#include "/lib/settings.glsl" // #if defined END_SHADER || defined NETHER_SHADER // #undef IS_LPV_ENABLED // #endifs #ifdef IS_LPV_ENABLED #extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store: enable #extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing: enable #endif #include "/lib/res_params.glsl" const bool colortex5MipmapEnabled = true; #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER const bool shadowHardwareFiltering = true; uniform sampler2DShadow shadow; #ifdef TRANSLUCENT_COLORED_SHADOWS uniform sampler2D shadowcolor0; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowtex0; uniform sampler2DShadow shadowtex1; #endif flat varying vec3 averageSkyCol_Clouds; flat varying vec4 lightCol; #if Sun_specular_Strength != 0 #define LIGHTSOURCE_REFLECTION #endif #include "/lib/lightning_stuff.glsl" #endif #ifdef NETHER_SHADER uniform float nightVision; uniform sampler2D colortex4; const bool colortex4MipmapEnabled = true; uniform vec3 lightningEffect; // #define LIGHTSOURCE_REFLECTION #endif #ifdef END_SHADER uniform float nightVision; uniform sampler2D colortex4; uniform vec3 lightningEffect; flat varying float Flashing; // #define LIGHTSOURCE_REFLECTION #endif uniform int hideGUI; uniform sampler2D noisetex; //noise uniform sampler2D depthtex0; uniform sampler2D depthtex1; uniform sampler2D depthtex2; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS uniform sampler2D dhDepthTex; uniform sampler2D dhDepthTex1; #endif uniform sampler2D colortex0; //clouds uniform sampler2D colortex1; //albedo(rgb),material(alpha) RGBA16 uniform sampler2D colortex2; //translucents(rgba) uniform sampler2D colortex3; //filtered shadowmap(VPS) // uniform sampler2D colortex4; //LUT(rgb), quarter res depth(alpha) uniform sampler2D colortex5; //TAA buffer/previous frame uniform sampler2D colortex6; //Noise uniform sampler2D colortex7; //water? uniform sampler2D colortex8; //Specular // uniform sampler2D colortex9; //Specular uniform sampler2D colortex10; uniform sampler2D colortex11; uniform sampler2D colortex12; uniform sampler2D colortex13; uniform sampler2D colortex14; uniform sampler2D colortex15; // flat normals(rgb), vanillaAO(alpha) #ifdef IS_LPV_ENABLED uniform usampler1D texBlockData; uniform sampler3D texLpv1; uniform sampler3D texLpv2; #endif uniform mat4 shadowModelView; uniform mat4 shadowModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 shadowProjection; uniform mat4 shadowProjectionInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferProjectionInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferModelView; uniform mat4 gbufferModelViewInverse; uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousProjection; uniform mat4 gbufferPreviousModelView; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; uniform vec3 previousCameraPosition; // uniform float far; uniform float near; uniform float farPlane; uniform float dhFarPlane; uniform float dhNearPlane; flat varying vec3 zMults; uniform vec2 texelSize; uniform float viewWidth; uniform float viewHeight; uniform float aspectRatio; uniform float eyeAltitude; flat varying vec2 TAA_Offset; uniform int frameCounter; uniform float frameTimeCounter; uniform float rainStrength; uniform int isEyeInWater; uniform ivec2 eyeBrightnessSmooth; uniform vec3 sunVec; flat varying vec3 WsunVec; flat varying vec3 unsigned_WsunVec; flat varying float exposure; #ifdef IS_LPV_ENABLED uniform int heldItemId; uniform int heldItemId2; #endif #define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z) #define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz) void convertHandDepth(inout float depth) { float ndcDepth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; ndcDepth /= MC_HAND_DEPTH; depth = ndcDepth * 0.5 + 0.5; } float convertHandDepth_2(in float depth, bool hand) { if(!hand) return depth; float ndcDepth = depth * 2.0 - 1.0; ndcDepth /= MC_HAND_DEPTH; return ndcDepth * 0.5 + 0.5; } vec3 toScreenSpace(vec3 p) { vec4 iProjDiag = vec4(gbufferProjectionInverse[0].x, gbufferProjectionInverse[1].y, gbufferProjectionInverse[2].zw); vec3 feetPlayerPos = p * 2. - 1.; vec4 viewPos = iProjDiag * feetPlayerPos.xyzz + gbufferProjectionInverse[3]; return viewPos.xyz / viewPos.w; } #include "/lib/color_transforms.glsl" #include "/lib/waterBump.glsl" #include "/lib/sky_gradient.glsl" #include "/lib/Shadow_Params.glsl" #include "/lib/Shadows.glsl" #include "/lib/stars.glsl" #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER #include "/lib/volumetricClouds.glsl" #endif #include "/lib/util.glsl" #ifdef IS_LPV_ENABLED #include "/lib/hsv.glsl" #include "/lib/lpv_common.glsl" #include "/lib/lpv_render.glsl" #endif #include "/lib/diffuse_lighting.glsl" float ld(float dist) { return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - dist * (far - near)); } vec3 decode (vec2 encn){ vec3 n = vec3(0.0); encn = encn * 2.0 - 1.0; n.xy = abs(encn); n.z = 1.0 - n.x - n.y; n.xy = n.z <= 0.0 ? (1.0 - n.yx) * sign(encn) : encn; return clamp(normalize(n.xyz),-1.0,1.0); } vec2 decodeVec2(float a){ const vec2 constant1 = 65535. / vec2( 256., 65536.); const float constant2 = 256. / 255.; return fract( a * constant1 ) * constant2 ; } #include "/lib/end_fog.glsl" #include "/lib/specular.glsl" #include "/lib/DistantHorizons_projections.glsl" float DH_ld(float dist) { return (2.0 * dhNearPlane) / (dhFarPlane + dhNearPlane - dist * (dhFarPlane - dhNearPlane)); } float DH_inv_ld (float lindepth){ return -((2.0*dhNearPlane/lindepth)-dhFarPlane-dhNearPlane)/(dhFarPlane-dhNearPlane); } float linearizeDepthFast(const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far) { return (near * far) / (depth * (near - far) + far); // return (2.0 * near) / (far + near - depth * (far - near)); } float invertlinearDepthFast(const in float depth, const in float near, const in float far) { return ((2.0*near/depth)-far-near)/(far-near); } vec3 normVec (vec3 vec){ return vec*inversesqrt(dot(vec,vec)); } float lengthVec (vec3 vec){ return sqrt(dot(vec,vec)); } #define fsign(a) (clamp((a)*1e35,0.,1.)