Unknown 7200fcf4c1 Reworked some stuff, and tested an way to Print Steam ids of clients which joined.
Also changed that now an Gif is the Background of the Menu for Testing purposes. Looks kinda okay but sketchy
2024-05-09 22:05:24 +02:00

1711 lines
59 KiB

#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include "ZeroInput.h"
#include "SDK/SDK.hpp"
wchar_t* s2wc(const char* c)
const size_t cSize = strlen(c) + 1;
wchar_t* wc = new wchar_t[cSize];
mbstowcs(wc, c, cSize);
return wc;
namespace CWINGui
using namespace SDK;
FLinearColor RGBtoFLC69(float R, float G, float B, float A = 255)
return { R / 255, G / 255, B / 255, A / 255 };
namespace Colors
FLinearColor Text{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Text_Shadow{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
FLinearColor Text_Outline{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.30f };
FLinearColor Window_Background{ 0.009f, 0.009f, 0.009f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Window_Header{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Idle{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Hovered{ 0.15f, 0.20f, 0.89f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Button_Active{ 0.20f, 0.25f, 0.94f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Hovered{ 0.22f, 0.30f, 0.72f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Checkbox_Enabled{ 0.20f, 0.25f, 0.94f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Hovered{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Combobox_Elements{ 0.239f, 0.42f, 0.82f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Idle{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Hovered{ 0.17f, 0.16f, 0.23f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Progress{ 0.22f, 0.30f, 0.72f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor Slider_Button{ 0.10f, 0.15f, 0.84f, 1.0f };
FLinearColor ColorPicker_Background{ 0.006f, 0.006f, 0.006f, 1.0f };
namespace PostRenderer
struct DrawList
int type = -1; //1 = FilledRect, 2 = TextLeft, 3 = TextCenter, 4 = Draw_Line
FVector2D pos;
FVector2D size;
FLinearColor color;
const wchar_t* name;
bool outline;
FVector2D from;
FVector2D to;
int thickness;
DrawList drawlist[128];
void drawFilledRect(FVector2D pos, float w, float h, FLinearColor color)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 1;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].size = FVector2D{ w, h };
drawlist[i].color = color;
void TextLeft(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 2;
drawlist[i].name = name;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].outline = outline;
drawlist[i].color = color;
void TextCenter(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 3;
drawlist[i].name = name;
drawlist[i].pos = pos;
drawlist[i].outline = outline;
drawlist[i].color = color;
void Draw_Line(FVector2D from, FVector2D to, int thickness, FLinearColor color)
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (drawlist[i].type == -1)
drawlist[i].type = 4;
drawlist[i].from = from;
drawlist[i].to = to;
drawlist[i].thickness = thickness;
drawlist[i].color = color;
UCanvas* canvas;
bool hover_element = false;
FVector2D menu_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
float offset_x = 0.0f;
float offset_y = 0.0f;
FVector2D first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D last_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D last_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
int current_element = -1;
FVector2D current_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
FVector2D current_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
int elements_count = 0;
bool sameLine = false;
bool pushY = false;
float pushYvalue = 0.0f;
void SetupCanvas(UCanvas* _canvas)
canvas = _canvas;
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)) {
current_element = 0;
FVector2D CursorPos()
POINT cursorPos;
return FVector2D{ (float)cursorPos.x, (float)cursorPos.y };
bool MouseInZone(FVector2D pos, FVector2D size)
FVector2D cursor_pos = CursorPos();
if (cursor_pos.X > pos.X && cursor_pos.Y > pos.Y)
if (cursor_pos.X < pos.X + size.X && cursor_pos.Y < pos.Y + size.Y)
return true;
return false;
void Draw_Cursor(bool toogle)
if (toogle)
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 35, cursorPos.Y + 10 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
int x = 35;
int y = 10;
while (y != 30) //20 steps
x -= 1; if (x < 15) x = 15;
y += 1; if (y > 30) y = 30;
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + x, cursorPos.Y + y }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 15, cursorPos.Y + 30 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 35, cursorPos.Y + 10 }, FVector2D{ cursorPos.X + 15, cursorPos.Y + 30 }, 1, FLinearColor{ 0.30f, 0.30f, 0.80f, 1.0f });
void SameLine()
sameLine = true;
void PushNextElementY(float y, bool from_last_element = true)
pushY = true;
if (from_last_element)
