#version 120 /* !! DO NOT REMOVE !! This code is from Chocapic13' shaders Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please ! !! DO NOT REMOVE !! */ varying vec4 color; varying vec2 texcoord; uniform sampler2D texture; vec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB){ return sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878); } //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// void main() { vec4 albedo = texture2D(texture, texcoord); albedo *= color; albedo.rgb = toLinear(albedo.rgb)*0.33; /* DRAWBUFFERS:2 */ gl_FragData[0] = albedo; }