2018-12-19 14:09:39 +08:00

59 lines
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<pre><code>(* Simple comment *)
(* Multi-line
comment *)</code></pre>
0xf4 0xff_10_41
<h2>Strings and characters</h2>
<pre><code>"Simple string."
"String with \"quotes\" in it."
'c' `c`
'\'' `\``
'\123' `\123`
<h2>Full example</h2>
<pre><code>module Make_interval(Endpoint : Comparable) = struct
type t = | Interval of Endpoint.t * Endpoint.t
| Empty
(** [create low high] creates a new interval from [low] to
[high]. If [low > high], then the interval is empty *)
let create low high =
if Endpoint.compare low high > 0 then Empty
else Interval (low,high)
(** Returns true iff the interval is empty *)
let is_empty = function
| Empty -> true
| Interval _ -> false
(** [contains t x] returns true iff [x] is contained in the
interval [t] *)
let contains t x =
match t with
| Empty -> false
| Interval (l,h) ->
Endpoint.compare x l >= 0 && Endpoint.compare x h <= 0
(** [intersect t1 t2] returns the intersection of the two input
intervals *)
let intersect t1 t2 =
let min x y = if Endpoint.compare x y <= 0 then x else y in
let max x y = if Endpoint.compare x y >= 0 then x else y in
match t1,t2 with
| Empty, _ | _, Empty -> Empty
| Interval (l1,h1), Interval (l2,h2) ->
create (max l1 l2) (min h1 h2)
end ;;</code></pre>