pushYvalue = last_element_pos.Y + last_element_size.Y + y;
pushYvalue = y;
void NextColumn(float x)
offset_x = x;
PushNextElementY(first_element_pos.Y, false);
void ClearFirstPos()
first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
SDK::UFont* Font = nullptr;
static void DrawText_Canvas(SDK::UCanvas* Canvas, SDK::FString RenderText, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPosition, SDK::FVector2D Scale, SDK::FLinearColor RenderColor, float Kerning, SDK::FLinearColor ShadowColor, SDK::FVector2D ShadowOffset, bool bCentreX, bool bCentreY, bool bOutlined, SDK::FLinearColor OutlineColor)
static SDK::UFunction* fn = NULL;
if (!fn)
fn = SDK::UObject::FindObject<SDK::UFunction>("Function Engine.Canvas.K2_DrawText");
if (!Font)
Font = SDK::UObject::FindObject<SDK::UFont>("Font Roboto.Roboto");
struct {
SDK::UObject* RenderFont;
SDK::FString RenderText;
SDK::FVector2D ScreenPosition;
SDK::FVector2D Scale;
SDK::FLinearColor RenderColor;
float Kerning;
SDK::FLinearColor ShadowColor;
SDK::FVector2D ShadowOffset;
bool bCentreX;
bool bCentreY;
bool bOutlined;
SDK::FLinearColor OutlineColor;
Args.RenderFont = Font;
Args.RenderText = RenderText;
Args.ScreenPosition = ScreenPosition;
Args.Scale = Scale;
Args.RenderColor = RenderColor;
Args.Kerning = Kerning;
Args.ShadowColor = ShadowColor;
Args.ShadowOffset = ShadowOffset;
Args.bCentreX = bCentreX;
Args.bCentreY = bCentreY;
Args.bOutlined = bOutlined;
Args.OutlineColor = OutlineColor;
auto flags = fn->FunctionFlags;
fn->FunctionFlags |= 0x400;
Canvas->ProcessEvent(fn, &Args);
fn->FunctionFlags = flags;
void xDrawTextRGB(const wchar_t* text, float x, float y, FLinearColor color)
DrawText_Canvas(canvas, text, { x, y }, { 1.1, 1.1 }, color , 0.f, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
void yDrawTextRGB(const wchar_t* text, float x, float y, FLinearColor color)
DrawText_Canvas(canvas, text, { x, y }, { 1.1, 1.1 }, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.0f }, 0.f, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, 1, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
void TextLeft(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color = { 1,1,1,1 }, bool outline = false)
xDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y, color);
void TextCenter(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D pos, FLinearColor color, bool outline, bool kekw = 0)
if (kekw)
yDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y - 10, color);
yDrawTextRGB(name, pos.X, pos.Y - 10, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.0f });
void GetColor(FLinearColor* color, float* r, float* g, float* b, float* a)
*r = color->R;
*g = color->G;
*b = color->B;
*a = color->A;
UINT32 GetColorUINT(int r, int g, int b, int a)
UINT32 result = (BYTE(a) << 24) + (BYTE(r) << 16) + (BYTE(g) << 8) + BYTE(b);
return result;
void Draw_Line(FVector2D from, FVector2D to, int thickness, FLinearColor color)
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ from.X, from.Y }, FVector2D{ to.X, to.Y }, thickness, color);
void drawFilledRect(FVector2D initial_pos, float w, float h, FLinearColor color)
for (float i = 0.0f; i < h; i += 1.0f)
canvas->K2_DrawLine(FVector2D{ initial_pos.X, initial_pos.Y + i }, FVector2D{ initial_pos.X + w, initial_pos.Y + i }, 1.0f, color);
void DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D pos, float r, FLinearColor color)
float smooth = 0.07f;
double PI = 3.14159265359;
int size = (int)(2.0f * PI / smooth) + 1;
float angle = 0.0f;
int i = 0;
for (; angle < 2 * PI; angle += smooth, i++)
Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + cosf(angle) * r, pos.Y + sinf(angle) * r }, 1.0f, color);
void DrawCircle(FVector2D pos, int radius, int numSides, FLinearColor Color);
void DrawTriangle(FVector2D origin, FVector2D size, FLinearColor Color) {
FVector2D Ecke1 = { origin.X - size.X / 2, origin.Y };
FVector2D Ecke2 = { origin.X + size.X / 2, origin.Y };
FVector2D Ecke3 = { origin.X, origin.Y + size.Y };
// Side 1
Draw_Line(Ecke1, Ecke2, 1.0f, Color);
// Side 2
Draw_Line(Ecke1, Ecke3, 1.0f, Color);
// Side 3
Draw_Line(Ecke2, Ecke3, 1.0f, Color);
void DrawHeart(FVector2D originPos, int size, FLinearColor color) {
FVector2D HeartCirclePos = { originPos.X + size, originPos.Y };
FVector2D HeartCirclePos1 = { originPos.X - size, originPos.Y };
FVector2D origintrig = { originPos.X, originPos.Y + size / 2 }; // Adjusted origin for the triangle
DrawFilledCircle(HeartCirclePos, size, color);
DrawFilledCircle(HeartCirclePos1, size, color);
DrawTriangle(origintrig, { static_cast<float>(size * 3.14159265359), static_cast<float>(size * 3.14159265359) }, color);
void DrawCircle(FVector2D pos, int radius, int numSides, FLinearColor Color)
float PI = 3.1415927f;
float Step = PI * 2.0 / numSides;
int Count = 0;
FVector2D V[128];
for (float a = 0; a < PI * 2.0; a += Step) {
float X1 = radius * cos(a) + pos.X;
float Y1 = radius * sin(a) + pos.Y;
