7.5 KiB
S.O.L.I.D???????????????(OOD&OOP)?§Þ?????????????(Programming Priciple)?????????§Õ??
??§Õ | ?? | ??????? |
SRP | The Single Responsibility Principle | ?????????? |
OCP | The Open Closed Principle | ????????? |
LSP | The Liskov Substitution Principle | ?????<3F>I??? |
ISP | The Interface Segregation Principle | ????????? |
DIP | The Dependency Inversion Principle | ??????????? |
1. ??????????
2. ?????????
3. ?????<3F>I???
????????????????????<3F>I?¦Ê??????????????????????? is-a ?????
4. ?????????
5. ???????????
- ?????öö?????????????ï…?????????????????
- ????????????????????????????????
1. ???
???? Person ???? name??gender??age ???????????????? get() ?????????? Person ????? name ????? gender ????????????? age ????????? age ???????? work() ??????¨¢?
??? gender ??????? int ??????????§Õ›¥????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????§³?
public class Person {
private String name;
private int gender;
private int age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getGender() {
return gender == 0 ? "man" : "woman";
public void work() {
if(18 <= age && age <= 50) {
System.out.println(name + " is working very hard!");
} else {
System.out.println(name + " can't work!");
2. ???
???????? is-a ????????? Cat ?? Animal ??????? is-a ???????????? Cat ????? Animal???????? Animal ?? private ????????????
Cat ??????? Animal ????????????????? Animal ???? Cat ?????????????????????? ?????????
??????????????<3F>I??????????????????????<3F>I?¦Ê??????????????????????? is-a ?????
Animal animal = new Cat();
3. ???
???????????????1. ??§µ?2. ???????????3. ????????
?????????§µ???????Instrument????????????Wind ?? Percussion????????????? play() ???????????? main() ???????????? Instrument ?????? Wind ?? Percussion ?????? Instrument ??????? play() ????????????????????????????? play() ???????????? Instrument ????????
public class Instrument {
public void play() {
System.out.println("Instument is playing...");
public class Wind extends Instrument {
public void play() {
System.out.println("Wind is playing...");
public class Percussion extends Instrument {
public void play() {
System.out.println("Percussion is playing...");
public class Music {
public static void main(String[] args){
List<Instrument> instruments = new ArrayList<>();
instruments.add(new Wind());
instruments.add(new Percussion());
for(Instrument instrument : instruments){
1. ???
1.1 ??????
????????????: ??????generalize????????realize????????? is-a ?????
?? ???????(generalization)
?? ?????(realize)
1.2 ????????
?? ?????(aggregation)
??????????????????????????????????????????<3F>I????????????????????¡À?? B ?? A ????
?? ?????(composition)
1.3 ?????
?? ???????(association)
???????????????§Û????????????????????????§Û??????????????????????????????????? 1 ?? 1????? 1?????????????????????????????????§µ???????????????????§µ?????§Ü??????????????????????????§µ??????????????????????????§á??????????????
?? ???????(dependency)
???????????????, ??????????????§Û??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2. ????
2.1 ????
2.2 ?????????
publc class ???? {
public void ??();
publc class ???? {
public void ??????();
public void ???????();
private void ?Úˆ???();
public class ???? {
public void ?????G??();
public class ??? {
public void ??????????();
public class ??? {
public void ???????();
2.3 ???????????????
2.4 ?????????????
2.5 ?????????
?? ????
?? ??????
?? ???
1. ????????????????????
2. ????????????????????????????????????
3. ?????????????????????????
4. ??????????????
?? ????