#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable #include "/lib/settings.glsl" #include "/lib/res_params.glsl" /* !! DO NOT REMOVE !! This code is from Chocapic13' shaders Read the terms of modification and sharing before changing something below please ! !! DO NOT REMOVE !! */ #ifndef USE_LUMINANCE_AS_HEIGHTMAP #ifndef MC_NORMAL_MAP #undef POM #endif #endif #ifdef POM #define MC_NORMAL_MAP #endif varying vec4 color; varying float VanillaAO; varying vec4 lmtexcoord; varying vec4 normalMat; #ifdef POM varying vec4 vtexcoordam; // .st for add, .pq for mul varying vec4 vtexcoord; #endif #ifdef MC_NORMAL_MAP varying vec4 tangent; attribute vec4 at_tangent; varying vec3 FlatNormals; #endif attribute vec4 mc_Entity; uniform int blockEntityId; uniform int entityId; flat varying float blockID; flat varying int NameTags; attribute vec4 mc_midTexCoord; uniform vec2 texelSize; uniform int framemod8; const vec2[8] offsets = vec2[8](vec2(1./8.,-3./8.), vec2(-1.,3.)/8., vec2(5.0,1.)/8., vec2(-3,-5.)/8., vec2(-5.,5.)/8., vec2(-7.,-1.)/8., vec2(3,7.)/8., vec2(7.,-7.)/8.); #define diagonal3(m) vec3((m)[0].x, (m)[1].y, m[2].z) #define projMAD(m, v) (diagonal3(m) * (v) + (m)[3].xyz) vec4 toClipSpace3(vec3 viewSpacePosition) { return vec4(projMAD(gl_ProjectionMatrix, viewSpacePosition),-viewSpacePosition.z); } //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////VOID MAIN////////////////////////////// void main() { gl_Position = ftransform(); lmtexcoord.xy = (gl_MultiTexCoord0).xy; FlatNormals = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); NameTags = 0; blockID = mc_Entity.x; #ifdef POM vec2 midcoord = (gl_TextureMatrix[0] * mc_midTexCoord).st; vec2 texcoordminusmid = lmtexcoord.xy-midcoord; vtexcoordam.pq = abs(texcoordminusmid)*2; vtexcoordam.st = min(lmtexcoord.xy,midcoord-texcoordminusmid); vtexcoord.xy = sign(texcoordminusmid)*0.5+0.5; #endif vec2 lmcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy/255.; lmtexcoord.zw = lmcoord; vec3 position = mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) * vec3(gl_Vertex) + gl_ModelViewMatrix[3].xyz; color = gl_Color; VanillaAO = 1.0 - clamp(color.a,0,1); if (color.a < 0.3) color.a = 1.0; // fix vanilla ao on some custom block models. #ifdef MC_NORMAL_MAP tangent = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *at_tangent.rgb),at_tangent.w); #endif normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal), 1.0); #ifdef ENTITIES // try and single out nametag text and then discard nametag background if( dot(gl_Color.rgb, vec3(0.35)) < 1.0) NameTags = 1; if(gl_Color.a >= 0.24 && gl_Color.a <= 0.25 ) gl_Position = vec4(10,10,10,1); #endif #ifdef WORLD normalMat = vec4(normalize(gl_NormalMatrix *gl_Normal),mc_Entity.x == 10004 || mc_Entity.x == 10003 ? 0.5 : mc_Entity.x == 10001 ? 0.6 : 1.0); normalMat.a = mc_Entity.x == 10005 ? 0.8 : normalMat.a; if (mc_Entity.x == 100 ){ color.rgb = normalize(color.rgb)*sqrt(3.0); normalMat.a = 0.9; } #endif gl_Position = toClipSpace3(position); // #ifdef TAA_UPSCALING // gl_Position.xy = gl_Position.xy * RENDER_SCALE + RENDER_SCALE * gl_Position.w - gl_Position.w; // #endif #ifdef TAA gl_Position.xy += offsets[framemod8] * gl_Position.w * texelSize; #endif }