float X2 = radius * cos(a + Step) + pos.X;
float Y2 = radius * sin(a + Step) + pos.Y;
V[Count].X = X1;
V[Count].Y = Y1;
V[Count + 1].X = X2;
V[Count + 1].Y = Y2;
//Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ X2, Y2 }, 1.0f, Color); // Points from Centre to ends of circle
Draw_Line(FVector2D{ V[Count].X, V[Count].Y }, FVector2D{ X2, Y2 }, 1.0f, Color);// Circle Around
FVector2D dragPos;
void DrawThunder(FVector2D Size, FVector2D Pos);
struct GifData {
std::vector<SDK::UTexture2D*> TextureArray;
int CurrentIndex;
ULONGLONG Const_Delay;
ULONGLONG CurrentTickDelay;
GifData(std::vector<SDK::UTexture2D*> Array, ULONGLONG AnimationDelay) {
this->TextureArray = Array;
this->Const_Delay = AnimationDelay;
this->CurrentIndex = 0;
this->CurrentTickDelay = 0;
SDK::UTexture2D* GetCurrentImage() {
SDK::UTexture2D* Texture_ = TextureArray[CurrentIndex];
if (GetTickCount64() >= CurrentTickDelay) {
CurrentTickDelay = GetTickCount64() + Const_Delay;
if (CurrentIndex + 1 >= TextureArray.size())
CurrentIndex = 0;
return Texture_;
void DrawTexture(SDK::UTexture2D* texture, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPos, SDK::FVector2D ScreenSize, float rotation = 0.0f, SDK::FLinearColor color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, SDK::EBlendMode BlendMode = SDK::EBlendMode::BLEND_Masked);
bool Window(const char* name, FVector2D* pos, FVector2D size, bool isOpen, GifData* Gif = nullptr)
elements_count = 0;
if (!isOpen)
return false;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size);
//Drop last element
if (current_element != -1 && !GetAsyncKeyState(0x1))
current_element = -1;
if (hover_element && GetAsyncKeyState(0x1))
else if ((isHovered || dragPos.X != 0) && !hover_element)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
cursorPos.X -= size.X;
cursorPos.Y -= size.Y;
if (dragPos.X == 0)
dragPos.X = (cursorPos.X - pos->X);
dragPos.Y = (cursorPos.Y - pos->Y);
pos->X = cursorPos.X - dragPos.X;
pos->Y = cursorPos.Y - dragPos.Y;
dragPos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
hover_element = false;
offset_x = 0.0f; offset_y = 0.0f;
menu_pos = FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y };
first_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
current_element_pos = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
current_element_size = FVector2D{ 0, 0 };
if (Gif) {
auto Texture = Gif->GetCurrentImage();
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, 25.0f, { 49 / 255, 49 / 255, 49 / 255, 1.0f});
DrawTexture(Texture, { pos->X, pos->Y }, { size.X, size.Y });
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Window_Background);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, 122, size.Y, FLinearColor{ 0.006f, 0.006f, 0.006f, 1.0f });//My tabs bg
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos->X, pos->Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Window_Header);
offset_y += 25.0f;
FVector2D titlePos = FVector2D{ pos->X + size.X / 2, pos->Y + 25 / 2 };
TextCenter(s2wc(name), titlePos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
//DrawThunder(size, *pos);
return true;
class Thunder {
FVector2D LinesToDraw[14];
int LinesNum = 0;
int LineDrawn = 0;
std::vector<Thunder*> ThunderObjs;
FVector2D SizeCopy;
Thunder::Thunder() {
int WindowStartPoint = SizeCopy.X - (SizeCopy.X / 10);
LinesToDraw[0].X = (rand() % WindowStartPoint + 20);
LinesToDraw[0].Y = 0;
int LineDir = rand() % 2 + 1;
int AddY = (LinesToDraw[0].Y + SizeCopy.Y) / 14;
for (size_t i = 1; i < 14; i++)
if (LineDir == 1) {
LinesToDraw[i] = LinesToDraw[i - 1];
int AddX = (SizeCopy.X - (LinesToDraw[i].X + 15.0f)) / 14;
LinesToDraw[i].X += AddX;
LinesToDraw[i].Y += AddY;
LinesToDraw[i] = LinesToDraw[i - 1];
int AddX = (0 - (LinesToDraw[i].X + 15.0f)) / 14;
LinesToDraw[i].X -= AddX;
LinesToDraw[i].Y += AddY;
LineDir = rand() % 2 + 1;
static SDK::FLinearColor Color;
Color.R = R / 255.0f;
Color.G = G / 255.0f;
Color.B = B / 255.0f;
Color.A = A / 255.0f;
return Color;
void DrawThunder(FVector2D Size, FVector2D Pos) {
static ULONGLONG ThunderTick = 0;
ULONGLONG TickCurrent = GetTickCount64();
//ThunderAnimation Create ThunderObj
if (TickCurrent >= ThunderTick) {
ThunderTick = TickCurrent + 1000;
static bool FirstThunderTest = false;
SizeCopy = Size;
if (!FirstThunderTest) {
FirstThunderTest = true;
Thunder* thund = new Thunder();
for (size_t i = 0; i < ThunderObjs.size(); i++)
auto Thund = ThunderObjs[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < Thund->LinesNum; i++)
for (size_t i = 1; i < 14; i++)
auto FirstLine = (Thund->LinesToDraw[i - 1]) + Pos;
auto SecondLine = (Thund->LinesToDraw[i]) + Pos;
Draw_Line(FirstLine, SecondLine, 4, RGBATOFLinear(22, 101, 233, 50));
void Text(const wchar_t* text, bool center = false, bool outline = false)
float size = 25;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + 5.0f, pos.Y };
if (center)
TextCenter(text, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, outline);