*2.-1.) float triangularize(float dither) { float center = dither*2.0-1.0; dither = center*inversesqrt(abs(center)); return clamp(dither-fsign(center),0.0,1.0); } vec3 fp10Dither(vec3 color,float dither){ const vec3 mantissaBits = vec3(6.,6.,5.); vec3 exponent = floor(log2(color)); return color + dither*exp2(-mantissaBits)*exp2(exponent); } // float facos(float sx){ // float x = clamp(abs( sx ),0.,1.); // return sqrt( 1. - x ) * ( -0.16882 * x + 1.56734 ); // } vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber,int nb, float nbRot,float jitter,float distort) { float alpha0 = sampleNumber/nb; float alpha = (sampleNumber+jitter)/nb; float angle = jitter*6.28 + alpha * 4.0 * 6.28; float sin_v, cos_v; sin_v = sin(angle); cos_v = cos(angle); return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*sqrt(alpha); } vec3 BilateralFiltering(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth,vec2 coord,float frDepth,float maxZ){ vec4 sampled = vec4(texelFetch2D(tex,ivec2(coord),0).rgb,1.0); return vec3(sampled.x,sampled.yz/sampled.w); } float interleaved_gradientNoise(){ vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000) * 2.0; float noise = fract( 52.9829189 * fract( (coord.x * 0.06711056) + (coord.y * 0.00583715) ) ); return noise ; } float R2_dither(){ vec2 coord = gl_FragCoord.xy + (frameCounter%40000) * 2.0; vec2 alpha = vec2(0.75487765, 0.56984026); return fract(alpha.x * coord.x + alpha.y * coord.y ) ; } float blueNoise(){ return fract(texelFetch2D(noisetex, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy)%512, 0).a + 1.0/1.6180339887 * frameCounter); } vec4 blueNoise(vec2 coord){ return texelFetch2D(colortex6, ivec2(coord)%512 , 0) ; } vec3 toShadowSpaceProjected(vec3 feetPlayerPos){ mat4 DH_shadowProjection = DH_shadowProjectionTweak(shadowProjection); feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * feetPlayerPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz; feetPlayerPos = mat3(shadowModelView) * feetPlayerPos + shadowModelView[3].xyz; feetPlayerPos = diagonal3(DH_shadowProjection) * feetPlayerPos + DH_shadowProjection[3].xyz; return feetPlayerPos; } vec2 tapLocation(int sampleNumber, float spinAngle,int nb, float nbRot,float r0) { float alpha = (float(sampleNumber*1.0f + r0) * (1.0 / (nb))); float angle = alpha * (nbRot * 6.28) + spinAngle*6.28; float ssR = alpha; float sin_v, cos_v; sin_v = sin(angle); cos_v = cos(angle); return vec2(cos_v, sin_v)*ssR; } vec2 tapLocation_simple( int samples, int totalSamples, float rotation, float rng ){ const float PI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169; float alpha = float(samples + rng) * (1.0 / float(totalSamples)); float angle = alpha * (rotation * PI); float sin_v = sin(angle); float cos_v = cos(angle); return vec2(cos_v, sin_v) * sqrt(alpha); } vec2 CleanSample( int samples, float totalSamples, float noise ){ // this will be used to make 1 full rotation of the spiral. the mulitplication is so it does nearly a single rotation, instead of going past where it started float variance = noise * 0.897; // for every sample input, it will have variance applied to it. float variedSamples = float(samples) + variance; // for every sample, the sample position must change its distance from the origin. // otherwise, you will just have a circle. float spiralShape = pow(variedSamples / (totalSamples + variance),0.5); float shape = 2.26; // this is very important. 2.26 is very specific float theta = variedSamples * (PI * shape); float x = cos(theta) * spiralShape; float y = sin(theta) * spiralShape; return vec2(x, y); } vec3 viewToWorld(vec3 viewPos) { vec4 pos; pos.xyz = viewPos; pos.w = 0.0; pos = gbufferModelViewInverse * pos; return pos.xyz; } vec3 worldToView(vec3 worldPos) { vec4 pos = vec4(worldPos, 0.0); pos = gbufferModelView * pos; return pos.xyz; } void waterVolumetrics_notoverworld(inout vec3 inColor, vec3 rayStart, vec3 rayEnd, float estEndDepth, float estSunDepth, float rayLength, float dither, vec3 waterCoefs, vec3 scatterCoef, vec3 ambient){ inColor *= exp(-rayLength * waterCoefs); //No need to take the integrated value int spCount = rayMarchSampleCount; vec3 start = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayStart); vec3 end = toShadowSpaceProjected(rayEnd); vec3 dV = (end-start); //limit ray length at 32 blocks for performance and reducing integration error //you can't see above this anyway float maxZ = min(rayLength,12.0)/(1e-8+rayLength); dV *= maxZ; vec3 dVWorld = -mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * (rayEnd - rayStart) * maxZ; rayLength *= maxZ; estEndDepth *= maxZ; estSunDepth *= maxZ; vec3 absorbance = vec3(1.0); vec3 vL = vec3(0.0); float expFactor = 11.0; vec3 progressW = gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz+cameraPosition; for (int i=0;i -_near) ? (-_near -viewPos.z) / lightDir.z : _far*sqrt(3.); vec3 direction = toClipSpace3_DH(viewPos + lightDir*rayLength, depthCheck) - clipPosition; //convert to clip space direction.xyz = direction.xyz / max(abs(direction.x)/texelSize.x, abs(direction.y)/texelSize.y); //fixed step size float Stepmult = depthCheck ? (isSSS ? 