mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 16:13:42 +08:00
Also changed that now an Gif is the Background of the Menu for Testing purposes. Looks kinda okay but sketchy
1711 lines
59 KiB
1711 lines
59 KiB
#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include "ZeroInput.h"
#include "SDK/SDK.hpp"
wchar_t* s2wc(const char* c)
const size_t cSize = strlen(c) + 1;
wchar_t* wc = new wchar_t[cSize];
mbstowcs(wc, c, cSize);
return wc;
namespace CWINGui
using namespace SDK;
FLinearColor RGBtoFLC69(float R, float G, float B, float A = 255)
return { R / 255, G / 255, B / 255, A / 255 };
namespace Colors
FLinearColor Text{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Text_Shadow{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
FLinearColor Text_Outline{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.30f };
FLinearColor Window_Background{ 0.009f, 0.009f, 0.009f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Window_Header{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Idle{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Hovered{ 0.15f, 0.20f, 0.89f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Active{ 0.20f, 0.25f, 0.94f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Hovered{ 0.22f, 0.30f, 0.72f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Enabled{ 0.20f, 0.25f, 0.94f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Hovered{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Elements{ 0.239f, 0.42f, 0.82f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Hovered{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Progress{ 0.22f, 0.30f, 0.72f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Button{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor ColorPicker_Background{ 0.006f, 0.006f, 0.006f, 1.0f };
namespace PostRenderer
struct DrawList
int type = -1; //1 = FilledRect, 2 = TextLeft, 3 = TextCenter, 4 = Draw_Line
FVector2D pos;
FVector2D size;
FLinearColor color;
const wchar_t* name;
bool outline;
FVector2D from;
FVector2D to;
int thickness;
DrawList drawlist[128];
void drawFilledRect(FVector2D pos, float w, float h, FLinearColor color)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 1;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].size = FVector2D{ w, h };
drawlist[i].color = color;
void TextLeft(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 2;
drawlist[i].name = name;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].outline = outline;
drawlist[i].color = color;
void TextCenter(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 3;
drawlist[i].name = name;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].outline = outline;
drawlist[i].color = color;
void Draw_Line(FVector2D from, FVector2D to, int thickness, FLinearColor color)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 4;
drawlist[i].from = from;
drawlist[i].to = to;
drawlist[i].thickness = thickness;
drawlist[i].color = color;
UCanvas* canvas;
bool hover_element = false;
FVector2D menu_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
float offset_x = 0.0f;
float offset_y = 0.0f;
FVector2D first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D last_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D last_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
int current_element = -1;
FVector2D current_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D current_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
int elements_count = 0;
bool sameLine = false;
bool pushY = false;
float pushYvalue = 0.0f;
void SetupCanvas(UCanvas* _canvas)
canvas = _canvas;
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)) {
current_element = 0;
FVector2D CursorPos()
POINT cursorPos;
return FVector2D{ (float)cursorPos.x, (float)cursorPos.y };
bool MouseInZone(FVector2D pos, FVector2D size)
FVector2D cursor_pos = CursorPos();
if (cursor_pos.X > pos.X && cursor_pos.Y > pos.Y)
if (cursor_pos.X < pos.X + size.X && cursor_pos.Y < pos.Y + size.Y)
return true;
return false;
void Draw_Cursor(bool toogle)
if (toogle)
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 35, cursorPos.Y + 10 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
int x = 35;
int y = 10;
while (y != 30) //20 steps
x -= 1; if (x < 15) x = 15;
y += 1; if (y > 30) y = 30;
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + x, cursorPos.Y + y }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 15, cursorPos.Y + 30 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 35, cursorPos.Y + 10 }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 15, cursorPos.Y + 30 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
void SameLine()
sameLine = true;
void PushNextElementY(float y, bool from_last_element = true)
pushY = true;
if (from_last_element)
pushYvalue = last_element_pos.Y + last_element_size.Y + y;
pushYvalue = y;
void NextColumn(float x)
offset_x = x;
PushNextElementY(first_element_pos.Y, false);
void ClearFirstPos()
first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
SDK::UFont* Font = nullptr;
