// THIS FILE IS PUBLIC DOMAIN SO USE IT HOWEVER YOU WANT! // to make it compatible with your shaderpack use: #define PHYSICS_OCEAN_SUPPORT // at the top of your file. When used my mod no longer injects code into // your shaderpack. It replaces this define statement (before compilation) with #define PHYSICS_OCEAN // so you can use #ifdef PHYSICS_OCEAN #endif // to customize the water for the physics ocean // just some basic consts for the wave function based on afl_ext's shader https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Xdlczl // the overall shape must stay consistent because it is also computed on the CPU side // to offset entities (though a custom CPU integration of your shader is possible by // contacting me on my discord server https://discord.gg/VsNs9xP) const int PHYSICS_ITERATIONS_OFFSET = 13; const float PHYSICS_DRAG_MULT = 0.048; const float PHYSICS_XZ_SCALE = 0.035; const float PHYSICS_TIME_MULTIPLICATOR = 0.45; const float PHYSICS_W_DETAIL = 0.75; const float PHYSICS_FREQUENCY = 6.0; const float PHYSICS_SPEED = 2.0; const float PHYSICS_WEIGHT = 0.8; const float PHYSICS_FREQUENCY_MULT = 1.18; const float PHYSICS_SPEED_MULT = 1.07; const float PHYSICS_ITER_INC = 12.0; const float PHYSICS_NORMAL_STRENGTH = 0.6; // this is the surface detail from the physics options, ranges from 13 to 48 (yeah I know weird) uniform int physics_iterationsNormal; // used to offset the 0 point of wave meshes to keep the wave function consistent even // though the mesh totally changes uniform vec2 physics_waveOffset; // used for offsetting the local position to fetch the right pixel of the waviness texture uniform ivec2 physics_textureOffset; // time in seconds that can go faster dependent on weather conditions (affected by weather strength // multiplier in ocean settings uniform float physics_gameTime; // base value is 13 and gets multiplied by wave height in ocean settings uniform float physics_oceanHeight; // basic texture to determine how shallow/far away from the shore the water is uniform sampler2D physics_waviness; // basic scale for the horizontal size of the waves uniform float physics_oceanWaveHorizontalScale; // used to offset the model to know the ripple position uniform vec3 physics_modelOffset; // used for offsetting the ripple texture uniform float physics_rippleRange; // controlling how much foam generates on the ocean uniform float physics_foamAmount; // controlling the opacity of the foam uniform float physics_foamOpacity; // texture containing the ripples (basic bump map) uniform sampler2D physics_ripples; // foam noise uniform sampler3D physics_foam; // just the generic minecraft lightmap, you can remove this and use the one supplied by Optifine/Iris uniform sampler2D physics_lightmap; #ifdef PHYSICSMOD_VERTEX // for the vertex shader stage out vec3 physics_localPosition; out float physics_localWaviness; #endif #ifdef PHYSICSMOD_FRAGMENT // for the fragment shader stage in vec3 physics_localPosition; in float physics_localWaviness; #endif float physics_waveHeight(vec2 position, int iterations, float factor, float time) { position = (position - physics_waveOffset) * PHYSICS_XZ_SCALE * physics_oceanWaveHorizontalScale; float iter = 0.0; float frequency = PHYSICS_FREQUENCY; float speed = PHYSICS_SPEED; float weight = 1.0; float height = 0.0; float waveSum = 0.0; float modifiedTime = time * PHYSICS_TIME_MULTIPLICATOR; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { vec2 direction = vec2(sin(iter), cos(iter)); float x = dot(direction, position) * frequency + modifiedTime * speed; float wave = exp(sin(x) - 1.0); float result = wave * cos(x); vec2 force = result * weight * direction; position -= force * PHYSICS_DRAG_MULT; height += wave * weight; iter += PHYSICS_ITER_INC; waveSum += weight; weight *= PHYSICS_WEIGHT; frequency *= PHYSICS_FREQUENCY_MULT; speed *= PHYSICS_SPEED_MULT; } return height / waveSum * physics_oceanHeight * factor - physics_oceanHeight * factor * 0.5; } vec2 physics_waveDirection(vec2 position, int iterations, float time) { position = (position - physics_waveOffset) * PHYSICS_XZ_SCALE * physics_oceanWaveHorizontalScale; float iter = 0.0; float frequency = PHYSICS_FREQUENCY; float speed = PHYSICS_SPEED; float weight = 1.0; float waveSum = 0.0; float modifiedTime = time * PHYSICS_TIME_MULTIPLICATOR; vec2 dx = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { vec2 direction = vec2(sin(iter), cos(iter)); float x = dot(direction, position) * frequency + modifiedTime * speed; float wave = exp(sin(x) - 1.0); float result = wave * cos(x); vec2 force = result * weight * direction; dx += force / pow(weight, PHYSICS_W_DETAIL); position -= force * PHYSICS_DRAG_MULT; iter += PHYSICS_ITER_INC; waveSum += weight; weight *= PHYSICS_WEIGHT; frequency *= PHYSICS_FREQUENCY_MULT; speed *= PHYSICS_SPEED_MULT; } return vec2(dx / pow(waveSum, 1.0 - PHYSICS_W_DETAIL)); } // vec3 physics_waveNormal(vec2 position, float factor, float time) { // vec2 wave = -physics_waveDirection(position.xy, physics_iterationsNormal, time); // float oceanHeightFactor = physics_oceanHeight / 13.0; // float totalFactor = oceanHeightFactor * factor; // return normalize(vec3(wave.x * totalFactor, PHYSICS_NORMAL_STRENGTH, wave.y * totalFactor)); // } // thank you Null. not sure if this is legal though lmfao vec3 physics_waveNormal_ripples(vec2 position, float factor, float time) { vec2 wave = -physics_waveDirection(position.xy, physics_iterationsNormal, time); float oceanHeightFactor = physics_oceanHeight / 13.0; float totalFactor = oceanHeightFactor * factor; vec3 waveNormal = normalize(vec3(wave.x * totalFactor, PHYSICS_NORMAL_STRENGTH, wave.y * totalFactor)); vec2 eyePosition = position + physics_modelOffset.xz; vec2 rippleFetch = (eyePosition + vec2(physics_rippleRange)) / (physics_rippleRange * 2.0); vec2 rippleTexelSize = vec2(2.0 / textureSize(physics_ripples, 0).x, 0.0); float left = texture(physics_ripples, rippleFetch - rippleTexelSize.xy).r; float right = texture(physics_ripples, rippleFetch + rippleTexelSize.xy).r; float top = texture(physics_ripples, rippleFetch - rippleTexelSize.yx).r; float bottom = texture(physics_ripples, rippleFetch + rippleTexelSize.yx).r; float totalEffect = left + right + top + bottom; float normalx = left - right; float normalz = top - bottom; vec3 rippleNormal = normalize(vec3(normalx, 1.0, normalz)); waveNormal = normalize(mix(waveNormal, rippleNormal, pow(totalEffect, 0.5))); return waveNormal; } struct WavePixelData { vec2 direction; vec2 worldPos; vec3 normal; float foam; float height; } wave; WavePixelData physics_wavePixel(const in vec2 position, const in float factor, const in float iterations, const in float time) { vec2 wavePos = (position.xy - physics_waveOffset) * PHYSICS_XZ_SCALE * physics_oceanWaveHorizontalScale; float iter = 0.0; float frequency = PHYSICS_FREQUENCY; float speed = PHYSICS_SPEED; float weight = 1.0; float height = 0.0; float waveSum = 0.0; float modifiedTime = time * PHYSICS_TIME_MULTIPLICATOR; vec2 dx = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { vec2 direction = vec2(sin(iter), cos(iter)); float x = dot(direction, wavePos) * frequency + modifiedTime * speed; float wave = exp(sin(x) - 1.0); float result = wave * cos(x); vec2 force = result * weight * direction; dx += force / pow(weight, PHYSICS_W_DETAIL); wavePos -= force * PHYSICS_DRAG_MULT; height += wave * weight; iter += PHYSICS_ITER_INC; waveSum += weight; weight *= PHYSICS_WEIGHT; frequency *= PHYSICS_FREQUENCY_MULT; speed *= PHYSICS_SPEED_MULT; } WavePixelData data; data.direction = -vec2(dx / pow(waveSum, 1.0 - PHYSICS_W_DETAIL)); data.worldPos = wavePos / physics_oceanWaveHorizontalScale / PHYSICS_XZ_SCALE; data.height = height / waveSum * physics_oceanHeight * factor - physics_oceanHeight * factor * 0.5; data.normal = physics_waveNormal_ripples(position, factor, time); float waveAmplitude = data.height * pow(max(data.normal.y, 0.0), 4.0); vec2 waterUV = mix(position - physics_waveOffset, data.worldPos, clamp(factor * 2.0, 0.2, 1.0)); vec2 s1 = textureLod(physics_foam, vec3(waterUV * 0.26, vec3(time) / 360.0), 0).rg; vec2 s2 = textureLod(physics_foam, vec3(waterUV * 0.02, vec3(time) / 360.0 + 0.5), 0).rg; vec2 s3 = textureLod(physics_foam, vec3(waterUV * 0.1, vec3(time) / 360.0 + 1.0), 0).rg; float waterSurfaceNoise = s1.r * s2.r * s3.r * 2.8 * physics_foamAmount; waveAmplitude = clamp(waveAmplitude * 1.2, 0.0, 1.0); waterSurfaceNoise = (1.0 - waveAmplitude) * waterSurfaceNoise + waveAmplitude * physics_foamAmount; float worleyNoise = 0.2 + 0.8 * s1.g * (1.0 - s2.g); float waterFoamMinSmooth = 0.45; float waterFoamMaxSmooth = 2.0; waterSurfaceNoise = smoothstep(waterFoamMinSmooth, 1.0, waterSurfaceNoise) * worleyNoise; data.foam = clamp(waterFoamMaxSmooth * waterSurfaceNoise * physics_foamOpacity, 0.0, 1.0); return data; }