#pragma once #include "GUI/ZeroGUI.h" #include #include #include #include "Config.h" namespace Backend { using EventHandler = std::function; class EventSource { public: // Register a function as an event handler void RegisterHandler(EventHandler handler) { handlers.push_back(handler); } void UnregisterHandlers() { handlers.clear(); } // Trigger the event, invoking all registered handlers void TriggerEvent() { for (const auto& handler : handlers) { handler(); } } private: std::vector handlers; }; typedef void(__stdcall* Event_)(); namespace LevelDatas { bool TPActor = false; std::string ActorName = ""; } enum Level_ { //Keine zeit dafür bruh MainLvl, TransitionLvl, Level0, NotImplemented }; std::string LevelName = ""; std::string HostSteamID = ""; std::wstring HostID = L""; //Ip for uses std::string HostSteamID_Clean = ""; Level_ LevelCurrent = Level_::MainLvl; void CleanSteamID() { HostSteamID_Clean = ""; if (auto pos = HostSteamID.find("."); pos != std::string::npos) { for (size_t i = pos + 1; i < HostSteamID.size(); i++) { HostSteamID_Clean += HostSteamID[i]; } } } bool FindLevelEnum() { //Map of Levels i added already Functions into const std::unordered_map levelCollection_ = { {"MainMenuMap", Level_::MainLvl}, {"TransitionLevel", Level_::TransitionLvl}, {"Level0", Level_::Level0}, }; if (auto result = levelCollection_.find(LevelName); result != levelCollection_.end()) { LevelCurrent = result->second; return true; } LevelCurrent = Level_::NotImplemented; return false; } void DefineEnum() { FindLevelEnum(); } void RunLevelBackend() { switch (LevelCurrent) { case Backend::MainLvl: CWINGui::Text(L"This da Main Menu, not much to do here bruh"); break; case Backend::TransitionLvl: break; case Backend::Level0: break; default: break; } } void CallbackNewLevel(); EventSource NewLevelEvent; } namespace PlayerStuff { struct Player { SDK::APawn* Pawn_; std::wstring name = L""; std::wstring Sanitizedname = L""; int PlayerID = 0; bool Alive = false; bool hasPlayerController = false; bool IsSpectator = false; std::wstring Location[3]; SDK::FVector Position; std::wstring CurrentSlot = L""; std::wstring SteamID = L""; std::wstring SpectatorName = L""; std::vector Inventory_; float CalculateDistance(SDK::FVector Point1, SDK::FVector Point2) { // Calculate the absolute differences in coordinates float DiffX = Point2.X - Point1.X; float DiffY = Point2.Y - Point1.Y; float DiffZ = Point2.Z - Point1.Z; // Calculate the squared distance float DistanceSquared = (DiffX * DiffX) + (DiffY * DiffY) + (DiffZ * DiffZ); // Calculate the distance by taking the square root of the squared distance return std::abs(std::sqrt(DistanceSquared)); } bool IsSpectatingLocalPlayer(SDK::APlayerController* LocalController) { if (IsSpectator && LocalController) { return CalculateDistance(LocalController->K2_GetActorLocation(), Position) < 1.0f; } return false; } Player(std::wstring Name, std::wstring SteamID, std::wstring CurrentSlotItemName, int PlayerID, SDK::APlayerController* Controller, SDK::APawn* pawn, bool isalive, bool hasplayercontroller, SDK::FVector location, SDK::UInventoryComponent* Inventory) { this->name = Name; this->PlayerID = PlayerID; this->Alive = isalive; this->hasPlayerController = hasplayercontroller; this->CurrentSlot = CurrentSlotItemName; this->SteamID = SteamID; this->Position = location; this->Pawn_ = pawn; if (!Alive && pawn && pawn->IsA(SDK::ABP_Spectator_C::StaticClass())) { this->IsSpectator = true; } this->Sanitizedname = SanitizeWString(Name); auto LocString = LocToWString(location); Location[0] = LocString[0]; Location[1] = LocString[1]; Location[2] = LocString[2]; Inventory_.clear(); if (Inventory && Inventory->Inventory2.IsValid()) { auto inventory = Inventory->Inventory2; for (size_t i = 0; i < inventory.Num(); i++) { if(inventory[i] && inventory[i]->Structure.Name.Data) Inventory_.push_back(inventory[i]->Structure.Name); } } } static std::string SanitizeString(std::string Input) { std::string output = ""; int Sizecc = Input.