static void DrawText_Canvas(SDK::UCanvas* Canvas, SDK::FString RenderText, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPosition, SDK::FVector2D Scale, SDK::FLinearColor RenderColor, float Kerning, SDK::FLinearColor ShadowColor, SDK::FVector2D ShadowOffset, bool bCentreX, bool bCentreY, bool bOutlined, SDK::FLinearColor OutlineColor)
static SDK::UFunction* fn = NULL;
if (!fn)
fn = SDK::UObject::FindObject<SDK::UFunction>("Function Engine.Canvas.K2_DrawText");
if (!Font)
Font = SDK::UObject::FindObject<SDK::UFont>("Font Roboto.Roboto");
struct {
SDK::UObject* RenderFont;
SDK::FString RenderText;
SDK::FVector2D ScreenPosition;
SDK::FVector2D Scale;
SDK::FLinearColor RenderColor;
float Kerning;
SDK::FLinearColor ShadowColor;
SDK::FVector2D ShadowOffset;
bool bCentreX;
bool bCentreY;
bool bOutlined;
SDK::FLinearColor OutlineColor;
Args.RenderFont = Font;
Args.RenderText = RenderText;
Args.ScreenPosition = ScreenPosition;
Args.Scale = Scale;
Args.RenderColor = RenderColor;
Args.Kerning = Kerning;
Args.ShadowColor = ShadowColor;
Args.ShadowOffset = ShadowOffset;
Args.bCentreX = bCentreX;
Args.bCentreY = bCentreY;
Args.bOutlined = bOutlined;
Args.OutlineColor = OutlineColor;
auto flags = fn->FunctionFlags;
fn->FunctionFlags |= 0x400;
Canvas->ProcessEvent(fn, &Args);
fn->FunctionFlags = flags;
void xDrawTextRGB(const wchar_t* text, float x, float y, FLinearColor color)
DrawText_Canvas(canvas, text, { x, y }, { 1.1, 1.1 }, color , 0.f, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
void yDrawTextRGB(const wchar_t* text, float x, float y, FLinearColor color)
DrawText_Canvas(canvas, text, { x, y }, { 1.1, 1.1 }, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.0f }, 0.f, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, 1, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
void TextLeft(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color = { 1,1,1,1 }, bool outline = false)
xDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y, color);
void TextCenter(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline, bool kekw = 0)
if (kekw)
yDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y - 10, color);
yDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y - 10, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.0f });
void GetColor(FLinearColor* color, float* r, float* g, float* b, float* a)
*r = color->R;
*g = color->G;
*b = color->B;
*a = color->A;
UINT32 GetColorUINT(int r, int g, int b, int a)
UINT32 result = (BYTE(a) << 24) + (BYTE(r) << 16) + (BYTE(g) << 8) + BYTE(b);
return result;
void Draw_Line(FVector2D from, FVector2D to, int thickness, FLinearColor color)
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ from.X, from.Y }, FVector2D{ to.X, to.Y }, thickness, color);
void drawFilledRect(FVector2D initial_pos, float w, float h, FLinearColor color)
for (float i = 0.0f; i < h; i += 1.0f)
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ initial_pos.X, initial_pos.Y + i }, FVector2D{ initial_pos.X + w, initial_pos.Y + i }, 1.0f, color);
void DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D pos, float r, FLinearColor color)
float smooth = 0.07f;
double PI = 3.14159265359;
int size = (int)(2.0f * PI / smooth) + 1;
float angle = 0.0f;
int i = 0;
for (; angle < 2 * PI; angle += smooth, i++)
Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + cosf(angle) * r, pos.Y + sinf(angle) * r }, 1.0f, color);
void DrawCircle(FVector2D pos, int radius, int numSides, FLinearColor Color);
void DrawTriangle(FVector2D origin, FVector2D size, FLinearColor Color) {
FVector2D Ecke1 = { origin.X - size.X / 2, origin.Y };
FVector2D Ecke2 = { origin.X + size.X / 2, origin.Y };
FVector2D Ecke3 = { origin.X, origin.Y + size.Y };
// Side 1
Draw_Line(Ecke1, Ecke2, 1.0f, Color);
// Side 2
Draw_Line(Ecke1, Ecke3, 1.0f, Color);
// Side 3
Draw_Line(Ecke2, Ecke3, 1.0f, Color);
void DrawHeart(FVector2D originPos, int size, FLinearColor color) {
FVector2D HeartCirclePos = { originPos.X + size, originPos.Y };
FVector2D HeartCirclePos1 = { originPos.X - size, originPos.Y };
FVector2D origintrig = { originPos.X, originPos.Y + size / 2 }; // Adjusted origin for the triangle
DrawFilledCircle(HeartCirclePos, size, color);
DrawFilledCircle(HeartCirclePos1, size, color);
DrawTriangle(origintrig, { static_cast<float>(size * 3.14159265359), static_cast<float>(size * 3.14159265359) }, color);
void DrawCircle(FVector2D pos, int radius, int numSides, FLinearColor Color)
float PI = 3.1415927f;
float Step = PI * 2.0 / numSides;
int Count = 0;
FVector2D V[128];
for (float a = 0; a < PI * 2.0; a += Step) {
float X1 = radius * cos(a) + pos.X;
float Y1 = radius * sin(a) + pos.Y;
float X2 = radius * cos(a + Step) + pos.X;
float Y2 = radius * sin(a + Step) + pos.Y;
V[Count].X = X1;
V[Count].Y = Y1;
V[Count + 1].X = X2;
V[Count + 1].Y = Y2;
//Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ X2, Y2 }, 1.0f, Color); // Points from Centre to ends of circle
Draw_Line(FVector2D{ V[Count].X, V[Count].Y }, FVector2D{ X2, Y2 }, 1.0f, Color);// Circle Around
FVector2D dragPos;
void DrawThunder(FVector2D Size, FVector2D Pos);
struct GifData {
std::vector<SDK::UTexture2D*> TextureArray;
int CurrentIndex;
ULONGLONG Const_Delay;
ULONGLONG CurrentTickDelay;
GifData(std::vector<SDK::UTexture2D*> Array, ULONGLONG AnimationDelay) {