0.5 : 6.0) : (isSSS ? 1.0 : 3.0); // Stepmult = depthCheck ? 0.5 : 1.0; vec3 rayDir = direction * Stepmult * vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0); vec3 screenPos = clipPosition * vec3(RENDER_SCALE,1.0) + rayDir*noise; if(isSSS) screenPos -= rayDir*0.9; for (int i = 0; i < int(steps); i++) { screenPos += rayDir; float samplePos = convertHandDepth_2(texture2D(depthtex1, screenPos.xy).x, hand); #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS if(depthCheck) samplePos = texture2D(dhDepthTex1, screenPos.xy).x; #endif if(samplePos <= screenPos.z) { vec2 linearZ = vec2(linearizeDepthFast(screenPos.z, _near, _far), linearizeDepthFast(samplePos, _near, _far)); float calcthreshold = abs(linearZ.x - linearZ.y) / linearZ.x; bool depthThreshold1 = calcthreshold < mix(0.015, 0.035, handSwitch); bool depthThreshold2 = calcthreshold < 0.05; if (depthThreshold1) Shadow = 0.0; if (depthThreshold2) SSS = i/steps; } } return vec2(Shadow, SSS); } void Emission( inout vec3 Lighting, vec3 Albedo, float Emission, float exposure ){ float autoBrightnessAdjust = mix(5.0, 100.0, clamp(exp(-10.0*exposure),0.0,1.0)); if( Emission < 254.5/255.0) Lighting = mix(Lighting, Albedo * Emissive_Brightness * autoBrightnessAdjust, pow(Emission, Emissive_Curve)); // old method.... idk why // if( Emission < 254.5/255.0 ) Lighting += (Albedo * Emissive_Brightness) * pow(Emission, Emissive_Curve); } #include "/lib/indirect_lighting_effects.glsl" #include "/lib/PhotonGTAO.glsl" vec4 BilateralUpscale(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth, vec2 coord, float referenceDepth){ const ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION); ivec2 posDepth = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION) * scaling; ivec2 posColor = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION); ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize + 1); ivec2 getRadius[4] = ivec2[]( ivec2(-2,-2), ivec2(-2, 0), ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 0,-2) ); float diffThreshold = zMults.x; vec4 RESULT = vec4(0.0); float SUM = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ivec2 radius = getRadius[i]; float offsetDepth = ld(texelFetch2D(depth, posDepth + radius * scaling + pos * scaling, 0).r); float EDGES = abs(offsetDepth - referenceDepth) < diffThreshold ? 1.0 : 1e-5; RESULT += texelFetch2D(tex, posColor + radius + pos, 0) * EDGES; SUM += EDGES; } // return vec4(0,0,0,1) * SUM; return RESULT / SUM; } vec4 BilateralUpscale_DH(sampler2D tex, sampler2D depth, vec2 coord, float referenceDepth){ ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0/VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION); ivec2 posDepth = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION) * scaling; ivec2 posColor = ivec2(coord*VL_RENDER_RESOLUTION); ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize + 1); ivec2 getRadius[4] = ivec2[]( ivec2(-2,-2), ivec2(-2, 0), ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 0,-2) ); #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float diffThreshold = 0.01; #else float diffThreshold = zMults.x; #endif vec4 RESULT = vec4(0.0); float SUM = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ivec2 radius = getRadius[i]; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float offsetDepth = sqrt(texelFetch2D(depth, posDepth + radius * scaling + pos * scaling,0).a/65000.0); #else float offsetDepth = ld(texelFetch2D(depth, posDepth + radius * scaling + pos * scaling, 0).r); #endif float EDGES = abs(offsetDepth - referenceDepth) < diffThreshold ? 1.0 : 1e-5; RESULT += texelFetch2D(tex, posColor + radius + pos, 0) * EDGES; SUM += EDGES; } // return vec4(1) * SUM; return RESULT / SUM; } void BilateralUpscale_REUSE_Z(sampler2D tex1, sampler2D tex2, sampler2D depth, vec2 coord, float referenceDepth, inout vec2 ambientEffects, inout vec3 filteredShadow, bool hand){ ivec2 scaling = ivec2(1.0); ivec2 posDepth = ivec2(coord) * scaling; ivec2 posColor = ivec2(coord); ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize + 1); ivec2 getRadius[4] = ivec2[]( ivec2(-2,-2), ivec2(-2, 0), ivec2( 0, 0), ivec2( 0,-2) ); #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float diffThreshold = 0.0005; #else float diffThreshold = 0.005; #endif vec3 shadow_RESULT = vec3(0.0); vec2 ssao_RESULT = vec2(0.0); vec4 fog_RESULT = vec4(0.0); float SUM = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ivec2 radius = getRadius[i]; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float offsetDepth = sqrt(texelFetch2D(depth, posDepth + radius * scaling + pos * scaling,0).a/65000.0); #else float offsetDepth = ld(texelFetch2D(depth, posDepth + radius * scaling + pos * scaling, 0).r); #endif float EDGES = abs(offsetDepth - referenceDepth) < diffThreshold ? 