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if (i >= Sizecc) break; output += Input[i]; } return output; } static std::wstring SanitizeWString(std::wstring Input) { std::wstring output = L""; int Sizecc = Input.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if (i >= Sizecc) break; output += Input[i]; } return output; } static std::vector LocToWString(SDK::FVector loc) { std::vector Location; Location.push_back( std::to_wstring(loc.X) ); Location.push_back( std::to_wstring(loc.Z) ); Location.push_back( std::to_wstring(loc.Y) ); return Location; } }; std::vector PlayerList; } namespace Settings { namespace Spawner { enum Spawner_Stuff { None = -1, Boat, Rope, BactiriaMonster, ExitZone, ExitZoneEndGame, FireworkProj_Bugged, Firework }; } void SetName_NameChanger(std::wstring name); enum Items { Flashlight, Flaregun, Crowbar, Chainsaw, Almondwater, Bugspray, Lidar, Jelly, Speedwateridk, Pain, Rope, AlmondExtract, Firework, Ticket, DivingHelmet, Camera, Glowstick, Thermometer, WalkiTalkie, Test }; enum Host_Pawns { defaultEmptyPawn, SelfPawn }; enum PlayerDynamic { PIsCameraReplicated, PIsFreeCam, PSpoofChatMessage, PDetachFirework, PTeleportDetachedFirework, PInteractWithSpawnedBoat, PFlaregunSpammer, PGodMode, PUnlimitedSanity, PUnlimitedStamina }; const float CheatVersion = 2.0f; double TimeSpendCheating = 0.0f; ULONGLONG TickCountCheatTime = 0; bool NewVersion_ = false; bool Open = true; bool Esp = false; bool EnemyEsp = false; bool BoatEsp = false; bool PlayerEsp = false; bool ItemEsp = false; bool ActorEsp = false; bool InteractablesEsp = false; bool EnemyChams = true; bool SpectatorList = false; bool FovChanger = false; bool RGBFlashlight = false; bool EnviromentRGB = false; //Event Player bool TeleportEventPlayer = false; bool TeleportToEventPlayer = false; bool SpawnRopeAtEventPlayer = false; bool SpectateEventPlayer = false; bool EventRespawnPlayer = false; bool UseItemEventPlayer = false; bool EventCollectDataPlayer = false; bool StealPawnEventPlayer = false; int Event_PlayerID = 0; //Chat Spoof int StateChatSpoof = 0; //Hosting Options bool Host_CollisionPlayers = false; bool Host_FunMode = false; bool Host_Event_TeleportPlayers = false; bool Host_Event_SetHostPawn = false; float Host_PlayersGravityScale = 0.5f; Host_Pawns hostPawn = Host_Pawns::defaultEmptyPawn; //Anti Cheat bool AntiCheat = false; bool AC_InvalidItemSpawner = false; bool AC_NameChanger = false; //Misc bool Freecam = false; //bool RejoinServer_Event = false, bool ClickTpPawn = false; bool UsedSpawnTest = false; bool ProtectCamServer = true; bool TestEvent_PrintSteamIDS = false; bool UnlockPlayers = false; bool UnpossePawns = false; bool ChangeNameEvent = false; bool SpoofChatEvent = false; bool ClientMovement = false; bool ShowWatermark = true; bool ActorEvent = false; bool InteractAll = false; bool InteractEvent = false; bool NoStumble = false; bool LagGame = false; bool ClearItems = false; bool Noclip = false; bool TpToExit = false; bool Kys = false; bool ForceAdmin = false; bool