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420 lines
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#ifdef HQ_CLOUDS
int maxIT_clouds = minRayMarchSteps;
int maxIT = maxRayMarchSteps;
int maxIT_clouds = minRayMarchStepsLQ;
int maxIT = maxRayMarchStepsLQ;
#ifdef HQ_CLOUDS
const int cloudLoD = cloud_LevelOfDetail;
const int cloudShadowLoD = cloud_ShadowLevelOfDetail;
const int cloudLoD = cloud_LevelOfDetailLQ;
const int cloudShadowLoD = cloud_ShadowLevelOfDetailLQ;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform sampler2D colortex4;//Skybox
// uniform float lightningFlash;
#include "/lib/climate_settings.glsl"
float maxHeight = 5000.;
float cloud_height = 1500.;
// quick variables
float rainCloudwetness = rainStrength ;
float rainClouds = rainCloudwetness;
float cloud_movement1 = frameTimeCounter * cloud_speed * 0.001;
//3D noise from 2d texture
float densityAtPos(in vec3 pos){
pos /= 18.;
pos.xz *= 0.5;
vec3 p = floor(pos);
vec3 f = fract(pos);
vec2 uv = p.xz + f.xz + p.y * vec2(0.0,193.0);
vec2 coord = uv / 512.0;
//The y channel has an offset to avoid using two textures fetches
vec2 xy = texture2D(noisetex, coord).yx;
return mix(xy.r,xy.g, f.y);
float cloudshape = 0.0;
float cloudCov(in vec3 pos,vec3 samplePos){
// float CloudLarge = texture2D(noisetex, samplePos.xz/150000 + cloud_movement1 ).b;
// float CloudSmall = texture2D(noisetex, samplePos.xz/15000 - cloud_movement1 + vec2(1-CloudLarge,-CloudLarge)/5).r;
// float coverage = CloudSmall-CloudLarge;
// // float mult = max( abs(pos.y - (maxHeight+cloud_height)*0.4 ) / 5000, 0);
// float mult = max( abs(pos.y-1750) / 5000, 0);
// cloudshape = DailyWeather_LowAltitude(coverage) - mult ;
// return max(cloudshape,0.0);
float CloudLarge = texture2D(noisetex, samplePos.xz/150000 + cloud_movement1).b;
float CloudSmall = texture2D(noisetex, samplePos.xz/15000 - cloud_movement1 + vec2(1-CloudLarge,-CloudLarge)/5).r;
float coverage = (CloudSmall) - pow(CloudLarge*0.5+0.5,1.5);
float mult = max( abs(pos.y - (maxHeight+cloud_height)*0.4 ) / 5000, 0);
// float mult = max( abs(pos.y-1750) / 5000, 0);
cloudshape = DailyWeather_LowAltitude(coverage) - mult;
return max(cloudshape,0.0);
//Erode cloud with 3d Perlin-worley noise, actual cloud value
float cloudVol(in vec3 pos,in vec3 samplePos,in float cov, in int LoD){
float noise = 0.0 ;
float totalWeights = 0.0;
float pw = log(fbmPower1);
float pw2 = log(fbmPower2);
// samplePos.xyz -= cloud_movement1.xyz*400;
for (int i = 0; i <= LoD; i++){
float weight = exp(-i*pw2);
noise += weight - densityAtPos(samplePos * 8 * exp(i*pw) )*weight ;
totalWeights += weight ;
noise *= clamp(1.0-cloudshape,0.0,1.0);
noise /= totalWeights;
noise = noise*noise;
float cloud = max(cov-noise*noise*fbmAmount,0.0);
// // noise = (1.0 - densityAtPos(samplePos * 4.));
// // samplePos = floor(samplePos*)/16;
// noise += ((1.0 - densityAtPos(samplePos * 16.))*0.5+0.5) * (1.0 - densityAtPos(samplePos * 4.));
// // noise += (1.0 - densityAtPos(samplePos / 160 * 1000.));
// noise *= clamp(pow(1.0-cloudshape,0.5),0.0,1.0);
// float cloud = max(cov - noise*noise*noise,0.0) ;
return cloud;
float getCloudDensity(in vec3 pos, in int LoD){
