#include "/lib/settings.glsl" flat varying vec3 WsunVec; flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset; #include "/lib/res_params.glsl" uniform sampler2D depthtex0; uniform sampler2D depthtex1; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS uniform sampler2D dhDepthTex; uniform sampler2D dhDepthTex1; #endif uniform sampler2D colortex1; uniform sampler2D colortex3; // Noise uniform sampler2D colortex6; // Noise uniform sampler2D colortex8; // Noise uniform sampler2D colortex14; // Noise uniform sampler2D colortex12; // Noise uniform sampler2D colortex15; // Noise uniform sampler2D shadow; // #ifdef TRANSLUCENT_COLORED_SHADOWS uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; uniform sampler2D shadowtex0; uniform sampler2D shadowtex1; // #endif uniform sampler2D noisetex; uniform vec3 sunVec; uniform vec2 texelSize; uniform float frameTimeCounter; uniform float rainStrength; uniform int frameCounter; uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition; uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView; uniform mat4 shadowModelView; uniform mat4 shadowProjection; uniform float viewWidth; uniform float aspectRatio; uniform float viewHeight; // uniform float far; uniform float near; uniform float dhFarPlane; uniform float dhNearPlane; #define ffstep(x,y) clamp((y - x) * 1e35,0.0,1.0) #define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z) #define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz) vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) { vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw); vec3 p3 = p * 2. - 1.; vec4 fragposition = iProjDiag * p3.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3]; return fragposition.xyz / fragposition.w; } vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) { vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0); pos = gbufferModelView * pos; return pos.xyz; } vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort) { float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb; float angle = jitter*6.28+alpha * nbRot * 6.28; float sin_v, cos_v; sin_v = sin(angle); cos_v = cos(angle); return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*alpha; } vec2 tapLocation2(int sampleNumber, int nb, float jitter){ float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb; float angle = jitter*6.28 + alpha * 84.0 * 6.28; float sin_v, cos_v; sin_v = sin(angle); cos_v = cos(angle); return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*sqrt(alpha); } vec3 decode (vec2 encn){ vec3 n = vec3(0.0); encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0; n.xy = abs(encn); n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y; n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn; return clamp(normalize(n.xyz),-1.0,1.0); } vec2 decodeVec2(float a){ const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.); const float constant2 = 256. / 255.; return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ; } float interleaved_gradientNoise_temporal(){ return fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*gl_FragCoord.x + 0.00583715*gl_FragCoord.y)+frameTimeCounter*51.9521); } float interleaved_gradientNoise(){ vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy; float noise = fract(52.9829189*fract(0.06711056*coord.x + 0.00583715*coord.y)); return noise; } float R2_dither(){ #ifdef TAA vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000) * 2.0; #else vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy; #endif vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026); return fract(alpha.x * coord.x + alpha.y * coord.y ) ; } float blueNoise(){ return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter); } vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){ return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord )%512 , 0); } vec2 R2_samples(int n){ vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026); return fract(alpha * n); } vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPos) { vec4 pos; pos.xyz = viewPos; pos.w = 0.0; pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos; return pos.xyz; } #include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl" const float PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169; vec2 SpiralSample( int samples, int totalSamples, float rotation, float Xi ){ Xi = max(Xi,0.0015); float alpha = float(samples + Xi) * (1.0 / float(totalSamples)); float theta = (2.0 *3.14159265359) * alpha * rotation; float r = sqrt(Xi); float x = r * sin(theta); float y = r * cos(theta); return vec2(x, y); } vec2 CleanSample( int samples, float totalSamples, float noise ){ // this will be used to make 1 full rotation of the spiral. the mulitplication is so it does nearly a single rotation, instead of going past where it started float variance = noise * 0.897; // for every sample input, it will have variance applied to it. float variedSamples = float(samples) + variance; // for every sample, the sample position must change its distance from the origin. // otherwise, you will just have a circle. float spiralShape = variedSamples / (totalSamples + variance); float shape = 2.26; float theta = variedSamples * (PI * shape); float x = cos(theta) * spiralShape; float y = sin(theta) * spiralShape; return vec2(x, y); } #include "/lib/DistantHorizons_projections.glsl" float DH_ld(float dist) { return (2.0 * dhNearPlane) / (dhFarPlane + dhNearPlane - dist * (dhFarPlane - dhNearPlane)); } float DH_inv_ld (float lindepth){ return -((2.0*dhNearPlane/lindepth)-dhFarPlane-dhNearPlane)/(dhFarPlane-dhNearPlane); } float linearizeDepthFast(const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far) { return (near * far) / (depth * (near - far) + far); } void convertHandDepth(inout float depth) { float ndcDepth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; ndcDepth /= MC_HAND_DEPTH; depth = ndcDepth * 0.5 + 0.5; } float convertHandDepth_2(in float depth, bool hand) { if(!hand) return depth; float ndcDepth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; ndcDepth /= MC_HAND_DEPTH; return ndcDepth * 0.5 + 0.5; } vec2 SSAO( vec3 viewPos, vec3 normal, bool hand, bool leaves, float noise ){ // if(hand) return vec2(1.0,0.0); int samples = 7; float occlusion = 0.0; float sss = 0.0; float dist = 1.0 + clamp(viewPos.z*viewPos.z/50.0,0,5); // shrink sample size as distance increases float mulfov2 = gbufferProjection[1][1]/(3 * dist); float maxR2 = viewPos.z*viewPos.z*mulfov2*2.0 * 5.0 / mix(4.0, 50.0, clamp(viewPos.z*viewPos.z - 0.1,0,1)); #ifdef Ambient_SSS float maxR2_2 = viewPos.z;//*viewPos.z*mulfov2*2.*2./4.0; float dist3 = clamp(1-exp( viewPos.z*viewPos.z / -50),0,1); // if(leaves) maxR2_2 = 0.1; // if(leaves) maxR2_2 = mix(10, maxR2_2, dist3); #endif vec2 acc = -(TAA_Offset*(texelSize/2.0))*RENDER_SCALE ; // vec2 BLUENOISE = blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).rg; int n = 0; float leaf = leaves ? -0.5 : 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { // vec2 sampleOffset = (SpiralSample(i, 7, 8 , noise)) * mulfov2 * clamp(0.05 + i*0.095, 0.0,0.3) ; vec2 sampleOffset = CleanSample(i, samples - 1, noise) * mulfov2 * 0.3 ; ivec2 offset = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy + sampleOffset*vec2(viewWidth,viewHeight*aspectRatio)*RENDER_SCALE); if (offset.x >= 0 && offset.y >= 0 && offset.x < viewWidth*RENDER_SCALE.x && offset.y < viewHeight*RENDER_SCALE.y ) { #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float dhdepth = texelFetch2D(dhDepthTex1, offset,0).x; #else float dhdepth = 0.0; #endif vec3 t0 = toScreenSpace_DH((offset*texelSize+acc+0.5*texelSize) * (1.0/RENDER_SCALE), convertHandDepth_2(texelFetch2D(depthtex1, offset,0).x, hand), dhdepth); vec3 vec = (t0.xyz - viewPos); float dsquared = dot(vec, vec); if (dsquared > 1e-5){ if( dsquared < maxR2){ float NdotV = clamp(dot(vec*inversesqrt(dsquared), normalize(normal)),0.,1.); occlusion += NdotV * clamp(1.0-dsquared/maxR2,0.0,1.0); } #ifdef Ambient_SSS sss += clamp(leaf - dot(vec, normalize(normal)),0.0,1.0); #endif n += 1; } } } return max(1.0 - vec2(occlusion, sss)/n, 0.0); } vec4 encode (vec3 n, vec2 lightmaps){ n.xy = n.xy / dot(abs(n), vec3(1.0)); n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - abs(n.yx)) * sign(n.xy) : n.xy; vec2 encn = clamp(n.xy * 0.5 + 0.5,-1.0,1.0); return vec4(encn,vec2(lightmaps.x,lightmaps.y)); } //encoding by jodie float encodeVec2(vec2 a){ const vec2 constant1 = vec2( 1., 256.) / 65535.; vec2 temp = floor( a * 255. ); return temp.x*constant1.x+temp.y*constant1.y; } float encodeVec2(float x,float y){ return encodeVec2(vec2(x,y)); } // #include "/lib/indirect_lighting_effects.glsl" vec3 toClipSpace3Prev(vec3 viewSpacePosition) { return projMAD(gbufferPreviousProjection, viewSpacePosition) / -viewSpacePosition.z * 0.5 + 0.5; } vec3 closestToCamera5taps(vec2 texcoord, sampler2D depth, bool hand) { vec2 du = vec2(texelSize.x*2., 0.0); vec2 dv = vec2(0.0, texelSize.y*2.); vec3 dtl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv - du).x); vec3 dtr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, -texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord - dv + du).x); vec3 dmc = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( 0.0, 0.0, texture2D(depth, texcoord).x); vec3 dbl = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3(-texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv - du).x); vec3 dbr = vec3(texcoord,0.) + vec3( texelSize.x, texelSize.y, texture2D(depth, texcoord + dv + du).x); if(hand){ convertHandDepth(dtl.z); convertHandDepth(dtr.z); convertHandDepth(dmc.z); convertHandDepth(dbl.z); convertHandDepth(dbr.z); } vec3 dmin = dmc; dmin = dmin.z > dtr.z ? dtr : dmin; dmin = dmin.z > dtl.z ? dtl : dmin; dmin = dmin.z > dbl.z ? dbl : dmin; dmin = dmin.z > dbr.z ? dbr : dmin; #ifdef TAA_UPSCALING dmin.xy = dmin.xy/RENDER_SCALE; #endif return dmin; } float ld(float dist) { return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near)); } float sampleDepth(sampler2D depthTex, vec2 texcoord, bool hand){ // return texture2D(depthTex, texcoord).r; return convertHandDepth_2(texture2D(depthTex, texcoord).r, hand); } /* RENDERTARGETS:3,14,12*/ void main() { float noise = R2_dither(); vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize; float z = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float DH_depth1 = texture2D(dhDepthTex1,texcoord).x; float swappedDepth = z >= 1.0 ? DH_depth1 : z; #else float DH_depth1 = 1.0; float swappedDepth = z; #endif vec4 SHADOWDATA = vec4(0.0); vec4 data = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord); vec4 dataUnpacked0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.x),decodeVec2(data.y)); vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w)); vec3 normal = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * clamp(worldToView( decode(dataUnpacked0.yw) ),-1.,1.); vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz; gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0, texture2D(colortex14,floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION*texelSize+0.5*texelSize).a); // bool lightningBolt = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.5) <0.01; bool isLeaf = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.55) <0.01; // bool translucent2 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.6) <0.01; // Weak translucency // bool translucent4 = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.65) <0.01; // Weak translucency bool entities = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.45) < 0.01; bool hand = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.75) < 0.01; // bool blocklights = abs(dataUnpacked1.w-0.8) <0.01; if(hand){ convertHandDepth(z); } vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace_DH(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE - TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5, z, DH_depth1); #if defined DENOISE_SSS_AND_SSAO && indirect_effect == 1 float depth = z; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float _near = near; float _far = far*4.0; if (depth >= 1.0) { depth = DH_depth1; _near = dhNearPlane; _far = dhFarPlane; } depth = linearizeDepthFast(depth, _near, _far); depth = depth / dhFarPlane; #endif if(depth < 1.0) gl_FragData[2] = vec4(vec3(0.0), depth * depth * 65000.0); else gl_FragData[2] = vec4(vec3(0.0), 65000.0); vec3 FlatNormals = texture2D(colortex15,texcoord).