#ifdef HQ_CLOUDS int maxIT_clouds = minRayMarchSteps; int maxIT = maxRayMarchSteps; #else int maxIT_clouds = minRayMarchStepsLQ; int maxIT = maxRayMarchStepsLQ; #endif #ifdef HQ_CLOUDS const int cloudLoD = cloud_LevelOfDetail; const int cloudShadowLoD = cloud_ShadowLevelOfDetail; #else const int cloudLoD = cloud_LevelOfDetailLQ; const int cloudShadowLoD = cloud_ShadowLevelOfDetailLQ; #endif uniform float viewHeight; uniform float viewWidth; uniform sampler2D colortex4;//Skybox #define WEATHERCLOUDS uniform int worldTime; #include "/lib/climate_settings.glsl" // #ifdef Daily_Weather // uniform float CloudHeight; // #endif float CumulusHeight = Cumulus_height; float MaxCumulusHeight = CumulusHeight + 100; float AltostratusHeight = 2000; float rainCloudwetness = rainStrength; // float cloud_movement = frameTimeCounter * Cloud_Speed ; float cloud_movement = (worldTime / 24.0) * Cloud_Speed ; //3D noise from 2d texture float densityAtPos(in vec3 pos){ pos /= 18.; pos.xz *= 0.5; vec3 p = floor(pos); vec3 f = fract(pos); vec2 uv = p.xz + f.xz + p.y * vec2(0.0,193.0); vec2 coord = uv / 512.0; //The y channel has an offset to avoid using two textures fetches vec2 xy = texture2D(noisetex, coord).yx; return mix(xy.r,xy.g, f.y); } float cloudCov(in vec3 pos,vec3 samplePos){ float CloudLarge = texture2D(noisetex, (samplePos.xz + cloud_movement) / 5000 ).b; float CloudSmall = texture2D(noisetex, (samplePos.xz - cloud_movement) / 500 ).r; float Topshape = max(pos.y - (MaxCumulusHeight - 75), 0.0) / 200; Topshape += max(exp((pos.y - MaxCumulusHeight) / 10.0 ), 0.0) ; float coverage = abs(pow(CloudLarge,1)*2.0 - 1.2)*0.5 - (1.0-CloudSmall); float FinalShape = DailyWeather_Cumulus(coverage) - Topshape; // cap the top and bottom for reasons float capbase = sqrt(max((CumulusHeight+12.5) - pos.y, 0.0)/50) ; float captop = max(pos.y - MaxCumulusHeight, 0.0); FinalShape = max(FinalShape - capbase - captop, 0.0); return FinalShape; } //Erode cloud with 3d Perlin-worley noise, actual cloud value float cloudVol(in vec3 pos,in vec3 samplePos,in float cov, in int LoD){ float noise = 0.0 ; float totalWeights = 0.0; float pw = log(fbmPower1); float pw2 = log(fbmPower2); samplePos.xz -= cloud_movement/4; samplePos.xz += pow( max(pos.y - (CumulusHeight+20), 0.0) / 20.0,1.50); noise += 1.0-densityAtPos(samplePos * 200.) ; float smallnoise = densityAtPos(samplePos * 600.); if (LoD > 0) noise += ((1-smallnoise) - max(0.15 - abs(smallnoise * 2.0 - 0.55) * 0.5,0.0)*1.5) * 0.5; noise *= 1.0-cov; noise = noise*noise; float cloud = max(cov - noise*noise*fbmAmount,0.0); return cloud; } float GetCumulusDensity(in vec3 pos, in int LoD){ vec3 samplePos = pos*vec3(1.0,1./48.,1.0)/4; float coverageSP = cloudCov(pos,samplePos); if (coverageSP > 0.001) { if (LoD < 0) return max(coverageSP - 0.27*fbmAmount,0.0); return cloudVol(pos,samplePos,coverageSP,LoD); } else return 0.0; } float GetAltostratusDensity(vec3 pos){ float large = texture2D(noisetex, (pos.xz + cloud_movement)/100000. ).b; float small = texture2D(noisetex, (pos.xz - cloud_movement)/10000. - vec2(-large,1-large)/5).b; float shape = (small + pow((1.0-large),2.0))/2.0; float Coverage; float Density; DailyWeather_Alto(Coverage, Density); shape = pow(max(shape + Coverage - 0.5,0.0),2.0); shape *= Density; return shape; } // random magic number bullshit go! vec3 Cloud_lighting( float CloudShape, float SkyShadowing, float SunShadowing, float MoonShadowing, vec3 SkyColors, vec3 sunContribution, vec3 sunContributionMulti, vec3 moonContribution, float AmbientShadow, int cloudType, vec3 pos, float time ){ float coeeff = -30; // float powder = 1.0 - exp((CloudShape*CloudShape) * -800); float powder = 1.0 - exp(CloudShape * coeeff/3); float lesspowder = powder*0.4+0.6; vec3 skyLighting = SkyColors; #ifdef Altostratus /// a special conditon where scattered light exiting altocumulus clouds come down onto the cumulus clouds below. float cov = 0.0; float den = 0.0; DailyWeather_Alto(cov, den); skyLighting += (sunContributionMulti * exp(-SunShadowing)) * clamp( 1.0 - pow( abs(den - 0.35) * 4.0 , 5.0) ,0.0,1.0) * cov; #endif skyLighting *= exp(SkyShadowing * AmbientShadow * coeeff/2.0 ) * lesspowder ; if(cloudType == 1){ coeeff = -10; skyLighting = SkyColors * exp(SkyShadowing * coeeff/15) * lesspowder; } vec3 sunLighting = exp(SunShadowing * coeeff + powder) * sunContribution; sunLighting += exp(SunShadowing * coeeff/4 + powder*2) * sunContributionMulti; vec3 moonLighting = exp(MoonShadowing * coeeff/4 + powder) * moonContribution; return skyLighting + moonLighting + sunLighting ; // return skyLighting; } //Mie phase function float phaseg(float x, float g){ float gg = g * g; return (gg * -0.25 + 0.25) * pow(-2.0 * (g * x) + (gg + 1.0), -1.5) / 3.14; } float CustomPhase(float LightPos, float S_1, float S_2){ float SCALE = S_2 + 0.001; // remember the epislons 0.001 is fine. float N = S_1; float N2 = N / SCALE; float R = 1; float A = pow(1.0 - pow(max(R-LightPos,0.0), N2 ),N); return A; } float PhaseHG(float cosTheta, float g) { float denom = 1 + g * g + 2 * g * cosTheta; const float Inv4Pi = 0.07957747154594766788; return Inv4Pi * (1 - g * g) / (denom * sqrt(denom)); } uniform vec3 lightningEffect; vec4 renderClouds( vec3 FragPosition, vec2 Dither, vec3 SunColor, vec3 MoonColor, vec3 SkyColor ){ #ifndef VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); #endif float total_extinction = 1.0; vec3 color = vec3(0.0); //project pixel position into projected shadowmap space vec4 fragpos = normalize(gbufferModelViewInverse*vec4(FragPosition,1.0)); maxIT_clouds = int(clamp( maxIT_clouds / sqrt(exp2(fragpos.y)),0.0, maxIT)); vec3 dV_view = normalize(fragpos.xyz); dV_view.y += 0.05; vec3 dV_view2 = dV_view; float mult2 = length(dV_view2); //setup ray to start at the start of the cloud plane and end at the end of the cloud plane dV_view *= max(MaxCumulusHeight - CumulusHeight, 0.0)/abs(dV_view.y)/maxIT_clouds; float mult = length(dV_view); // i want the samples to stay at one point in the world, but as the height coordinates go negative everything goes insideout, so this is a work around.... float startFlip = mix(max(cameraPosition.y - MaxCumulusHeight,0.0), max(CumulusHeight-cameraPosition.y,0), clamp(dV_view.y,0,1)); // vec3 