TextLeft(text, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, outline);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
bool ButtonTab(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size, bool active)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (active)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Active);
else if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
return true;
return false;
bool Button(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextCenter(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false)){ elements_count++;
return true;
return false;
auto DrawHealthBar(SDK::FVector2D RootPosition, float Width, float Height, float Height2, float Health) -> void
if (Health > 100) Health = 100;
SDK::FLinearColor HealthColor;
if (Health >= 80) {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 0, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else if (Health >= 50) {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else {
HealthColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 15 }, Width + (Width / 3), Height, SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 1, 0.1f });
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 15 + (Height / 6) }, (Width) * (Health / 100), Height2, HealthColor);
auto DrawShieldBar(SDK::FVector2D RootPosition, float Width, float Height, float Height2, float Shield) -> void
if (Shield > 100) Shield = 100;
SDK::FLinearColor ShieldColor;
if (Shield >= 80) {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
else if (Shield >= 50) {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 0, 1, 0, 0.5f };
else {
ShieldColor = SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 0, 0, 0.5f };
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 10 }, Width + (Width / 3), Height, SDK::FLinearColor{ 1, 1, 1, 0.1f });
drawFilledRect(SDK::FVector2D{ RootPosition.X - (Width / 1.5f), RootPosition.Y - 10 + (Height / 6) }, (Width) * (Shield / 100), Height2, ShieldColor);
SDK::UTexture2D* LoadTexture(const wchar_t* Path) {
UTexture2D* LoadedTexture = nullptr;
auto RenderClass = SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary::StaticClass();
if (RenderClass) {
auto RenderingLibrary = (SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary*)RenderClass->DefaultObject;
LoadedTexture = RenderingLibrary->ImportFileAsTexture2D(SDK::UWorld::GetWorld(), SDK::FString(Path));
return LoadedTexture;
SDK::UTexture2D* LoadTexture(std::vector<byte> Texture) {
UTexture2D* LoadedTexture = nullptr;
auto RenderClass = SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary::StaticClass();
if (RenderClass) {
auto RenderingLibrary = (SDK::UKismetRenderingLibrary*)RenderClass->DefaultObject;
if (RenderingLibrary) {
SDK::TArray<uint8> BufferArray = SDK::TArray<uint8>(Texture.size());
void** ptr = (void**)&BufferArray;
int* Size = (int*)( (uintptr_t)(&BufferArray) + 0x8);
std::memcpy(ptr[0], Texture.data(), sizeof(uint8) * Texture.size());
*Size = Texture.size();
LoadedTexture = RenderingLibrary->ImportBufferAsTexture2D(SDK::UWorld::GetWorld(), BufferArray);
delete[] ptr[0];
return LoadedTexture;
void DrawTexture(SDK::UTexture2D* texture, SDK::FVector2D ScreenPos, SDK::FVector2D ScreenSize, float rotation, SDK::FLinearColor color, SDK::EBlendMode BlendMode) {
canvas->K2_DrawTexture(texture, ScreenPos, ScreenSize, { 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f }, color, BlendMode, rotation, { 1.0f, 1.0f });
void Checkbox(const wchar_t* name, bool* value)
float size = 18;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (*value)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 3, pos.Y + 3 }, size - 6, size - 6, Colors::Checkbox_Enabled);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 9, pos.Y + 9 }, size - 18, size - 18, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextLeft(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = !*value;
void Checkbox(const wchar_t* name, FLinearColor TextColor, bool* value)
float size = 18;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (*value)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 3, pos.Y + 3 }, size - 6, size - 6, Colors::Checkbox_Enabled);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 9, pos.Y + 9 }, size - 18, size - 18, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y };
//if (!TextOverlapedFromActiveElement(textPos))
TextLeft(name, textPos, TextColor, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = !*value;
void SliderInt(char* name, int* value, int min, int max)
FVector2D size = FVector2D{ 240, 50 };
FVector2D slider_size = FVector2D{ 200, 10 };
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 15 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
current_element = elements_count;
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
*value = ((cursorPos.X - pos.X) * ((max - min) / slider_size.X)) + min;
if (*value < min) *value = min;