this->TextureArray = Array;
this->Const_Delay = AnimationDelay;
this->CurrentIndex = 0;
this->CurrentTickDelay = 0;
SDK::UTexture2D* GetCurrentImage() {
SDK::UTexture2D* Texture_ = TextureArray[CurrentIndex];
if (GetTickCount64() >= CurrentTickDelay) {
CurrentTickDelay = GetTickCount64() + Const_Delay;
if (CurrentIndex + 1 >= TextureArray.size())
CurrentIndex = 0;
return Texture_;
void DrawTexture(SDK::UTexture2D* texture, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPos, SDK::FVector2D ScreenSize, float rotation = 0.0f, SDK::FLinearColor color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, SDK::EBlendMode BlendMode = SDK::EBlendMode::BLEND_Masked);
bool Window(const char* name, FVector2D* pos, FVector2D size, bool isOpen, GifData* Gif = nullptr)
elements_count = 0;
if (!isOpen)
return false;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size);
//Drop last element
if (current_element != -1 && !GetAsyncKeyState(0x1))
current_element = -1;
if (hover_element && GetAsyncKeyState(0x1))
else if ((isHovered || dragPos.X != 0) && !hover_element)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
cursorPos.X -= size.X;
cursorPos.Y -= size.Y;
if (dragPos.X == 0)
dragPos.X = (cursorPos.X - pos->X);
dragPos.Y = (cursorPos.Y - pos->Y);
pos->X = cursorPos.X - dragPos.X;
pos->Y = cursorPos.Y - dragPos.Y;
dragPos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
hover_element = false;
offset_x = 0.0f; offset_y = 0.0f;
menu_pos = FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y };
first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
current_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
current_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
if (Gif) {
auto Texture = Gif->GetCurrentImage();
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, 25.0f, { 49 / 255, 49 / 255, 49 / 255, 1.0f});
DrawTexture(Texture, { pos->X, pos->Y }, { size.X, size.Y });
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Window_Background);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, 122, size.Y, FLinearColor{ 0.006f, 0.006f, 0.006f, 1.0f });//My tabs bg
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Window_Header);
offset_y += 25.0f;
FVector2D titlePos = FVector2D{ pos->X + size.X / 2, pos->Y + 25 / 2 };
TextCenter(s2wc(name), titlePos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
//DrawThunder(size, *pos);
return true;
class Thunder {
FVector2D LinesToDraw[14];
int LinesNum = 0;
int LineDrawn = 0;
std::vector<Thunder*> ThunderObjs;
FVector2D SizeCopy;
Thunder::Thunder() {
int WindowStartPoint = SizeCopy.X - (SizeCopy.X / 10);
LinesToDraw[0].X = (rand() % WindowStartPoint + 20);
LinesToDraw[0].Y = 0;
int LineDir = rand() % 2 + 1;
int AddY = (LinesToDraw[0].Y + SizeCopy.Y) / 14;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 14; i++)
if (LineDir == 1) {
LinesToDraw[i] = LinesToDraw[i - 1];
int AddX = (SizeCopy.X - (LinesToDraw[i].X + 15.0f)) / 14;
LinesToDraw[i].X += AddX;
LinesToDraw[i].Y += AddY;
LinesToDraw[i] = LinesToDraw[i - 1];
int AddX = (0 - (LinesToDraw[i].X + 15.0f)) / 14;
LinesToDraw[i].X -= AddX;
LinesToDraw[i].Y += AddY;
LineDir = rand() % 2 + 1;
static SDK::FLinearColor Color;
Color.R = R / 255.0f;
Color.G = G / 255.0f;
Color.B = B / 255.0f;
Color.A = A / 255.0f;
return Color;
void DrawThunder(FVector2D Size, FVector2D Pos) {
static ULONGLONG ThunderTick = 0;
ULONGLONG TickCurrent = GetTickCount64();
//ThunderAnimation Create ThunderObj
if (TickCurrent >= ThunderTick) {
ThunderTick = TickCurrent + 1000;
static bool FirstThunderTest = false;
SizeCopy = Size;
if (!FirstThunderTest) {
FirstThunderTest = true;
Thunder* thund = new Thunder();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ThunderObjs.size(); i++)
auto Thund = ThunderObjs[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < Thund->LinesNum; i++)
for (size_t i = 1; i < 14; i++)
auto FirstLine = (Thund->LinesToDraw[i - 1]) + Pos;
auto SecondLine = (Thund->LinesToDraw[i]) + Pos;
Draw_Line(FirstLine, SecondLine, 4, RGBATOFLinear(22, 101, 233, 50));
void Text(const wchar_t* text, bool center = false, bool outline = false)
float size = 25;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + 5.0f, pos.Y };
if (center)
TextCenter(text, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, outline);
TextLeft(text, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, outline);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
bool ButtonTab(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size, bool active)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (active)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Active);
else if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
return true;
return false;
bool Button(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextCenter(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false)){ elements_count++;
return true;
return false;
auto DrawHealthBar(SDK::FVector2D RootPosition, float Width, float Height, float Height2, float Health) -> void
if (Health > 100) Health = 100;
SDK::FLinearColor HealthColor;