1.0 : 1e-5; // #ifdef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows shadow_RESULT += texelFetch2D(tex1, posColor + radius + pos, 0).rgb * EDGES; // #endif #if indirect_effect == 1 ssao_RESULT += texelFetch2D(tex2, posColor + radius + pos, 0).rg * EDGES; #endif SUM += EDGES; } // #ifdef Variable_Penumbra_Shadows filteredShadow = shadow_RESULT/SUM; // #endif #if indirect_effect == 1 ambientEffects = ssao_RESULT/SUM; #endif } #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER float ComputeShadowMap(in vec3 projectedShadowPosition, float distortFactor, float noise, float shadowBlockerDepth, float NdotL, float maxDistFade, inout vec3 directLightColor, inout float FUNNYSHADOW, bool isSSS){ if(maxDistFade <= 0.0) return 1.0; float backface = NdotL <= 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0; float shadowmap = 0.0; vec3 translucentTint = vec3(0.0); #ifdef BASIC_SHADOW_FILTER int samples = SHADOW_FILTER_SAMPLE_COUNT; float rdMul = shadowBlockerDepth*distortFactor*d0*k/shadowMapResolution; for(int i = 0; i < samples; i++){ // vec2 offsetS = tapLocation_simple(i, 7, 9, noise) * 0.5; vec2 offsetS = CleanSample(i, samples - 1, noise) * 0.3; projectedShadowPosition.xy += rdMul*offsetS; #else int samples = 1; #endif #ifdef TRANSLUCENT_COLORED_SHADOWS // determine when opaque shadows are overlapping translucent shadows by getting the difference of opaque depth and translucent depth float shadowDepthDiff = pow(clamp((shadow2D(shadowtex1, projectedShadowPosition).x - projectedShadowPosition.z*0.6)*2.0,0.0,1.0),2.0); // get opaque shadow data to get opaque data from translucent shadows. float opaqueShadow = shadow2D(shadowtex0, projectedShadowPosition).x; shadowmap += max(opaqueShadow, shadowDepthDiff); // get translucent shadow data vec4 translucentShadow = texture2D(shadowcolor0, projectedShadowPosition.xy); // this curve simply looked the nicest. it has no other meaning. float shadowAlpha = pow(1.0 - pow(translucentShadow.a,5.0),0.2); FUNNYSHADOW = shadowAlpha; // normalize the color to remove luminance, and keep the hue. remove all opaque color. // mulitply shadow alpha to shadow color, but only on surfaces facing the lightsource. this is a tradeoff to protect subsurface scattering's colored shadow tint from shadow bias on the back of the caster. translucentShadow.rgb = max(normalize(translucentShadow.rgb + 0.0001), max(opaqueShadow, 1.0-shadowAlpha)) * max(shadowAlpha, backface * (1.0 - shadowDepthDiff)); float translucentMask = 1 - max(shadowDepthDiff-opaqueShadow, 0); // make it such that full alpha areas that arent in a shadow have a value of 1.0 instead of 0.0 translucentTint += mix(translucentShadow.rgb, vec3(1.0), opaqueShadow*shadowDepthDiff); #else shadowmap += shadow2D(shadow, projectedShadowPosition).x; #endif #ifdef BASIC_SHADOW_FILTER } #endif #ifdef TRANSLUCENT_COLORED_SHADOWS // tint the lightsource color with the translucent shadow color directLightColor *= mix(vec3(1.0), translucentTint.rgb / samples, maxDistFade); #endif // return maxDistFade; return mix(1.0, shadowmap / samples, maxDistFade); } #endif float CustomPhase(float LightPos){ float PhaseCurve = 1.0 - LightPos; float Final = exp2(sqrt(PhaseCurve) * -25.0); Final += exp(PhaseCurve * -10.0)*0.5; return Final; } vec3 SubsurfaceScattering_sun(vec3 albedo, float Scattering, float Density, float lightPos, float shadows){ Scattering *= sss_density_multiplier; float density = 0.0001 + Density*2.0; float scatterDepth = max(1.0 - Scattering/density,0.0); scatterDepth = exp((1.0-scatterDepth) * -7.0); // this is for SSS when there is no shadow blocker depth #if defined BASIC_SHADOW_FILTER && defined Variable_Penumbra_Shadows scatterDepth = max(scatterDepth, pow(shadows, 0.5 + (1.0-Density) * 2.0) ); #else scatterDepth = exp(-7.0 * pow(1.0-shadows,3.0))*min(2.0-sss_density_multiplier,1.0); #endif // PBR at its finest :clueless: vec3 absorbColor = exp(max(luma(albedo) - albedo*vec3(1.0,1.1,1.2), 0.0) * -(20.0 - 19*scatterDepth) * sss_absorbance_multiplier); vec3 scatter = scatterDepth * absorbColor * pow(Density, LabSSS_Curve); scatter *= 1.0 + CustomPhase(lightPos)*6.0; // ~10x brighter at the peak return scatter; } vec3 SubsurfaceScattering_sky(vec3 albedo, float Scattering, float Density){ Scattering *= sss_density_multiplier; float scatterDepth = 1.0 - pow(Scattering, 0.5 + Density * 2.5); // PBR at its finest :clueless: vec3 absorbColor = exp(max(luma(albedo) - albedo*vec3(1.0,1.1,1.2), 0.0) * -(15.0 - 10.0*scatterDepth) * sss_absorbance_multiplier); vec3 scatter = scatterDepth * absorbColor * pow(Density, LabSSS_Curve); return scatter; } void main() { vec3 DEBUG = vec3(1.0); ////// --------------- SETUP STUFF --------------- ////// vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy*texelSize; vec2 bnoise = blueNoise(gl_FragCoord.xy).rg; int seed = (frameCounter%40000) + frameCounter*2; float noise = fract(R2_samples(seed).y + bnoise.y); float noise_2 = R2_dither(); float z0 = texture2D(depthtex0,texcoord).x; float z = texture2D(depthtex1,texcoord).x; float swappedDepth = z; bool isDHrange = z >= 1.0; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float DH_mixedLinearZ = sqrt(texture2D(colortex12,texcoord).a/65000.0); float DH_depth0 = texture2D(dhDepthTex,texcoord).x; float DH_depth1 = texture2D(dhDepthTex1,texcoord).x; float depthOpaque = z; float depthOpaqueL = linearizeDepthFast(depthOpaque, near, farPlane); #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS float dhDepthOpaque = DH_depth1; float dhDepthOpaqueL = linearizeDepthFast(dhDepthOpaque, dhNearPlane, dhFarPlane); if (depthOpaque >= 1.0 || (dhDepthOpaqueL < depthOpaqueL && dhDepthOpaque > 0.0)){ depthOpaque = dhDepthOpaque; depthOpaqueL = dhDepthOpaqueL; } #endif swappedDepth = depthOpaque; #else float DH_depth0 = 0.0; float DH_depth1 = 0.0; #endif ////// --------------- UNPACK OPAQUE GBUFFERS --------------- ////// vec4 data = texture2D(colortex1,texcoord); vec4 dataUnpacked0 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.x),decodeVec2(data.y)); // albedo, masks vec4 dataUnpacked1 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w)); // normals, lightmaps // vec4 dataUnpacked2 = vec4(decodeVec2(data.z),decodeVec2(data.w)); vec3 albedo = toLinear(vec3(dataUnpacked0.xz,dataUnpacked1.x)); vec3 normal = decode(dataUnpacked0.yw); vec2 lightmap = dataUnpacked1.yz;//min(max(dataUnpacked1.yz - 0.05,0.0)*1.06,1.0);// small offset to hide flickering from precision error in the encoding/decoding on values close to 1.0 or 0.0 #if defined END_SHADER || defined NETHER_SHADER lightmap.y = 1.0; #endif // if(isEyeInWater == 1) lightmap.y = max(lightmap.y, 0.75); ////// --------------- UNPACK MISC --------------- ////// vec4 SpecularTex = texture2D(colortex8,texcoord); float LabSSS = clamp((-65.0 + SpecularTex.z * 255.0) / 190.0 ,0.0,1.0); vec4 normalAndAO = texture2D(colortex15,texcoord); vec3 FlatNormals = normalAndAO.rgb * 2.0 - 1.0; vec3 slopednormal = normal; float vanilla_AO = z < 1.0 ? clamp(normalAndAO.a,0,1) : 0.0; normalAndAO.a = clamp(pow(normalAndAO.a*5,4),0,1); if(isDHrange){ slopednormal = normal; FlatNormals = worldToView(normal); } ////// --------------- MASKS/BOOLEANS --------------- ////// // 1.0-0.8 ??? // 0.75 = hand mask // 0.60 = grass mask // 0.55 = leaf mask (for ssao-sss) // 0.50 = lightning bolt mask // 0.45 = entity mask float opaqueMasks = dataUnpacked1.w; // 1.0 = water mask // 0.9 = entity mask // 0.8 = reflective entities // 0.7 = reflective blocks float translucentMasks = texture2D(colortex7, texcoord).a; bool isWater = translucentMasks > 0.99; // bool isReflectiveEntity = abs(translucentMasks - 0.8) < 0.01; // bool isReflective = abs(translucentMasks - 0.7) < 0.01 || isWater || isReflectiveEntity; // bool isEntity = abs(translucentMasks - 0.9) < 0.01 || isReflectiveEntity; bool lightningBolt = abs(opaqueMasks-0.5) <0.01; bool isLeaf = abs(opaqueMasks-0.55) <0.01; bool entities = abs(opaqueMasks-0.45) < 0.01; bool isGrass = abs(opaqueMasks-0.60) < 0.01; bool hand = abs(opaqueMasks-0.75) < 0.01 && z < 1.0; // bool blocklights = abs(opaqueMasks-0.8) <0.01; if(hand){ convertHandDepth(z); convertHandDepth(z0); } #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace_DH(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5, z, DH_depth1); #else vec3 viewPos = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE - TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5,z)); #endif vec3 feetPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos; vec3 feetPlayerPos_normalized = normVec(feetPlayerPos); #ifdef POM #ifdef Horrible_slope_normals vec3 ApproximatedFlatNormal = normalize(cross(dFdx(feetPlayerPos), dFdy(feetPlayerPos))); // it uses depth that has POM written to it. slopednormal = normalize(clamp(normal, ApproximatedFlatNormal*2.0 - 1.0, ApproximatedFlatNormal*2.0 + 1.0) ); #endif #endif ////// --------------- COLORS --------------- ////// float dirtAmount = Dirt_Amount + 0.01; vec3 waterEpsilon = vec3(Water_Absorb_R, Water_Absorb_G, Water_Absorb_B); vec3 dirtEpsilon = vec3(Dirt_Absorb_R, Dirt_Absorb_G, Dirt_Absorb_B); vec3 totEpsilon = dirtEpsilon*dirtAmount + waterEpsilon; vec3 scatterCoef = dirtAmount * vec3(Dirt_Scatter_R, Dirt_Scatter_G, Dirt_Scatter_B) / 3.14; #ifdef BIOME_TINT_WATER // yoink the biome tint written in this buffer for water only. if(isWater){ vec2 translucentdata = texture2D(colortex11,texcoord).gb; vec3 wateralbedo = vec3(decodeVec2(translucentdata.x),decodeVec2(translucentdata.y).x); scatterCoef = dirtAmount * wateralbedo / 3.14; } #endif vec3 Absorbtion = vec3(1.0); vec3 AmbientLightColor = vec3(0.0); vec3 MinimumLightColor = vec3(1.0); vec3 Indirect_lighting = vec3(0.0); vec3 Indirect_SSS = vec3(0.0); vec3 DirectLightColor = vec3(0.0); vec3 Direct_lighting = vec3(0.0); vec3 Direct_SSS = vec3(0.0); float cloudShadow = 1.0; float Shadows = 1.0; float NdotL = 1.0; float lightLeakFix = clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240. + lightmap.y,2.0) ,0.0,1.0); #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER DirectLightColor = lightCol.rgb / 80.0; AmbientLightColor = averageSkyCol_Clouds / 30.0; #ifdef PER_BIOME_ENVIRONMENT // BiomeSunlightColor(DirectLightColor); vec3 biomeDirect = DirectLightColor; vec3 biomeIndirect = AmbientLightColor; float inBiome = BiomeVLFogColors(biomeDirect, biomeIndirect); float maxDistance = inBiome * min(max(1.0 - length(feetPlayerPos)/(32*8),0.0)*2.0,1.0); DirectLightColor = mix(DirectLightColor, biomeDirect, maxDistance); #endif bool inShadowmapBounds = false; #endif #ifdef CLOUDS_INFRONT_OF_WORLD float heightRelativeToClouds = clamp(cameraPosition.y - LAYER0_minHEIGHT,0.0,1.0); vec4 Clouds = texture2D_bicubic_offset(colortex0, texcoord*CLOUDS_QUALITY, noise, RENDER_SCALE.x); #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// FILTER STUFF ////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vec3 filteredShadow = vec3(1.412,1.0,0.0); vec2 SSAO_SSS = vec2(1.0); #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS BilateralUpscale_REUSE_Z(colortex3, colortex14, colortex12, gl_FragCoord.xy, DH_mixedLinearZ, SSAO_SSS, filteredShadow, hand); #else BilateralUpscale_REUSE_Z(colortex3, colortex14, depthtex0, gl_FragCoord.xy, ld(z0), SSAO_SSS, filteredShadow, hand); #endif // SSAO_SSS = texture2D(colortex14,texcoord).xy; // filteredShadow = texture2D(colortex3,texcoord).xyz; // filteredShadow.rgb = vec3(filteredShadow.x, temporallyReprojectedData.gb); // SSAO_SSS.x = temporallyReprojectedData.a; float ShadowBlockerDepth = filteredShadow.y; // Shadows = vec3(clamp(1.0-filteredShadow.b,0.0,1.0)); // shadowMap = vec3(Shadows); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// START DRAW //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (swappedDepth >= 1.0) { #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER vec3 Background = vec3(0.0); #if RESOURCEPACK_SKY == 1 || RESOURCEPACK_SKY == 0 // vec3 orbitstar = vec3(feetPlayerPos_normalized.x,abs(feetPlayerPos_normalized.y),feetPlayerPos_normalized.z); orbitstar.x -= WsunVec.x*0.2; vec3 orbitstar = normalize(mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord,1.0))); float radiance = 2.39996 - (worldTime + worldDay*24000.0) / 24000.0; // float radiance = 2.39996 + frameTimeCounter; mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(vec2(cos(radiance), -sin(radiance)), vec2(sin(radiance), cos(radiance))); orbitstar.xy *= rotationMatrix; Background += stars(orbitstar) * 10.0 * clamp(-unsigned_WsunVec.y*2.0,0.0,1.0); #endif #if RESOURCEPACK_SKY == 2 Background += toLinear(texture2D(colortex10, texcoord).rgb * (255.0 * 2.0)); #else #if RESOURCEPACK_SKY == 1 Background += toLinear(texture2D(colortex10, texcoord).rgb * (255.0 * 2.0)); #endif #ifndef ambientLight_only Background += drawSun(dot(lightCol.a * WsunVec, feetPlayerPos_normalized),0, DirectLightColor,vec3(0.0)); Background += drawMoon(feetPlayerPos_normalized, lightCol.a * WsunVec, DirectLightColor*20, Background); #endif #endif Background *= 1.0 - exp2(-50.0 * pow(clamp(feetPlayerPos_normalized.y+0.025,0.0,1.0),2.0) ); // darken the ground in the sky. vec3 Sky = skyFromTex(feetPlayerPos_normalized, colortex4)/30.0; Background += Sky; #ifdef VOLUMETRIC_CLOUDS #ifdef CLOUDS_INFRONT_OF_WORLD if(heightRelativeToClouds < 1.0) Background = Background * Clouds.a + Clouds.rgb; #else vec4 Clouds = texture2D_bicubic_offset(colortex0, texcoord*CLOUDS_QUALITY, noise, RENDER_SCALE.x); Background = Background * Clouds.a + Clouds.rgb; #endif #endif gl_FragData[0].rgb = clamp(fp10Dither(Background, triangularize(noise_2)), 0.0, 65000.); #endif #if defined NETHER_SHADER || defined END_SHADER gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(0); #endif } else { feetPlayerPos += gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// MAJOR LIGHTSOURCE STUFF //////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER float LM_shadowMapFallback = min(max(lightmap.y-0.8, 0.0) * 25,1.0); float LightningPhase = 0.0; vec3 LightningFlashLighting = Iris_Lightningflash(feetPlayerPos, lightningBoltPosition.xyz, slopednormal, LightningPhase) * pow(lightmap.y,10); NdotL = clamp((-15 + dot(slopednormal, WsunVec)*255.0) / 240.0 ,0.0,1.0); // NdotL = 1; float flatNormNdotL = clamp((-15 + dot(viewToWorld(FlatNormals), WsunVec)*255.0) / 240.0 ,0.0,1.0); // setup shadow projection vec3 shadowPlayerPos = mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse) * viewPos + gbufferModelViewInverse[3].xyz; if(!hand) GriAndEminShadowFix(shadowPlayerPos, viewToWorld(FlatNormals), vanilla_AO, lightmap.y); vec3 projectedShadowPosition = mat3(shadowModelView) * shadowPlayerPos + shadowModelView[3].xyz; projectedShadowPosition = diagonal3(shadowProjection) * projectedShadowPosition + shadowProjection[3].xyz; #if OPTIMIZED_SHADOW_DISTANCE > 0.0 float shadowMapFalloff = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, min(max(1.0 - length(feetPlayerPos) / (shadowDistance+16),0.0)*5.0,1.0)); float shadowMapFalloff2 = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, min(max(1.0 - length(feetPlayerPos) / shadowDistance,0.0)*5.0,1.0)); #else vec3 shadowEdgePos = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.4,0.4,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.12); float fadeLength = max((shadowDistance/256)*30,10.0); vec3 cubicRadius = clamp( min((1.0-shadowEdgePos)*fadeLength, shadowEdgePos*fadeLength),0.0,1.0); float shadowmapFade = cubicRadius.x*cubicRadius.y*cubicRadius.z; shadowmapFade = 1.0 - pow(1.0-pow(shadowmapFade,1.5),3.0); // make it nice and soft :) float shadowMapFalloff = shadowmapFade; float shadowMapFalloff2 = shadowmapFade; #endif // un-distort #ifdef DISTORT_SHADOWMAP float distortFactor = calcDistort(projectedShadowPosition.xy); projectedShadowPosition.xy *= distortFactor; #else float distortFactor = 1.0; #endif projectedShadowPosition = projectedShadowPosition * vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5/6.0) + vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ; float ShadowAlpha = 0.0; // this is for subsurface scattering later. Shadows = ComputeShadowMap(projectedShadowPosition, distortFactor, noise_2, filteredShadow.x, flatNormNdotL, shadowMapFalloff, DirectLightColor, ShadowAlpha, LabSSS > 0.0); if(!isWater) Shadows *= mix(LM_shadowMapFallback, 1.0, shadowMapFalloff2); #ifdef OLD_LIGHTLEAK_FIX if (isEyeInWater == 0) Shadows *= lightLeakFix; // light leak fix #endif #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// UNDER WATER SHADING //////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ((isEyeInWater == 0 && isWater) || (isEyeInWater == 1 && !isWater)){ #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS vec3 viewPos0 = toScreenSpace_DH(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5, z0, DH_depth0); #else vec3 viewPos0 = toScreenSpace(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5,z0)); #endif float Vdiff = distance(viewPos, viewPos0)*mix(5.0,2.0,clamp(pow(eyeBrightnessSmooth.y/240. + lightmap.y,2.0) ,0.0,1.0)); float estimatedDepth = Vdiff * abs(feetPlayerPos_normalized.y); //assuming water plane // make it such that the estimated depth flips to be correct when entering water. if (isEyeInWater == 1){ estimatedDepth = 40.0 * pow(max(1.0-lightmap.y,0.0),2.0); MinimumLightColor = vec3(10.0); } float depthfalloff = 1.0 - clamp(exp(-0.1*estimatedDepth),0.0,1.0); float estimatedSunDepth = Vdiff; //assuming water plane Absorbtion = mix(exp(-2.0 * totEpsilon * estimatedDepth), exp(-8.0 * totEpsilon), depthfalloff); // DirectLightColor *= Absorbtion; // apply caustics to the lighting, and make sure they dont look weird DirectLightColor *= mix(1.0, waterCaustics(feetPlayerPos + cameraPosition, WsunVec)*WATER_CAUSTICS_BRIGHTNESS + 0.25, clamp(estimatedDepth,0,1)); } #ifdef END_SHADER float vortexBounds = clamp(vortexBoundRange - length(feetPlayerPos+cameraPosition), 0.0,1.0); vec3 lightPos = LightSourcePosition(feetPlayerPos+cameraPosition, cameraPosition,vortexBounds); float lightningflash = texelFetch2D(colortex4,ivec2(1,1),0).x/150.0; vec3 lightColors = LightSourceColors(vortexBounds, lightningflash); float end_NdotL = clamp(dot(slopednormal, normalize(-lightPos))*0.5+0.5,0.0,1.0); end_NdotL *= end_NdotL; float fogShadow = GetCloudShadow(feetPlayerPos+cameraPosition, lightPos); float endPhase = endFogPhase(lightPos); Direct_lighting += lightColors * endPhase * end_NdotL * fogShadow; AmbientLightColor += lightColors * (endPhase*endPhase) * (1.0-exp(vec3(0.6,2.0,2) * -(endPhase*0.1))) ; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// INDIRECT LIGHTING ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined OVERWORLD_SHADER && (indirect_effect == 0 || indirect_effect == 1) float allDirections = dot(abs(slopednormal),vec3(1.0)); vec3 ambientcoefs = slopednormal / allDirections; float SkylightDir = ambientcoefs.y*1.5; if(isGrass) SkylightDir = 1.25; float skylight = max(pow(viewToWorld(FlatNormals).y*0.5+0.5,0.1) + SkylightDir, 0.2 + (1-lightmap.y)*0.8) ; #if indirect_effect == 1 skylight = min(skylight, mix(0.95, 2.5, pow(1-pow(1-SSAO_SSS.x, 0.5),2.0) )); #endif Indirect_lighting = AmbientLightColor * skylight; #endif #ifdef NETHER_SHADER // Indirect_lighting = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(normal, colortex4, 6).rgb / 15.0; // vec3 up = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(vec3( 0, 1, 0), colortex4, 6).rgb/ 30.0; // vec3 down = skyCloudsFromTexLOD2(vec3( 0,-1, 0), colortex4, 6).rgb/ 30.0; // up *= pow( max( slopednormal.y, 0), 2); // down *= pow( max(-slopednormal.y, 0), 2); // Indirect_lighting += up + down; Indirect_lighting = vec3(0.05); #endif #ifdef END_SHADER Indirect_lighting += (vec3(0.5,0.75,1.0) * 0.9 + 0.1) * 0.1; Indirect_lighting *= clamp(1.5 + dot(normal, feetPlayerPos_normalized)*0.5,0,2); #endif #ifdef IS_LPV_ENABLED vec3 normalOffset = 0.5*viewToWorld(FlatNormals); #if LPV_NORMAL_STRENGTH > 0 vec3 texNormalOffset = -normalOffset + slopednormal; normalOffset = mix(normalOffset, texNormalOffset, (LPV_NORMAL_STRENGTH*0.01)); #endif vec3 lpvPos = GetLpvPosition(feetPlayerPos) + normalOffset; #else const vec3 lpvPos = vec3(0.0); #endif Indirect_lighting = DoAmbientLightColor(feetPlayerPos, lpvPos, Indirect_lighting, MinimumLightColor, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B) , lightmap.xy, exposure); #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER Indirect_lighting += LightningFlashLighting; #endif #ifdef SSS_view Indirect_lighting = vec3(3.0); #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// EFFECTS FOR INDIRECT ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float SkySSS = 1.0; vec3 AO = vec3(1.0); #if indirect_effect == 0 AO = pow(1.0 - vanilla_AO*vanilla_AO,5.0) * vec3(1.0); Indirect_lighting *= AO; #endif #if indirect_effect == 1 SkySSS = SSAO_SSS.y; float vanillaAO_curve = pow(1.0 - vanilla_AO*vanilla_AO,5.0); float SSAO_curve = pow(SSAO_SSS.x,6.0); // use the min of vanilla ao so they dont overdarken eachother AO = vec3( min(vanillaAO_curve, SSAO_curve) ); Indirect_lighting *= AO; #endif // GTAO #if indirect_effect == 2 vec2 r2 = fract(R2_samples((frameCounter%40000) + frameCounter*2) + bnoise); Indirect_lighting = AmbientLightColor/2.5; AO = ambient_occlusion(vec3(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE-TAA_Offset*texelSize*0.5,z), viewPos, worldToView(slopednormal), r2) * vec3(1.0); Indirect_lighting *= AO; #endif // RTAO and/or SSGI #if indirect_effect == 3 || indirect_effect == 4 Indirect_lighting = AmbientLightColor; ApplySSRT(Indirect_lighting, viewPos, normal, vec3(bnoise, noise_2), feetPlayerPos, lpvPos, exposure, lightmap.xy, AmbientLightColor*2.5, vec3(TORCH_R,TORCH_G,TORCH_B), isGrass, hand); #endif #if defined END_SHADER Direct_lighting *= AO; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// SUB SURFACE SCATTERING //////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// SKY SSS ///////////////////////////// #if defined Ambient_SSS && defined OVERWORLD_SHADER && indirect_effect == 1 if (!hand){ vec3 ambientColor = (AmbientLightColor*2.5) * ambient_brightness; // x2.5 to match