if (*value > max) *value = max;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y + 5.0f }, 5.0f, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Idle);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y + 5.0f }, 5.0f, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
float oneP = slider_size.X / (max - min);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, oneP * (*value - min), slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Progress);
//drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min) - 10.0f, pos.Y + slider_size.Y - 5.0f + padding.Y }, 20.0f, 20.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 3.3f + padding.Y }, 10.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 3.3f + padding.Y }, 5.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
//void TextBox(const wchar_t* namePtr, FVector2D size)
// elements_count++;
// FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + offset_y };
// if (sameLine)
// {
// pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X;
// pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
// }
// if (pushY)
// {
// pos.Y = pushYvalue;
// pushY = false;
// pushYvalue = 0.0f;
// offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
// }
// bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y}, FVector2D{ size.X, size.Y});
// if (!sameLine)
// offset_y += size.Y;
// TextLeft(namePtr, pos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, true);
// //Bg
// if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
// {
// //Drag
// if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
// {
// current_element = elements_count;
// }
// hover_element = true;
// if (current_element == elements_count)
// {
// std::string strd = "";
// for (size_t i = 'A'; i < 'z'; i++)
// {
// if (GetAsyncKeyState(i) & 1) {
// strd += (char)i;
// }
// }
// if (strd != "") {
// mbstowcs((wchar_t*)namePtr, strd.c_str(), 1000);
// }
// }
// }
void SliderFloat(const wchar_t* name, float* value, float min, float max, const char* format = "%.0f")
FVector2D size = FVector2D{ 210, 40 };
FVector2D slider_size = FVector2D{ 170, 7 };
FVector2D adjust_zone = FVector2D{ 0, 20 };
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 15 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y - adjust_zone.Y }, FVector2D{ slider_size.X, slider_size.Y + adjust_zone.Y * 1.5f });
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (isHovered || current_element == elements_count)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, true))
current_element = elements_count;
FVector2D cursorPos = CursorPos();
*value = ((cursorPos.X - pos.X) * ((max - min) / slider_size.X)) + min;
if (*value < min) *value = min;
if (*value > max) *value = max;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + slider_size.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, slider_size.X, slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Idle);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + slider_size.X, pos.Y + padding.Y + 9.3f }, 3.1f, Colors::Slider_Idle);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + 5 };
TextLeft(name, textPos, Colors::Text, false);
float oneP = slider_size.X / (max - min);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + slider_size.Y + padding.Y }, oneP * (*value - min), slider_size.Y, Colors::Slider_Progress);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 2.66f + padding.Y }, 8.0f, Colors::Slider_Button);
DrawFilledCircle(FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 2.66f + padding.Y }, 4.0f, Colors::Slider_Progress);
char buffer[32];
sprintf_s(buffer, format, *value);
FVector2D valuePos = FVector2D{ pos.X + oneP * (*value - min), pos.Y + slider_size.Y + 20 + padding.Y };
TextCenter(s2wc(buffer), valuePos, Colors::Text, false);
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
bool checkbox_enabled[256];
void Combobox(const wchar_t* name, FVector2D size, int* value, const wchar_t* arg, ...)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered || checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Combobox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Combobox_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X + 5.0f, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextLeft((name), textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
bool isHovered2 = false;
FVector2D element_pos = pos;
int num = 0;
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
current_element_size.X = element_pos.X - 5.0f;
current_element_size.Y = element_pos.Y - 5.0f;
va_list arguments;
for (va_start(arguments, arg); arg != NULL; arg = va_arg(arguments, const wchar_t*))
//Selected Element
if (num == *value)
FVector2D _textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(arg, _textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
element_pos.Y += 25.0f;
isHovered2 = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size.X, 25.0f });
