Xonk 25a2284a60 LOTS of fixes, changes, improvements. changes made is bloated because of a skill issue.
FIXED AND IMPROVED translucent rendering. FIXED random stuff from rendering over the hand. FIXED hand shading. FIXED blue horses. FIXED translucent lighting on the hand. FIXED translucent lighting on entities. IMPROVED colored shadows. IMPROVED SSAO application to the scene. IMPROVED subsurface scattering and give it more settings. IMPROVED bloom. ADD AgX tonemap and make it default.
2024-05-04 21:08:24 -04:00

217 lines
6.4 KiB

#include "/lib/settings.glsl"
#include "/lib/res_params.glsl"
flat varying vec4 exposure;
flat varying vec2 rodExposureDepth;
varying vec2 texcoord;
const bool colortex5MipmapEnabled = true;
// uniform sampler2D colortex4;
uniform sampler2D colortex5;
uniform sampler2D colortex3;
// uniform sampler2D colortex6;
uniform sampler2D colortex7;
// uniform sampler2D colortex8; // specular
// uniform sampler2D colortex9; // specular
uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D depthtex1;
uniform sampler2D noisetex;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth;
uniform float viewWidth;
uniform float viewHeight;
uniform float frameTimeCounter;
uniform int frameCounter;
uniform int isEyeInWater;
uniform float near;
uniform float aspectRatio;
uniform float far;
uniform float rainStrength;
uniform float screenBrightness;
uniform vec4 Moon_Weather_properties; // R = cloud coverage G = fog density
uniform int hideGUI;
uniform int framemod8;
const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.),
uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse;
uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse;
vec4 Weather_properties = Moon_Weather_properties;
#include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl"
#include "/lib/color_dither.glsl"
// #include "/lib/biome_specifics.glsl"
#include "/lib/bokeh.glsl"
float cdist(vec2 coord) {
return max(abs(coord.s-0.5),abs(coord.t-0.5))*2.0;
float blueNoise(){
return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter);
float ld(float depth) {
return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near)); // (-depth * (far - near)) = (2.0 * near)/ld - far - near
// uniform float viewWidth;
// uniform float viewHeight;
// uniform sampler2D depthtex0;
uniform sampler2D dhDepthTex;
uniform float dhNearPlane;
uniform float dhFarPlane;
float linearizeDepthFast(const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far) {
return (near * far) / (depth * (near - far) + far);
float bloomWeight(){
float weights[7] = float[]( 1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/5.5, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/10.0, 1.0/12.0 );
// float weights[7] = float[]( 0.7, pow(0.5,2), pow(0.5,3), pow(0.5,4), pow(0.5,5), pow(0.5,6), pow(0.5,7) );
float result = 0.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
result += weights[i];
return result;
#define linear_to_srgb(x) (pow(x, vec3(1.0/2.2)))
void main() {
float vignette = (1.5-dot(texcoord-0.5,texcoord-0.5)*2.);
vec3 col = texture2D(colortex5,texcoord).rgb;
#if DOF_QUALITY >= 0
float z = ld(texture2D(depthtex0,*RENDER_SCALE).r)*far;
#if MANUAL_FOCUS == -2
float focus = rodExposureDepth.y*far;
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS == -1
float focus = mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25);
#elif MANUAL_FOCUS > 0
float focus = MANUAL_FOCUS;
float pcoc = min(abs(aperture * (focal/100.0 * (z - focus)) / (z * (focus - focal/100.0))),texelSize.x*15.0);
pcoc *= float(z > focus);
float noise = blueNoise()*6.28318530718;
mat2 noiseM = mat2( cos( noise ), -sin( noise ),
sin( noise ), cos( noise )
vec3 bcolor = vec3(0.);
float nb = 0.0;
vec2 bcoord = vec2(0.0);
float dofLodLevel = pcoc * 200.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < BOKEH_SAMPLES; i++) {
bcolor += texture2DLod(colortex5, texcoord.xy + bokeh_offsets[i]*pcoc*vec2(DOF_ANAMORPHIC_RATIO,aspectRatio), dofLodLevel).rgb;
col = bcolor/BOKEH_SAMPLES;
vec2 clampedRes = max(vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight),vec2(1920.0,1080.));
#ifdef OLD_BLOOM
vec3 bloom = texture2D(colortex3,texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*BLOOM_QUALITY).rgb / 2.0 / 7.0;
float lightScat = clamp((BLOOM_STRENGTH+3) * 0.05 * pow(exposure.a, 0.2) ,0.0,1.0) * vignette;
vec3 bloom = texture2D(colortex3,texcoord/clampedRes*vec2(1920.,1080.)*BLOOM_QUALITY).rgb / 3.0 / bloomWeight();
float lightScat = clamp(BLOOM_STRENGTH * 0.5 * pow(exposure.a, 0.2) ,0.0,1.0) * vignette;
float VL_abs = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord*RENDER_SCALE).r;
float purkinje = clamp(exposure.a*exposure.a,0.0,1.0) * clamp(rodExposureDepth.x/(1.0+rodExposureDepth.x)*Purkinje_strength,0,1);
float purkinje = clamp(rodExposureDepth.x/(1.0+rodExposureDepth.x)*Purkinje_strength,0,1);
VL_abs = clamp((1.0-VL_abs)*BLOOMY_FOG*0.75*(1.0+rainStrength) * (1.0-purkinje*0.3),0.0,1.0)*clamp(1.0-pow(cdist(texcoord.xy),15.0),0.0,1.0);
col = (mix(col, bloom, VL_abs) + bloom * lightScat) * exposure.rgb;
// if(hideGUI > 0) col = bloom * lightScat* exposure.rgb;
float lum = dot(col, vec3(0.15,0.3,0.55));
float lum2 = dot(col, vec3(0.85,0.7,0.45));
float rodLum = lum2*200.0;
float rodCurve = clamp(mix(1.0, rodLum/(2.5+rodLum), purkinje),0.0,1.0);
col = mix(lum * vec3(Purkinje_R, Purkinje_G, Purkinje_B) * Purkinje_Multiplier, col, rodCurve);
col = LinearTosRGB(TONEMAP(col));
col = col * ACESInputMat;
col = TONEMAP(col);
col = LinearTosRGB(clamp(col * ACESOutputMat, 0.0, 1.0));
gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(int8Dither(col,texcoord),0.0,1.0);
#if DOF_QUALITY == 5
#if FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 0 // Red
vec3 laserColor = vec3(25, 0, 0);
#elif FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 1 // Green
vec3 laserColor = vec3(0, 25, 0);
#elif FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 2 // Blue
vec3 laserColor = vec3(0, 0, 25);
#elif FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 3 // Pink
vec3 laserColor = vec3(25, 10, 15);
#elif FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 4 // Yellow
vec3 laserColor = vec3(25, 25, 0);
#elif FOCUS_LASER_COLOR == 5 // White
vec3 laserColor = vec3(25);
float depth = texture(depthtex0, texcoord).r;
float _near = near;
float _far = far*4.0;
if (depth >= 1.0) {
depth = texture2D(dhDepthTex, texcoord).x;
_near = dhNearPlane;
_far = dhFarPlane;
depth = linearizeDepthFast(depth, _near, _far);
depth = linearizeDepthFast(depth, near, far);
// focus = gl_FragCoord.x * 0.1;
if( hideGUI < 1) gl_FragData[0].rgb += laserColor * pow( clamp( 1.0-abs(focus-abs(depth)) ,0,1),25) ;