TpEveryone = false; bool NameChanger = false; bool OwnSelf = false; bool RandomName = false; bool Rapidfire = false; bool BoatFly = false; bool VelocityFly = true; bool BoatSpeedhack = false; bool BringAllItems = false; // Noch nichts bool RevivePlayer = false;// Noch nichts bool NoCams = false; bool HideWalls = false; bool PlayerFly = false; bool PeacefullMode = false; bool Spawner_ = false; bool SilentItemSpawner = false; bool LoadLevel_ = false; bool Godmode = false; bool InfiniteSanity = false; bool SpeedHack = false; bool InfiniteStamina = false; bool AutoRespawnPlayers = true; bool wtf_ = false; bool IniShitsLevel[6]; bool IniShitsPlayer[8]; bool SpawnItem = false; Items ItemToSpawn; bool SpawnerEvent = false; Spawner::Spawner_Stuff SpawnerValue = Spawner::Spawner_Stuff::None; std::string SpawningValue = ""; float PlayerFlySpeedY = 100.0f; float Fov = 90.0f; float Speed = 1000.0f; float BoatSpeed = 3000.0f; int PlayerCount_SettingServer = 4; int PlayerPicked = 0; int PlayerPicked_S = 0; std::string ActorFilter = ""; //For Name Changer std::wstring LevelToLoad = L""; std::wstring NameTo_set = L"EagerPlayer_420"; std::wstring OriginalName = L""; std::wstring MessageSpoof = L""; std::wstring NameOfVictim = L""; SDK::FVector2D WindowPos{ 500.0f, 475.0f }; SDK::FVector LastServerPosition; //For Saving reasons //byte CurrentName_Saved[ConfigSystemInternalSettings::MaxTypeSize * 2]; std::thread* CurrentInputThread_Config = nullptr; void AddFieldsToConfig(ConfigSystem* configsys) { configsys->AddField(&PeacefullMode, 0); configsys->AddField(&NoCams, 1); configsys->AddField(&Noclip, 2); configsys->AddField(&PlayerFly, 3); configsys->AddField(&VelocityFly, 4); configsys->AddField(&SpectatorList, 5); configsys->AddField(&EnemyEsp, 6); configsys->AddField(&PlayerEsp, 7); configsys->AddField(&ItemEsp, 8); configsys->AddField(&InteractablesEsp, 9); configsys->AddField(&BoatEsp, 10); configsys->AddField(&ActorEsp, 11); configsys->AddField(&RGBFlashlight, 12); configsys->AddField(&EnviromentRGB, 13); configsys->AddField(&Freecam, 14); configsys->AddField(&Spawner_, 15); configsys->AddField(&ShowWatermark, 16); configsys->AddField(&BoatFly,17); configsys->AddField(&Rapidfire,18); configsys->AddField(&InfiniteStamina,19); configsys->AddField(&InfiniteSanity, 20); configsys->AddField(&NoStumble, 21); configsys->AddField(&Godmode, 22); configsys->AddField(&SpeedHack, 23); configsys->AddField(&NameChanger, 24); configsys->AddField(&BoatSpeedhack, 25); configsys->AddField(&FovChanger, 26); configsys->AddField(&Fov, 27); configsys->AddField(&Speed, 28); configsys->AddField(&BoatSpeed, 29); configsys->AddField(&PlayerFlySpeedY, 30); //configsys->AddField(&CurrentName_Saved, 31); } } void Backend::CallbackNewLevel() { Settings::PlayerPicked = -1; Settings::PlayerPicked_S = -1; NewLevelEvent.TriggerEvent(); } void Settings::SetName_NameChanger(std::wstring name) { //const int SizeName = sizeof(CurrentName_Saved); NameTo_set = name; //int NameSize = (NameTo_set.size() > SizeName ? SizeName : NameTo_set.size()); //std::memcpy((void*)CurrentName_Saved, NameTo_set.data(), NameSize); Settings::IniShitsLevel[3] = false; } std::wstring Algorithm_(std::wstring input) { std::wstring out = L""; out.reserve(input.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { auto letternormal = input[i]; wchar_t charNext = (letternormal == L'i' ? L'í' : letternormal == L'u' ? L'ú' : letternormal == L'I' ? L'Í' : letternormal == L'U' ? L'Ú' : letternormal); out += charNext; } return out; }