if (isHovered2)
hover_element = true;
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Combobox_Hovered);
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*value = num;
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = false;
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ element_pos.X, element_pos.Y }, size.X, 25.0f, Colors::Combobox_Idle);
PostRenderer::TextLeft(arg, FVector2D{ element_pos.X + 5.0f, element_pos.Y + 15.0f }, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (checkbox_enabled[elements_count])
current_element_size.X = element_pos.X + 5.0f;
current_element_size.Y = element_pos.Y + 5.0f;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = !checkbox_enabled[elements_count];
if (!isHovered && !isHovered2 && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
checkbox_enabled[elements_count] = false;
int active_hotkey = -1;
bool already_pressed = false;
std::string VirtualKeyCodeToString(UCHAR virtualKey)
UINT scanCode = MapVirtualKey(virtualKey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC);
if (virtualKey == VK_LBUTTON)
return ("MOUSE0");
if (virtualKey == VK_RBUTTON)
return ("MOUSE1");
if (virtualKey == VK_MBUTTON)
return ("MBUTTON");
if (virtualKey == VK_XBUTTON1)
return ("XBUTTON1");
if (virtualKey == VK_XBUTTON2)
return ("XBUTTON2");
CHAR szName[128];
int result = 0;
switch (virtualKey)
case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN:
case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: case VK_APPS:
case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT:
case VK_END: case VK_HOME:
scanCode |= KF_EXTENDED;
result = GetKeyNameTextA(scanCode << 16, szName, 128);
return szName;
void Hotkey(const char* name, FVector2D size, int* key)
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 5, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y + (last_element_size.Y / 2) - size.Y / 2;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, Colors::Button_Idle);
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size.Y + padding.Y;
if (active_hotkey == elements_count)
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(L"[Press Key]", textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (!ZeroGUI::Input::IsAnyMouseDown())
already_pressed = false;
if (!already_pressed)
for (int code = 0; code < 255; code++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(code))
*key = code;
active_hotkey = -1;
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X / 2, pos.Y + size.Y / 2 };
TextCenter(s2wc(VirtualKeyCodeToString(*key).c_str()), textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (isHovered)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
already_pressed = true;
active_hotkey = elements_count;
//Queue Fix
for (int code = 0; code < 255; code++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(code)) {}
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
active_hotkey = -1;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
int active_picker = -1;
FLinearColor saved_color;
bool ColorPixel(FVector2D pos, FVector2D size, FLinearColor* original, FLinearColor color)
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size.X, size.Y, color);
//Выбранный цвет
if (original->R == color.R && original->G == color.G && original->B == color.B)
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
PostRenderer::Draw_Line(FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ pos.X + size.X - 1, pos.Y + size.Y - 1 }, 1.0f, FLinearColor{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
//Смена цвета
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size);
if (isHovered)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
*original = color;
return true;
void ColorPicker(const wchar_t* name, FLinearColor* color)
float size = 25;
FVector2D padding = FVector2D{ 10, 10 };
FVector2D pos = FVector2D{ menu_pos.X + padding.X + offset_x, menu_pos.Y + padding.Y + offset_y };
if (sameLine)
pos.X = last_element_pos.X + last_element_size.X + padding.X;
pos.Y = last_element_pos.Y;
if (pushY)
pos.Y = pushYvalue;
pushY = false;
pushYvalue = 0.0f;
offset_y = pos.Y - menu_pos.Y;
bool isHovered = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ size, size });
if (!sameLine)
offset_y += size + padding.Y;
if (active_picker == elements_count)
hover_element = true;
float sizePickerX = 250;
float sizePickerY = 250;
bool isHoveredPicker = MouseInZone(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, FVector2D{ sizePickerX, sizePickerY - 60 });
PostRenderer::drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, sizePickerX, sizePickerY - 65, Colors::ColorPicker_Background);
//float pixedSize = sizePickerY / pixels;
//FLinearColor temp_color{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
//float iterator = 0.0f;
//for (int y = 0; y < pixels; y++)
// for (int x = 0; x < pixels; x++)
// {
// ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixedSize * x, pos.Y + pixedSize * y }, pixedSize, color, temp_color);