// vec3 samplePos = floor((pos*vec3(1.0,1./48.,1.0)/4 ) /512)*512 ;
vec3 samplePos = pos*vec3(1.0,1./48.,1.0)/4;
float coverageSP = cloudCov(pos,samplePos);
if (coverageSP > 0.001) {
if (LoD < 0) return max(coverageSP - 0.27*fbmAmount,0.0);
return cloudVol(pos,samplePos,coverageSP, LoD);
} else return 0.0;
float HighAltitudeClouds(vec3 pos){
vec2 pos2d = pos.xz/100000.0 ;
float cloudLarge = texture2D(noisetex, pos2d/5. ).b;
float cloudSmall = texture2D(noisetex, pos2d + vec2(-cloudLarge,cloudLarge)/10).b;
// #ifdef Dynamic_Sky
// coverage = max(10.3 - Weather_properties.g*10.,0.0);
// // thickness = Weather_properties.g*3 ;
// #endif
float coverage = 1;
float thickness = 1;
DailyWeather_HighAltitude(coverage, thickness);
float cirrusFinal = exp(pow((cloudSmall + cloudLarge),thickness) * -coverage );
return max(cirrusFinal,0.0);
//Mie phase function
float phaseg(float x, float g){
float gg = g * g;
return (gg * -0.25 + 0.25) * pow(-2.0 * (g * x) + (gg + 1.0), -1.5) /3.14;
// random magic number bullshit go!
vec3 Cloud_lighting(
vec3 Pos,
float CloudShape,
float SkyShadowing,
float SunShadowing,
float MoonShadowing,
vec3 SkyColors,
vec3 sunContribution,
vec3 sunContributionMulti,
vec3 moonContribution,
vec3 moonContributionMulti,
int cloudType
// low altitude
float powder = 1.0 - exp(-CloudShape * 400.0);
float ambientShading = exp(-SkyShadowing * 50. + powder)*powder ;
vec3 ambientLighting = SkyColors * ambientShading;
// if(cloudType == 1) ambientLighting = SkyColors * powder;
vec3 sunLighting = exp(-SunShadowing)*sunContribution + exp(-SunShadowing * 0.2)*sunContributionMulti;
sunLighting *= powder;
vec3 moonLighting = ( exp2(-MoonShadowing * 2.0 )*moonContribution + exp(-MoonShadowing * 0.2 )*moonContributionMulti ) * powder;
return ambientLighting + sunLighting ;
// low altitude
// float powder = max(1.0 - exp2(-CloudShape*100.0),0.0);
// float ambientShading = (powder*0.8+0.2) * exp2(-SkyShadowing * 50.);
// vec3 ambientLighting = SkyColors * 4.0 * ambientShading;
// if(cloudType == 1) ambientLighting = SkyColors * (1.0-powder/2);
// vec3 sunLighting = ( exp2(-SunShadowing * 2.0 )*sunContribution + exp(-SunShadowing * 0.2 )*sunContributionMulti ) * powder;
// vec3 moonLighting = ( exp2(-MoonShadowing * 2.0 )*moonContribution + exp(-MoonShadowing * 0.2 )*moonContributionMulti ) * powder;
// // if(cloudType == 0) sunLighting *= clamp((1.05-CirrusCoverage),0,1); // less sunlight hits low clouds if high clouds have alot of coverage
// return ambientLighting + sunLighting + moonLighting;
vec3 pixelCoord (vec3 Coordinates, int Resolution){
return floor(Coordinates / Resolution) * Resolution;
vec3 startOffset = vec3(0);
vec4 renderClouds(
vec3 fragpositi,
vec3 color,
float dither,
vec3 sunColor,
vec3 moonColor,
vec3 avgAmbient,
float dither2
return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
float vL = 0.0;
float total_extinction = 1.0;
color = vec3(0.0);
//project pixel position into projected shadowmap space
vec4 fragposition = gbufferModelViewInverse*vec4(fragpositi,1.0);
vec3 worldV = normalize(fragposition.rgb);
float VdotU = worldV.y;
//project view origin into projected shadowmap space