if (Health >= 80) {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 0, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else if (Health >= 50) {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 15 }, Width + (Width / 3), Height, SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 1, 0.1f });
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 15 + (Height / 6) }, (Width) * (Health / 100), Height2, HealthColor);
auto DrawShieldBar(SDK::FVector2D RootPosition, float Width, float Height, float Height2, float Shield) -> void
if (Shield > 100) Shield = 100;
SDK::FLinearColor ShieldColor;
if (Shield >= 80) {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
else if (Shield >= 50) {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 0, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 10 }, Width + (Width / 3), Height, SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 1, 0.1f });
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 10 + (Height / 6) }, (Width) * (Shield / 100), Height2, ShieldColor);
SDK::UTexture2D* LoadTexture(const wchar_t* Path) {
UTexture2D* LoadedTexture = nullptr;
auto RenderClass = SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary::StaticClass();
if (RenderClass) {
auto RenderingLibrary = (SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary*)RenderClass->DefaultObject;
LoadedTexture = RenderingLibrary->ImportFileAsTexture2D(SDK::UWorld::GetWorld(), SDK::FString(Path));
return LoadedTexture;
SDK::UTexture2D* LoadTexture(std::vector<byte> Texture) {
UTexture2D* LoadedTexture = nullptr;
auto RenderClass = SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary::StaticClass();
if (RenderClass) {
auto RenderingLibrary = (SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary*)RenderClass->DefaultObject;
if (RenderingLibrary) {
SDK::TArray<uint8> BufferArray = SDK::TArray<uint8>(Texture.size());
void** ptr = (void**)&BufferArray;
int* Size = (int*)( (uintptr_t)(&BufferArray) + 0x8);
std::memcpy(ptr[0], Texture.data(), sizeof(uint8) * Texture.size());
*Size = Texture.size();
LoadedTexture = RenderingLibrary->ImportBufferAsTexture2D(SDK::UWorld::GetWorld(), BufferArray);
delete[] ptr[0];
return LoadedTexture;
void DrawTexture(SDK::UTexture2D* texture, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPos, SDK::FVector2D ScreenSize, float rotation, SDK::FLinearColor color, SDK::EBlendMode BlendMode) {
canvas->K2_DrawTexture(texture, ScreenPos, ScreenSize, { 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f }, color, BlendMode, rotation, { 1.0f, 1.0f });
void Checkbox(const wchar_t* name, bool* value)
float size = 18;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (*value)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 3, pos.Y + 3 }, size - 6, size - 6, Colors::Checkbox_Enabled);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 9, pos.Y + 9 }, size - 18, size - 18, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextLeft(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = !*value;
void Checkbox(const wchar_t* name, FLinearColor TextColor, bool* value)
float size = 18;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (*value)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 3, pos.Y + 3 }, size - 6, size - 6, Colors::Checkbox_Enabled);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 9, pos.Y + 9 }, size - 18, size - 18, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextLeft(name, textPos, TextColor, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = !*value;
void SliderInt(char* name, int* value, int min, int max)
FVector2D size = FVector2D{ 240, 50 };
FVector2D slider_size = FVector2D{ 200, 10 };
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 15 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
current_element = elements_count;
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
*value = ((cursorPos.X - pos.X) * ((max - min) / slider_size.X)) + min;
if (*value < min) *value = min;
if (*value > max) *value = max;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y + 5.0f }, 5.0f, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Idle);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y + 5.0f }, 5.0f, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
float oneP = slider_size.X / (max - min);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, oneP * (*value - min), slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Progress);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min) - 10.0f, pos.Y + slider_size.Y - 5.0f + padding.Y }, 20.0f, 20.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 3.3f + padding.Y }, 10.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 3.3f + padding.Y }, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
//void TextBox(const wchar_t* namePtr, FVector2D size)
// elements_count++;
// FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + offset_y };
// if (sameLine)
// {
// pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X;
// pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
// }
// if (pushY)
// {
// pos.Y = pushYvalue;
// pushY = false;
// pushYvalue = 0.0f;
// offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
// }
// bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y}, FVector2D{ size.X, size.Y});