// temp_color.R -= (1.0f - saved_color.R) / pixels;
// temp_color.G -= (1.0f - saved_color.G) / pixels;
// temp_color.B -= (1.0f - saved_color.B) / pixels;
// }
// iterator += 1.0f / pixels;
// temp_color = FLinearColor{ 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f - iterator, 1.0f };
FVector2D pixelSize = FVector2D{ sizePickerX / 12, sizePickerY / 12 };
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 174 / 255.f, 235 / 255.f, 253 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 136 / 255.f, 225 / 255.f, 251 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 108 / 255.f, 213 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 89 / 255.f, 175 / 255.f, 213 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 76 / 255.f, 151 / 255.f, 177 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 60 / 255.f, 118 / 255.f, 140 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 43 / 255.f, 85 / 255.f, 100 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 32 / 255.f, 62 / 255.f, 74 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 0, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 255 / 255.f, 255 / 255.f, 255 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 175 / 255.f, 205 / 255.f, 252 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 132 / 255.f, 179 / 255.f, 252 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 90 / 255.f, 152 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 55 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 250 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 49 / 255.f, 105 / 255.f, 209 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 38 / 255.f, 83 / 255.f, 165 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 1, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 28 / 255.f, 61 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 1.0f });
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ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 215 / 255.f, 50 / 255.f, 36 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 187 / 255.f, 25 / 255.f, 7 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 149 / 255.f, 20 / 255.f, 6 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 107 / 255.f, 14 / 255.f, 4 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 77 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 3 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 5, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 144 / 255.f, 144 / 255.f, 144 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 241 / 255.f, 187 / 255.f, 171 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 234 / 255.f, 151 / 255.f, 126 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 229 / 255.f, 115 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 227 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 24 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 190 / 255.f, 61 / 255.f, 15 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 150 / 255.f, 48 / 255.f, 12 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 107 / 255.f, 34 / 255.f, 8 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 79 / 255.f, 25 / 255.f, 6 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 6, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 113 / 255.f, 113 / 255.f, 113 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 245 / 255.f, 207 / 255.f, 169 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 240 / 255.f, 183 / 255.f, 122 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 236 / 255.f, 159 / 255.f, 74 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 234 / 255.f, 146 / 255.f, 37 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 193 / 255.f, 111 / 255.f, 28 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 152 / 255.f, 89 / 255.f, 22 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 110 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 16 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 80 / 255.f, 47 / 255.f, 12 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 7, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 82 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 247 / 255.f, 218 / 255.f, 170 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 244 / 255.f, 200 / 255.f, 124 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 241 / 255.f, 182 / 255.f, 77 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 239 / 255.f, 174 / 255.f, 44 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 196 / 255.f, 137 / 255.f, 34 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 154 / 255.f, 108 / 255.f, 27 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 111 / 255.f, 77 / 255.f, 19 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 80 / 255.f, 56 / 255.f, 14 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 8, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 