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; if(z >= 1.0){ FlatNormals = worldToView(normal); } vec2 SSAO_SSS = SSAO(viewPos, FlatNormals, hand, isLeaf, noise); if(swappedDepth >= 1.0) SSAO_SSS = vec2(1.0,0.0); gl_FragData[1].xy = SSAO_SSS; #else vec2 SSAO_SSS = vec2(1.0,0.0); #endif #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER float SpecularTex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord).z; float LabSSS = clamp((-64.0 + SpecularTex * 255.0) / 191.0 ,0.0,1.0); float NdotL = clamp(dot(normal,WsunVec),0.0,1.0); float vanillAO = clamp(texture2D(colortex15,texcoord).a,0.0,1.0) ; float minshadowfilt = Min_Shadow_Filter_Radius; float maxshadowfilt = Max_Shadow_Filter_Radius; // if(lightmap.y < 0.1 && !entities){ // maxshadowfilt = mix(minshadowfilt, maxshadowfilt, vanillAO); // } #ifdef BASIC_SHADOW_FILTER if (LabSSS > 0.0 && NdotL < 0.001){ minshadowfilt = 50; // maxshadowfilt = 50; } #endif if (z < 1.0){ gl_FragData[0] = vec4(minshadowfilt, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0); #ifdef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows if (LabSSS > -1) { vec3 feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz; vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * feetPlayerPos + shadowModelView[3].xyz; projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz; //apply distortion #ifdef DISTORT_SHADOWMAP float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy); projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor; #else float distortFactor = 1.0; #endif //do shadows only if on shadow map // if (abs(projectedShadowPosition.x) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.y) < 1.0-1.5/shadowMapResolution && abs(projectedShadowPosition.z) < 6.0 || length(feetPlayerPos) < far){ const float threshMul = max(2048.0/shadowMapResolution*shadowDistance/128.0,0.95); float distortThresh = (sqrt(1.0-NdotL*NdotL)/NdotL+0.7)/distortFactor; float diffthresh = distortThresh/6000.0*threshMul; projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5); float mult = maxshadowfilt; float avgBlockerDepth = 0.0; vec2 scales = vec2(0.0, Max_Filter_Depth); float blockerCount = 0.0; float rdMul = distortFactor*(1.0+mult)*d0*k/shadowMapResolution; float diffthreshM = diffthresh*mult*d0*k/20.; float avgDepth = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < VPS_Search_Samples; i++){ vec2 offsetS = SpiralSample(i, 7, 8, noise) * 0.5; // vec2 offsetS = CleanSample(i, VPS_Search_Samples - 1, noise) * 0.5; float weight = 3.0 + (i+noise) *rdMul/SHADOW_FILTER_SAMPLE_COUNT*shadowMapResolution*distortFactor/2.7; float d = texelFetch2D(shadow, ivec2((projectedShadowPosition.xy+offsetS*rdMul)*shadowMapResolution),0).x; float b = smoothstep(weight*diffthresh/2.0, weight*diffthresh, projectedShadowPosition.z - d); blockerCount += b; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS_SHADOWMAP avgDepth += max(projectedShadowPosition.z - d, 0.0)*10000.0; #else avgDepth += max(projectedShadowPosition.z - d, 0.0)*1000.0; #endif avgBlockerDepth += d * b; } gl_FragData[0].g = avgDepth / VPS_Search_Samples; gl_FragData[0].b = blockerCount / VPS_Search_Samples; if (blockerCount >= 0.9){ avgBlockerDepth /= blockerCount; float ssample = max(projectedShadowPosition.z - avgBlockerDepth,0.0)*1500.0; gl_FragData[0].r = clamp(ssample, scales.x, scales.y)/(scales.y)*(mult-minshadowfilt)+minshadowfilt; } // } } #endif } #endif }