#version 120 #include "/lib/settings.glsl" /* !! DO NOT REMOVE !! This code is from Chocapic13' shaders Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please ! !! DO NOT REMOVE !! */ #define SHADOW_MAP_BIAS 0.5 const float PI = 3.1415927; varying vec2 texcoord; uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse; uniform mat4 shadowProjection; uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 shadowModelView; uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; uniform int hideGUI; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; uniform float frameTimeCounter; uniform int frameCounter; uniform float screenBrightness; uniform vec3 sunVec; uniform float aspectRatio; uniform float sunElevation; uniform vec3 sunPosition; uniform float lightSign; uniform float cosFov; uniform vec3 shadowViewDir; uniform vec3 shadowCamera; uniform vec3 shadowLightVec; uniform float shadowMaxProj; attribute vec4 mc_midTexCoord; varying vec4 color; attribute vec4 mc_Entity; uniform int blockEntityId; uniform int entityId; #include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl" #include "/lib/bokeh.glsl" const float PI48 = 150.796447372*WAVY_SPEED; float pi2wt = PI48*frameTimeCounter; vec2 calcWave(in vec3 pos) { float magnitude = abs(sin(dot(vec4(frameTimeCounter, pos),vec4(1.0,0.005,0.005,0.005)))*0.5+0.72)*0.013; vec2 ret = (sin(pi2wt*vec2(0.0063,0.0015)*4. - pos.xz + pos.y*0.05)+0.1)*magnitude; return ret; } vec3 calcMovePlants(in vec3 pos) { vec2 move1 = calcWave(pos ); float move1y = -length(move1); return vec3(move1.x,move1y,move1.y)*5.*WAVY_STRENGTH/255.0; } vec3 calcWaveLeaves(in vec3 pos, in float fm, in float mm, in float ma, in float f0, in float f1, in float f2, in float f3, in float f4, in float f5) { float magnitude = abs(sin(dot(vec4(frameTimeCounter, pos),vec4(1.0,0.005,0.005,0.005)))*0.5+0.72)*0.013; vec3 ret = (sin(pi2wt*vec3(0.0063,0.0224,0.0015)*1.5 - pos))*magnitude; return ret; } vec3 calcMoveLeaves(in vec3 pos, in float f0, in float f1, in float f2, in float f3, in float f4, in float f5, in vec3 amp1, in vec3 amp2) { vec3 move1 = calcWaveLeaves(pos , 0.0054, 0.0400, 0.0400, 0.0127, 0.0089, 0.0114, 0.0063, 0.0224, 0.0015) * amp1; return move1*5.*WAVY_STRENGTH/255.; } bool intersectCone(float coneHalfAngle, vec3 coneTip , vec3 coneAxis, vec3 rayOrig, vec3 rayDir, float maxZ) { vec3 co = rayOrig - coneTip; float prod = dot(normalize(co),coneAxis); if (prod <= -coneHalfAngle) return true; //In view frustrum float a = dot(rayDir,coneAxis)*dot(rayDir,coneAxis) - coneHalfAngle*coneHalfAngle; float b = 2. * (dot(rayDir,coneAxis)*dot(co,coneAxis) - dot(rayDir,co)*coneHalfAngle*coneHalfAngle); float c = dot(co,coneAxis)*dot(co,coneAxis) - dot(co,co)*coneHalfAngle*coneHalfAngle; float det = b*b - 4.*a*c; if (det < 0.) return false; // No intersection with either forward cone and backward cone det = sqrt(det); float t2 = (-b + det) / (2. * a); if (t2 <= 0.0 || t2 >= maxZ) return false; //Idk why it works return true; } #define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z) #define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz) // uniform float far; uniform float dhFarPlane; #include "/lib/DistantHorizons_projections.glsl" vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) { // mat4 projection = DH_shadowProjectionTweak(gl_ProjectionMatrix); return vec4(projMAD(gl_ProjectionMatrix, viewSpacePosition),1.0); } // uniform