2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
/// \file
/// \brief \b [Internal] Datagram reliable, ordered, unordered and sequenced sends. Flow control. Message splitting, reassembly, and coalescence.
/// This file is part of RakNet Copyright 2003 Kevin Jenkins.
/// Usage of RakNet is subject to the appropriate license agreement.
/// Creative Commons Licensees are subject to the
/// license found at
/// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
/// Single application licensees are subject to the license found at
/// http://www.rakkarsoft.com/SingleApplicationLicense.html
/// Custom license users are subject to the terms therein.
/// GPL license users are subject to the GNU General Public
/// License as published by the Free
/// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
/// option) any later version.
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2024-02-01 00:14:32 +08:00
# include "SocketLayer.h"
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# include "MTUSize.h"
2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
# include "DS_LinkedList.h"
# include "DS_List.h"
# include "PacketPriority.h"
# include "DS_Queue.h"
# include "BitStream.h"
# include "InternalPacket.h"
# include "InternalPacketPool.h"
2024-08-19 22:23:09 +08:00
# include "TEABlockEncryptor.h"
# else
2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
# include "DataBlockEncryptor.h"
2024-08-19 22:23:09 +08:00
# endif
2024-04-14 22:29:40 +08:00
# include "RakNetStatistics.h"
2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
# include "SHA1.h"
# include "DS_OrderedList.h"
# include "DS_RangeList.h"
# include "DS_BPlusTree.h"
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2024-08-16 23:33:48 +08:00
class PluginInterface ;
/// Sizeof an UDP header in byte
# define UDP_HEADER_SIZE 28
/// Number of ordered streams available. You can use up to 32 ordered streams
# define NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS 32 // 2^5
# include "BitStream.h"
int SplitPacketIndexComp ( SplitPacketIndexType const & key , InternalPacket * const & data ) ;
struct SplitPacketChannel
RakNetTimeNS lastUpdateTime ;
DataStructures : : OrderedList < SplitPacketIndexType , InternalPacket * , SplitPacketIndexComp > splitPacketList ;
} ;
int RAK_DLL_EXPORT SplitPacketChannelComp ( SplitPacketIdType const & key , SplitPacketChannel * const & data ) ;
/// Datagram reliable, ordered, unordered and sequenced sends. Flow control. Message splitting, reassembly, and coalescence.
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class ReliabilityLayer
public :
/// Constructor
ReliabilityLayer ( ) ;
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/// Destructor
~ ReliabilityLayer ( ) ;
/// Resets the layer for reuse
void Reset ( bool resetVariables ) ;
///Sets the encryption key. Doing so will activate secure connections
/// \param[in] key Byte stream for the encryption key
void SetEncryptionKey ( const unsigned char * key ) ;
/// Depreciated, from IO Completion ports
/// \param[in] s The socket
void SetSocket ( SOCKET s ) ;
/// Returns what was passed to SetSocket
/// \return The socket
SOCKET GetSocket ( void ) ;
/// Set the time, in MS, to use before considering ourselves disconnected after not being able to deliver a reliable packet
/// Default time is 10,000 or 10 seconds in release and 30,000 or 30 seconds in debug.
/// \param[in] time Time, in MS
void SetTimeoutTime ( RakNetTime time ) ;
/// Returns the value passed to SetTimeoutTime. or the default if it was never called
/// \param[out] the value passed to SetTimeoutTime
RakNetTime GetTimeoutTime ( void ) ;
/// Packets are read directly from the socket layer and skip the reliability layer because unconnected players do not use the reliability layer
/// This function takes packet data after a player has been confirmed as connected.
/// \param[in] buffer The socket data
/// \param[in] length The length of the socket data
/// \param[in] playerId The player that this data is from
/// \param[in] messageHandlerList A list of registered plugins
/// \param[in] MTUSize maximum datagram size
/// \retval true Success
/// \retval false Modified packet
bool HandleSocketReceiveFromConnectedPlayer ( const char * buffer , int length , PlayerID playerId , DataStructures : : List < PluginInterface * > & messageHandlerList , int MTUSize ) ;
/// This allocates bytes and writes a user-level message to those bytes.