vec4 start = (gbufferModelViewInverse*vec4(0.0,0.0,0.,1.));
// vec3 dV_view = worldV;
// cloud plane curvature
float curvature = 0.05;
worldV.y += curvature;
vec3 dV_view = worldV;
worldV.y -= curvature;
vec3 dV_view2 = worldV;
maxIT_clouds = int(clamp( maxIT_clouds / sqrt(exp2(VdotU)),0.0, maxIT));
worldV = normalize(worldV)*100000. + cameraPosition; //makes max cloud distance not dependant of render distance
dV_view = normalize(dV_view);
float height = Cloud_Height;
int flipClouds = 1;
// if (worldV.y < cloud_height){
// flipClouds = -1;
// };
if (worldV.y < cloud_height || cameraPosition.y > 390. ) return vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.); //don't trace if no intersection is possible
// if (worldV.y < cloud_height && flipClouds == -1) return vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.); //don't trace if no intersection is possible
//setup ray to start at the start of the cloud plane and end at the end of the cloud plane
dV_view *= max(maxHeight - cloud_height, 0.0)/dV_view.y/(maxIT_clouds);
// dV_view = floor(dV_view/1000)*1000;
startOffset = dV_view*dither;
vec3 camPos = ((cameraPosition*flipClouds)-height)*Cloud_Size;
vec3 progress_view = startOffset + camPos + dV_view*(cloud_height-camPos.y)/dV_view.y;
// progress_view = floor
float shadowStep = 200.;
vec3 dV_Sun = flipClouds * normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec)*shadowStep;
float mult = length(dV_view);
float SdotV = dot(sunVec,normalize(fragpositi));
float spinX = sin(frameTimeCounter *3.14);
float spinZ = sin(1.57 + frameTimeCounter*3.14);
float SdotV_custom = dot(mat3(gbufferModelView) * normalize(vec3(0,0.1,0)),normalize(fragpositi));
float phaseLightning = phaseg(SdotV_custom, 0.7);
// direct light colors and shit for clouds
// multiply everything by ~pi just for good luck :D
// float mieDayMulti = phaseg(SdotV, 0.35)*3.14;
// float mieDay = mix(phaseg(SdotV,0.75), mieDayMulti,0.8)*3.14;
float mieDayMulti = phaseg(SdotV, 0.35);
float mieDay = (phaseg(SdotV,0.75) + mieDayMulti)*2.0;
float mieNightMulti = phaseg(-SdotV, 0.35)*3.14;
float mieNight = mix(phaseg(-SdotV,0.9), mieNightMulti,0.5)*3.14;
vec3 sunContribution = mieDay*sunColor*3.14;
vec3 sunContributionMulti = mieDayMulti*sunColor*3.14;
vec3 moonContribution = mieNight*moonColor*3.14;
vec3 moonContributionMulti = mieNightMulti*moonColor*3.14;
float ambientMult = 1.0;
vec3 skyCol0 = (avgAmbient * ambientMult) ;
vec3 progress_view_high = progress_view + (20000.0-progress_view.y) * dV_view / dV_view.y;
float muEshD_high = 0.0;
float muEshN_high = 0.0;
float cirrusShadowStep = 7.;
float cirrusDensity = 0.03;
// progress_view = floor(progress_view/512)*512;
float cloud = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<maxIT_clouds;i++) {
#ifdef Cumulus_Clouds
cloud = getCloudDensity(progress_view, cloudLoD);
// float basefade = clamp( (progress_view.y - 1750 ) / 1750 ,0.0,1.0) ;
float basefade = clamp( (progress_view.y - (maxHeight+cloud_height)*0.25) / ((maxHeight+cloud_height)*0.5) ,0.0,1.0) ;
// float basefade = clamp( exp( (progress_view.y - (maxHeight+cloud_height)*0.5 ) / 5/00) ,0.0,1.0) ;
float densityofclouds = basefade*cloudDensity ;