// if (!sameLine)
// offset_y += size.Y;
// TextLeft(namePtr, pos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, true);
// //Bg
// if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
// {
// //Drag
// if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
// {
// current_element = elements_count;
// }
// hover_element = true;
// if (current_element == elements_count)
// {
// std::string strd = "";
// for (size_t i = 'A'; i < 'z'; i++)
// {
// if (GetAsyncKeyState(i) & 1) {
// strd += (char)i;
// }
// }
// if (strd != "") {
// mbstowcs((wchar_t*)namePtr, strd.c_str(), 1000);
// }
// }
// }
void SliderFloat(const wchar_t* name, float* value, float min, float max, const char* format = "%.0f")
FVector2D size = FVector2D{ 210, 40 };
FVector2D slider_size = FVector2D{ 170, 7 };
FVector2D adjust_zone = FVector2D{ 0, 20 };
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 15 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y - adjust_zone.Y }, FVector2D{ slider_size.X, slider_size.Y + adjust_zone.Y * 1.5f });
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
current_element = elements_count;
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
*value = ((cursorPos.X - pos.X) * ((max - min) / slider_size.X)) + min;
if (*value < min) *value = min;
if (*value > max) *value = max;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + slider_size.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Idle);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + slider_size.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Idle);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + 5 };
TextLeft(name, textPos, Colors::Text, false);
float oneP = slider_size.X / (max - min);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, oneP * (*value - min), slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 2.66f + padding.Y }, 8.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 2.66f + padding.Y }, 4.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
char buffer[32];
sprintf_s(buffer, format, *value);
FVector2D valuePos = FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 20 + padding.Y };
TextCenter(s2wc(buffer), valuePos, Colors::Text, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
bool checkbox_enabled[256];
void Combobox(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size, int* value, const wchar_t* arg, ...)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered || checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Combobox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Combobox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X + 5.0f, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextLeft((name), textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
bool isHovered2 = false;
FVector2D element_pos = pos;
int num = 0;
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
current_element_size.X = element_pos.X - 5.0f;
current_element_size.Y = element_pos.Y - 5.0f;
va_list arguments;
for (va_start(arguments, arg); arg != NULL; arg = va_arg(arguments, const wchar_t*))
//Selected Element
if (num == *value)
FVector2D _textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(arg, _textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
element_pos.Y += 25.0f;
isHovered2 = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size.X, 25.0f });
if (isHovered2)
hover_element = true;
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Combobox_Hovered);
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = num;
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = false;
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Combobox_Idle);
PostRenderer::TextLeft(arg, FVector2D{ element_pos.X + 5.0f, element_pos.Y + 15.0f }, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
current_element_size.X = element_pos.X + 5.0f;
current_element_size.Y = element_pos.Y + 5.0f;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = !checkbox_enabled[elements_count];
if (!isHovered && !isHovered2 && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = false;
int active_hotkey = -1;
bool already_pressed = false;
std::string VirtualKeyCodeToString(UCHAR virtualKey)
UINT scanCode = MapVirtualKey(virtualKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC);
if (virtualKey == VK_LBUTTON)
return ("MOUSE0");
if (virtualKey == VK_RBUTTON)
return ("MOUSE1");
if (virtualKey == VK_MBUTTON)
return ("MBUTTON");
if (virtualKey == VK_XBUTTON1)
return ("XBUTTON1");
if (virtualKey == VK_XBUTTON2)
return ("XBUTTON2");
CHAR szName[128];
int result = 0;
switch (virtualKey)
case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN:
case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: case VK_APPS:
case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT:
case VK_END: case VK_HOME:
scanCode |= KF_EXTENDED;
result = GetKeyNameTextA(scanCode << 16, szName, 128);
return szName;
void Hotkey(const char* name, FVector2D size, int* key)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y + (last_element_size.Y / 2) - size.Y / 2;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (active_hotkey == elements_count)