/// \param[out] data The message
/// \return Returns number of BITS put into the buffer
int Receive ( unsigned char * * data ) ;
/// Puts data on the send queue
/// \param[in] data The data to send
/// \param[in] numberOfBitsToSend The length of \a data in bits
/// \param[in] priority The priority level for the send
/// \param[in] reliability The reliability type for the send
/// \param[in] orderingChannel 0 to 31. Specifies what channel to use, for relational ordering and sequencing of packets.
/// \param[in] makeDataCopy If true \a data will be copied. Otherwise, only a pointer will be stored.
/// \param[in] MTUSize maximum datagram size
/// \param[in] currentTime Current time, as per RakNet::GetTime()
/// \return True or false for success or failure.
bool Send ( char * data , int numberOfBitsToSend , PacketPriority priority , PacketReliability reliability , unsigned char orderingChannel , bool makeDataCopy , int MTUSize , RakNetTimeNS currentTime ) ;
/// Call once per game cycle. Handles internal lists and actually does the send.
/// \param[in] s the communication end point
/// \param[in] playerId The Unique Player Identifier who shouldhave sent some packets
/// \param[in] MTUSize maximum datagram size
/// \param[in] time current system time
/// \param[in] messageHandlerList A list of registered plugins
void Update ( SOCKET s , PlayerID playerId , int MTUSize , RakNetTimeNS time , DataStructures : : List < PluginInterface * > & messageHandlerList ) ;
/// If Read returns -1 and this returns true then a modified packetwas detected
/// \return true when a modified packet is detected
bool IsCheater ( void ) const ;
/// Were you ever unable to deliver a packet despite retries?
/// \return true means the connection has been lost. Otherwise not.
bool IsDeadConnection ( void ) const ;
/// Causes IsDeadConnection to return true
void KillConnection ( void ) ;
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/// Sets the ping, which is used by the reliability layer to determine how long to wait for resends. Mostly for flow control.
/// \param[in] The ping time.
void SetPing ( RakNetTime i ) ;
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/// Get Statistics
/// \return A pointer to a static struct, filled out with current statistical information.
RakNetStatisticsStruct * const GetStatistics ( void ) ;
///Are we waiting for any data to be sent out or be processed by the player?
bool IsDataWaiting ( void ) ;
bool AreAcksWaiting ( void ) ;
// Set outgoing lag and packet loss properties
void ApplyNetworkSimulator ( double _maxSendBPS , RakNetTime _minExtraPing , RakNetTime _extraPingVariance ) ;
/// Returns if you previously called ApplyNetworkSimulator
/// \return If you previously called ApplyNetworkSimulator
bool IsNetworkSimulatorActive ( void ) ;
void SetSplitMessageProgressInterval ( int interval ) ;
void SetUnreliableTimeout ( RakNetTime timeoutMS ) ;
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private :
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/// Generates a datagram (coalesced packets)
/// \param[out] output The resulting BitStream
/// \param[in] Current MTU size
/// \param[out] reliableDataSent Set to true or false as a return value as to if reliable data was sent.
/// \param[in] time Current time
/// \param[in] playerId Who we are sending to
/// \param[in] messageHandlerList A list of registered plugins
/// \return The number of messages sent
unsigned GenerateDatagram ( RakNet : : BitStream * output , int MTUSize , bool * reliableDataSent , RakNetTimeNS time , PlayerID playerId , DataStructures : : List < PluginInterface * > & messageHandlerList ) ;
/// Send the contents of a bitstream to the socket
/// \param[in] s The socket used for sending data
/// \param[in] playerId The address and port to send to
/// \param[in] bitStream The data to send.