if(cloud >= 0.0){
float muS = cloud*densityofclouds;
float muE = cloud*densityofclouds;
float muEshD = 0.0;
if (sunContribution.g > 1e-5){
for (int j=0; j < self_shadow_samples; j++){
float sample = j+dither2;
#ifdef Cumulus_Clouds
// low altitude clouds shadows
vec3 shadowSamplePos = progress_view + dV_Sun * (sample + sample*2.0);
if (shadowSamplePos.y < maxHeight){
float cloudS = getCloudDensity(vec3(shadowSamplePos), cloudShadowLoD);
muEshD += cloudS*cloudDensity*shadowStep;
#ifdef High_Altitude_Clouds
// high altitude clouds shadows
vec3 shadowSamplePos_high = progress_view_high + dV_Sun * (sample + sample*2.0);
float highAlt_cloudS = HighAltitudeClouds(shadowSamplePos_high);
muEshD_high += highAlt_cloudS*cirrusDensity*cirrusShadowStep;
float muEshN = 0.0;
if (moonContribution.g > 1e-5){
for (int j=0; j<self_shadow_samples; j++){
float sample = j+dither2;
#ifdef Cumulus_Clouds
// low altitude clouds shadows
vec3 shadowSamplePos = progress_view - dV_Sun * (sample + sample*2.0);
if (shadowSamplePos.y < maxHeight){
float cloudS = getCloudDensity(vec3(shadowSamplePos), cloudShadowLoD);
muEshN += cloudS*cloudDensity*shadowStep;
#ifdef High_Altitude_Clouds
// high altitude clouds shadows
vec3 shadowSamplePos_high = progress_view_high - dV_Sun * (sample + sample*2.0);
float highAlt_cloudS = HighAltitudeClouds(shadowSamplePos_high);
muEshN_high += highAlt_cloudS*cirrusDensity*cirrusShadowStep;
#ifdef Cumulus_Clouds
// clamp(abs(dV_Sun.y)/150.0,0.5,1.0)
float muEshA = cloud*cloudDensity ;
vec3 S = Cloud_lighting(progress_view, muE, muEshA, muEshD, muEshN, skyCol0 * max(abs(dV_Sun.y)/150.0,0.5), sunContribution, sunContributionMulti, moonContribution, moonContributionMulti, 0);
// float bottom = clamp( (progress_view.y-3250.*0.6) / 1000. ,0.0,1.0) ;
// float location = bottom * (muEshA*5000) * pow(phaseLightning,1.5);
// vec3 lightningLighting = lightningFlash * vec3(0.5,0.75,1) * location * max(dV_Sun.y,1.);
// S += lightningLighting ;
vec3 Sint = (S - S * exp(-mult*muE)) / muE;
color += max(muS*Sint*total_extinction,0.0);
total_extinction *= max(exp(-muE*mult),0);
if (total_extinction < 1e-5) break;
progress_view += dV_view;
// do this aftewards because stinky
#ifdef High_Altitude_Clouds
float cirrus = HighAltitudeClouds(progress_view_high);
if (cirrus >= 0.0){
float muS = cirrus*cirrusDensity;
float muE = cirrus*cirrusDensity;
float muEshA_high = cirrus*cirrusDensity;
vec3 S = Cloud_lighting(progress_view, muE, muEshA_high, muEshD_high, muEshN_high, skyCol0 * max(abs(dV_Sun.y)/150.0,0.5) , sunContribution, sunContributionMulti, moonContribution, moonContributionMulti, 1);
vec3 Sint = (S - S * exp(-mult*muE)) / muE;
color += max(muS*Sint*total_extinction,0.0);
total_extinction *= max(exp(-muE*mult),0);
vec3 normView = normalize(dV_view2)*flipClouds;
// Assume fog color = sky gradient at long distance
vec3 fogColor = skyFromTex(normView, colortex4)/150.;
float dist = (cloud_height - (cameraPosition.y))/normalize(dV_view2).y;
float fog = exp(-dist/15000.0*(1.0+rainCloudwetness*8.));
return mix(vec4(fogColor,0.0), vec4(color,total_extinction), fog);
// return vec4(color,total_extinction);