54 / 255.f, 54 / 255.f, 54 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 254 / 255.f, 243 / 255.f, 187 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 253 / 255.f, 237 / 255.f, 153 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 253 / 255.f, 231 / 255.f, 117 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 254 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 85 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 242 / 255.f, 212 / 255.f, 53 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 192 / 255.f, 169 / 255.f, 42 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 138 / 255.f, 120 / 255.f, 30 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 101 / 255.f, 87 / 255.f, 22 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 9, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 29 / 255.f, 29 / 255.f, 29 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 247 / 255.f, 243 / 255.f, 185 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 243 / 255.f, 239 / 255.f, 148 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 239 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 111 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 235 / 255.f, 229 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 208 / 255.f, 200 / 255.f, 55 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 164 / 255.f, 157 / 255.f, 43 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 118 / 255.f, 114 / 255.f, 31 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 86 / 255.f, 82 / 255.f, 21 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 10, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 9 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 9 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 0 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 218 / 255.f, 232 / 255.f, 182 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 1 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 198 / 255.f, 221 / 255.f, 143 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 2 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 181 / 255.f, 210 / 255.f, 103 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 3 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 154 / 255.f, 186 / 255.f, 76 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 4 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 130 / 255.f, 155 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 5 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 102 / 255.f, 121 / 255.f, 50 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 6 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 74 / 255.f, 88 / 255.f, 36 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 7 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 54 / 255.f, 64 / 255.f, 26 / 255.f, 1.0f });
ColorPixel(FVector2D{ pos.X + pixelSize.X * 11, pos.Y + pixelSize.Y * 8 }, pixelSize, color, FLinearColor{ 0 / 255.f, 0 / 255.f, 0 / 255.f, 1.0f });
if (isHoveredPicker)
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
if (ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
active_picker = -1;
//hover_element = false;
if (isHovered)
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Hovered);
hover_element = true;
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X, pos.Y }, size, size, Colors::Checkbox_Idle);
drawFilledRect(FVector2D{ pos.X + 4, pos.Y + 4 }, size - 8, size - 8, *color);
FVector2D textPos = FVector2D{ pos.X + size + 5.0f, pos.Y - 5 };
TextLeft(name, textPos, FLinearColor{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, false);
if (isHovered && ZeroGUI::Input::IsMouseClicked(0, elements_count, false))
saved_color = *color;
active_picker = elements_count;
sameLine = false;
last_element_pos = pos;
//last_element_size = size;
if (first_element_pos.X == 0.0f)
first_element_pos = pos;
void Render()
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type != -1)
//Filled Rect
if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 1)
CWINGui::drawFilledRect(PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].size.X, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].size.Y, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 2)
CWINGui::TextLeft((const wchar_t*)PostRenderer::drawlist[i].name, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].outline);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 3)
CWINGui::TextCenter((const wchar_t*)PostRenderer::drawlist[i].name, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].pos, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].outline);
else if (PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type == 4)
Draw_Line(PostRenderer::drawlist[i].from, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].to, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].thickness, PostRenderer::drawlist[i].color);
PostRenderer::drawlist[i].type = -1;