the brightness of upfacing skylight Indirect_SSS = SubsurfaceScattering_sky(albedo, SkySSS, LabSSS); Indirect_SSS *= lightmap.y*lightmap.y*lightmap.y; Indirect_SSS *= AO; // apply to ambient light. Indirect_lighting = max(Indirect_lighting, Indirect_SSS * ambientColor * ambientsss_brightness); // #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER // if(LabSSS > 0.0) Indirect_lighting += (1.0-SkySSS) * LightningPhase * lightningEffect * pow(lightmap.y,10); // #endif } #endif //////////////////////////////// SUN SSS //////////////////////////////// #if SSS_TYPE != 0 && defined OVERWORLD_SHADER float sunSSS_density = LabSSS; float SSS_shadow = ShadowAlpha * Shadows; #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS_SHADOWMAP shadowMapFalloff2 = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, min(max(1.0 - length(feetPlayerPos) / min(shadowDistance, far-32),0.0)*5.0,1.0)); #endif #ifndef RENDER_ENTITY_SHADOWS if(entities) sunSSS_density = 0.0; #endif #ifdef SCREENSPACE_CONTACT_SHADOWS vec2 SS_directLight = SSRT_Shadows(toScreenSpace_DH(texcoord/RENDER_SCALE, z, DH_depth1), isDHrange, normalize(WsunVec*mat3(gbufferModelViewInverse)), interleaved_gradientNoise(), sunSSS_density > 0.0 && shadowMapFalloff2 < 1.0, hand); // combine shadowmap with a minumum shadow determined by the screenspace shadows. Shadows = min(Shadows, SS_directLight.r); // combine shadowmap blocker depth with a minumum determined by the screenspace shadows, starting after the shadowmap ends ShadowBlockerDepth = mix(SS_directLight.g, ShadowBlockerDepth, shadowMapFalloff2); #endif Direct_SSS = SubsurfaceScattering_sun(albedo, ShadowBlockerDepth, sunSSS_density, clamp(dot(feetPlayerPos_normalized, WsunVec),0.0,1.0), SSS_shadow); Direct_SSS *= mix(LM_shadowMapFallback, 1.0, shadowMapFalloff2); if (isEyeInWater == 0) Direct_SSS *= lightLeakFix; #ifndef SCREENSPACE_CONTACT_SHADOWS Direct_SSS = mix(vec3(0.0), Direct_SSS, shadowMapFalloff2); #endif #ifdef CLOUDS_SHADOWS cloudShadow = GetCloudShadow(feetPlayerPos); Shadows *= cloudShadow; Direct_SSS *= cloudShadow; #endif #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// FINALIZE ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SSS_view albedo = vec3(1); NdotL = 0; #endif #ifdef OVERWORLD_SHADER Direct_lighting = max(DirectLightColor * NdotL * Shadows, DirectLightColor * Direct_SSS); #endif gl_FragData[0].rgb = (Indirect_lighting + Direct_lighting) * albedo; #ifdef Specular_Reflections vec2 specularNoises = vec2(noise, R2_dither()); DoSpecularReflections(gl_FragData[0].rgb, viewPos, feetPlayerPos_normalized, WsunVec, specularNoises, normal, SpecularTex.r, SpecularTex.g, albedo, DirectLightColor*Shadows*NdotL, lightmap.y, hand); #endif Emission(gl_FragData[0].rgb, albedo, SpecularTex.a, exposure); if(lightningBolt) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(77.0, 153.0, 255.0); gl_FragData[0].rgb *= Absorbtion; } if(translucentMasks > 0.0){ #ifdef DISTANT_HORIZONS vec4 vlBehingTranslucents = BilateralUpscale_DH(colortex13, colortex12, gl_FragCoord.xy, sqrt(texture2D(colortex12,texcoord).a/65000.0)); #else vec4 vlBehingTranslucents = BilateralUpscale(colortex13, depthtex1, gl_FragCoord.xy, ld(z)); #endif gl_FragData[0].rgb = gl_FragData[0].rgb * vlBehingTranslucents.a + vlBehingTranslucents.rgb; } // gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1.0) * clamp(1.0 - filteredShadow.y/1,0,1); // if(hideGUI > 0) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1.0) * Shadows; ////// DEBUG VIEW STUFF // #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_SHADOWMAP // vec3 OutsideShadowMap_and_DH_shadow = (shadowMapFalloff > 0.0 && z >= 1.0) ? vec3(0.25,1.0,0.25) : vec3(1.0,0.25,0.25); // vec3 Normal_Shadowmap = z < 1.0 ? vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0) : OutsideShadowMap_and_DH_shadow; // gl_FragData[0].rgb = mix(vec3(0.1) * (normal.y * 0.1 +0.9), Normal_Shadowmap, shadowMap) * 30.0; // #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_NORMALS if(swappedDepth >= 1.0) Direct_lighting = vec3(1.0); gl_FragData[0].rgb = normalize(worldToView(normal)); #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_SPECULAR if(swappedDepth >= 1.0) Direct_lighting = vec3(1.0); gl_FragData[0].rgb = SpecularTex.rgb; #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_INDIRECT if(swappedDepth >= 1.0) Direct_lighting = vec3(5.0); gl_FragData[0].rgb = Indirect_lighting; #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_DIRECT if(swappedDepth >= 1.0) Direct_lighting = vec3(15.0); gl_FragData[0].rgb = Direct_lighting + 0.5; #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_VIEW_POSITION gl_FragData[0].rgb = viewPos * 0.001; #endif #if DEBUG_VIEW == debug_FILTERED_STUFF if(hideGUI == 1) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1) * (1.0 - SSAO_SSS.y); if(hideGUI == 0) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1) * (1.0 - SSAO_SSS.x); // if(hideGUI == 0) gl_FragData[0].rgb = vec3(1) * filteredShadow.z;//exp(-7*(1-clamp(1.0 - filteredShadow.x,0.0,1.0))); #endif // float shadew = clamp(1.0 - filteredShadow.y/1,0.0,1.0); // // if(hideGUI == 1) #ifdef CLOUDS_INFRONT_OF_WORLD gl_FragData[1] = texture2D(colortex2, texcoord); if(heightRelativeToClouds > 0.0 && !hand){ gl_FragData[0].rgb = gl_FragData[0].rgb * Clouds.a + Clouds.rgb; gl_FragData[1].a = gl_FragData[1].a*Clouds.a*Clouds.a*Clouds.a; } /* DRAWBUFFERS:32 */ #else /* DRAWBUFFERS:3 */ #endif }