int renderStage; void main() { texcoord.xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; color = gl_Color; vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(gl_Vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz; // mat4 Custom_ViewMatrix = BuildShadowViewMatrix(LightDir); // mat4 Custom_ProjectionMatrix = BuildShadowProjectionMatrix(); // position = gl_Vertex.xyz; // if((renderStage == 10 || renderStage == 12) && mc_Entity.x != 3000) { // position = (shadowModelViewInverse * vec4(gl_Vertex.xyz,1.0)).xyz; // } // position = mat3(Custom_ViewMatrix) * position + Custom_ViewMatrix[3].xyz; // HHHHHHHHH ITS THE JITTER DOF HERE TO SAY HELLO // It turns out 'position' above is just viewPos lmao // #ifdef DOF_JITTER_SHADOW // // CLIP SPACE // vec2 jitter = clamp(jitter_offsets[frameCounter % 64], -1.0, 1.0); // jitter = rotate(radians(float(frameCounter))) * jitter; // jitter.y *= aspectRatio; // jitter.x *= DOF_ANAMORPHIC_RATIO; // vec4 clipPos = gbufferProjection * vec4(position, 1.0); // // CLIP SPACE -> VIEW SPACE // vec3 viewPos = (gbufferProjectionInverse * clipPos).xyz; // // Focus distance // #if DOF_JITTER_FOCUS < 0 // float focusMul = clipPos.z - mix(pow(512.0, screenBrightness), 512.0 * screenBrightness, 0.25); // #else // float focusMul = clipPos.z - DOF_JITTER_FOCUS; // #endif // // CLIP SPACE -> SHADOW CLIP SPACE // vec3 jitterViewPos = (gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4(jitter, 1.0, 1.0)).xyz; // // vec3 jitterFeetPos = (gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(jitterViewPos, 1.0)).xyz; // // vec3 jitterShadowViewPos = (shadowModelView * vec4(jitterFeetPos, 1.0)).xyz; // // vec4 jitterShadowClipPos = gl_ProjectionMatrix * vec4(jitterShadowViewPos, 1.0); // // vec4 totalOffset = jitterShadowClipPos * JITTER_STRENGTH * focusMul * 1e-2; // position += jitterViewPos * focusMul * 1e-2; // if(focusMul < 10.0) { // gl_Position = vec4(-1.0); // return; // } // #endif #ifdef WAVY_PLANTS bool istopv = gl_MultiTexCoord0.t < mc_midTexCoord.t; if ((mc_Entity.x == 10001&&istopv) && length(position.xy) < 24.0) { vec3 worldpos = mat3(shadowModelViewInverse) * position + shadowModelViewInverse[3].xyz; worldpos.xyz += calcMovePlants(worldpos.xyz + cameraPosition)*gl_MultiTexCoord1.y; position = mat3(shadowModelView) * worldpos + shadowModelView[3].xyz ; } if ((mc_Entity.x == 10003) && length(position.xy) < 24.0) { vec3 worldpos = mat3(shadowModelViewInverse) * position + shadowModelViewInverse[3].xyz; worldpos.xyz += calcMoveLeaves(worldpos.xyz + cameraPosition, 0.0040, 0.0064, 0.0043, 0.0035, 0.0037, 0.0041, vec3(1.0,0.2,1.0), vec3(0.5,0.1,0.5))*gl_MultiTexCoord1.y; position = mat3(shadowModelView) * worldpos + shadowModelView[3].xyz ; } #endif #ifdef DISTORT_SHADOWMAP gl_Position = BiasShadowProjection(toClipSpace3(position)); #else gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position); #endif if(mc_Entity.x == 8 || mc_Entity.x == 9) gl_Position.w = -1.0; /// this is to ease the shadow acne on big fat entities like ghasts. float bias = 6.0; if(entityId == 1100){ // increase bias on parts facing the sun vec3 FlatNormals = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); vec3 WsunVec = (float(sunElevation > 1e-5)*2-1.)*normalize(mat3(shadowModelViewInverse) * sunPosition); bias = 6.0 + (1-clamp(dot(WsunVec,FlatNormals),0,1))*0.3; } gl_Position.z /= bias; }