void SendBitStream ( SOCKET s , PlayerID playerId , RakNet : : BitStream * bitStream ) ;
///Parse an internalPacket and create a bitstream to represent this dataReturns number of bits used
int WriteToBitStreamFromInternalPacket ( RakNet : : BitStream * bitStream , const InternalPacket * const internalPacket ) ;
/// Parse a bitstream and create an internal packet to represent this data
InternalPacket * CreateInternalPacketFromBitStream ( RakNet : : BitStream * bitStream , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Does what the function name says
unsigned RemovePacketFromResendListAndDeleteOlderReliableSequenced ( const MessageNumberType messageNumber , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Acknowledge receipt of the packet with the specified messageNumber
void SendAcknowledgementPacket ( const MessageNumberType messageNumber , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// This will return true if we should not send at this time
bool IsSendThrottled ( int MTUSize ) ;
/// We lost a packet
void UpdateWindowFromPacketloss ( RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Increase the window size
void UpdateWindowFromAck ( RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Parse an internalPacket and figure out how many header bits would be written. Returns that number
int GetBitStreamHeaderLength ( const InternalPacket * const internalPacket ) ;
/// Get the SHA1 code
void GetSHA1 ( unsigned char * const buffer , unsigned int nbytes , char code [ SHA1_LENGTH ] ) ;
/// Check the SHA1 code
bool CheckSHA1 ( char code [ SHA1_LENGTH ] , unsigned char * const buffer , unsigned int nbytes ) ;
/// Search the specified list for sequenced packets on the specified ordering channel, optionally skipping those with splitPacketId, and delete them
void DeleteSequencedPacketsInList ( unsigned char orderingChannel , DataStructures : : List < InternalPacket * > & theList , int splitPacketId = - 1 ) ;
/// Search the specified list for sequenced packets with a value less than orderingIndex and delete them
void DeleteSequencedPacketsInList ( unsigned char orderingChannel , DataStructures : : Queue < InternalPacket * > & theList ) ;
/// Returns true if newPacketOrderingIndex is older than the waitingForPacketOrderingIndex
bool IsOlderOrderedPacket ( OrderingIndexType newPacketOrderingIndex , OrderingIndexType waitingForPacketOrderingIndex ) ;
/// Split the passed packet into chunks under MTU_SIZE bytes (including headers) and save those new chunks
void SplitPacket ( InternalPacket * internalPacket , int MTUSize ) ;
/// Insert a packet into the split packet list
void InsertIntoSplitPacketList ( InternalPacket * internalPacket , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Take all split chunks with the specified splitPacketId and try to reconstruct a packet. If we can, allocate and return it. Otherwise return 0
InternalPacket * BuildPacketFromSplitPacketList ( SplitPacketIdType splitPacketId , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Delete any unreliable split packets that have long since expired
void DeleteOldUnreliableSplitPackets ( RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Creates a copy of the specified internal packet with data copied from the original starting at dataByteOffset for dataByteLength bytes.
/// Does not copy any split data parameters as that information is always generated does not have any reason to be copied
InternalPacket * CreateInternalPacketCopy ( InternalPacket * original , int dataByteOffset , int dataByteLength , RakNetTimeNS time ) ;
/// Get the specified ordering list
DataStructures : : LinkedList < InternalPacket * > * GetOrderingListAtOrderingStream ( unsigned char orderingChannel ) ;
/// Add the internal packet to the ordering list in order based on order index
void AddToOrderingList ( InternalPacket * internalPacket ) ;
/// Inserts a packet into the resend list in order
void InsertPacketIntoResendList ( InternalPacket * internalPacket , RakNetTimeNS time , bool makeCopyOfInternalPacket , bool firstResend ) ;
/// Memory handling
void FreeMemory ( bool freeAllImmediately ) ;
/// Memory handling
void FreeThreadedMemory ( void ) ;
/// Memory handling
void FreeThreadSafeMemory ( void ) ;
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// Initialize the variables
void InitializeVariables ( void ) ;
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/// Given the current time, is this time so old that we should consider it a timeout?
bool IsExpiredTime ( unsigned int input , RakNetTimeNS currentTime ) const ;
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// Make it so we don't do resends within a minimum threshold of time
void UpdateNextActionTime ( void ) ;
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/// Does this packet number represent a packet that was skipped (out of order?)
//unsigned int IsReceivedPacketHole(unsigned int input, RakNetTime currentTime) const;
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/// Skip an element in the received packets list
//unsigned int MakeReceivedPacketHole(unsigned int input) const;
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/// How many elements are waiting to be resent?
