ;
# endif
unsigned short SocketLayer : : GetLocalPort ( SOCKET s )
sockaddr_in sa ;
socklen_t len = sizeof ( sa ) ;
if ( getsockname ( s , ( sockaddr * ) & sa , & len ) ! = 0 )
return 0 ;
return ntohs ( sa . sin_port ) ;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( pop )
# endif