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(L"[Press Key]", textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (!ZeroGUI::Input::IsAnyMouseDown())
already_pressed = false;
if (!already_pressed)
for (int code = 0; code < 255; code++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(code))
*key = code;
active_hotkey = -1;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(s2wc(VirtualKeyCodeToString(*key).c_str()), textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (isHovered)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
already_pressed = true;
active_hotkey = elements_count;
//Queue Fix
for (int code = 0; code < 255; code++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(code)) {}
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
active_hotkey = -1;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
int active_picker = -1;
FLinearColor saved_color;
bool ColorPixel(FVector2D pos, FVector2D size, FLinearColor* original, FLinearColor color)
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, color);
//Выбранный цвет
if (original->R == color.R && original->G == color.G && original->B == color.B)
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
//Смена цвета
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*original = color;
return true;
void ColorPicker(const wchar_t* name, FLinearColor* color)
float size = 25;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (active_picker == elements_count)
hover_element = true;
float sizePickerX = 250;
float sizePickerY = 250;
bool isHoveredPicker = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ sizePickerX, sizePickerY - 60 });
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, sizePickerX, sizePickerY - 65, Colors::ColorPicker_Background);
//float pixedSize = sizePickerY / pixels;
//FLinearColor temp_color{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
//float iterator = 0.0f;
//for (int y = 0; y < pixels; y++)
// for (int x = 0; x < pixels; x++)
// {
// ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixedSize * x, pos.Y + pixedSize * y }, pixedSize, color, temp_color);
// temp_color.R -= (1.0f - saved_color.R) / pixels;
// temp_color.G -= (1.0f - saved_color.G) / pixels;
// temp_color.B -= (1.0f - saved_color.B) / pixels;
// }
// iterator += 1.0f / pixels;
// temp_color = FLinearColor{ 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f };
FVector2D pixelSize = FVector2D{ sizePickerX / 12, sizePickerY / 12 };
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 174 / 255.f, 235 / 255.f, 253 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 136 / 255.f, 225 / 255.f, 251 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 108 / 255.f, 213 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 89 / 255.f, 175 / 255.f, 213 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 76 / 255.f, 151 / 255.f, 177 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 60 / 255.f, 118 / 255.f, 140 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 43 / 255.f, 85 / 255.f, 100 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 32 / 255.f, 62 / 255.f, 74 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 255 / 255.f, 255 / 255.f, 255 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 175 / 255.f, 205 / 255.f, 252 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 132 / 255.f, 179 / 255.f, 252 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 90 / 255.f, 152 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 55 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 49 / 255.f, 105 / 255.f, 209 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 38 / 255.f, 83 / 255.f, 165 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 28 / 255.f, 61 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 1.0f });
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ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 187 / 255.f, 25 / 255.f, 7 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 149 / 255.f, 20 / 255.f, 6 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 107 / 255.f, 14 / 255.f, 4 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 77 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 3 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 144 / 255.f, 144 / 255.f, 144 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 241 / 255.f, 187 / 255.f, 171 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 234 / 255.f, 151 / 255.f, 126 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 229 / 255.f, 115 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 227 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 24 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 190 / 255.f, 61 / 255.f, 15 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 150 / 255.f, 48 / 255.f, 12 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 107 / 255.f, 34 / 255.f, 8 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 79 / 255.f, 25 / 255.f, 6 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 113 / 255.f, 113 / 255.f, 113 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 245 / 255.f, 207 / 255.f, 169 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 240 / 255.f, 183 / 255.f, 122 