unsigned int GetResendListDataSize ( void ) const ;
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/// Update all memory which is not threadsafe
void UpdateThreadedMemory ( void ) ;
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void CalculateHistogramAckSize ( void ) ;
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DataStructures : : List < DataStructures : : LinkedList < InternalPacket * > * > orderingList ;
DataStructures : : Queue < InternalPacket * > outputQueue ;
DataStructures : : RangeList < MessageNumberType > acknowlegements ;
RakNetTimeNS nextAckTime ;
int splitMessageProgressInterval ;
RakNetTimeNS unreliableTimeout ;
DataStructures : : BPlusTree < MessageNumberType , InternalPacket * , RESEND_TREE_ORDER > resendList ;
DataStructures : : Queue < InternalPacket * > resendQueue ;
DataStructures : : Queue < InternalPacket * > sendPacketSet [ NUMBER_OF_PRIORITIES ] ;
DataStructures : : OrderedList < SplitPacketIdType , SplitPacketChannel * , SplitPacketChannelComp > splitPacketChannelList ;
MessageNumberType messageNumber ;
//unsigned int windowSize;
RakNetTimeNS lastAckTime ;
RakNet : : BitStream updateBitStream ;
OrderingIndexType waitingForOrderedPacketWriteIndex [ NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS ] , waitingForSequencedPacketWriteIndex [ NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS ] ;
// Used for flow control (changed to regular TCP sliding window)
// unsigned int maximumWindowSize, bytesSentSinceAck;
// unsigned int outputWindowFullTime; // under linux if this last variable is on the line above it the delete operator crashes deleting this class!
// STUFF TO NOT MUTEX HERE (called from non-conflicting threads, or value is not important)
OrderingIndexType waitingForOrderedPacketReadIndex [ NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS ] , waitingForSequencedPacketReadIndex [ NUMBER_OF_ORDERED_STREAMS ] ;
bool deadConnection , cheater ;
// unsigned int lastPacketSendTime,retransmittedFrames, sentPackets, sentFrames, receivedPacketsCount, bytesSent, bytesReceived,lastPacketReceivedTime;
RakNetTime ping ;
SplitPacketIdType splitPacketId ;
RakNetTime timeoutTime ; // How long to wait in MS before timing someone out
//int MAX_AVERAGE_PACKETS_PER_SECOND; // Name says it all
// int RECEIVED_PACKET_LOG_LENGTH, requestedReceivedPacketLogLength; // How big the receivedPackets array is
// unsigned int *receivedPackets;
unsigned int blockWindowIncreaseUntilTime ;
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RakNetStatisticsStruct statistics ;
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/// Memory-efficient receivedPackets algorithm:
/// receivedPacketsBaseIndex is the packet number we are expecting
/// Everything under receivedPacketsBaseIndex is a packet we already got
/// Everything over receivedPacketsBaseIndex is stored in hasReceivedPacketQueue
/// It stores the time to stop waiting for a particular packet number, where the packet number is receivedPacketsBaseIndex + the index into the queue
/// If 0, we got got that packet. Otherwise, the time to give up waiting for that packet.
/// If we get a packet number where (receivedPacketsBaseIndex-packetNumber) is less than half the range of receivedPacketsBaseIndex then it is a duplicate
/// Otherwise, it is a duplicate packet (and ignore it).
DataStructures : : Queue < RakNetTimeNS > hasReceivedPacketQueue ;
MessageNumberType receivedPacketsBaseIndex ;
bool resetReceivedPackets ;
RakNetTimeNS lastUpdateTime ;
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RakNetTimeNS histogramEndTime , histogramStartTime ;
unsigned histogramReceiveMarker ;
int noPacketlossIncreaseCount ;
unsigned histogramPlossCount , histogramAckCount ;
double lowBandwidth , highBandwidth , currentBandwidth ; // In bits per second
double availableBandwidth ;
bool continuousSend ;
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2024-08-19 22:23:09 +08:00
TEABlockEncryptor encryptor ;
# else
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DataBlockEncryptor encryptor ;
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# endif
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unsigned sendPacketCount , receivePacketCount ;
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RakNetTimeNS ackTimeIncrement ;
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///\note Windows Port only
SOCKET readWriteSocket ;
# endif
///This variable is so that free memory can be called by only the update thread so we don't have to mutex things so much
bool freeThreadedMemoryOnNextUpdate ;
# ifndef _RELEASE
struct DataAndTime
char data [ MAXIMUM_MTU_SIZE ] ;
int length ;
RakNetTimeNS sendTime ;
} ;
DataStructures : : List < DataAndTime * > delayList ;
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// Internet simulator
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double maxSendBPS ;
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RakNetTime minExtraPing , extraPingVariance ;
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# endif
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// This has to be a member because it's not threadsafe when I removed the mutexes
InternalPacketPool internalPacketPool ;
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} ;
# endif