progress_view = dV_view*Dither.x + cameraPosition + (dV_view/abs(dV_view.y))*startFlip; vec3 progress_view = dV_view*Dither.x + cameraPosition + (dV_view/abs(dV_view.y))*startFlip; // thank you emin for this world interseciton thing // float lViewPosM = length(FragPosition) < far * 1.5 ? length(FragPosition) - 1.0 : 1000000000.0; // bool IntersecTerrain = false; ////// lighitng stuff float shadowStep = 200.; vec3 dV_Sun = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)*sunVec)*shadowStep; vec3 dV_Sun_small = dV_Sun/shadowStep; float SdotV = dot(sunVec,normalize(FragPosition)); SkyColor *= clamp(abs(dV_Sun.y)/100.,0.75,1.0); SunColor = SunColor * clamp(dV_Sun.y ,0.0,1.0); MoonColor *= clamp(-dV_Sun.y,0.0,1.0); if(dV_Sun.y/shadowStep < -0.1) dV_Sun = -dV_Sun; float mieDay = phaseg(SdotV, 0.75) * 3.14; float mieDayMulti = phaseg(SdotV, 0.35) * 2; vec3 sunContribution = SunColor * mieDay; vec3 sunContributionMulti = SunColor * mieDayMulti ; float mieNight = (phaseg(-SdotV,0.8) + phaseg(-SdotV, 0.35)*4); vec3 moonContribution = MoonColor * mieNight; float timing = 1.0 - clamp(pow(abs(dV_Sun.y)/150.0,2.0),0.0,1.0); vec3 lightningColor = lightningEffect * 4.0; #ifdef Cumulus for(int i=0;i lViewPosM; // if(IntersecTerrain) break; float cumulus = GetCumulusDensity(progress_view, 1); float alteredDensity = Cumulus_density * clamp(exp( (progress_view.y - (MaxCumulusHeight - 75)) / 9.0 ),0.0,1.0); if(cumulus > 1e-5){ float muE = cumulus*alteredDensity; float Sunlight = 0.0; float MoonLight = 0.0; for (int j=0; j < 3; j++){ vec3 shadowSamplePos = progress_view + (dV_Sun * 0.15) * (1 + Dither.y/2 + j); float shadow = GetCumulusDensity(shadowSamplePos, 0) * Cumulus_density; Sunlight += shadow / (1 + j); MoonLight += shadow; } #ifdef Altostratus // cast a shadow from higher clouds onto lower clouds vec3 HighAlt_shadowPos = progress_view + dV_Sun/abs(dV_Sun.y) * max(AltostratusHeight - progress_view.y,0.0); float HighAlt_shadow = GetAltostratusDensity(HighAlt_shadowPos); Sunlight += HighAlt_shadow; #endif // float phase = PhaseHG(-SdotV, (1.0-cumulus)); float ambientlightshadow = 1.0 - clamp(exp((progress_view.y - (MaxCumulusHeight - 50)) / 100.0),0.0,1.0) ; vec3 S = Cloud_lighting(muE, cumulus*Cumulus_density, Sunlight, MoonLight, SkyColor, sunContribution, sunContributionMulti, moonContribution, ambientlightshadow, 0, progress_view, 1); S += lightningColor * exp((1.0-cumulus) * -10) * ambientlightshadow; vec3 Sint = (S - S * exp(-mult*muE)) / muE; color += max(muE*Sint*total_extinction,0.0); total_extinction *= max(exp(-mult*muE),0.0); if (total_extinction < 1e-5) break; } progress_view += dV_view; } #endif #ifdef Altostratus if (max(AltostratusHeight-cameraPosition.y,0.0)/max(normalize(dV_view).y,0.0) / 100000.0 < AltostratusHeight) { vec3 progress_view_high = dV_view2 + cameraPosition + dV_view2/dV_view2.y * max(AltostratusHeight-cameraPosition.y,0.0); float altostratus = GetAltostratusDensity(progress_view_high); float Sunlight = 0.0; float MoonLight = 0.0; if(altostratus > 1e-5){ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++){ vec3 shadowSamplePos_high = progress_view_high + dV_Sun * float(j+Dither.y); float shadow = GetAltostratusDensity(shadowSamplePos_high); Sunlight += shadow; } vec3 S = Cloud_lighting(altostratus, altostratus, Sunlight, MoonLight, SkyColor, sunContribution, sunContributionMulti, moonContribution, 1, 1, progress_view_high, timing); vec3 Sint = (S - S * exp(-20*altostratus)) / altostratus; color += max(altostratus*Sint*total_extinction,0.0); total_extinction *= max(exp(-20*altostratus),0.0); } } #endif vec3 normView = normalize(dV_view); // Assume fog color = sky gradient at long distance vec3 fogColor = skyFromTex(normView, colortex4)/150. * 5.0; float dist = max(cameraPosition.y+CumulusHeight,max(CumulusHeight,150))/(abs(normView.y)+0.001); float fog = exp(dist / -5000.0 * (1.0+rainCloudwetness*8.)); return mix(vec4(fogColor,0.0), vec4(color,total_extinction), fog); // return vec4(color,total_extinction); } float GetCloudShadow(vec3 eyePlayerPos){ vec3 playerPos = eyePlayerPos + cameraPosition; playerPos.y += 0.05; float shadow = 0.0; // assume a flat layer of cloud, and stretch the sampled density along the sunvector, starting from some vertical layer in the cloud. #ifdef Cumulus vec3 lowShadowStart = playerPos + WsunVec/abs(WsunVec.y) * max((MaxCumulusHeight - 70) - playerPos.y,0.0) ; shadow += GetCumulusDensity(lowShadowStart,1)*Cumulus_density; #endif #ifdef Altostratus vec3 highShadowStart = playerPos + WsunVec/abs(WsunVec.y) * max(AltostratusHeight - playerPos.y,0.0); shadow += GetAltostratusDensity(highShadowStart); #endif shadow = shadow/2.0; // perhaps i should average the 2 shadows being added.... shadow = clamp(exp(-shadow*20.0),0.0,1.0); return shadow; } float GetCloudShadow_VLFOG(vec3 WorldPos, vec3 WorldSpace_sunVec){ float shadow = 0.0; // assume a flat layer of cloud, and stretch the sampled density along the sunvector, starting from some vertical layer in the cloud. #ifdef Cumulus vec3 lowShadowStart = WorldPos + WorldSpace_sunVec/abs(WorldSpace_sunVec.y) * max((MaxCumulusHeight - 60) - WorldPos.y,0.0) ; shadow += max(GetCumulusDensity(lowShadowStart,0) - 0.2,0.0)*Cumulus_density; #endif #ifdef Altostratus vec3 highShadowStart = WorldPos + WorldSpace_sunVec/abs(WorldSpace_sunVec.y) * max(AltostratusHeight - WorldPos.y,0.0); shadow += GetAltostratusDensity(highShadowStart); #endif // shadow = shadow/2.0; // perhaps i should average the 2 shadows being added.... shadow = clamp(exp(-shadow*255.0),0.0,1.0); // do not allow it to exist above the lowest cloud plane // shadow *= clamp(((MaxCumulusHeight + CumulusHeight)*0.435 - WorldPos.y)/100,0.0,1.0) ; return shadow; } float GetCloudSkyOcclusion(vec3 WorldPos){ float shadow = 0.0; vec3 shadowDir = vec3(0,1,0); // assume a flat layer of cloud, and stretch the sampled density along the sunvector, starting from some vertical layer in the cloud. #ifdef Cumulus vec3 lowShadowStart = WorldPos + shadowDir/abs(shadowDir.y) * max((MaxCumulusHeight - 60) - WorldPos.y,0.0) ; shadow += GetCumulusDensity(lowShadowStart,0)*Cumulus_density; #endif shadow = clamp(exp(-shadow*25.0) ,0.0,1.0); return shadow; }