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 236 / 255.f, 159 / 255.f, 74 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 234 / 255.f, 146 / 255.f, 37 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 193 / 255.f, 111 / 255.f, 28 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 152 / 255.f, 89 / 255.f, 22 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 110 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 16 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 80 / 255.f, 47 / 255.f, 12 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 82 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 247 / 255.f, 218 / 255.f, 170 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 244 / 255.f, 200 / 255.f, 124 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 241 / 255.f, 182 / 255.f, 77 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 239 / 255.f, 174 / 255.f, 44 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 196 / 255.f, 137 / 255.f, 34 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 154 / 255.f, 108 / 255.f, 27 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 111 / 255.f, 77 / 255.f, 19 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 80 / 255.f, 56 / 255.f, 14 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 54 / 255.f, 54 / 255.f, 54 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 254 / 255.f, 243 / 255.f, 187 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 253 / 255.f, 237 / 255.f, 153 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 253 / 255.f, 231 / 255.f, 117 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 254 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 85 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 242 / 255.f, 212 / 255.f, 53 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 192 / 255.f, 169 / 255.f, 42 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 138 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 30 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 101 / 255.f, 87 / 255.f, 22 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 29 / 255.f, 29 / 255.f, 29 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 247 / 255.f, 243 / 255.f, 185 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 243 / 255.f, 239 / 255.f, 148 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 239 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 111 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 235 / 255.f, 229 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 208 / 255.f, 200 / 255.f, 55 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 164 / 255.f, 157 / 255.f, 43 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 118 / 255.f, 114 / 255.f, 31 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 86 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 21 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 9 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 218 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 182 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 198 / 255.f, 221 / 255.f, 143 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 181 / 255.f, 210 / 255.f, 103 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 154 / 255.f, 186 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 130 / 255.f, 155 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 102 / 255.f, 121 / 255.f, 50 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 74 / 255.f, 88 / 255.f, 36 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 54 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 26 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 0 / 255.f, 0 / 255.f, 0 / 255.f, 1.0f });
if (isHoveredPicker)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
active_picker = -1;
//hover_element = false;
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 4, pos.Y + 4 }, size - 8, size - 8, *color);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y - 5 };
TextLeft(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
saved_color = *color;
active_picker = elements_count;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
void Render()
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type != -1)
//Filled Rect
if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 1)
CWINGui::drawFilledRect(PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].size.X, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].size.Y, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 2)
CWINGui::TextLeft((const wchar_t*)PostRenderer::drawlist[i].name, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].outline);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 3)
CWINGui::TextCenter((const wchar_t*)PostRenderer::drawlist[i].name, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].outline);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 4)
Draw_Line(PostRenderer::drawlist[i].from, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].to, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].thickness, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color);
PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type = -1;
} |